The Black Death and Feudalism; Covid-19 and Capitalism

Maybe socialist democrats tipped their hand too soon. Could it be that the pandemic panic was about the left's socialist agenda?
Or perhaps Davos capitalists were goofy enough to believe you really can run government like a business and didn't see sufficient profit in protecting society?

'Not Concerned at All': A Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Dismissals

"January 22nd: Trump is asked about the coronavirus at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Days earlier the first case of the coronavirus was detected in the U.S., in a man who had returned to Seattle from a trip to China earlier in January.

"'No, not at all. We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control,' Trump told CNBC. “'t’s going to be just fine.'"
George, what I fear about your attack on the free market, is that the billionaires that are trying to take over our government, are programing you to hate the freest system on Earth, on a false pretext.

The small businessmen and small farmers HATE the government oligarchs and billionaires that control the media and Hollywood as much as you do.

You haven't the first idea of business models or how real capitalists think...Just STFU, stupid asshole.
Happy Easter, Loon.

Capitalism is America's religion. The virus makes that clear.
George, what I fear about your attack on the free market, is that the billionaires that are trying to take over our government, are programing you to hate the freest system on Earth, on a false pretext.

The small businessmen and small farmers HATE the government oligarchs and billionaires that control the media and Hollywood as much as you do.

He knows this....He just pretends that crony corporatism and laissez-faire are the same thing....It's part of the compulsive lying that commies like him engage in.
"Preparing properly" would have required getting quality and correct information from commies, who are compulsive liars as a matter of course.....Just like you.
As opposed to compulsive capitalists?

Sanctioned Countries Are Now Leading the World in the Fight Against Coronavirus

"After weeks of dismissing it as a liberal “hoax” designed to unseat the president, brushing the virus off as no big deal and under control, the Trump administration is clearly floundering in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Despite weeks of warning where it could have taken precautionary steps, the United States currently has four times the confirmed cases and twice the deaths of any other country.

"At the same time, the countries it is currently placing under economic siege, totaling around a quarter of the world’s population, are faring far better and leading the global fight against the coronavirus."
I already told you, the reason the authoritarian nations are responding more quickly and efficiently, is because of the very nature of their government.

It would not surprise me at all to find out, if the North Koreans found someone infected, they just shot them and burned the entire house down.

We don't leave the military, or at least most of it, to private contractors.

Some things are best left to central command, if snap decision making is needed in a crisis situations.

. . . but we DO NOT, IMO, need to restucture our entire civiliztion out of fear. Doesn't that seem a bit over doing things?
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George, what I fear about your attack on the free market, is that the billionaires that are trying to take over our government, are programing you to hate the freest system on Earth, on a false pretext.

The small businessmen and small farmers HATE the government oligarchs and billionaires that control the media and Hollywood as much as you do.

He knows this....He just pretends that crony corporatism and laissez-faire are the same thing....It's part of the compulsive lying that commies like him engage in.
I know, it just seems SO ironic.

He rails against the billionaires, the elites, and the oligarchs, yet. . .

The same six corporations own nearly all the media and Hollywood. . .
You read Ed Bernays, and realize, it is the very folks that he is railing against that are putting these very ideas in his head. :heehee:

THEY are the ones producing all the Marxist propaganda, encouraging him to desire throwing out the last vestiges of the once greatest and freest nation on Earth.

Instead of bitching about how we need to get rid of capitalism, he should instead be talking about how the far left needs to unite with the far right to reform the hell out of the monetary system so that the elites stop robbing the value of the currency.

Then he wouldn't have to bitch about getting a minimum wage increase, the currency could actually buy what it used to, and the oligarchs would stop getting their damn bailouts if everyone was on the same page.

. . . instead. . . he'll fight with the right. . . and the six media companies will talk about Trump fumbling his words and it will be another two minutes of hate again next week again. . .

Like a laser pointer and a cat. . .

George, what I fear about your attack on the free market, is that the billionaires that are trying to take over our government, are programing you to hate the freest system on Earth, on a false pretext.

The small businessmen and small farmers HATE the government oligarchs and billionaires that control the media and Hollywood as much as you do.

He knows this....He just pretends that crony corporatism and laissez-faire are the same thing....It's part of the compulsive lying that commies like him engage in.
I know, it just seems SO ironic.

He rails against the billionaires, the elites, and the oligarchs, yet. . .

The same six corporations own nearly all the media and Hollywood. . .
You read Ed Bernays, and realize, it the very folks that he is railing against that are putting these very ideas in his head. :heehee:

THEY are the ones producing all the Marxist propaganda, encouraging him to desire throwing out the last vestiges of the once greatest and freest nation on Earth.

