The Big Fucking Lie That Everyone Is Repeating This Week

Why do you try to convince ppl with facts and Trumps own words that the man is a complete and utter failure in all this? Why? Why? Why? will never, can never won't ever convince brain dead Frump supporters of anything that mirrors the truth.
Because I'm not very good with the insults and wisecracks and personal attacks?
Well, you do pretty good without meaning to I guess. lol
Only when provoked.
And the second biggest lie....that social distancing lowered the number from 1-2 million dead Americans to less than 60,000....the same as a regular flu numerous articles point out, the social distancing measures did not have time to have an effect on the numbers..........
Actually these numbers are future projections based on the current behavior of Americans. Social distancing is the key to the changed projections. isn' distancing didn't have time to effect the change in numbers....they are lying to you.

‘Why Have We Shut Down The Country?’ Ex-New York Times Reporter Challenges The Dire Coronavirus Models

Alex Berenson, former New York Times reporter who worked for “the paper of record” from 1999 to 2010, has been doing his own analysis of the ever-changing models and offered some thoughts in a Fox News interview.

Berenson recently focused his attention on the IMHE model.

“Aside from New York, nationally there’s been no health system crisis. In fact, to be truly correct, there has been a health system crisis, but the crisis is that the hospitals are empty,” he said on Fox. “This is true in Florida where the lockdown was late, this is true in southern California where the lockdown was early, it’s true in Oklahoma where there is no statewide lockdown. There doesn’t seem to be any correlation between the lockdown and whether or not the epidemic has spread wide and fast.”

But Berenson said the precipitous drop in cases has occurred before lockdowns would have had a chance to have an impact, saying it would take several weeks for social distancing measures to take effect.

And he said the mainstream media are, in part, to blame.

“Look, I get why people were so scared three or four weeks ago. I was too. But now – for the media to ignore the real demographics and scare people with outlier cases – to ignore the mostly empty hospitals all over the country – to pretend that the models weren’t wrong … and to refuse to ask really hard questions about what that means about them and the efficacy or lack thereof of the lockdowns – to refuse to ask for hard metrics we will use to reopen the country … it doesn’t feel like panic is driving this anymore. It feels like people just won’t admit what’s happening,” he wrote on Twitter.

Berenson also pointed out that COVID-19 deaths are on pace to come in even with the deaths attributed to influenza in 2017.

“Nobody says COVID-19 is not real, that it can’t tax hospitals or kill people, esp. if they are over 75 or have comorbidities. But right now the best CURRENT projection is for 61,000 US deaths. That was the 2017 flu season. Why have we shut the country?” he wrote.

The Green New Nose Under the Tent

The draconian measures put in place completely out of proportion to the threat they purport to combat. Please, please, please, note that the general death rate fell before any “social distancing” measures were put in place and the Imperial College model was revised after three days of lockdown, well before it could have had any impact on infection and lethality rates, both of which are fudged anyway. We neither have enough tests to test the entire population nor are the death certificates that list COVID-19 as the cause entirely truthful.

The Pandemic: Where We Stand Now

Crudely speaking, if we assume that the U.S. is around 50% of the way through the COVID-19 epidemic, we might expect something like 33,000 fatalities, equal to an average seasonal flu year. An inevitable second round of infections after our governments finally let people go back to work, and out in public, may raise that number, but no one I know of has tried to guess to what extent. Still, any way you look at it, it is hard to see how COVID-19 deaths will exceed the flu fatalities we experienced two years ago. And that was barely a news story.
Alex Berenson is dead wrong and part of the problem as he argues for the sake of his portfolio instead of the American people.

One *can* get COVID19, come down with symptoms within a couple of days and die. Severeal weeks is PLENTY of time for impact on the spread of the disease.

He should go back to selling his lies to the New York Times.
Why do you try to convince ppl with facts and Trumps own words that the man is a complete and utter failure in all this? Why? Why? Why? will never, can never won't ever convince brain dead Frump supporters of anything that mirrors the truth.
Because I'm not very good with the insults and wisecracks and personal attacks?
Well, you do pretty good without meaning to I guess. lol
Only when provoked.
You are one of the nicer posters, though it is none productive to lie to you as I have seen others do.

I am just sick to death of this ORANGE MAN BAD bullshit in the middle of a national health care crisis when we should all be pulling together.
I am just sick to death of this ORANGE MAN BAD bullshit in the middle of a national health care crisis when we should all be pulling together.
Then blame the moron president and his disgusting behavior, instead of the people correctly pointing at his embarrassing lies and failures.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

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While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

You can't accept that Fat Donnie sucks as President. 15 to 0
Why do you try to convince ppl with facts and Trumps own words that the man is a complete and utter failure in all this? Why? Why? Why? will never, can never won't ever convince brain dead Frump supporters of anything that mirrors the truth.
Because I'm not very good with the insults and wisecracks and personal attacks?
Well, you do pretty good without meaning to I guess. lol
Only when provoked.
You are one of the nicer posters, though it is none productive to lie to you as I have seen others do.

I am just sick to death of this ORANGE MAN BAD bullshit in the middle of a national health care crisis when we should all be pulling together.

Dimms and their controlled media do not permit this.
It's verboten!
Have any Democrat leaders really called out China on this pandemic?
No China is our new bestest buddy according to Biden.

I guess $1.5 billion 'invested' in his sons business can affect ones appreciation.

The Bank of China did not hold back!
$1.5 billion has given China more wiggle room with the Dimms that they could've ever imagined!

But they also knew that Democrats controlled the media in the U.S., which has proven to be priceless!!!
I am just sick to death of this ORANGE MAN BAD bullshit in the middle of a national health care crisis when we should all be pulling together.
Then blame the moron president and his disgusting behavior, instead of the people correctly pointing at his embarrassing lies and failures.

I repeat. Have any Democrat leaders called China out on this pandemic?

It bears repeating and is worth noting!
I am just sick to death of this ORANGE MAN BAD bullshit in the middle of a national health care crisis when we should all be pulling together.
Then blame the moron president and his disgusting behavior, instead of the people correctly pointing at his embarrassing lies and failures.

I repeat. Have any Democrat leaders called China out on this pandemic?

It bears repeating and is worth noting!
Like an anxious incessant barking dog...
I am just sick to death of this ORANGE MAN BAD bullshit in the middle of a national health care crisis when we should all be pulling together.
Then blame the moron president and his disgusting behavior, instead of the people correctly pointing at his embarrassing lies and failures.
Pointing fingers doesn't help anything but the Democrat's campaign (maybe). It doesn't make PPE appear or test kits or slow the spread of this damned thing. "What if's" are kinda senseless here; Trump's an a-hole and yes I think he ignored a lot of good advice to protect the market. But we don't KNOW where we'd be if he and every other politician looking at the economy had started the shut down sooner. We can only guess, and that's not much of an argument. It's nothing but the blame game.
I am just sick to death of this ORANGE MAN BAD bullshit in the middle of a national health care crisis when we should all be pulling together.
Then blame the moron president and his disgusting behavior, instead of the people correctly pointing at his embarrassing lies and failures.

I repeat. Have any Democrat leaders called China out on this pandemic?

It bears repeating and is worth noting!
Like an anxious incessant barking dog...

Don't try to write novels....
Don't try to write novels....

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