The Big Fucking Lie That Everyone Is Repeating This Week

You guys really need to calm down.
This is your time. The next one to five years is Trump's time. The Age of Trumpism.
You guys don't need to be so sensitive. Be proud of your unequivocal devotion.
In the meantime, I'll remain confident that we'll get past this.
There is no 'getting past' your lack of a moral framework, your lack of integrity and your disrespect for objective Truth.

Your time is past. Reality is beyond your ability to recognize it, let alone analyze it or manipulate it in real world terms.

All you can do is spin, lie and conspire to slander innocent people who are far better than you are.
Well, at least I know I have you to consult for "The Objective Truth".

Gosh. I am just so lucky!

Pelosi went to Chinatown and encouraged everyone to go seems odd.
News Flash, San Fran...has the lowest cases in the country and she encouraged ppl NOT TO HATE ON THE idiot!!
Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him.
That is sure not what Fauci actually said in the interview. I link the whole thing here, not just the snippets CNN wants you to hear. I typed it out, as well. Fauci was defending the complexity of what the administration had to decide:

JAKE TAPPER: South Korea and the US announced their first confirmed cases of the coronavirus at virtually the same time, In late January. If you look where we are right now in the US, the US has 50 times more cases and almost one hundred times more fatalities. While the US makes up only 4.25% of the world population, the US has 30% of the world’s reported cases and almost 20% of the world’s reported deaths. Dr. Sanjay Gupta said that’s all because we got started too late in the US. Is that right? Do you agree?

DR. FAUCI: You know, it isn’t as simple as that, Jake, I’m sorry. To just say this is all happening because we got started too late—obviously, if you had done something earlier could it have had an impact, obviously. But where we are right now is the result of a number of factors. The size of the country, the ___________ of the country. I think it’s a little unfair to compare us to South Korea, where they had an outbreak in Dagu and they had the capability of shutting it off completely in a way that we may not have been able to do.

So obviously, it would have been nice if we’d had a better head start, but I don’t think you can say we are where we are because of one factor. It’s very complicated, Jake.

JAKE TAPPER: The New York Times reported yesterday that you and other top officials wanted to recommend social and physical distancing guidelines to President Trump as far back as the third week in February, but the administration didn’t announce such guidelines to the American public until March 16, almost a month later. Why?

DR. FAUCI: You know, Jake, as I’ve said many times, we look at it from a pure health standpoint; we make a recommendation. Often it’s taken, sometimes it’s not. But it is what it is; we are where we are right now.

JAKE TAPPER: Do you think lives could have been saved if social distancing, physical distancing, , stay at home measures had been started the third week in February instead of mid-March?

DR. FAUCI: You know, Jake, once again it’s the “what would have, what could have” –it’s very difficult to go back and say that. I mean, obviously, you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, that it could have saved lives. Obviously. No one is going to deny that. But what goes in to those kind of decisions is complicated. But you’re right. If we had right from the very beginning shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different. But there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down back then.
Why do you try to convince ppl with facts and Trumps own words that the man is a complete and utter failure in all this? Why? Why? Why? will never, can never won't ever convince brain dead Frump supporters of anything that mirrors the truth.
Trump did too little too late. He and his supporters are desperate to hide this fact. Even the things he did like his travel shut down he did half-ass. 10's of thousands continued to flood into America from China thanks to Trump's eleven exemptions. And who can forget all those poor souls trapped in New York airports packed like sardines for hours? Trapped, literally, by a stupid irresponsible President Trump.

Keep sack of biden............. the internet is forever, and the ads that will play showing biden saying Trump was wrong to stop travel to china will be non stop....the ads showing biden and his family sucking up Chinese money will be non stop.....the ads showing the democrat party governors praising Trump for all he did to save their asses will be non stop.....

See you in moron......

And.......that first Trump rally after this scam is over.....? Will be legendary.....
Hey you brain dead fool, show the clip of Biden saying that and he'll counter with 40,000 with the ban still entered the country from China and and and.....what crippled NY and its surrounding states were mf's from ITALY.... a country the idiot completely bring it bitches, we ready!!
Trump did too little too late. He and his supporters are desperate to hide this fact. Even the things he did like his travel shut down he did half-ass. 10's of thousands continued to flood into America from China thanks to Trump's eleven exemptions. And who can forget all those poor souls trapped in New York airports packed like sardines for hours? Trapped, literally, by a stupid irresponsible President Trump.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

After his presser today you will be able to spo a libtard with a glance. They are all busting blood vessels in their eyes. The media has failed. The democrats have failed and they know they are going to be on the outs in November.
Trump did too little too late. He and his supporters are desperate to hide this fact. Even the things he did like his travel shut down he did half-ass. 10's of thousands continued to flood into America from China thanks to Trump's eleven exemptions. And who can forget all those poor souls trapped in New York airports packed like sardines for hours? Trapped, literally, by a stupid irresponsible President Trump.

