The black view on the 2020 presidential election

The problem is not that you are black, it is that you are a loser.

Welfare destroyed the black community and you are moaning for more, and because you are a racist whitey must pay for it. You are stupid as well...


When it comes to welfare whites overwhelmingly pay and blacks overwhelmingly receive. Of course there are more white recipients because there are more white people, not difficult to realize for someone with room temperature IQ.

And what do we get for that welfare? 70% single motherhood rate... which is equivalent to 70% cancer.

I suppose the 30% who were smart enough to not fall for the scam will vote for Trump. Obviously IM2 took the plantation bait.

You should rename the thread for accuracy

"The loser's view on the 2020 presidential election."

And yeah, it sure sucks to be loser when everyone else is embracing winning under Trump.
Yeah right. When you can tell me the national policy that eliminated white racism, I'll take you seriously.

Now you sound like a black person who LIVES for who LIVES for the injustice / cause .... because without it you have nothing and are nothing ... for you there will NEVER be and end to it - the nation HAS to be divided by it forever because railing against it gives you meaning, purpose, and identity...

'Racism' is a SOCIALIST / political tool to keep the people divided, divided against each other, distracted from the crimes and crap they continue to engage in....


Race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson make / made a living off of keeping racism raging...if it had been solved over night they would have had to get REAL jobs like everyone else....

Racism-prolonging/generating organizations like the NAACP would have no money coming in without RACISM...its their money-maker

Politicians have been fanning and using racism to manipulate and control little sheep for DECADES, dividing the nation, and RAKING IN THE CASH to fund them, their elections, & keeping them in office....

Read Saul Alensky's book, 'Rules for Radicals' - which Barry quoted during his Inauguration, and then tell me what you think about Socialists / Socialism using racism to divide unified nations and keep unified nations divided....

Every time I see some snowflake / black railing about 'whitey' I see another duped sheep, brainwashed, indoctrinated, manipulated, pushing the message of division, and helping the socialists / politicians to distract people from what's really going on....

Nice job.

And so its once again proven that if you don't think the way right wing whites want you to think, then you are attacked. I have not seen one democrat here attack me for saying that I will only vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee. I have not been attacked by any democrat here for my opposition of Bernie Sander or Pete. And when I stated in the OP that blacks have always had to choose white candidates who had some racism in their past, I was not attacked by any democrat here. Only when I spoke about a republican canduidate did all the foolish ad hominems start rolling in from the same dumb ass whites that do it all the time. All republicans, all who swear that blacks should be able to think independently. But it seems that black independent thinking only means that blacks think the way they want us to. And that is an example of how the republican plantation operates.

Be honest. Would you vote for rich white guy Bloomberg over third party Jesse Jackson?
There s no Obamaphone. But white racists suffering from psychosis who have "forgotten" how much government has given to whites always trying bringing this fake news up.

Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers

Since 1985, the Lifeline program has provided a discount on phone service for qualifying low-income consumers to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that phone service brings, including being able to connect to jobs, family and emergency services. Lifeline is part of the Universal Service Fund. The Lifeline program is available to eligible low-income consumers in every state, territory, commonwealth, and on Tribal lands.

Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers

More accurately put, it's the Reaganphone. And more whites use them.
I don't recall cellphones in the Reagan era. Free stuff was far more of an Obama thing.

Here you go simp.

"There is a national program that provides low-income people with free or discounted phones, but it was started under George W. Bush, Obama's Republican predecessor.

And the idea for subsidized phone service, notes liberal blog Think Progress, originated under the Ronald Reagan administration after the breakup of AT&T. The program is paid for by telecommunications companies through the nonprofit Universal Service Administrative Company, not through taxpayer revenue.

Why This 'Obama Phone' Ad Is Misleading

But that was just priming the dumb down pump. Trumpublicans will believe any lie, as long as you convince them it will make Liberals cry.
So Republicans helped poor black folks, not Obama.

Got it.

Socialism helped poor folks, period.

