The Best of Black American


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
On June 10th I noticed an essay by the Pulitzer Prize nominee for the New York Times, Charles Blow; "The Civil Rights Act of 2020." He spends the majority of the essay describing how legislation in the past has failed Black Americans. At the end he finally gets to the titling idea - he offers no more than the title of his proposal legislation, and unwittingly describes its effect as a euphoria that he must have heard his elders describe of the effect that Black Americans experienced when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Which has ultimately seemingly failed Black Americans, as well.
I sent him a personal letter basically explaining that which I described above, and I also provided him a copy of the letter that I sent to the Congressional Black Caucus requesting them to lead Black Americans to commence the constitutional convention to reorder the faulty governing system that is ultimately the solution to the social problems we endure. We need a new peace agreement as to how we make decisions as to how to regulate social activities.

On June 28 Mr. Blow wrote the essay, "Even George Washington," which received considerable criticism from conservatives. Neither Mr. Blow, nor his critics are aware of the eventual course of statue toppling. When people coordinate statue toppling the next step is to redo the government - revolution. It would be absurd for Black people to topple the statues, and then claim that although they were racists, their design of the government was really good and we want to keep it.

Here we are, a month down the road, and there is no talk about people writing a new rendition of civil rights legislation; and Mr. Blow does not offer anything more to get the ball rolling.

Then there is the infamous interview with the New York City Black Lives Matter president-wanna-be, Hawk Newsome; who declared that Black people are justified in rioting, because it is the only way to get the (white) people in power to do what Black people want them to do.

It does not seem that anybody notices, but for all their (selfish) efforts, Colin Kaepernick and Lebron James, have not offered any solutions to the problem, although they are claiming to be the gatherer of larger audience that would lead to solution. Although, they have declined my offering (presumably, because I am white), it is hard to believe that no Black person has offered an idea to them for their endorsement(s). What is going on?

Congressional Black Caucus
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Urban League
Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition
Al Sharpton Action Network
Black Lives Matter

I have offered them all my idea and preliminary plan for organizing the constitutional convention. And here, at the USMB I am "ignored' by the active Black members who describe me as a supremacist, because I am trying to offer them a seat at the fabled table. They would rather argue with the white members who disagree with me on the quality of the government organization, rather than consider that I am trying to actually provide them the ultimate step to their "revolution."

Black people are not too bright.
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Despite the crap spewed out by Black Lives Matter, blacks are NOT justified in rioting. The reason is simple, there are individual racists of all colors, however, there is NO institutional or systemic racism in the US. The mere fact that there is NO "glass ceiling" that hasn't been broken by blacks, including the highest office in the land, the presidency, proves that. The problem is that it takes serious determination, hard work, study and a bit of luck to achieve the goals.
As to the list of black organizations, well:
Congressional Black Caucus: Racist.
NAACP: A mixture of racists and well-meaning blacks.
Urban League: A mixture of racists and well-meaning blacks.
Jessie Jackson's Rainbow Coalition: Racists and well-meaning minorities.
Al Sharpton's Action Network: Hardcore racists.
Black Lives Matter: Racist Marxists.
The problem with the organizations above are that those "well-meaning" individuals take a back seat to the loud-mouthed racist crap that head them.
NYC Hospitals love to admit, infect & ventilate to death Blacks on Medicaid, because they get paid average $29k bonus for each Covid patient. $13k for covid diagnosis + another $39k more for using a ventilator.
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On June 10th I noticed an essay by the Pulitzer Prize nominee for the New York Times, Charles Blow; "The Civil Rights Act of 2020." He spends the majority of the essay describing how legislation in the past has failed Black Americans. At the end he finally gets to the titling idea - he offers no more than the title of his proposal legislation, and unwittingly describes its effect as a euphoria that he must have heard his elders describe of the effect that Black Americans experienced when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Which has ultimately seemingly failed Black Americans, as well.
I sent him a personal letter basically explaining that which I described above, and I also provided him a copy of the letter that I sent to the Congressional Black Caucus requesting them to lead Black Americans to commence the constitutional convention to reorder the faulty governing system that is ultimately the solution to the social problems we endure. We need a new peace agreement as to how we make decisions as to how to regulate social activities.

