The Bern is one smart guy

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Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
Senator Bernie Sanders penned an op-ed in The Washington Post to criticize president-elect Donald Trump's recent Carrier deal. Sanders said the deal, which has now been revealed to hand Carrier $7 million in tax breaks over 10 years to keep 1,000 jobs in Indiana, "endanger the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States."

The deal with Carrier, a manufacturer of air conditioners and heating equipment for parent company United Technologies, will keep 1,000 jobs in VP-Elect Mike Pence's home state of Indiana. However, additional details are emerging. The Hill reports how 600 Indianapolis jobs will still move to Mexico, and the company will close a factory in Huntington (which will shift another 700 jobs to Mexico). As part of the deal, Carrier will be receiving $7 million worth of tax breaks over the next decade. Sanders says this deal does more harm than good for the American worker.

SEE ALSO: Chris Christie mulling run to lead Republican party

Sanders writes that Trump has already compromised his campaign promises with this deal. Sanders went on to say this could set a dangerous precedent where companies could easily show a bluff to Trump, who could cave to their demands:

"Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives. Even corporations that weren't thinking of offshoring jobs will most probably be re-evaluating their stance this morning. And who would pay for the high cost for tax cuts that go to the richest businessmen in America? The working class of America."

Sanders points out that United Technologies is not in the red as it made $7.6 billion in profits in 2016. But ultimately, the Bern wants to look out for the working class in this post-election setting. He'll surely be keeping an eye on Trump for years to come.


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Anyone remember when the conservative consensus was that no one deserved 20 bucks an hour screwing nuts on bolts,

or somesuch derogatory rhetoric?

Anyone remember when conservatives hated government bailouts, especially if they appeared to favor BIG LABOR?

Anyone remember when conservatives believed that the market should decide where jobs were?

lol, I do.
Anyone remember when the conservative consensus was that no one deserved 20 bucks an hour screwing nuts on bolts,

or somesuch derogatory rhetoric?

Anyone remember when conservatives hated government bailouts, especially if they appeared to favor BIG LABOR?

Anyone remember when conservatives believed that the market should decide where jobs were?

lol, I do.
What's your point?
Trump's not a Conservative.
So again...what's your point?
Anyone remember when the conservative consensus was that no one deserved 20 bucks an hour screwing nuts on bolts,

or somesuch derogatory rhetoric?

Anyone remember when conservatives hated government bailouts, especially if they appeared to favor BIG LABOR?

Anyone remember when conservatives believed that the market should decide where jobs were?

lol, I do.
What's your point?
Trump's not a Conservative.
So again...what's your point?

My point is that 99.9% of the RWnuts on USMB now have to pretend they're not pro-labor liberals.
Anyone remember when the conservative consensus was that no one deserved 20 bucks an hour screwing nuts on bolts,

or somesuch derogatory rhetoric?

Anyone remember when conservatives hated government bailouts, especially if they appeared to favor BIG LABOR?

Anyone remember when conservatives believed that the market should decide where jobs were?

lol, I do.
What's your point?
Trump's not a Conservative.
So again...what's your point?

My point is that 99.9% of the RWnuts on USMB now have to pretend they're not pro-labor liberals.
Trump's the BOSS.
I hope he doesn't have that carbine pointed at his head. Ny please cite some quotes and stop claiming that rwnj say this stuff. But since you fail to think critically, let me help you out.

First of all, money to unions is just a,form of washing taxpayer monies to fund the Democratic Party. Dues are mandatory. It's a scam. Union workers are rarely as productive as nonunion workers as the automobile industry has proven.

Something is better than nothing. ,obama can't take credit for any initiative like,this, he is spending too much time looking in the mirror and never had a care for the working man, especially if he wasn't going to vote,for him.

Ok 7mil in 10 years. 700,000 a year. 1000 workers, that comes to seven hundred dollars per person per year. So if someone has a decent job at carrier, they might pay 700 a year in state taxes, or the economic multiplier of someone with a good job buying cars, eating out, getting a mortgage more than offsets the 700 dollars. These people will be productive members of society and not forced to get welfare. They will see that somebody tried to help them. If they were out of work it would cost more than 700 dollars a month to support them. They will have their pride and the satisfaction and value of going to work every day.

So the govt is not taking money from anyone,it is not offering credits for nothing in return, and if the company stays for ten years they will have made an investment in their community and the credits,will become,a,wash. 1000 people getting an average of 50 k a year comes to 50 million dollars economic activity PER YEAR! ss payments, income taxes, sales tax, etc. all done by making a deal with the private sector. For $700,000 the state is getting 50 mil.