Kind of the way Ortega and you 5th Columnists helped the Mosquito Indians in Nicaragua? :dunno:

My good friend Bil Stunbmun wrote of Nicaragua;

{The Sandinista support club at Berkeley was huge. Besides virtually all the faculty, there were some students in the club too. And the rallies were often more than just an excuse to get together to eat Dr. Tim’s sugar cubes and consume Loof’s crops; the way most faculty staff meetings were, this was real activism. The dream was starting to come true for many of the Berkeley professors; a workers’ paradise in North America. Hopes were almost as high as the average professor.

I almost went to Nicaragua with the club. A group of the students who were enrolled in Native American studies were planning to go down to help Comrade Ortega round up the defiant Mosquito Indians who refused to join the collective farms established by the Sandinista liberators. These students knew that nothing teaches the plight of Native Americans as much as rounding up and killing Indians; if they missed their chance with Ortega, they’d probably never get another one. I would have gone, but there was talk of working at one of the collective farms, which wasn’t appealing.

So I stayed at Berkley and continued my education. After my 7th year at Berkeley, some of the administration started making noises about me graduating. I couldn’t imagine anything worse. I had no idea where I would go or what I would do if I graduated. I had chosen my major carefully and wisely, so there was little danger of actual employment. There are few help wanted ads for studying the migration patterns of Peruvian Sea Cucumbers. To distract from the looming danger of graduation and the loss of federal grant and aid, I buried myself in working for the Sandinistas and the expansion of workers ideals in all of Central America.}
There s no Obamaphone. But white racists suffering from psychosis who have "forgotten" how much government has given to whites always trying bringing this fake news up.

Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers

Since 1985, the Lifeline program has provided a discount on phone service for qualifying low-income consumers to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that phone service brings, including being able to connect to jobs, family and emergency services. Lifeline is part of the Universal Service Fund. The Lifeline program is available to eligible low-income consumers in every state, territory, commonwealth, and on Tribal lands.

Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers

More accurately put, it's the Reaganphone. And more whites use them.
I don't recall cellphones in the Reagan era. Free stuff was far more of an Obama thing.

Here you go simp.

"There is a national program that provides low-income people with free or discounted phones, but it was started under George W. Bush, Obama's Republican predecessor.

And the idea for subsidized phone service, notes liberal blog Think Progress, originated under the Ronald Reagan administration after the breakup of AT&T. The program is paid for by telecommunications companies through the nonprofit Universal Service Administrative Company, not through taxpayer revenue.

Why This 'Obama Phone' Ad Is Misleading

But that was just priming the dumb down pump. Trumpublicans will believe any lie, as long as you convince them it will make Liberals cry.
So Republicans helped poor black folks, not Obama.

Got it.

Socialism helped poor folks, period.

You dont even know what it is.

Shit, Boo is a Sandinista from way back. An Ortega promoter looking for a Soviet base on the North American continent.
IM2 will proudly support Racist Mike Bloomberg

I will vote for him before I will vote for trump.
There you have IM 2 a(fitting moniker for a 2 year old mentality) doesn't care about other blacks and how Bloomberg's racism will effect them.
You just said anyone but Trump and dumbass that anyone includes the racist Bloomberg.

Yep because Bloomberg won't be appointing racist judges to the courts. trump will and that will affect blacks in a very serious way.
Dumbass if Bloomberg implemented a program that specifically targeted blacks what in the fuck gives you the ideal that he wouldn't appoint judges that would make unfair rulings against blacks?
There are certain American Blacks who are so great, who usually have Whitey in their ancestry, so brilliant. Then there are the 99.9999999% of the others.

Some America blacks are quite astute, leaders like the devout muslim Iron Mike Tyson, who has the courage to support his President.

Of course he does. As does Don King. They all did business together back in the 80's when Tyson was in his heyday, King was the top boxing promoter and tRUMP was trying to bring as many marquee boxing matches to his casino venues as possible.

How Mike Tyson planted the seeds for Trump’s White House takeover
I will vote for him before I will vote for trump.

