The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop! 10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop!

10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Anthony Sanders

Call Bidenomics a new name: The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop since the administration launched a blitzkrieg attack on America’s middle class and low wage workers through bad energy policies and soaring inflation.
Clearly, economists were wrong earlier this year when they forecast an economic contraction that has yet to manifest. Could they be wrong now?
To be sure, economic growth, the labor market and consumer spending have proven unexpectedly resilient in the face of rising interest rates and elevated inflation. But there are still plenty of signs a recession might still be on its way.

1. An “uncertain outlook” from leading indicators

Many mainstay economic indicators measure the past. So-called leading indicators reflect what likely lies ahead.

2. Consumer confidence is just a hair above recessionary levels

The Conference Board’s consumer confidence index came in at 80.2 in August, hovering just above 80, the level that often signals the U.S. economy is headed for a recession in the coming year.

3. Consumers are foregoing big-ticket purchases

Retailers report that their customers have shifted their purchasing habits, spending less on furniture and other big ticket items in favor of necessities. They have also been trading down on grocery items, ditching pricier cuts of beef and buying chicken.

4. Credit cards are getting maxed out

U.S. consumers ran up their credit card debt past the $1 trillion mark for the first time last month, according to a report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

5. Banks are increasingly reluctant to lend

The latest Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey by the Federal Reserve reports tightening credit conditions across the board, from business loans to home mortgages and consumer credit.

6. Corporate bonds are maturing and refinancing them will be costly

7. Manufacturing remains in a prolonged post-pandemic slump

8. ‘Cascading crises’ could tip the balance of a slowing global economy

9. The yield curve, a classic recessionary signal, is still inverted

10. Inflation is sticky, and the Fed isn’t done

Policy makers are still waiting to see what happens next after raising rates to their highest level in 22 years. Perhaps those actions have already sent the economy on a path of contraction. Or perhaps they haven’t done enough to continue slowing inflation.
Sticky inflation presents on ongoing risk of a recession.
“I believe we must proceed gradually,” Dallas Fed President Lorie Logan said last week, “weighing the risk that inflation will be too high against the risk of dampening the economy too much.”

Bidenomics aka BBB is NOT Build Back Better, but Biden's Blitzkrieg Bop, an all out attack on America's middle class and low wage worker.
This is not a recession but a preamble to a Long Economic Depression. It will make the depression of the 1930's

The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop!

10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Anthony Sanders

Call Bidenomics a new name: The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop since the administration launched a blitzkrieg attack on America’s middle class and low wage workers through bad energy policies and soaring inflation.
Clearly, economists were wrong earlier this year when they forecast an economic contraction that has yet to manifest. Could they be wrong now?
To be sure, economic growth, the labor market and consumer spending have proven unexpectedly resilient in the face of rising interest rates and elevated inflation. But there are still plenty of signs a recession might still be on its way.

1. An “uncertain outlook” from leading indicators

Many mainstay economic indicators measure the past. So-called leading indicators reflect what likely lies ahead.

2. Consumer confidence is just a hair above recessionary levels

The Conference Board’s consumer confidence index came in at 80.2 in August, hovering just above 80, the level that often signals the U.S. economy is headed for a recession in the coming year.

3. Consumers are foregoing big-ticket purchases

Retailers report that their customers have shifted their purchasing habits, spending less on furniture and other big ticket items in favor of necessities. They have also been trading down on grocery items, ditching pricier cuts of beef and buying chicken.

4. Credit cards are getting maxed out

U.S. consumers ran up their credit card debt past the $1 trillion mark for the first time last month, according to a report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

5. Banks are increasingly reluctant to lend

The latest Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey by the Federal Reserve reports tightening credit conditions across the board, from business loans to home mortgages and consumer credit.

