The black view on the 2020 presidential election

That's the argument you republicans have been making.

C'mon man.. We've been best buds here for about 3 years and you still THINK --- I'm a Repub? My political life has been in boosting interest in Independents and the Libertarian party.. There's really no evidence of me being involved in your "coke vs pepsi" political tribes...

I think I know how black people see this better than you and the rest of the whites who have been telling yourselves how blacks are flocking to trump since January 21, 2017.

Don't think this happened that early.. It took awhile for blacks to catch onto the ABUSE of power that was targeted against Trump by their own govt.. It's clear, that blacks seem to side with injustice... And that's a GOOD thing.. And just like Billy Jeff Clinton being the "1st black Prez" for all of his troubles, people SEE all the fake drama and sedition that was aimed at Trump by the media and the Dems..

There are now blacks concerned about THEIR RIGHTS to own guns and defend themselves.. THere are now blacks fed up with gang warfare and the killings that are hardly ever "solved" or brought to justice.. There are now blacks who can't sympathize with the whimpering "intersectional politics" and scoring on "diversity points" that's now mainstream Dem Progressive politics..

Watch out dude.. They be WOKE !!! :biggrin:
When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.

I don't think anyone but YOU is making that argument.. It IS A SMALL PERCENTAGE... The argument is simply that LOYALTY to one party is fracturing ENOUGH that if all blacks voted and that 30% held -- then 30% of 12% is a WHOPPING = 4%.

U follow that math dude??? Do you understand what a 4% demographic shift in the loyal sheep vote means in a National Election nowadays???? It's more than the margin of victory in most Prez elections in your adulthood...
That's the argument you republicans have been making. There is no black support for trump and there is no 30 percent black support for trump. I think I know how black people see this better than you and the rest of the whites who have been telling yourselves how blacks are flocking to trump since January 21, 2017. And don't try that you don't speak for all blacks bullshit white republicans try every time someone black tells them that blacks don't see things the way white republicans say. Because if I was talking like Candice Owens, I would speak for all blacks. Funny how that happens.

There ain't no loyal sheep. republicans just need to change thier policies and get rid of the control that the racist base has on the party. And you can forget about black support for states rights. There are a lot of things you guys think are so great that are not great for us and then you wonder why we vote democrat. And when you lose, you don't reassess your policies, it just has to be somebody elses fault so blacks are only voting for democrats because they promise us free stuff. Never mind the free stuff whites get promised by the republican party every election. Vague phrases lie we offer you freedom don't cut it when we look at a policy agenda that does everything but that for blacks. Learn that because if you can get republicans to change bad policies and quit talking about increased states rights, you might get a lot of blacks back.
I think you're talking out your ass, because it makes YOU feel better.

You hate white people, we get that, and you're here to convince yourself and anyone else that will listen to your racist crap that you speak for ALL black people.

Sorry... I think you're a rabid freakin' racist asshole, and you no more speak for ALL BLACKS than David Duke speaks for ALL WHITES.

Naww.. He's just another rabid Dem partisan who HIDES behind race when discussing politics...

Still does not the have the balls to SPEAK FOR ANY of the candidates that "his party" is offering.. Won't even TELL US who HE supports... I can sympathize there.. I'm not likely to defend the indefensible any time soon..
When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.

I don't think anyone but YOU is making that argument.. It IS A SMALL PERCENTAGE... The argument is simply that LOYALTY to one party is fracturing ENOUGH that if all blacks voted and that 30% held -- then 30% of 12% is a WHOPPING = 4%.

U follow that math dude??? Do you understand what a 4% demographic shift in the loyal sheep vote means in a National Election nowadays???? It's more than the margin of victory in most Prez elections in your adulthood...
That's the argument you republicans have been making. There is no black support for trump and there is no 30 percent black support for trump. I think I know how black people see this better than you and the rest of the whites who have been telling yourselves how blacks are flocking to trump since January 21, 2017. And don't try that you don't speak for all blacks bullshit white republicans try every time someone black tells them that blacks don't see things the way white republicans say. Because if I was talking like Candice Owens, I would speak for all blacks. Funny how that happens.

There ain't no loyal sheep. republicans just need to change thier policies and get rid of the control that the racist base has on the party. And you can forget about black support for states rights. There are a lot of things you guys think are so great that are not great for us and then you wonder why we vote democrat. And when you lose, you don't reassess your policies, it just has to be somebody elses fault so blacks are only voting for democrats because they promise us free stuff. Never mind the free stuff whites get promised by the republican party every election. Vague phrases lie we offer you freedom don't cut it when we look at a policy agenda that does everything but that for blacks. Learn that because if you can get republicans to change bad policies and quit talking about increased states rights, you might get a lot of blacks back.

