The black view on the 2020 presidential election

We'll have the real black view in Nov .the ones who vote anyway .

So like todays lesson has proven, whites that hijacked the term conservative are unable to accept blacks who decide to not support republicans. Instead of staying on topic, they will ad hominem and use personal attacks and even stoop to racial slurs because a black person dares to vote democrat. Not one democrat has attacked me for opposing a candidate they support, nor do we see white democrats in this or any other thread instructing blacks on how we need to vote democrat. Only republicans are doing this and if you don't, the slave patrols to come get you. Therefore it has been proven by the behavior of these right wingers that any black person supporting the republican party is a slave on the right wing plantation and if you don't sing how right wing massa says, he'll try pulling the whip.


Good evening.​

Not one democrat has attacked you because you agree with them 100% of the time. If you wouldn't you would be called an uncle Tom.

A other reason is that you are a loser as should be clear to all by now. Democrats love losers, republicans love winners.
The problem is not that you are black, it is that you are a loser.

Welfare destroyed the black community and you are moaning for more, and because you are a racist whitey must pay for it. You are stupid as well...

So like todays lesson has proven, whites that hijacked the term conservative are unable to accept blacks who decide to not support republicans. Instead of staying on topic, they will ad hominem and use personal attacks and even stoop to racial slurs because a black person dares to vote democrat. Not one democrat has attacked me for opposing a candidate they support, nor do we see white democrats in this or any other thread instructing blacks on how we need to vote democrat. Only republicans are doing this and if you don't, the slave patrols to come get you. Therefore it has been proven by the behavior of these right wingers that any black person supporting the republican party is a slave on the right wing plantation and if you don't sing how right wing massa says, he'll try pulling the whip.


Good evening.​
The problem is not that you are black, it is that you are a loser.

Welfare destroyed the black community and you are moaning for more, and because you are a racist whitey must pay for it. You are stupid as well...


When it comes to welfare whites overwhelmingly pay and blacks overwhelmingly receive. Of course there are more white recipients because there are more white people, not difficult to realize for someone with room temperature IQ.

And what do we get for that welfare? 70% single motherhood rate... which is equivalent to 70% cancer.

I suppose the 30% who were smart enough to not fall for the scam will vote for Trump. Obviously IM2 took the plantation bait.
So like todays lesson has proven, whites that hijacked the term conservative are unable to accept blacks who decide to not support republicans. Instead of staying on topic, they will ad hominem and use personal attacks and even stoop to racial slurs because a black person dares to vote democrat. Not one democrat has attacked me for opposing a candidate they support, nor do we see white democrats in this or any other thread instructing blacks on how we need to vote democrat. Only republicans are doing this and if you don't, the slave patrols to come get you. Therefore it has been proven by the behavior of these right wingers that any black person supporting the republican party is a slave on the right wing plantation and if you don't sing how right wing massa says, he'll try pulling the whip.


Good evening.​

We don't attack you for opposing republican candidates. We attack you for saying completely insane and insulting shit.

If, you were to say, "I oppose Trump because I don't believe trade deficits matter" we would happily tell you, on topic, why you are wrong.

It is went you say something along the lines of "I oppose TRump because <blah, blah, blah> racism and racism and slavery and white people are stupid, and <blah, blah, blah,> racism and white people are evil and anyone that says otherwise is stupid, <blah, blah, blah>

then you're going to get a more colorful response.

This is the consensus of the black community.​
This is racist against blacks when you generalize the entire race as being this fucking ignorant. I KNOW there are freethinking and intelligent blacks out there, so your post is a lie.

No it's not racist. What is racist is how whites like you keep repeating that somehow we are not thinking independently because we oppose trump.

It is racist against blacks when you generalize the entire race as being this fucking ignorant. I KNOW there are freethinking and intelligent blacks out there who operate independently of what you think the entire race does. You are a racist and a bigot
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

My friend I am 100% behind your comments, however, anybody but Trump is not a winning strategy. A zillion dollars spent on both sides will not compete with Voter Turnout...that my friend is the key in all this and sadly, black voters are not the base one should depend on in a general election, especially black male voters.
So Trump liberated blacks from the Democrats' 'plantation' and their policies of 'economic slavery' ...

...and Snowflakes are trying to convince them to come on back because ' everyone is doing it'?!


This sounds a lot like how Bloomberg declared all blacks and Latino youth are just carbon copies who can't individually think for themselves....
I suspect no Black person has ever had to live as a white person. Would that be correct?
OJ did it, Michael Jackson did it, a lot of black people pile on the white man's bullshit persona and is accepted as being white, with all its privileges and perks. Now, what is really astounding is poor white trash among us, bullshit with us, trapped in poverty and hopelessness like us, but still think in that brain dead head, they're better...but still poor and stupid and gotta blame us for their plight in life.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

My friend I am 100% behind your comments, however, anybody but Trump is not a winning strategy. A zillion dollars spent on both sides will not compete with Voter Turnout...that my friend is the key in all this and sadly, black voters are not the base one should depend on in a general election, especially black male voters.

We must be vigilant in stopping voter suppression and being a black male, I hope my fellow men are not dumb enough to sit this one out or be fooled by fake employment numbers.
Years....decades of indoctrination....

As I said, Trump turned the 'world' upside down for blacks, whereas Democrats fear-mongered, bought votes, used economic slavery, and kept them dependent on handouts.

Barry did less than nothing - black unemployment was almost twice that of its the lowest in US history.