Do you agree with this take on Bloomberg?
I don't like Bloomberg and the only way I will vote for him is if he is the nominee. trump supported stop and frisk and still does. And you know trump supported redlining. trump is filling the courts with racist judges and if he gets a second term will probably add another racist to the supreme court. Bloomberg won't do that.
Is every white person a racist to you?
Actually it might not be about race I'M2 more than likely is an asshole in real life.
And so its once again proven that if you don't think the way right wing whites want you to think, then you are attacked. I have not seen one democrat here attack me for saying that I will only vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee. I have not been attacked by any democrat here for my opposition of Bernie Sander or Pete. And when I stated in the OP that blacks have always had to choose white candidates who had some racism in their past, I was not attacked by any democrat here. Only when I spoke about a republican canduidate did all the foolish ad hominems start rolling in from the same dumb ass whites that do it all the time. All republicans, all who swear that blacks should be able to think independently. But it seems that black independent thinking only means that blacks think the way they want us to. And that is an example of how the republican plantation operates.

Would you vote for Buttigieg? My own guess is that black people aren't as hot for homosexuality as the liberals think. That's why Obama had to bury rumors that he was LGBTQ and that Mrs. Obama was born male.

I don't know about all that - but -
Blacks are not keen on open homosexuality, that is for sure true.

I'm black and we are less keen on trump.
This is your history with the democrat party. Do not ever think white democrats will give you the power
And so its once again proven that if you don't think the way right wing whites want you to think, then you are attacked. I have not seen one democrat here attack me for saying that I will only vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee. I have not been attacked by any democrat here for my opposition of Bernie Sander or Pete. And when I stated in the OP that blacks have always had to choose white candidates who had some racism in their past, I was not attacked by any democrat here. Only when I spoke about a republican canduidate did all the foolish ad hominems start rolling in from the same dumb ass whites that do it all the time. All republicans, all who swear that blacks should be able to think independently. But it seems that black independent thinking only means that blacks think the way they want us to. And that is an example of how the republican plantation operates.

Would you vote for Buttigieg? My own guess is that black people aren't as hot for homosexuality as the liberals think. That's why Obama had to bury rumors that he was LGBTQ and that Mrs. Obama was born male.

I think you really need to stop thinking about white liberals when you are talking about blacks. I will vote for pete if he's the nominee. Obama didn't have to bury shit.

If Obama didn't have to bury it, why was he in denial about his affair with Larry Sinclair? Seems sort of homophobic to deny his sodomy, no?

Denying something that never happened is not the same thing as being "in denial". You're "in denial" that Donald Trump is a criminal, because there is overwhelming evidence of Trump's crimes, including numerous "settlements", he's paid out on criminal charges, bribes he's been caught paying, the refusal of American banks to lend him money, and over 3000 lawsuits. Yet Trump cultist continue to believe he's a great businessman who is not a criminal.

They're also in denial that Trump is doing a lot of illegal and unconstitutional things which would get him arrested if he weren't President.

Neither we, nor Obama are "in denial" about Obama's sexuality because:

1. There is no credible evidence anywhere that Obama is gay;

2. Michelle Obama is not a transgender. I can't even believe just posted that. I cannot imagine the level of derangement you must have to post that with a straight face:

3. Larry Sinclair:

. . Public records and court filings reveal that he has a 27-year criminal record, with a specialty in crimes involving deceit. The record includes forgery charges in two states, one of which drew Sinclair a 16-year jail sentence. The Pueblo County, Colo., Sheriff's Office also has an outstanding warrant for Sinclair's arrest for forging an acquaintance's signature and stealing her tax refunds. . . .

. . . Colorado records list him with 13 aliases, including "Larye Vizcarra Avila" and "Mohammed Gahanan." His story has generally been ignored by the mainstream media, because he's been unable to substantiate his allegations.