Instead of bitching about how we need to get rid of capitalism, he should instead be talking about how the far left needs to unite with the far right to reform the hell out of the monetary system so that the elites stop robbing the value of the currency.

Then he wouldn't have to bitch about getting a minimum wage increase, the currency could actually buy what it used to, and the oligarchs would stop getting their damn bailouts if everyone was on the same page.

. . . instead. . . he'll fight with the right. . . and the six media companies will talk about Trump fumbling his words and it will be another two minutes of hate again next week again. . .

Like a laser pointer and a cat. . .

Lenin had a term for drips like him....We both know.
George, what I fear about your attack on the free market, is that the billionaires that are trying to take over our government, are programing you to hate the freest system on Earth, on a false pretext.

The small businessmen and small farmers HATE the government oligarchs and billionaires that control the media and Hollywood as much as you do.

I worry that capitalism functions more like a religion in this country than it does like a system for distributing goods and services.

Capitalism is America's religion. The virus makes that clear.

"No matter what they preach in the churches of Texas, there is one authority higher than that of Jesus in this country: capitalism.

"In 1921, Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin called capitalism 'a purely cultic religion' that grew as 'a parasite of Christianity,' until it replaced the church as the focus of Western life.

"Charity and selflessness are still the transcendent principles guiding people’s decisions; it’s just that they’re invoked to serve the market instead of other people."
George, what I fear about your attack on the free market, is that the billionaires that are trying to take over our government, are programing you to hate the freest system on Earth, on a false pretext.

The small businessmen and small farmers HATE the government oligarchs and billionaires that control the media and Hollywood as much as you do.

I worry that capitalism functions more like a religion in this country than it does like a system for distributing goods and services.

Capitalism is America's religion. The virus makes that clear.

"No matter what they preach in the churches of Texas, there is one authority higher than that of Jesus in this country: capitalism.

"In 1921, Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin called capitalism 'a purely cultic religion' that grew as 'a parasite of Christianity,' until it replaced the church as the focus of Western life.

"Charity and selflessness are still the transcendent principles guiding people’s decisions; it’s just that they’re invoked to serve the market instead of other people."
He knows this....He just pretends that crony corporatism and laissez-faire are the same thing

theres a lot of hard core communists who live here in the U.S. and they have a certain disdain for people in the private sector. Especially the ones who become successful. Screw the communist assholes. They should leave. Sell everything they own and get the hell out of here, they bring nothing good.
According to one of the foremost Marxist Theorist alive:

Capitalism Can’t Be Repaired, Coronavirus Shows Its Huge Weaknesses -

"In the 14th century, bubonic plague—the 'Black Death'—exposed Europe’s feudalism as vastly underfed, exhausted, dispirited, divided, and diseased.

"The infecting fleas carried by the rats could thus kill off a third of a very vulnerable continent.

"European feudalism never recovered its pre-bubonic strengths; its peak was behind it.

"Renaissance, reformation, and then the great English, French and American revolutions followed.

"The system collapsed amid transition to a new and different system, capitalism.

"Might the interactions now among capitalism, coronavirus, and a new worker-coop-based socialism prove similar to those among feudalism, the Black Death and capitalism so long ago?"

Private capitalists maximized profits by NOT producing masks, reagents, and swabs needed when the coronavirus hit; how's that for efficiency, considering how the wealth already lost from the shutdown greatly exceeds what it would have cost to prepare properly?

capitalism works great when there are certain government guidelines to prevent abuses like you describe. Everyone knows there has to be rules because like in a communist system, capitalist systems are made up of people... who are sometimes good and sometimes corruptible.
We are having everything made in China, because government officials allowed it and also got $$$$$$$$$$$ kick backs and business deals of their own. That is not so much corrupt capitalism as it is government not looking out for the People of the U.S.A. If we were communist the corruption would have been the same. A strong private sector provides innovation and upward mobility so people do not have to remain in the lower and middle class for all of their lives and all of their childrens lives. So many leftists who live here in the U.S enjoy a pretty good life and still have no idea why they have a rich life here full of options. You can hop on a plane and get to anywhere in the world for a relatively low price... you can buy an affordable computer that completely changes the way you do business, you can wash and dry your clothes because long ago those machines were made affordable.... and everything eventually increases in quality do to competitiveness.
Your beloved Communism would still have you driving a horse and buggy if left to itself.
Some things are best left to central command, if snap decision making is needed in a crisis situations.

. . . but we DO NOT, IMO, need to restucture our entire civiliztion out of fear. Doesn't that seem a bit over doing things?
Can you think of any authoritarian regime in history that would have tolerated incompetence and indifference of Donald Trump; he would have been an abortion statistic in most of those regimes.