Keep sack of biden............. the internet is forever, and the ads that will play showing biden saying Trump was wrong to stop travel to china will be non stop....the ads showing biden and his family sucking up Chinese money will be non stop.....the ads showing the democrat party governors praising Trump for all he did to save their asses will be non stop.....

See you in moron......

And.......that first Trump rally after this scam is over.....? Will be legendary.....
Hey you brain dead fool, show the clip of Biden saying that and he'll counter with 40,000 with the ban still entered the country from China and and and.....what crippled NY and its surrounding states were mf's from ITALY.... a country the idiot completely bring it bitches, we ready!!

Lol, no your not. You are in the early stages of another four years of itchy vagina syndrome.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

After his presser today you will be able to spo a libtard with a glance. They are all busting blood vessels in their eyes. The media has failed. The democrats have failed and they know they are going to be on the outs in November.

Cool fantasy. In what the rest of us call "reality", everyone on the planet knows the child president has failed in every way possible. Even you cultists know it. You jjust cant admit it to yourselves.
but this is the expert saying something differently. why?
Excellent question and I certainly don't know the answer:
  • was he saying one thing to reassure the public and another to Trump?
  • was he a loyalist and this similar to Colin Powell and the WMDs in Iraq?
Thank you for presenting some facts in a context that can be addressed instead of the same old tiresome smears.

Fauci did not know for a fact any of this was going to happen as we did not know the relevant facts from China, who was assuring the entire world that COVID19 was not contagious from human to human
January 5, 2020 – China announces that the unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan are not SARS or MERS. In a statement, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission says a retrospective probe into the outbreak has been initiated.

January 7, 2020 – Chinese authorities confirm that they have identified the virus as a novel coronavirus, initially named 2019-nCoV by the WHO.

January 20, 2020 – China reports 139 new cases of the sickness, including a third death.

January 20, 2020 – The National Institutes of Health announces that it is working on a vaccine against the coronavirus. “The NIH is in the process of taking the first steps towards the development of a vaccine,” says Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

January 22, 2020 – Wuhan says it will “temporarily” close its airport and railway stations for departing passengers following news that the death toll from the Wuhan Coronavirus has risen to 17. Chinese authorities confirm at least 547 cases in the mainland.

January 23, 2020 – At an emergency committee convened by the World Health Organization, the WHO says that the Wuhan coronavirus does not yet constitute a public health emergency of international concern.

January 23, 2020 – The Beijing Culture and Tourism Bureau cancels all large-scale Lunar New Year celebrations in an effort to contain the growing spread of Wuhan coronavirus. On the same day, Chinese authorities enforce a partial lockdown of transport in and out of Wuhan. Authorities in the nearby cities of Huanggang and Ezhou Huanggang announce a series of similar measures.

January 26, 2020 – The China Association of Travel Services reports that all tours, including international ones, will be suspended.

January 28, 2020 – Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom in Beijing. At the meeting, Xi and the WHO agree to send a team of international experts, including US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention staff, to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.

January 29, 2020 – The White House announces the formation of a new task force that will help monitor and contain the spread of the virus, and ensure Americans have accurate and up-to-date health and travel information, it said.

January 30, 2020 – The US reports its first confirmed case of person-to-person transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus. On the same day, the WHO determines that the outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

Up until the confirmed transmission from person to person, the Chicoms were denying it was contagious. No one had any idea of how it was spreading because the Chicoms were lying about it consistently; maybe because they new it was an engineered plague that they were using to prep treatment for? Who knows, but untill January 30th no one had any proof that it was even a contagious disease.

The National Security Council office responsible for tracking pandemics received intelligence reports in early January predicting the spread of the virus to the United States, and within weeks was raising options like keeping Americans home from work and shutting down cities the size of Chicago. Mr. Trump would avoid such steps until March.

This was nothing more than a hunch based on the assumption the virus was indeed a contagious disease, something the Chicoms and their allies in the Western press were mocking and downplaying on a daily basis.


Up till February 26th, major media in this country was mocking Trump- for even being concerned about COVID19, and any health protection measures would have been lampooned and dismissed, completely the opposite of what You Dems are saying now, "Oh, Trump should have known back in early January!"

Despite Mr. Trump’s denial weeks later, he was told at the time about a Jan. 29 memo produced by his trade adviser, Peter Navarro, laying out in striking detail the potential risks of a coronavirus pandemic: as many as half a million deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses.

