The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

Atheism leads to nothing religious. Just exploration.

If the world was left to religious fanatics like you, we would never have tried to leave earth. Since it's flat and we're the center of the universe.
"Flat Earth" dogma was the unproven, official government "Scientistific Consensus" of the time.

They said 97% of scientists agreed with Man Made Global Flattening.
But one thing is for sure. Your wealth and status will not carry over to the afterlife. If there is one. You will follow a communist economy, or none at all.
So you are saying to you heaven is communism?
That's what socialist beliefs say. But I'm not socialist.
You wouldn’t know it from your behaviors.
You better recruit more peeps to back you up. Because just you and bond, ain't happening here.

Bring in the troops.
Give them one more chance to speak, outside of ding and bond bullshit. And then we're done.
We're done!

Hi fives!
Subordinating religion is a time honored tradition of socialists and communists.

So there’s that.
Where does science backup the Bible?

Let there be light. Science has found the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) as light.

Sorry, but that backs up nothing.

Uh huh.

"When God began to create heaven and Earth, the Earth was then without form, and void, and darkness was over the deep, and God's breath hovering over the waters."

English Standard Version

We also know God focuses on the Earth. Science has discovered the Earth is special.

Compare that to the eternal universe. No, that is not right; that is pseudoscience. It was the big bang from nothing, i.e. a single invisible particle which contained everything and more and which popped in and out of existence.

That really clears up my questions about planetary orbits.

What do you know about planetary orbits so far?
Where does science backup the Bible?

Let there be light. Science has found the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) as light.

Sorry, but that backs up nothing.

Uh huh.

"When God began to create heaven and Earth, the Earth was then without form, and void, and darkness was over the deep, and God's breath hovering over the waters."

English Standard Version

We also know God focuses on the Earth. Science has discovered the Earth is special.

Compare that to the eternal universe. No, that is not right; that is pseudoscience. It was the big bang from nothing, i.e. a single invisible particle which contained everything and more and which popped in and out of existence.
What does your fairy tale backup?

It's not fairy tales, but creation science. We discover from the first day that God focused on the planet Earth. We find from the fine tuning facts that Earth is special. No other planets and galaxies can provide life and this is the evidence we find.

The fine tuning facts were discovered by secular/atheist scientists studying the big bang, but it contradicts evolution so they have hidden or dismantled it. The scientists and astrophysicists who knew have mostly, if not all, have gone to multiverse hypothesis. All of the online articles I've read about it from 2007 - 2011 are gone. They only exist on creation and ID websites -- The Universe: Evidence for Its Fine Tuning.
Where does science backup the Bible?

Let there be light. Science has found the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) as light.

Sorry, but that backs up nothing.

Uh huh.

"When God began to create heaven and Earth, the Earth was then without form, and void, and darkness was over the deep, and God's breath hovering over the waters."

English Standard Version

We also know God focuses on the Earth. Science has discovered the Earth is special.

Compare that to the eternal universe. No, that is not right; that is pseudoscience. It was the big bang from nothing, i.e. a single invisible particle which contained everything and more and which popped in and out of existence.
What does your fairy tale backup?

It's not fairy tales, but creation science. We discover from the first day that God focused on the planet Earth. We find from the fine tuning facts that Earth is special. No other planets and galaxies can provide life and this is the evidence we find.

The fine tuning facts were discovered by secular/atheist scientists studying the big bang, but it contradicts evolution so they have hidden or dismantled it. The scientists and astrophysicists who knew have mostly, if not all, have gone to multiverse hypothesis. All of the online articles I've read about it from 2007 - 2011 are gone. They only exist on creation and ID websites -- The Universe: Evidence for Its Fine Tuning.
That's a fairy tail, not science.

How can us believers be wrong when you are wrong about all your theories and the scientific evidence does not back it up? The Bible cannot change, but your theories change all the time when proven wrong. For example, 3/4 of the earth's surface is water. It follows Noah's Flood.

We have the following evidence while your claim is based on wrong radiometric dating assumptions. "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
The Institute for Creation Research

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?

How can us believers be wrong when you are wrong about all your theories and the scientific evidence does not back it up? The Bible cannot change, but your theories change all the time when proven wrong. For example, 3/4 of the earth's surface is water. It follows Noah's Flood.

We have the following evidence while your claim is based on wrong radiometric dating assumptions. "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
The Institute for Creation Research

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Your sentences don't make sense. As always, you rely on the Bible, which is a fairy tale.
Where does science backup the Bible?

Let there be light. Science has found the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) as light.

Sorry, but that backs up nothing.

Uh huh.

"When God began to create heaven and Earth, the Earth was then without form, and void, and darkness was over the deep, and God's breath hovering over the waters."