Trump Was Warned About the Coronavirus More Than a Dozen Times In Daily Intel Briefings

"Per the Post, intelligence agencies warned Trump about the novel coronavirus in 'more than a dozen classified briefings' in January and February, which traced the virus’s spread, China’s downplaying of the threat, and 'raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.'

"The warnings came via the President’s Daily Briefing, a daily report controlled by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that informs the president about significant geopolitical developments and potential security threats.

"The virus was mentioned in the PDB both through in-depth articles and smaller updates on the latest coronavirus news, and mentions of the coronavirus in the PDB became more frequent by mid-to-late January."
He just pretends that crony corporatism and laissez-faire are the same thing....It's part of t
How do you classify robber barons?
Were they crony corporatists (whatever that means) or laissez faire capitalists?

Robber Barons

"'Robber Barons': that was what U.S. political and economic commentator Matthew Josephson (1934) called the economic princes of his own day. Today we call them 'billionaires.'

"Our capitalist economy--any capitalist economy--throws up such enormous concentrations of wealth: those lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, driven and smart enough to see particular economic opportunities and seize them, foresighted enough to have gathered a large share of the equity of a highly-profitable enterprise into their hands, and well-connected enough to fend off political attempts to curb their wealth (or well-connected enough to make political favors the foundation of their wealth)"
The same six corporations own nearly all the media and Hollywood. . .
You read Ed Bernays, and realize, it is the very folks that he is railing against that are putting these very ideas in his head. :heehee:

THEY are the ones producing all the Marxist propaganda, encouraging him to desire throwing out the last vestiges of the once greatest and freest nation on Earth.
Marx, and anyone else who's capable of critical thought, recognized the importance of chattel slavery and genocide to the creation of your "greatest and freest nation on Earth." Imho, capitalists were the driving force behind those historical stains just as they are behind for profit wars and health care today. Bernays propaganda was designed to support those "earn" vast private fortunes by inflicting most of the losses on society.
The same six corporations own nearly all the media and Hollywood. . .
You read Ed Bernays, and realize, it is the very folks that he is railing against that are putting these very ideas in his head. :heehee:

THEY are the ones producing all the Marxist propaganda, encouraging him to desire throwing out the last vestiges of the once greatest and freest nation on Earth.
Marx, and anyone else who's capable of critical thought, recognized the importance of chattel slavery and genocide to the creation of your "greatest and freest nation on Earth." Imho, capitalists were the driving force behind those historical stains just as they are behind for profit wars and health care today. Bernays propaganda was designed to support those "earn" vast private fortunes by inflicting most of the losses on society.
Talk to me when you start using sources that are not backing journalists from the establishment.

Here, this is a REAL journalist from the left that will tell you what is really going on. LEARN something. She is just giving you the facts, w/o pushing an agenda.

STOP with your commie propaganda already. You have no idea what is going on, because all of your shill pieces aren't informing you of shit.


Talk to me when you start using sources that are not backing journalists from the establishment.
Al Jazeera?

"The peasants' revolt after the 14th-century plague saw off feudalism

"After COVID-19, will it be the turn of capitalism?"

The immediate slump in demand across all major economies virtually guarantees the deepest recession in living memory.

Collapsing share prices hurts pension fund returns while the solvency of airlines, airports, and hotels are in doubt.

Could it be the Ponzi scheme of capitalism is about to go the way of feudalism?
Talk to me when you start using sources that are not backing journalists from the establishment.
Al Jazeera?

"The peasants' revolt after the 14th-century plague saw off feudalism

"After COVID-19, will it be the turn of capitalism?"

The immediate slump in demand across all major economies virtually guarantees the deepest recession in living memory.

Collapsing share prices hurts pension fund returns while the solvency of airlines, airports, and hotels are in doubt.

Could it be the Ponzi scheme of capitalism is about to go the way of feudalism?
Paul Mason ??

Yeah, very establishment left.
Would you care to respond to Mason's content?

Will coronavirus signal the end of capitalism?

"Collapsing foundations

"To understand why that is over-optimistic, let us use the metaphor of a building.

"In the 2008 financial crisis, it looked like the "roof" - the finance system - had collapsed onto the main structure which, though it was damaged, stood firm and we eventually rebuilt the roof.

"This time, by contrast, it is the foundations that are collapsing - because all economic life in a capitalist system is based on compelling people to go to work and spend their wages."

"Since we now have to compel them to stay away from work, and from all the places they usually spend their hard-earned salaries, it does not matter how strong the building itself is."

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