The best part about Kavanaugh being on the Supreme Court...


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
Is the fact any new frivolous gun control laws pop up they will be struck the fuck down as they should be. And the people bringing them forth will be told to fuck off...
I am tired of paying for abortions of people who would rather have the American way of life aborted out of America.
Oct. 1 VT had some draconian gun legislation going into effect re. age, mags, gun types. We have lawsuits challenging portions of this but it's a long road to SCOTUS... The States are where the real 2A Bull Shit goes down & while I'm bitching about isolated issues such as guns, property taxes etc. I am extremely grateful that we do NOT have a Fed. Nanny State dictating State issues!

It is fantastic that issues such as reciprocity might be considered again going forward. Thank God that Di-Fi is likely to only F up CA gun owners and not the entire Nation!
The Libs will not be able to have appellate judges block Presdential
authority and/or allow libs to have "laws" not enacted thru Congress
and signed by the President.

The Dems will not be able to legislate thru the court. If the GOP
holds the senate and Ginsburg bites the dust, the court will go
6-3 and the socialist movement will die a quick death.
Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
I wish you could understand that the absence of guns would create a ripe landscape for criminality, rape and pillage (literally). I understand how an urban citizen could think I am bat shit crazy, but remember that the overwhelming majority of the citizenry don't have 911 mere minutes away. The majority of the citizenry cherishes the remaining remnants of the freedoms our forefathers birthed for us at the muzzle of their guns. The price of freedom is realized on occasion with anomalies of senseless homicidal terror (which would be much higher with an unarmed citizenry); this still pales in comparison to the tens of thousands that selflessly gave up their lives in securing and preserving our freedoms.
Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
I wish you could understand that the absence of guns would create a ripe landscape for criminality, rape and pillage (literally). I understand how an urban citizen could think I am bat shit crazy, but remember that the overwhelming majority of the citizenry don't have 911 mere minutes away. The majority of the citizenry cherishes the remaining remnants of the freedoms our forefathers birthed for us at the muzzle of their guns. The price of freedom is realized on occasion with anomalies of senseless homicidal terror (which would be much higher with an unarmed citizenry); this still pales in comparison to the tens of thousands that selflessly gave up their lives in securing and preserving our freedoms.

here you is your answer

Skye brings up the paramount reason our Constitution explicitly calls for an armed citizenry; protection from the encroachment of the Gov. itself.
It won't happen In America. Thank you very much.

Citizens won't be disarmed.:up:

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Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
I wish you could understand that the absence of guns would create a ripe landscape for criminality, rape and pillage (literally). I understand how an urban citizen could think I am bat shit crazy, but remember that the overwhelming majority of the citizenry don't have 911 mere minutes away. The majority of the citizenry cherishes the remaining remnants of the freedoms our forefathers birthed for us at the muzzle of their guns. The price of freedom is realized on occasion with anomalies of senseless homicidal terror (which would be much higher with an unarmed citizenry); this still pales in comparison to the tens of thousands that selflessly gave up their lives in securing and preserving our freedoms.
Lived in gun free countries awesome....thousands dont get killed, family disputes dont end in massacres, no school shootings, no mass shootings, no police shootings, no workplace shootings. No toddlers shootings, no road rage shootings.
I love this country but u who grow up here think it's normal amd u became numb to gun violence.....its the most fucked up think about the US= gum violence followed by education and health system. .
Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
I wish you could understand that the absence of guns would create a ripe landscape for criminality, rape and pillage (literally). I understand how an urban citizen could think I am bat shit crazy, but remember that the overwhelming majority of the citizenry don't have 911 mere minutes away. The majority of the citizenry cherishes the remaining remnants of the freedoms our forefathers birthed for us at the muzzle of their guns. The price of freedom is realized on occasion with anomalies of senseless homicidal terror (which would be much higher with an unarmed citizenry); this still pales in comparison to the tens of thousands that selflessly gave up their lives in securing and preserving our freedoms.
Lived in gun free countries awesome....thousands dont get killed, family disputes dont end in massacres, no school shootings, no mass shootings, no police shootings, no workplace shootings. No toddlers shootings, no road rage shootings.
I love this country but u who grow up here think it's normal amd u became numb to gun violence.....its the most fucked up think about the US= gum violence followed by education and health system. .