To put it simply. The only person "in denial" here is you. You're in denial that your orange baboon is a running a criminal syndicate out of the West Wing.
Talk about mental derangement TDS is not healthy you're the one in denial
And so its once again proven that if you don't think the way right wing whites want you to think, then you are attacked. I have not seen one democrat here attack me for saying that I will only vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee. I have not been attacked by any democrat here for my opposition of Bernie Sander or Pete. And when I stated in the OP that blacks have always had to choose white candidates who had some racism in their past, I was not attacked by any democrat here. Only when I spoke about a republican canduidate did all the foolish ad hominems start rolling in from the same dumb ass whites that do it all the time. All republicans, all who swear that blacks should be able to think independently. But it seems that black independent thinking only means that blacks think the way they want us to. And that is an example of how the republican plantation operates.

Would you vote for Buttigieg? My own guess is that black people aren't as hot for homosexuality as the liberals think. That's why Obama had to bury rumors that he was LGBTQ and that Mrs. Obama was born male.

I don't know about all that - but -
Blacks are not keen on open homosexuality, that is for sure true.

I'm black and we are less keen on trump.
This is your history with the democrat party. Do not ever think white democrats will give you the power

This is the history of the republican party you don't want to talk about.


This is my history with the democratic party.​


Blacks have been given power in that party.

" I'm sure that some black people feel that way. But leaders like Tyson, Don King, Rodman and Kanye disagree."

These guys don't lead anybody.

And Rodman says Kim Jung Un is a great man. So do you support that?
And so its once again proven that if you don't think the way right wing whites want you to think, then you are attacked. I have not seen one democrat here attack me for saying that I will only vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee. I have not been attacked by any democrat here for my opposition of Bernie Sander or Pete. And when I stated in the OP that blacks have always had to choose white candidates who had some racism in their past, I was not attacked by any democrat here. Only when I spoke about a republican canduidate did all the foolish ad hominems start rolling in from the same dumb ass whites that do it all the time. All republicans, all who swear that blacks should be able to think independently. But it seems that black independent thinking only means that blacks think the way they want us to. And that is an example of how the republican plantation operates.

Would you vote for Buttigieg? My own guess is that black people aren't as hot for homosexuality as the liberals think. That's why Obama had to bury rumors that he was LGBTQ and that Mrs. Obama was born male.

I don't know about all that - but -
Blacks are not keen on open homosexuality, that is for sure true.

I'm black and we are less keen on trump.
This is your history with the democrat party. Do not ever think white democrats will give you the power

This is the history of the republican party you don't want to talk about.


This is my history with the democratic party.​


Blacks have been given power in that party.

No this is the history of the democrat party and black America
Would you vote for Buttigieg? My own guess is that black people aren't as hot for homosexuality as the liberals think. That's why Obama had to bury rumors that he was LGBTQ and that Mrs. Obama was born male.

I don't know about all that - but -
Blacks are not keen on open homosexuality, that is for sure true.

I'm black and we are less keen on trump.
This is your history with the democrat party. Do not ever think white democrats will give you the power

This is the history of the republican party you don't want to talk about.


This is my history with the democratic party.​


Blacks have been given power in that party.

No this is the history of the democrat party and black America

I know you would like that to be the history, but it's not. This is.


And since I am black, whites like you need to just shut your mouths trying to tell me about black America. Like I said, it's funny how only republicans are doing this, yet they try telling me how liberals are telling me how to think.

Now show me the black republican president or shut the fuck up.
Why do whites ignore the 243 years worth of handouts they have received from the government?

Why do white republicans ignore the fact they are only republicans because of what the party promises to give them?
I don't know about all that - but -
Blacks are not keen on open homosexuality, that is for sure true.

I'm black and we are less keen on trump.
This is your history with the democrat party. Do not ever think white democrats will give you the power

This is the history of the republican party you don't want to talk about.


This is my history with the democratic party.​


Blacks have been given power in that party.

No this is the history of the democrat party and black America

I know you would like that to be the history, but it's not. This is.


And since I am black, whites like you need to just shut your mouths trying to tell me about black America. Like I said, it's funny how only republicans are doing this, yet they try telling me how liberals are telling me how to think.

Now show me the black republican president or shut the fuck up.
Words from a democrat house slave.

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