"The Battle for Room 314"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Title of a book by Ed Boland, a confessed faggot liberal, who at 42 chucked a successful career as a nonprofit exec to teach 9th grad history in a NYC inner city school in 2006. All non-whites and even this loony lib admitted it was just unbelievable how backward the kids were. Practically none could read or write except to play on a cell. He quit after one year.

At the end of the book ED gave his answer to the problem and rather than admit the kids were mentally inferior, he said we need to spend even more money reducing poverty among blacks. Standard loony lib response. I say we need to spend less money on the blacks .It's the welfare state that broke up the black family and let to this epidemic of illiterate blacks. Democrats did this deliberately. Starting 50 years ago they created the welfare state in hopes everyone would join it and they, the welfare party, would stay in power forever. Their plan succeeded with blacks but not so much with whites or latins.
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