English Standard Version

We also know God focuses on the Earth. Science has discovered the Earth is special.

Compare that to the eternal universe. No, that is not right; that is pseudoscience. It was the big bang from nothing, i.e. a single invisible particle which contained everything and more and which popped in and out of existence.

That really clears up my questions about planetary orbits.

What do you know about planetary orbits so far?

That you can't calculate orbits with Bible math or Bible science.
You better recruit more peeps to back you up. Because just you and bond, ain't happening here.

Bring in the troops.

I already covered this with every eye will see. Jesus makes his return and battles Satan and his followers. He will be the conquering king with his armies of heaven. You should be knocking knees and shivering in your atheism being wrong once more when it counts.[/MEDIA]
Last edited:

How can us believers be wrong when you are wrong about all your theories and the scientific evidence does not back it up? The Bible cannot change, but your theories change all the time when proven wrong. For example, 3/4 of the earth's surface is water. It follows Noah's Flood.

We have the following evidence while your claim is based on wrong radiometric dating assumptions. "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
The Institute for Creation Research

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Your sentences don't make sense. As always, you rely on the Bible, which is a fairy tale.

It goes to show you believe in evolution which is a lie. The Bible took about 1500 years to write and compile. Satan's Antibible of evolution has been written since the beginning of time and written by different humans and scientists; it's still being written. This cannot be a coincidence because different writers and people from all walks of life contributed. Your side mostly by secular and atheist scientists. I even created a thread about it as evolution and evolutionary thinking and history contradicts everything that God stated and is backed up by science -- Is This Evidence For Satan?.

I can see a few contradictions, but it contradicts everything. Again, God's word cannot be changed now while Satan's fake science keeps changing. Furthermore, creation scientists have been systematically eliminated from today's science. This is why evolution is all wrong.

So far, I have been able to back up why we have EMS, day and night, the atmosphere, the sun, stars, moon, planets, and more. You have not been able to explain the big bang and anything regarding science using evolution. Thus, your big bang and cosmic expansion is deemed a lie.

I have provided evidence of what's written in the Bible as science such as Noah's Flood, humans and dinosaurs co-existing, and more.

All you do is claim the Bible is a fairy tale and that is wrong. The Bible is a non-fiction and history book.

Thus, in around three of my scientific posts, you have been rendered as an incompetent in the S&T section. Maybe you do better in the politics section :dunno:.

I read some of the news today and no headlines about aliens. What else do you believe about fake science -- Abiogenesis? Aliens? Macroevolution (humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs)? Billions of year old universe and Earth? Earth is not special? Multiverses? Singularity and Cosmic Expansion? Quantum paricles pop into and out of existence? Things happen through dark energy and dark matter? Universe is boundless and does not have a center? Nothing special about Earth? There is no hell nor heaven? There is nothing after we die?

How can us believers be wrong when you are wrong about all your theories and the scientific evidence does not back it up? The Bible cannot change, but your theories change all the time when proven wrong. For example, 3/4 of the earth's surface is water. It follows Noah's Flood.

We have the following evidence while your claim is based on wrong radiometric dating assumptions. "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
The Institute for Creation Research

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Your sentences don't make sense. As always, you rely on the Bible, which is a fairy tale.

It goes to show you believe in evolution which is a lie. The Bible took about 1500 years to write and compile. Satan's Antibible of evolution has been written since the beginning of time and written by different humans and scientists; it's still being written. This cannot be a coincidence because different writers and people from all walks of life contributed. Your side mostly by secular and atheist scientists. I even created a thread about it as evolution and evolutionary thinking and history contradicts everything that God stated and is backed up by science -- Is This Evidence For Satan?.

I can see a few contradictions, but it contradicts everything. Again, God's word cannot be changed now while Satan's fake science keeps changing. Furthermore, creation scientists have been systematically eliminated from today's science. This is why evolution is all wrong.

So far, I have been able to back up why we have EMS, day and night, the atmosphere, the sun, stars, moon, planets, and more. You have not been able to explain the big bang and anything regarding science using evolution. Thus, your big bang and cosmic expansion is deemed a lie.

I have provided evidence of what's written in the Bible as science such as Noah's Flood, humans and dinosaurs co-existing, and more.

All you do is claim the Bible is a fairy tale and that is wrong. The Bible is a non-fiction and history book.

Thus, in around three of my scientific posts, you have been rendered as an incompetent in the S&T section.