Navarro was correct, the guy is a genius, but it was not proven fact. They did have the time to prep for the coming disaster, butr found out over the next few weeks that the tests the CDC had put together were inaccurate, and the WH was kind of distracted by Pelosi's Bullshit impeachment effort.

The health and human services secretary, Alex M. Azar II, directly warned Mr. Trump of the possibility of a pandemic during a call on Jan. 30, the second warning he delivered to the president about the virus in two weeks. The president, who was on Air Force One while traveling for appearances in the Midwest, responded that Mr. Azar was being alarmist.

What exactly did Trump say?

I suspect Trump said that based on what we knew for a fact (which was little due to the Chicoms lying like leftists do) it was not appropriate to take away the freedom of the public. We would have to see some evidence that this thing was going to spread worse than the 2.5 factor of spread claimed by the CDC at the time.

February 26, 2020 – CDC officials say that a California patient being treated for novel coronavirus is the first US case of unknown origin. The patient, who didn’t have any relevant travel history nor exposure to another known patient, is the first possible US case of “community spread.”

February 26, 2020 – President Donald Trump places Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the US government response to the novel coronavirus, amid growing criticism of the White House’s handling of the outbreak.

So, on Jan 23 WHO says this is not an emergency but 5 days later the WH is announcing a task force to go to China and investigate the disease. BEFORE THAT, we were already working on a vaccine for it to reduce its spread.

The next day Trump sets of a task force to contain and monitor the spread of the virus.

And all Democrat spinners can do is claim that "Well, Trump should have dune bedder!"

Mr. Azar publicly announced in February that the government was establishing a “surveillance” system in five American cities to measure the spread of the virus and enable experts to project the next hot spots. It was delayed for weeks. The slow start of that plan, on top of the well-documented failures to develop the nation’s testing capacity, left administration officials with almost no insight into how rapidly the virus was spreading. “We were flying the plane with no instruments,” one official said.

Everyone was flying with no instruments across the globe. It wasnt just Trump!

By the third week in February, the administration’s top public health experts concluded they should recommend to Mr. Trump a new approach that would include warning the American people of the risks and urging steps like social distancing and staying home from work. But the White House focused instead on messaging and crucial additional weeks went by before their views were reluctantly accepted by the president — time when the virus spread largely unimpeded.

And after confirmation of the first case of public spread of COVID19, THAT SAME DAY, the Wh appointed VP Pence to immediately set up his task force, up and runnning that same day, and none of you leftists can admit to the simple Truth: the spread of the disease was not the sole consideration. There were constitutional issues, questions about how to manage the disease response/lockdowns across a variation in geography and behavior that the USA has from one state to the next. No one size fits all approach that lefties love so much was going to work.

Now, tell us again, for the 99th gazzillion time "ORANGE MAN BAD LIAR STUPID!" since you cannot understand how and why he did as he did do to manage the response to an unknown 'novel' virus.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

The "BIG LIE" is that they all care about us Muddy

Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him.
That is sure not what Fauci actually said in the interview. I link the whole thing here, not just the snippets CNN wants you to hear. I typed it out, as well. Fauci was defending the complexity of what the administration had to decide:

JAKE TAPPER: South Korea and the US announced their first confirmed cases of the coronavirus at virtually the same time, In late January. If you look where we are right now in the US, the US has 50 times more cases and almost one hundred times more fatalities. While the US makes up only 4.25% of the world population, the US has 30% of the world’s reported cases and almost 20% of the world’s reported deaths. Dr. Sanjay Gupta said that’s all because we got started too late in the US. Is that right? Do you agree?

DR. FAUCI: You know, it isn’t as simple as that, Jake, I’m sorry. To just say this is all happening because we got started too late—obviously, if you had done something earlier could it have had an impact, obviously. But where we are right now is the result of a number of factors. The size of the country, the ___________ of the country. I think it’s a little unfair to compare us to South Korea, where they had an outbreak in Dagu and they had the capability of shutting it off completely in a way that we may not have been able to do.

So obviously, it would have been nice if we’d had a better head start, but I don’t think you can say we are where we are because of one factor. It’s very complicated, Jake.

JAKE TAPPER: The New York Times reported yesterday that you and other top officials wanted to recommend social and physical distancing guidelines to President Trump as far back as the third week in February, but the administration didn’t announce such guidelines to the American public until March 16, almost a month later. Why?

DR. FAUCI: You know, Jake, as I’ve said many times, we look at it from a pure health standpoint; we make a recommendation. Often it’s taken, sometimes it’s not. But it is what it is; we are where we are right now.

JAKE TAPPER: Do you think lives could have been saved if social distancing, physical distancing, , stay at home measures had been started the third week in February instead of mid-March?