You like spouting a lot of shit that is easily refuted. Where I live, the Republican Party is full of black people. And where I live is one of the fastest growing counties in America. Look at the Executive Board:

Executive Board

Now, check out the candidates:

Gwinnett Races

Black people are pretty well represented here and I don't think that the rest of America is any different. As America becomes more educated, they are breaking with that antiquated thinking that you seem to be so in love with.

It's good living outside the killing zones of blue ghettos... We're welcoming those that want to join us in a county similar to Gwinnett.. More of them are... It's like finding the "promised land" when your kids can roam the hills and streets and not be in danger... And attend schools that don't TREAT them as stupid..

But probably like Gwinnett, we're not doing it for any credit or diversity points.. It's the way things should be...
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The question is whether or not large numbers of blacks will be purged from the polls.

If they be dead or have moved or are DOUBLE REGISTERED -- I sure HOPE that they will "purged"... When you find some that didn't personally CONTRIBUTE to their "purging" --- let me know...
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

How about this, stop being a racist, stop looking at non-blacks with racist colored glasses and just treat every person you meet, kindly, regardless of what race they are and if they treat you the same in return, cross those individuals off your racist list. You might find over time, it was just your false sense of personal victimhood that was the problem. As for racism in general, there are Chinese and Japanese that are racist against blacks and whites and there are Hispanics that don't like whites or blacks. There are Asians in general that don't like non-Asians. There are also Middle-Eastern Arabs that don't like blacks. Bottom line, you will find racists across the racial spectrum. Who knows, it could be a hominid tribal thing, but it's been there throughout human history. About all we can do is treat each other with respect and hope for the best.
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That's the argument you republicans have been making.

C'mon man.. We've been best buds here for about 3 years and you still THINK --- I'm a Repub? My political life has been in boosting interest in Independents and the Libertarian party.. There's really no evidence of me being involved in your "coke vs pepsi" political tribes...

Now, how on earth could that happen? IM2 being a perceptive guy and all?

I think I know how black people see this better than you and the rest of the whites who have been telling yourselves how blacks are flocking to trump since January 21, 2017.

Don't think this happened that early.. It took awhile for blacks to catch onto the ABUSE of power that was targeted against Trump by their own govt.. It's clear, that blacks seem to side with injustice... And that's a GOOD thing.. And just like Billy Jeff Clinton being the "1st black Prez" for all of his troubles, people SEE all the fake drama and sedition that was aimed at Trump by the media and the Dems..

There are now blacks concerned about THEIR RIGHTS to own guns and defend themselves.. THere are now blacks fed up with gang warfare and the killings that are hardly ever "solved" or brought to justice.. There are now blacks who can't sympathize with the whimpering "intersectional politics" and scoring on "diversity points" that's now mainstream Dem Progressive politics..

Watch out dude.. They be WOKE !!! :biggrin:

Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with spouting Trumpish propaganda, amplifying Trump's whiny victim narrative, how everybody out there is evil and out to get him.

Just guessing, of course.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with spouting Trumpish propaganda, amplifying Trump's whiny victim narrative, how everybody out there is evil and out to get him.

Hi, OE. Please educate me. When did Trump state EVERYBODY is evil and is out to get him?


Tupac Shakur, Donald Trump, Moves on.png

Tupac Biggie Child Abuse, Trump finger pointing.jpg


That's the argument you republicans have been making.

C'mon man.. We've been best buds here for about 3 years and you still THINK --- I'm a Repub? My political life has been in boosting interest in Independents and the Libertarian party.. There's really no evidence of me being involved in your "coke vs pepsi" political tribes...

Now, how on earth could that happen? IM2 being a perceptive guy and all?

I think I know how black people see this better than you and the rest of the whites who have been telling yourselves how blacks are flocking to trump since January 21, 2017.

Don't think this happened that early.. It took awhile for blacks to catch onto the ABUSE of power that was targeted against Trump by their own govt.. It's clear, that blacks seem to side with injustice... And that's a GOOD thing.. And just like Billy Jeff Clinton being the "1st black Prez" for all of his troubles, people SEE all the fake drama and sedition that was aimed at Trump by the media and the Dems..

There are now blacks concerned about THEIR RIGHTS to own guns and defend themselves.. THere are now blacks fed up with gang warfare and the killings that are hardly ever "solved" or brought to justice.. There are now blacks who can't sympathize with the whimpering "intersectional politics" and scoring on "diversity points" that's now mainstream Dem Progressive politics..

Watch out dude.. They be WOKE !!! :biggrin:

Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with spouting Trumpish propaganda, amplifying Trump's whiny victim narrative, how everybody out there is evil and out to get him.

Just guessing, of course.

What can I say man.. I have more principles than most of the DemRep party animals... I'd FLOG and BAN myself if I ever caught myself being hypocritical about ANYTHING for the sake of a political party....

So when Civil Liberties are abused or our Intel resources are turned against citizens, I'm always on the RIGHT SIDE of that issue.. YOU -- pfffft... Depends on WHO gets abused...