I read some of the news today and no headlines about aliens. What else do you believe about fake science -- Abiogenesis? Aliens? Macroevolution (humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs)? Billions of year old universe and Earth? Earth is not special? Multiverses? Singularity and Cosmic Expansion? Quantum paricles pop into and out of existence? Things happen through dark energy and dark matter? Universe is boundless and does not have a center? Nothing special about Earth? There is no hell nor heaven? There is nothing after we die?
The Bible is a fairy tale. Any claims based on the Bible are fairy tales. It doesn't matter when it was written or who wrote it, it's still a fairy tale. Whenever you quote the Bible, you're rejecting all facts and proven methods for obtaining knowledge.
That you can't calculate orbits with Bible math or Bible science.

Nope. I'm the one who has been answering your dumb questions while you can't and refuse to answer any of mine because you are a dumb farker :itsok:.

Why don't you just leave instead of continuing to bother me? I have no interest in wasting time reading your inane posts.
The Bible is a fairy tale. Any claims based on the Bible are fairy tales. It doesn't matter when it was written or who wrote it, it's still a fairy tale. Whenever you quote the Bible, you're rejecting all facts and proven methods for obtaining knowledge.

See. What you rant are all assertions. You have no evidence to back it up nor scientific intelligence to come up with a valid argument. Thus, you have been embarrassed badly in the S&T section.

How can us believers be wrong when you are wrong about all your theories and the scientific evidence does not back it up? The Bible cannot change, but your theories change all the time when proven wrong. For example, 3/4 of the earth's surface is water. It follows Noah's Flood.

We have the following evidence while your claim is based on wrong radiometric dating assumptions. "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
The Institute for Creation Research

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
You reject science, so why are you trying to use science to back a fairy tale?

How can us believers be wrong when you are wrong about all your theories and the scientific evidence does not back it up? The Bible cannot change, but your theories change all the time when proven wrong. For example, 3/4 of the earth's surface is water. It follows Noah's Flood.

We have the following evidence while your claim is based on wrong radiometric dating assumptions. "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
The Institute for Creation Research

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Your sentences don't make sense. As always, you rely on the Bible, which is a fairy tale.

It goes to show you believe in evolution which is a lie. The Bible took about 1500 years to write and compile. Satan's Antibible of evolution has been written since the beginning of time and written by different humans and scientists; it's still being written. This cannot be a coincidence because different writers and people from all walks of life contributed. Your side mostly by secular and atheist scientists. I even created a thread about it as evolution and evolutionary thinking and history contradicts everything that God stated and is backed up by science -- Is This Evidence For Satan?.

I can see a few contradictions, but it contradicts everything. Again, God's word cannot be changed now while Satan's fake science keeps changing. Furthermore, creation scientists have been systematically eliminated from today's science. This is why evolution is all wrong.

So far, I have been able to back up why we have EMS, day and night, the atmosphere, the sun, stars, moon, planets, and more. You have not been able to explain the big bang and anything regarding science using evolution. Thus, your big bang and cosmic expansion is deemed a lie.

I have provided evidence of what's written in the Bible as science such as Noah's Flood, humans and dinosaurs co-existing, and more.

All you do is claim the Bible is a fairy tale and that is wrong. The Bible is a non-fiction and history book.

Thus, in around three of my scientific posts, you have been rendered as an incompetent in the S&T section. Maybe you do better in the politics section :dunno:.

I read some of the news today and no headlines about aliens. What else do you believe about fake science -- Abiogenesis? Aliens? Macroevolution (humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs)? Billions of year old universe and Earth? Earth is not special? Multiverses? Singularity and Cosmic Expansion? Quantum paricles pop into and out of existence? Things happen through dark energy and dark matter? Universe is boundless and does not have a center? Nothing special about Earth? There is no hell nor heaven? There is nothing after we die?

So far, I have been able to back up why we have EMS, day and night, the atmosphere, the sun, stars, moon, planets, and more.

That you can't calculate orbits with Bible math or Bible science.

Nope. I'm the one who has been answering your dumb questions while you can't and refuse to answer any of mine because you are a dumb farker :itsok:.

Why don't you just leave instead of continuing to bother me? I have no interest in wasting time reading your inane posts.


That is great news!!

Please post the Bible passage which includes the math and science needed to calculate orbits.

Why don't you just leave instead of continuing to bother me?

As soon as you post actual proof of your claims, I'll happily leave you alone.
The Bible is a fairy tale. Any claims based on the Bible are fairy tales. It doesn't matter when it was written or who wrote it, it's still a fairy tale. Whenever you quote the Bible, you're rejecting all facts and proven methods for obtaining knowledge.

See. What you rant are all assertions. You have no evidence to back it up nor scientific intelligence to come up with a valid argument. Thus, you have been embarrassed badly in the S&T section.
Nope. What I'm saying is that science says, the only proven means of learning about reality. The claim that I have no evidence is laughable. All the evidence says the Bible is a fairy tale. The Bible is evidence of only that you're a gullible fool.

