The Backlash is Near: Biden Words Will Never Bring this Nation together


Nobody can bring this country together.

That's calling for the impossible.

The population profile is simply becoming too fragmented.

The only ultimate solution is an amiable divorce, with each group going its own way.
Trump could make us great but nobody can bring us together at this point. When Biden starts going back on his promises one by one, we'll see how together we are. Trump is the only President in my life who has kept his promises. The man took more abuse than anyone should ever have to and the people who gave it to him are the lowest forms of life I have ever witnessed in this country.
Phony bastard and Kamala support domestic terrorist groups BLM and Antifa.

Maybe we need to fight terror with steel and bullets

After a term of haters and dividers, any unity is welcome

and yes, that's YOUR individual choice as well '92

MAGA is, and always will be Americans , all Americans together

Not any one leader


I’m not sure Biden possess the leadership skills to unite a nation. He seems to be a figurehead President. I maybe wrong but he has not been a leader in the Senate.
Trump could make us great but nobody can bring us together at this point. When Biden starts going back on his promises one by one, we'll see how together we are. Trump is the only President in my life who has kept his promises. The man took more abuse than anyone should ever have to and the people who gave it to him are the lowest forms of life I have ever witnessed in this country.
The Banana Republic of America...or BRA! We can put little bananas as replacements for the stars. Or to the stolen states and stupid blue ones.
The Backlash is Near: Biden Words Will Never Bring this Nation together

If you like we can try to find and extract some gluons in CERN and mix them into the words of your next president Joe Biden. Gluons bring everything together as far as I heard. .. Or you try it just simple with the old concept of sisterly and brotherly love. ... And do not forget: The election campaign is over. The better man with the better team wan: Mr. Joe Biden.

The senile pedophile who is taking bribes from china and the HO? and you call them the better man? Wow---this claim of yours says alot about YOU--and none of it is good.
Biden doesn't have to bring the WHOLE country together.

Just enough to marginalize the loons. Then we'll go from there.

I'll say it again. The trouble started right around 1988 when Bush Sr. did the very thing that all the Republicans warned him from doing from past experience. He allowed the John Birch Society into the Republican Party. Hence the 3rd Red Scare, commies under every bed, some really wild conspiracies adopted as facts. To give you an idea, Fred Trump was on of the early members of the John Birch Society and his Son, Don was raised under that. Those loons need to go back to pushing their stupid signs of "Get us out of the UN" once again and leave the rest of the hell alone.
Biden doesn't have to bring the WHOLE country together.

Just enough to marginalize the loons. Then we'll go from there.

I'll say it again. The trouble started right around 1988 when Bush Sr. did the very thing that all the Republicans warned him from doing from past experience. He allowed the John Birch Society into the Republican Party. Hence the 3rd Red Scare, commies under every bed, some really wild conspiracies adopted as facts. To give you an idea, Fred Trump was on of the early members of the John Birch Society and his Son, Don was raised under that. Those loons need to go back to pushing their stupid signs of "Get us out of the UN" once again and leave the rest of the hell alone.
Agreed, but I would argue that the genesis of this was when the libertarian end of the party took Reagan's "the government is the problem" speech line as gospel, and it polluted the whole party.

The most bizarre part of that is that Trump has spent like a drunken sailor, and they ADORE him. The party simply just doesn't make sense right now. It's running on pure paranoia and hysteria and the arrogant ignorance of Trumpism. And that includes this Red Scare. Pure emotion.
Biden doesn't have to bring the WHOLE country together.

Just enough to marginalize the loons. Then we'll go from there.

I'll say it again. The trouble started right around 1988 when Bush Sr. did the very thing that all the Republicans warned him from doing from past experience. He allowed the John Birch Society into the Republican Party. Hence the 3rd Red Scare, commies under every bed, some really wild conspiracies adopted as facts. To give you an idea, Fred Trump was on of the early members of the John Birch Society and his Son, Don was raised under that. Those loons need to go back to pushing their stupid signs of "Get us out of the UN" once again and leave the rest of the hell alone.
Agreed, but I would argue that the genesis of this was when the libertarian end of the party took Reagan's "the government is the problem" speech line as gospel, and it polluted the whole party.

The most bizarre part of that is that Trump has spent like a drunken sailor, and they ADORE him. The party simply just doesn't make sense right now. It's running on pure paranoia and hysteria and the arrogant ignorance of Trumpism. And that includes this Red Scare. Pure emotion.

This time period is just a remake of 1956 and 1957 before Eisenhower swatted the John Birch Society into obscurity. Then in 1964, the JBS infiltrated the Republican Party and caused havoc until it was discovered that they weren't Republicans and they were run back into obscurity. That havoc could have had some to do with the Republican loss in 1964.

Here is an exert from a person that was raised as a JBSer that didn't buy into it when he became an adult.

Growing Up in the John Birch Society

But it also bears a political argument we need to absorb. Explained Conner in Chicago, “The John Birch Society built the most effective, best-funded right-wing populist organization in the United States of America. Now, not all my friends on the left want to hear this. It’s so easy to say, ‘These people were crackpots.” But Robert Welch “was a brilliant man. That doesn’t mean he was correct about anything. But he was a brilliant man. And he loved to sell.” And what comes through strikingly in the book is that, even as Welch and his organization were excoriated, the stories they told, frequently through carefully disguised front groups with pleasant-sounding names—say, the one from the 1960s about how sexual education was teaching children how to be sexually promiscuous; or the one in the early 1990s promoting the impeachment of Bill Clinton—were sold quite effectively to the broader political culture. They achieved things.

Do you see any similarities with what you are seeing today or have seen for the last 4 years? These people have been around longer than our Nation has but only raise their ugly heads up until they are slapped down. They didn't have a name but it was a small number of people in the Federal Government that were trying to squelch some serious problems. The problem was, the Anarchists grabbed ahold of it and ran with it. Back in those days, a new person came no line to investigate the problems, a young investigator by the name of Hoover. It pretty well took most of the Federal Government to squelch the 1st Red Scare but I doubt if J Edgar ever stopped believing in it.

The 2nd Red Scare grew out of a group of people that banded together that were extremely rich and powerful Capitalists who were trying to control President Eisenhower and his Congress. No one could control Ike except, maybe his wife. The new group was (and still is) comprised of ultra right wingers who are the exact opposite of Socialists. They operate as Fascists even today but that part is hidden. Since they couldn't control the President in 1956 and 57 and had zero effect on the 1956 election, they went head over heals claiming that Eisenhower and much of Congress where Communists. Today, we would replace that word with Socialists or Marxists. Eisenhower ignored it until they went after his Joint Chiefs and started cause trouble in his Military. He quietly put a stop to it all fast.

Unlike today, trash like that could get a person thrown in prison for a very long time and have your group outlawed. What many of the Party of the Rumpers and many of the Republicans don't realize, they are being used.

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