Any blacks listening to Democrats must like the TASTE of LEFTOVER BULLSHIT .... because that's all the Democrats are FEEDING THEM ..
So Trump liberated blacks from the Democrats' 'plantation' and their policies of 'economic slavery' ...

...and Snowflakes are trying to convince them to come on back because ' everyone is doing it'?!


This sounds a lot like how Bloomberg declared all blacks and Latino youth are just carbon copies who can't individually think for themselves....
Except trump did not liberate blacks from anything.











How many jobs have I been refused while whites with less qualifications got them? More than 10.
How many promotions was I denied while whites I trained got promoted? 5-10
How many times have I been stopped for driving while black? Over 100
How many restaurant did I sit and watch whites who came in long after I ordered get served, more than 50.
How many times have I been followed while shopping while whites aren't? Over 1,000
How many interviews was I not given because my name sounded too black? Unknown.

Don't try to be a smart ass, white boy.

Let me know in case you get a reasonable response to that from that guy - who deserves the top spot on everyone's ignore list anyway.

Your little black friend is out of his league.

Wrong. You're a chump that repeats the standard dumb white racist bullshit and asks the same dumb white racist questions like you think we don't know that racists do things differently now than the times you asked questions about.

Wrong, you are just one more run of the mill racist pig kid. You spew your hatred and act all self righteous as if you are a beacon in the night beckoning, calling the great unwashed masses out of the darkness and into your "light/truth".
Years....decades of indoctrination....

As I said, Trump turned the 'world' upside down for blacks, whereas Democrats fear-mongered, bought votes, used economic slavery, and kept them dependent on handouts.

Barry did less than nothing - black unemployment was almost twice that of its the lowest in US history.

Any blacks listening to Democrats must like the TASTE of LEFTOVER BULLSHIT .... because that's all the Democrats are FEEDING THEM ..
The only one here indoctrinated is you. Black unemployment is still twice that of whites.


According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same.
How many jobs have I been refused while whites with less qualifications got them? More than 10.
How many promotions was I denied while whites I trained got promoted? 5-10
How many times have I been stopped for driving while black? Over 100
How many restaurant did I sit and watch whites who came in long after I ordered get served, more than 50.
How many times have I been followed while shopping while whites aren't? Over 1,000
How many interviews was I not given because my name sounded too black? Unknown.

Don't try to be a smart ass, white boy.

Let me know in case you get a reasonable response to that from that guy - who deserves the top spot on everyone's ignore list anyway.

Your little black friend is out of his league.

Wrong. You're a chump that repeats the standard dumb white racist bullshit and asks the same dumb white racist questions like you think we don't know that racists do things differently now than the times you asked questions about.

Wrong, you are just one more run of the mill racist pig kid. You spew your hatred and act all self righteous as if you are a beacon in the night beckoning, calling the great unwashed masses out of the darkness and into your "light/truth".

Yeah right. When you can tell me the national policy that eliminated white racism, I'll take you seriously. Right now you asked me some questions and I answered them. Now all your punk ass has left is the usual white racist declaration of my supposed racism hoping to shut me up because you lost.
Years....decades of indoctrination....

As I said, Trump turned the 'world' upside down for blacks, whereas Democrats fear-mongered, bought votes, used economic slavery, and kept them dependent on handouts.

Barry did less than nothing - black unemployment was almost twice that of its the lowest in US history.

Any blacks listening to Democrats must like the TASTE of LEFTOVER BULLSHIT .... because that's all the Democrats are FEEDING THEM ..
The only one here indoctrinated is you. Black unemployment is still twice that of whites.


According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same.

What do you not understand about 'lowest black unemployment rate in US history'?

Especially compared to the sky-high rate it was under Barry?

You sound like either a white Democrat posing as a black person, attempting to con blacks vs k onto the plantation or either what was called a 'House Negro'.

I wonder which one...

The problem is not that you are black, it is that you are a loser.

Welfare destroyed the black community and you are moaning for more, and because you are a racist whitey must pay for it. You are stupid as well...


When it comes to welfare whites overwhelmingly pay and blacks overwhelmingly receive. Of course there are more white recipients because there are more white people, not difficult to realize for someone with room temperature IQ.

And what do we get for that welfare? 70% single motherhood rate... which is equivalent to 70% cancer.

I suppose the 30% who were smart enough to not fall for the scam will vote for Trump. Obviously IM2 took the plantation bait.
Years....decades of indoctrination....

As I said, Trump turned the 'world' upside down for blacks, whereas Democrats fear-mongered, bought votes, used economic slavery, and kept them dependent on handouts.

Barry did less than nothing - black unemployment was almost twice that of its the lowest in US history.

Any blacks listening to Democrats must like the TASTE of LEFTOVER BULLSHIT .... because that's all the Democrats are FEEDING THEM ..
The only one here indoctrinated is you. Black unemployment is still twice that of whites.


According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same.

What do you not understand about 'lowest black unemployment rate in US history'?

Especially compared to the sky-high rate it was under Barry?

You sound like either a white Democrat posing as a black person, attempting to con blacks vs k onto the plantation or either what was called a 'House Negro'.

I wonder which one...


What I understand is that trump didn't do it. I am definitely black and in no way a house negro. The chart shows the truth. Black unemployment dropped more under Obama than trump. He's done nothing that produced the numbers but sit in the presidents chair and talk. The sky high rate was the result of a near depression created by another republican president. But you live disingenuously so you think that you can just keep repeating a phrase and that's enough.

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