How can us believers be wrong when you are wrong about all your theories and the scientific evidence does not back it up? The Bible cannot change, but your theories change all the time when proven wrong. For example, 3/4 of the earth's surface is water. It follows Noah's Flood.

We have the following evidence while your claim is based on wrong radiometric dating assumptions. "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
The Institute for Creation Research

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Your sentences don't make sense. As always, you rely on the Bible, which is a fairy tale.

It goes to show you believe in evolution which is a lie. The Bible took about 1500 years to write and compile. Satan's Antibible of evolution has been written since the beginning of time and written by different humans and scientists; it's still being written. This cannot be a coincidence because different writers and people from all walks of life contributed. Your side mostly by secular and atheist scientists. I even created a thread about it as evolution and evolutionary thinking and history contradicts everything that God stated and is backed up by science -- Is This Evidence For Satan?.

I can see a few contradictions, but it contradicts everything. Again, God's word cannot be changed now while Satan's fake science keeps changing. Furthermore, creation scientists have been systematically eliminated from today's science. This is why evolution is all wrong.

So far, I have been able to back up why we have EMS, day and night, the atmosphere, the sun, stars, moon, planets, and more. You have not been able to explain the big bang and anything regarding science using evolution. Thus, your big bang and cosmic expansion is deemed a lie.

I have provided evidence of what's written in the Bible as science such as Noah's Flood, humans and dinosaurs co-existing, and more.

All you do is claim the Bible is a fairy tale and that is wrong. The Bible is a non-fiction and history book.

Thus, in around three of my scientific posts, you have been rendered as an incompetent in the S&T section. Maybe you do better in the politics section :dunno:.

I read some of the news today and no headlines about aliens. What else do you believe about fake science -- Abiogenesis? Aliens? Macroevolution (humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs)? Billions of year old universe and Earth? Earth is not special? Multiverses? Singularity and Cosmic Expansion? Quantum paricles pop into and out of existence? Things happen through dark energy and dark matter? Universe is boundless and does not have a center? Nothing special about Earth? There is no hell nor heaven? There is nothing after we die?

So far, I have been able to back up why we have EMS, day and night, the atmosphere, the sun, stars, moon, planets, and more.


Electro Magnetic Spectrum. He thinks the existence of light proves the Bible is true.

How can us believers be wrong when you are wrong about all your theories and the scientific evidence does not back it up? The Bible cannot change, but your theories change all the time when proven wrong. For example, 3/4 of the earth's surface is water. It follows Noah's Flood.

We have the following evidence while your claim is based on wrong radiometric dating assumptions. "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
The Institute for Creation Research

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I]

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
Your sentences don't make sense. As always, you rely on the Bible, which is a fairy tale.

It goes to show you believe in evolution which is a lie. The Bible took about 1500 years to write and compile. Satan's Antibible of evolution has been written since the beginning of time and written by different humans and scientists; it's still being written. This cannot be a coincidence because different writers and people from all walks of life contributed. Your side mostly by secular and atheist scientists. I even created a thread about it as evolution and evolutionary thinking and history contradicts everything that God stated and is backed up by science -- Is This Evidence For Satan?.

I can see a few contradictions, but it contradicts everything. Again, God's word cannot be changed now while Satan's fake science keeps changing. Furthermore, creation scientists have been systematically eliminated from today's science. This is why evolution is all wrong.

So far, I have been able to back up why we have EMS, day and night, the atmosphere, the sun, stars, moon, planets, and more. You have not been able to explain the big bang and anything regarding science using evolution. Thus, your big bang and cosmic expansion is deemed a lie.

I have provided evidence of what's written in the Bible as science such as Noah's Flood, humans and dinosaurs co-existing, and more.

All you do is claim the Bible is a fairy tale and that is wrong. The Bible is a non-fiction and history book.

Thus, in around three of my scientific posts, you have been rendered as an incompetent in the S&T section. Maybe you do better in the politics section :dunno:.

I read some of the news today and no headlines about aliens. What else do you believe about fake science -- Abiogenesis? Aliens? Macroevolution (humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs)? Billions of year old universe and Earth? Earth is not special? Multiverses? Singularity and Cosmic Expansion? Quantum paricles pop into and out of existence? Things happen through dark energy and dark matter? Universe is boundless and does not have a center? Nothing special about Earth? There is no hell nor heaven? There is nothing after we die?

So far, I have been able to back up why we have EMS, day and night, the atmosphere, the sun, stars, moon, planets, and more.


Electro Magnetic Spectrum. He thinks the existence of light proves the Bible is true.

He's a strange one.

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