NY you have a disease like all the rest of the liberals in the crying corral. You don't care about these workers at carrier. They voted for Trump so the best thing for them in your eyes is to be unemployed. People like you are the reason Trump is president. You need to look in the mirror. Your vitriol and hate speech toward conservatives just proves where liberals are at. Ideology before people. It's bad to be you.
Has the left been in a freaking coma? The state of New York has been advertising tax breaks for years for any corporation willing to do business in New York. Barry Hussein didn't just offer tax breaks to so-called "alternate energy" corporations but he used taxpayer funds to prop up obvious failing companies like Solyndra. Meanwhile the smarmy idiot who never had a real job offered the opinion that "corporations aren't people" when anyone can incorporate.Get used to it lefties, Trump makes the former "community activist" look small and petty.
Anyone remember when the conservative consensus was that no one deserved 20 bucks an hour screwing nuts on bolts,

or somesuch derogatory rhetoric?

Anyone remember when conservatives hated government bailouts, especially if they appeared to favor BIG LABOR?

Anyone remember when conservatives believed that the market should decide where jobs were?

lol, I do.
What's your point?
Trump's not a Conservative.
So again...what's your point?

My point is that 99.9% of the RWnuts on USMB now have to pretend they're not pro-labor liberals.

Conservatives have always been pro labor, and pro business, pro success, anti taxes, anti regulation, or anything else stupid from the left that kills jobs. If you were not so ignorant you would know this dummy.
Has the left been in a freaking coma? The state of New York has been advertising tax breaks for years for any corporation willing to do business in New York. Barry Hussein didn't just offer tax breaks to so-called "alternate energy" corporations but he used taxpayer funds to prop up obvious failing companies like Solyndra. Meanwhile the smarmy idiot who never had a real job offered the opinion that "corporations aren't people" when anyone can incorporate.Get used to it lefties, Trump makes the former "community activist" look small and petty.
Oh he does does he ?? How many law suits against your savoir are there? Last count was 75 and how many poor workers got the trump shaft ?
this pos is the worst candidate ever and will be the worst president too He will NEVER equal the obama accomplishments
Anyone remember when the conservative consensus was that no one deserved 20 bucks an hour screwing nuts on bolts,

or somesuch derogatory rhetoric?

Anyone remember when conservatives hated government bailouts, especially if they appeared to favor BIG LABOR?

Anyone remember when conservatives believed that the market should decide where jobs were?

lol, I do.
What's your point?
Trump's not a Conservative.
So again...what's your point?

My point is that 99.9% of the RWnuts on USMB now have to pretend they're not pro-labor liberals.

Conservatives have always been pro labor, and pro business, pro success, anti taxes, anti regulation, or anything else stupid from the left that kills jobs. If you were not so ignorant you would know this dummy.
Which is why the economy thrives with dem leadership and dies with repubs on top
Anyone remember when the conservative consensus was that no one deserved 20 bucks an hour screwing nuts on bolts,

or somesuch derogatory rhetoric?

Anyone remember when conservatives hated government bailouts, especially if they appeared to favor BIG LABOR?

Anyone remember when conservatives believed that the market should decide where jobs were?

lol, I do.
What's your point?
Trump's not a Conservative.
So again...what's your point?

My point is that 99.9% of the RWnuts on USMB now have to pretend they're not pro-labor liberals.

Conservatives have always been pro labor, and pro business, pro success, anti taxes, anti regulation, or anything else stupid from the left that kills jobs. If you were not so ignorant you would know this dummy.
Which is why the economy thrives with dem leadership and dies with repubs on top

^^^ retard alert!
Anyone remember when the conservative consensus was that no one deserved 20 bucks an hour screwing nuts on bolts,

or somesuch derogatory rhetoric?

Anyone remember when conservatives hated government bailouts, especially if they appeared to favor BIG LABOR?

Anyone remember when conservatives believed that the market should decide where jobs were?

lol, I do.
What's your point?
Trump's not a Conservative.
So again...what's your point?

My point is that 99.9% of the RWnuts on USMB now have to pretend they're not pro-labor liberals.

Conservatives have always been pro labor, and pro business, pro success, anti taxes, anti regulation, or anything else stupid from the left that kills jobs. If you were not so ignorant you would know this dummy.
Which is why the economy thrives with dem leadership and dies with repubs on top

^^^ retard alert!
Look in the mirror blues you are a dummy and republican ,,but I repeat myself
What's your point?
Trump's not a Conservative.
So again...what's your point?

My point is that 99.9% of the RWnuts on USMB now have to pretend they're not pro-labor liberals.

Conservatives have always been pro labor, and pro business, pro success, anti taxes, anti regulation, or anything else stupid from the left that kills jobs. If you were not so ignorant you would know this dummy.
Which is why the economy thrives with dem leadership and dies with repubs on top

^^^ retard alert!
Look in the mirror blues you are a dummy and republican ,,but I repeat myself

Go clean your pigsty of a room and do your homework kid.
OP's (Opening Posts) require more than just a cut'n'paste, picture, or link - you need to provide some original content of your own in addition. Also - you need to link to your source and quote only a portion of the article, not the entire article. Thread closed but you can restart it with the needed fixes.
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