Yeah... because acid attacks, trucks mowing down crowds of people, and suicide bombing children's concerts are oh so morally superior.
Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
I wish you could understand that the absence of guns would create a ripe landscape for criminality, rape and pillage (literally). I understand how an urban citizen could think I am bat shit crazy, but remember that the overwhelming majority of the citizenry don't have 911 mere minutes away. The majority of the citizenry cherishes the remaining remnants of the freedoms our forefathers birthed for us at the muzzle of their guns. The price of freedom is realized on occasion with anomalies of senseless homicidal terror (which would be much higher with an unarmed citizenry); this still pales in comparison to the tens of thousands that selflessly gave up their lives in securing and preserving our freedoms.
Lived in gun free countries awesome....thousands dont get killed, family disputes dont end in massacres, no school shootings, no mass shootings, no police shootings, no workplace shootings. No toddlers shootings, no road rage shootings.
I love this country but u who grow up here think it's normal amd u became numb to gun violence.....its the most fucked up think about the US= gum violence followed by education and health system. .

In America the citizens are the police. And if a cop can't get to us in time we take care of criminals ourselves.

Better grow a set if you're going to be willing to die for your freedoms. America was founded on this principle.

Pussy hats need not apply.
Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
I wish you could understand that the absence of guns would create a ripe landscape for criminality, rape and pillage (literally). I understand how an urban citizen could think I am bat shit crazy, but remember that the overwhelming majority of the citizenry don't have 911 mere minutes away. The majority of the citizenry cherishes the remaining remnants of the freedoms our forefathers birthed for us at the muzzle of their guns. The price of freedom is realized on occasion with anomalies of senseless homicidal terror (which would be much higher with an unarmed citizenry); this still pales in comparison to the tens of thousands that selflessly gave up their lives in securing and preserving our freedoms.
Lived in gun free countries awesome....thousands dont get killed, family disputes dont end in massacres, no school shootings, no mass shootings, no police shootings, no workplace shootings. No toddlers shootings, no road rage shootings.
I love this country but u who grow up here think it's normal amd u became numb to gun violence.....its the most fucked up think about the US= gum violence followed by education and health system. .

Those in Europe who made the laws have seen industrial scale violence. I think that has shaped the thinking on firearms. Thankfully we haven't seen that here since the 1860's so we are numb to it. Someday the nation will wake up. It won't be any time soon I'm sorry to say.
Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
I wish you could understand that the absence of guns would create a ripe landscape for criminality, rape and pillage (literally). I understand how an urban citizen could think I am bat shit crazy, but remember that the overwhelming majority of the citizenry don't have 911 mere minutes away. The majority of the citizenry cherishes the remaining remnants of the freedoms our forefathers birthed for us at the muzzle of their guns. The price of freedom is realized on occasion with anomalies of senseless homicidal terror (which would be much higher with an unarmed citizenry); this still pales in comparison to the tens of thousands that selflessly gave up their lives in securing and preserving our freedoms.
Lived in gun free countries awesome....thousands dont get killed, family disputes dont end in massacres, no school shootings, no mass shootings, no police shootings, no workplace shootings. No toddlers shootings, no road rage shootings.
I love this country but u who grow up here think it's normal amd u became numb to gun violence.....its the most fucked up think about the US= gum violence followed by education and health system. .
I would venture to say that your foreign utopia was small & largely homogeneous where the citizenry was known and there was some measure of personal accountability that comes with the lack on anonymity. We don't exactly have that here (porous borders & tacit encouragement) in the US but that does NOT negate my Constitutional right to protect myself and mine from U, the next guy or my own aberrant government.
Keep your guns , keep killing each other if that's what u want.
I wish you could understand that the absence of guns would create a ripe landscape for criminality, rape and pillage (literally). I understand how an urban citizen could think I am bat shit crazy, but remember that the overwhelming majority of the citizenry don't have 911 mere minutes away. The majority of the citizenry cherishes the remaining remnants of the freedoms our forefathers birthed for us at the muzzle of their guns. The price of freedom is realized on occasion with anomalies of senseless homicidal terror (which would be much higher with an unarmed citizenry); this still pales in comparison to the tens of thousands that selflessly gave up their lives in securing and preserving our freedoms.
Lived in gun free countries awesome....thousands dont get killed, family disputes dont end in massacres, no school shootings, no mass shootings, no police shootings, no workplace shootings. No toddlers shootings, no road rage shootings.
I love this country but u who grow up here think it's normal amd u became numb to gun violence.....its the most fucked up think about the US= gum violence followed by education and health system. .
I would venture to say that your foreign utopia was small & largely homogeneous where the citizenry was known and there was some measure of personal accountability that comes with the lack on anonymity. We don't exactly have that here (porous borders & tacit encouragement) in the US but that does NOT negate my Constitutional right to protect myself and mine from U, the next guy or my own aberrant government.
Keep shooting baby, it's a country that was built on guys are culturally violent ...keep going goodluck. Just dont lose count of all the massacres.

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