DR. FAUCI: You know, Jake, once again it’s the “what would have, what could have” –it’s very difficult to go back and say that. I mean, obviously, you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, that it could have saved lives. Obviously. No one is going to deny that. But what goes in to those kind of decisions is complicated. But you’re right. If we had right from the very beginning shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different. But there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down back then.
Yep, hind sight is always 20/20 and the leftwing geniuses just knew then that COVID19 was something that justified a shut down of the whole economy. (because they just really hate capitalism).

Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

China lied, Americans died, and anti-American Dimms try to pin it on Trump!

With Beijing Biden, we'll eventually get more of the same.
Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him.
That is sure not what Fauci actually said in the interview. I link the whole thing here, not just the snippets CNN wants you to hear. I typed it out, as well. Fauci was defending the complexity of what the administration had to decide:

JAKE TAPPER: South Korea and the US announced their first confirmed cases of the coronavirus at virtually the same time, In late January. If you look where we are right now in the US, the US has 50 times more cases and almost one hundred times more fatalities. While the US makes up only 4.25% of the world population, the US has 30% of the world’s reported cases and almost 20% of the world’s reported deaths. Dr. Sanjay Gupta said that’s all because we got started too late in the US. Is that right? Do you agree?

DR. FAUCI: You know, it isn’t as simple as that, Jake, I’m sorry. To just say this is all happening because we got started too late—obviously, if you had done something earlier could it have had an impact, obviously. But where we are right now is the result of a number of factors. The size of the country, the ___________ of the country. I think it’s a little unfair to compare us to South Korea, where they had an outbreak in Dagu and they had the capability of shutting it off completely in a way that we may not have been able to do.

So obviously, it would have been nice if we’d had a better head start, but I don’t think you can say we are where we are because of one factor. It’s very complicated, Jake.

JAKE TAPPER: The New York Times reported yesterday that you and other top officials wanted to recommend social and physical distancing guidelines to President Trump as far back as the third week in February, but the administration didn’t announce such guidelines to the American public until March 16, almost a month later. Why?

DR. FAUCI: You know, Jake, as I’ve said many times, we look at it from a pure health standpoint; we make a recommendation. Often it’s taken, sometimes it’s not. But it is what it is; we are where we are right now.

JAKE TAPPER: Do you think lives could have been saved if social distancing, physical distancing, , stay at home measures had been started the third week in February instead of mid-March?

DR. FAUCI: You know, Jake, once again it’s the “what would have, what could have” –it’s very difficult to go back and say that. I mean, obviously, you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, that it could have saved lives. Obviously. No one is going to deny that. But what goes in to those kind of decisions is complicated. But you’re right. If we had right from the very beginning shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different. But there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down back then.
Why do you try to convince ppl with facts and Trumps own words that the man is a complete and utter failure in all this? Why? Why? Why? will never, can never won't ever convince brain dead Frump supporters of anything that mirrors the truth.
Because I'm not very good with the insults and wisecracks and personal attacks?
Trump did not wait till it was too late.
To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

The "BIG LIE" is that they all care about us Muddy

They care about us like a rancher cares about his cattle.

But they will never see us as human beings in they way they regard their fellow Oligarchs.
Why do you try to convince ppl with facts and Trumps own words that the man is a complete and utter failure in all this? Why? Why? Why? will never, can never won't ever convince brain dead Frump supporters of anything that mirrors the truth.
Because I'm not very good with the insults and wisecracks and personal attacks?
Well, you do pretty good without meaning to I guess. lol
Yep, hind sight is always 20/20 and the leftwing geniuses just knew then that COVID19 was something that justified a shut down of the whole economy.
Thats exactly right, as scientists and democrats were calling for the distancing while trump the mentally ill old fat man was still doing his hoax ttour.

Thats a fact. Cry about it all you want.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

China lied, Americans died, and anti-American Dimms try to pin it on Trump!

With Beijing Biden, we'll eventually get more of the same.

Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

After his presser today you will be able to spo a libtard with a glance. They are all busting blood vessels in their eyes. The media has failed. The democrats have failed and they know they are going to be on the outs in November.

Cool fantasy. In what the rest of us call "reality", everyone on the planet knows the child president has failed in every way possible. Even you cultists know it. You jjust cant admit it to yourselves.

You mean except for the democrat party governors who have been singing his praise for all the help he has given them.....and the guys who say he saved lives by shutting down travel to China when you asshats said he wa over reacting and simply being xenophobic...

You morons.......can't wait till you think biden will remember his own name by then?
And the second biggest lie....that social distancing lowered the number from 1-2 million dead Americans to less than 60,000....the same as a regular flu numerous articles point out, the social distancing measures did not have time to have an effect on the numbers..........
Actually these numbers are future projections based on the current behavior of Americans. Social distancing is the key to the changed projections.
AND accurate information about the disease itself which we were not given by China.

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