6. Corporate bonds are maturing and refinancing them will be costly

7. Manufacturing remains in a prolonged post-pandemic slump

8. ‘Cascading crises’ could tip the balance of a slowing global economy

9. The yield curve, a classic recessionary signal, is still inverted

10. Inflation is sticky, and the Fed isn’t done

Policy makers are still waiting to see what happens next after raising rates to their highest level in 22 years. Perhaps those actions have already sent the economy on a path of contraction. Or perhaps they haven’t done enough to continue slowing inflation.
Sticky inflation presents on ongoing risk of a recession.
“I believe we must proceed gradually,” Dallas Fed President Lorie Logan said last week, “weighing the risk that inflation will be too high against the risk of dampening the economy too much.”

Bidenomics aka BBB is NOT Build Back Better, but Biden's Blitzkrieg Bop, an all out attack on America's middle class and low wage worker.
This is not a recession but a preamble to a Long Economic Depression. It will make the depression of the 1930's
What a load of horseshit. You know that because of this,

the administration launched a blitzkrieg attack on America’s middle class and low wage workers through bad energy policies and soaring inflation.
What bad energy policies? We are the number one producer of oil on the planet, same for natural gas. And it has been that way since, wait for it, OBAMA, lol. The OP is just repeating the same old tired narrative that Republicans continually spin, and fools continually fall for.

And then there is inflation, which incorporates higher gas prices. Well I hate to break the news to you, but it ain't Biden that is fueling this inflation. It is the corporations, the oil and gas companies, and exporting diesel sure hasn't helped. The reality is, cost are going down as supply chain problems are solved and increased efficiencies are incorporated. But corporations are not reducing their price. Consumers have accepted the higher prices so corporations are reluctant to cut them. And corporate profits are off the chain, especially in the oil and gas industry.

Don't get me wrong. Savy shoppers can score some bargains. Ground chuck at $2.99 a pound, less than half of what it was during the pandemic. Eggs have dropped. Had have you looked at Velvetta? It is cheaper than it has been in years. There is always some queso in my fridge. Strawberries, they are cheap as dirt. And now, muscadines, like $2.99 for a quart, hell, I paid more than that ten years ago at the damn farm.

I haven't paid more than $2.99 a gallon for gas in two months. Shopping for clothes tomorrow, need to update my wardrobe, ten bucks for a pair of Wranglers. Bargains are out there, you just have to work for them.

And yes, there is going to be some pressure, especially on those high-ticket items. Student loan payments started back up this month, that is a big deal and is going to take some money off the table, but it should also put some downward pressure on inflation. Corporate bonds are maturing, and companies entering the bond market for more financing are going to see their cost increase significantly. Not unlike the Federal government.

But every economist worth two shits is predicting a "soft landing" and the Fed beginning to cut interest rates the first of next year. Short long term Treasuries is the play here, with a strike date two years out.
What a load of horseshit. You know that because of this,

What bad energy policies? We are the number one producer of oil on the planet, same for natural gas. And it has been that way since, wait for it, OBAMA, lol. The OP is just repeating the same old tired narrative that Republicans continually spin, and fools continually fall for.

And then there is inflation, which incorporates higher gas prices. Well I hate to break the news to you, but it ain't Biden that is fueling this inflation. It is the corporations, the oil and gas companies, and exporting diesel sure hasn't helped. The reality is, cost are going down as supply chain problems are solved and increased efficiencies are incorporated. But corporations are not reducing their price. Consumers have accepted the higher prices so corporations are reluctant to cut them. And corporate profits are off the chain, especially in the oil and gas industry.

Don't get me wrong. Savy shoppers can score some bargains. Ground chuck at $2.99 a pound, less than half of what it was during the pandemic. Eggs have dropped. Had have you looked at Velvetta? It is cheaper than it has been in years. There is always some queso in my fridge. Strawberries, they are cheap as dirt. And now, muscadines, like $2.99 for a quart, hell, I paid more than that ten years ago at the damn farm.