On June 28 Mr. Blow wrote the essay, "Even George Washington," which received considerable criticism from conservatives. Neither Mr. Blow, nor his critics are aware of the eventual course of statue toppling. When people coordinate statue toppling the next step is to redo the government - revolution. It would be absurd for Black people to topple the statues, and then claim that although they were racists, their design of the government was really good and we want to keep it.

Here we are, a month down the road, and there is no talk about people writing a new rendition of civil rights legislation; and Mr. Blow does not offer anything more to get the ball rolling.

Then there is the infamous interview with the New York City Black Lives Matter president-wanna-be, Hawk Newsome; who declared that Black people are justified in rioting, because it is the only way to get the (white) people in power to do what Black people want them to do.

It does not seem that anybody notices, but for all their (selfish) efforts, Colin Kaepernick and Lebron James, have not offered any solutions to the problem, although they are claiming to be the gatherer of larger audience that would lead to solution. Although, they have declined my offering (presumably, because I am white), it is hard to believe that no Black person has offered an idea to them for their endorsement(s). What is going on?

Congressional Black Caucus
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Urban League
Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition
Al Sharpton Action Network
Black Lives Matter

I have offered them all my idea and preliminary plan for organizing the constitutional convention. And here, at the USMB I am "ignored' by the active Black members who describe me as a supremacist, because I am trying to offer them a seat at the fabled table. They would rather argue with the white members who disagree with me on the quality of the government organization, rather than consider that I am trying to actually provide them the ultimate step to their "revolution."

Black people are not too bright.
Since whites created the racist system it's upon whites to fix the damage they created. Blacks have made suggestions but we have whites like you that seem to think we are the ones to fix the problems whites created. Seems to me whites that are not too bright.
Despite the crap spewed out by Black Lives Matter, blacks are NOT justified in rioting. The reason is simple, there are individual racists of all colors, however, there is NO institutional or systemic racism in the US. The mere fact that there is NO "glass ceiling" that hasn't been broken by blacks, including the highest office in the land, the presidency, proves that. The problem is that it takes serious determination, hard work, study and a bit of luck to achieve the goals.
As to the list of black organizations, well:
Congressional Black Caucus: Racist.
NAACP: A mixture of racists and well-meaning blacks.
Urban League: A mixture of racists and well-meaning blacks.
Jessie Jackson's Rainbow Coalition: Racists and well-meaning minorities.
Al Sharpton's Action Network: Hardcore racists.
Black Lives Matter: Racist Marxists.
The problem with the organizations above are that those "well-meaning" individuals take a back seat to the loud-mouthed racist crap that head them.
Institutional and systemic racism does exist. The organizations you listed are not racist. Whites don't have what they do because of serious determination, hard work, study and a bit of luck.
Since whites created the racist system it's upon whites to fix the damage they created.
That is probably what is going to happen, and brilliant Black people, like you, are going to resent it, because it will ultimately prove that Black people are dependent on white people.

Blacks have made suggestions but we have whites like you that seem to think we are the ones to fix the problems whites created. Seems to me whites that are not too bright.
I know. I have listed some of the suggestions in the opening argument; and they are not going anywhere. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was probably written by white men. If it were written by Black people you would know there names.
What white people are wittingly and unwittingly trying to do is get Black people to build trust in themselves (community), and that will lead them to the prosperity that white people have seemingly done that Black people seemingly envy.
You are proving your personal envy for White people in your arguments.
Institutional and systemic racism does exist.
There are plenty of white people who will agree with you on this, and they are not generating a solution. You know this is true, because the White people have been confirming this for you since at least 2016, when Colin Kaepernick started his contest. And obviously, the white people who agree with you have not fixed the problem.

I am offering a very different perspective that no other white person is capable of recognizing; the government is improperly organized, and the errors and inadequacies cause the problems, including the perception of systemic biases, because that is the only system that there can be biases in that adversely effect a demographic grouping of people.

Why Black people do not want to have a constitutional convention that brings them to the fabled table is beyond reason. Your argument, that it is white people's responsibility to fix it all is really going to hurt your cultural pride.
Despite the crap spewed out by Black Lives Matter, blacks are NOT justified in rioting. The reason is simple, there are individual racists of all colors, however, there is NO institutional or systemic racism in the US. The mere fact that there is NO "glass ceiling" that hasn't been broken by blacks, including the highest office in the land, the presidency, proves that. The problem is that it takes serious determination, hard work, study and a bit of luck to achieve the goals.
As to the list of black organizations, well:
Congressional Black Caucus: Racist.
NAACP: A mixture of racists and well-meaning blacks.
Urban League: A mixture of racists and well-meaning blacks.
Jessie Jackson's Rainbow Coalition: Racists and well-meaning minorities.
Al Sharpton's Action Network: Hardcore racists.
Black Lives Matter: Racist Marxists.
The problem with the organizations above are that those "well-meaning" individuals take a back seat to the loud-mouthed racist crap that head them.
Institutional and systemic racism does exist. The organizations you listed are not racist. Whites don't have what they do because of serious determination, hard work, study and a bit of luck.
Tell that to anyone who went to Catholic School! You applied yourself or were kicked out.
Despite the crap spewed out by Black Lives Matter, blacks are NOT justified in rioting. The reason is simple, there are individual racists of all colors, however, there is NO institutional or systemic racism in the US. The mere fact that there is NO "glass ceiling" that hasn't been broken by blacks, including the highest office in the land, the presidency, proves that. The problem is that it takes serious determination, hard work, study and a bit of luck to achieve the goals.
As to the list of black organizations, well:
Congressional Black Caucus: Racist.
NAACP: A mixture of racists and well-meaning blacks.
Urban League: A mixture of racists and well-meaning blacks.
Jessie Jackson's Rainbow Coalition: Racists and well-meaning minorities.
Al Sharpton's Action Network: Hardcore racists.
Black Lives Matter: Racist Marxists.
The problem with the organizations above are that those "well-meaning" individuals take a back seat to the loud-mouthed racist crap that head them.
Institutional and systemic racism does exist. The organizations you listed are not racist. Whites don't have what they do because of serious determination, hard work, study and a bit of luck.
Tell that to anyone who went to Catholic School! You applied yourself or were kicked out.
You seem unable to talk about the history of laws that have favored whites.
Since whites created the racist system it's upon whites to fix the damage they created.
That is probably what is going to happen, and brilliant Black people, like you, are going to resent it, because it will ultimately prove that Black people are dependent on white people.

Blacks have made suggestions but we have whites like you that seem to think we are the ones to fix the problems whites created. Seems to me whites that are not too bright.
I know. I have listed some of the suggestions in the opening argument; and they are not going anywhere. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was probably written by white men. If it were written by Black people you would know there names.
What white people are wittingly and unwittingly trying to do is get Black people to build trust in themselves (community), and that will lead them to the prosperity that white people have seemingly done that Black people seemingly envy.
You are proving your personal envy for White people in your arguments.
No, we aren't dependent upon whites. We trust in ourselves plenty. You suffer from delusions created by your psychosis. I have to laugh at your ludicrous comments. Why would I be jealous of a group of people so weak and insecure who for nearly 190 years out of the 244 year existence of this nation excluded everyone else from competing in the system then brag about what they accomplished like it is such a great achievement? Start thinking about what America would have been if whites had not fucked things up with their racism.
Start thinking about what America would have been if whites had not fucked things up with their racism.

And Black people are passing up the opportunity to get credit for fixing it - getting it correct.

And you, personally, are wasting your efforts to try and insult me, rather than trying to work with me and get to where it is you believe the society should be approaching.

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