I haven't paid more than $2.99 a gallon for gas in two months. Shopping for clothes tomorrow, need to update my wardrobe, ten bucks for a pair of Wranglers. Bargains are out there, you just have to work for them.

And yes, there is going to be some pressure, especially on those high-ticket items. Student loan payments started back up this month, that is a big deal and is going to take some money off the table, but it should also put some downward pressure on inflation. Corporate bonds are maturing, and companies entering the bond market for more financing are going to see their cost increase significantly. Not unlike the Federal government.

But every economist worth two shits is predicting a "soft landing" and the Fed beginning to cut interest rates the first of next year. Short long term Treasuries is the play here, with a strike date two years out.
If that is the case, why has Biden depleted our SPR to dangerous levels and created supply chain shortages?

Yous guys keep on saying recession and have for three years, we done had a recession in 2020 under Trump.

The United States is facing unprecedented problems under the Biden administration, which makes it painfully obvious that Americans are not truly better off.
In the wake of COVID relief, Ukraine aid, and other social spending, Biden has pumped trillions into the economy which has ultimately left Americans with skyrocketing inflation.
This problem continues to destroy small businesses and wreak havoc on families in need. The nation is facing increased poverty, massive job losses, increased mental health problems, and much more.

The United States is facing unprecedented problems under the Biden administration, which makes it painfully obvious that Americans are not truly better off.
In the wake of COVID relief, Ukraine aid, and other social spending, Biden has pumped trillions into the economy which has ultimately left Americans with skyrocketing inflation.
This problem continues to destroy small businesses and wreak havoc on families in need. The nation is facing increased poverty, massive job losses, increased mental health problems, and much more.
Cry me a river, I thought yous guys were tough. I went through worse in the 1970s-1980s so get on yer big boy britches and learn to ride.
If China crashes it could be a depression so now you have more to look forward to.
Cry me a river, I thought yous guys were tough. I went through worse in the 1970s-1980s so get on yer big boy britches and learn to ride.
If China crashes it could be a depression so now you have more to look forward to.
I recall those years, luckily for home buyers you could still assume home loans (at least in California) Dang it .. why didn’t I buy that 3,200 sq. ft. mansion for 90 thousand.😕
Americans know the supply chain problems as well as world wide inflation were because of Trump's mismanagement of Covd.,

Oil is pumping at all time highs. Russia, Saudia Arabia, and OPEC are the reason for high gas prices,

Why are not the GoP creating policies to bring those prices down.
I recall those years, luckily for home buyers you could still assume home loans (at least in California) Dang it .. why didn’t I buy that 3,200 sq. ft. mansion for 90 thousand.😕
I know, I bought one in Rogers, Arkansass for 40k in 1986 and wanted to move to Silicon Valley but thought 80k was too much for a house.
Making Energy harder to get and more costly to transport (into and around the USA) raises the cost of everything. DemWitted loons own this, they caused an additional 10 million illegals and the increase in US crime. Those on this board who support Obiden 2.0 own all of it. Straight downhill from here.
I know, I bought one in Rogers, Arkansass for 40k in 1986 and wanted to move to Silicon Valley but thought 80k was too much for a house.
Worse yet, why didn’t I buy that Apple stock in the early 80’s when I had money to burn on an iffy company stock just down the street.☹️

Nope.. buying gold ounces at $240.00 ish seemed like a much better idea ..🤪
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Making Energy harder to get and more costly to transport (into and around the USA) raises the cost of everything. DemWitted loons own this, they caused an additional 10 million illegals and the increase in US crime. Those on this board who support Obiden 2.0 own all of it. Straight downhill from here.
about 3 million miles

The U.S. natural gas pipeline network is a highly integrated network that moves natural gas throughout the continental United States. The pipeline network has about 3 million miles of mainline and other pipelines that link natural gas production areas and storage facilities with consumers.

Natural gas pipelines - U.S. Energy Information Administration ...​


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