What I believe is TRULY not beholding to any political party or candidate. And that FEELS GREAT.. I highly recommend you TRY it for awhile...
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That's the argument you republicans have been making.

C'mon man.. We've been best buds here for about 3 years and you still THINK --- I'm a Repub? My political life has been in boosting interest in Independents and the Libertarian party.. There's really no evidence of me being involved in your "coke vs pepsi" political tribes...

I think I know how black people see this better than you and the rest of the whites who have been telling yourselves how blacks are flocking to trump since January 21, 2017.

Don't think this happened that early.. It took awhile for blacks to catch onto the ABUSE of power that was targeted against Trump by their own govt.. It's clear, that blacks seem to side with injustice... And that's a GOOD thing.. And just like Billy Jeff Clinton being the "1st black Prez" for all of his troubles, people SEE all the fake drama and sedition that was aimed at Trump by the media and the Dems..

There are now blacks concerned about THEIR RIGHTS to own guns and defend themselves.. THere are now blacks fed up with gang warfare and the killings that are hardly ever "solved" or brought to justice.. There are now blacks who can't sympathize with the whimpering "intersectional politics" and scoring on "diversity points" that's now mainstream Dem Progressive politics..

Watch out dude.. They be WOKE !!! :biggrin:

I think I know what blacks were thinking when trump took office. There has been no abuse of power against trump, there has been by trump. Blacks have been long fed up with the things you talk about, in fact we've been tired of it for 243 years. We are tired of the white narrative talking about gang violence in our community when its worse in yours. The blacks you are talking about really don't exist and we know the republican party cannot provide what we need. In fact they are opposed to solutions we present to solve problem we see. So spare me the white boy trying to explain to me how blacks see things. We don't see things like you say.

The blacks you claim to be woke are asleep.
There has been no abuse of power against trump, there has been by trump.

You're a hoot... 3 years of Russia Russia Russia and having politically crazed leaders call him a TRAITOR?? The FBI ABUSING the most important court in the land?? The one that guards the keys to that Awesome DOMESTIC Spy Machine that you let Wash D.C. build???

12 people fired, demoted, transferred, quit voluntarily at the TOP LEVELS of that FBI?

OK man.. Go back to whatever you're tokking on...
white paternalism
Mon Jun 3rd 2013 by abagond

White paternalism is the belief that whites know what is best for people of other races, viewing them pretty much as overgrown children. It is racist since it assumes that whites know better than other races.


  • White man’s burden – the duty of whites to help the lesser races. Used in the early 1900s to excuse imperialism.
  • White saviour films – where a white hero saves people of colour. “The Blind Side” (2009), “Dangerous Minds” (1995), etc
  • Western imperialism – which seeks not just control of land, trade and taxes like most empires, but goes beyond that to remaking subjects in its own image – Westernization.
  • American and Australian policy on natives – separating children from their parents to make them white; controlling what little land they have left.
  • Whites adopting African children – like Madonna and Angelina Jolie.
  • White allies – when they go beyond merely helping anti-racist causes to telling people of colour what to do, trying to take over.
White paternalists love to:

  1. Point out the success of whites and the failures of blacks – Mugabe, Detroit, white inventions.
  2. See blacks screw up or act like fools.
  3. Talk down to blacks.
  4. Tell blacks that they treat them better than anyone else would.
  5. Tell blacks, in so many words, that they “saved” them from Africa.
White paternalists hate it when:

  1. Blacks are not grateful to them.
  2. Blacks get angry or say anything bad about whites.
You see that not just from white commenters on this blog, you see it in how they show blacks on American television. Black crime. Black buffoons. Black pathologies. Screwed-up or helpless black countries.

White paternalists do not see:

  1. Their failed record at handling the affairs of people of colour: genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, apartheid, taking their land, taking their children, screwing up their countries – Vietnam, El Salvador, Chile, Gaza, Congo and on and on. They do not see that the most successful non-white country was one of the few countries they were not able to screw up: Japan, which shut out the West for hundreds of years.
  2. That much of their “success” was based on screwing up the very people they are now supposedly trying to “help”. America was built on Indian land and black slave labour. The West was built on robbing the world through the Spanish, Portuguese, French and British empires. They do not see that they got to where they are through the barrel of a gun. They think it was through “values” or “institutions” or culture or genes.
  3. That just as whites know what is in their own best interest, so do blacks and Indians and Vietnamese and everyone else. There is nothing special about white people. They point to Mugabe but not to Hitler or Stalin. They point to the black illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%, but not to the white illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%. They point to black street crime but not to Wall Street crime. Etc.
Whites say, “Where would you be without us?” Wrong: where would they be without us!

white paternalism
IM2 shared, White paternalists love to:
  1. "Point out the success of whites and the failures of blacks"
Hi, IM2. Sadly, I characterize as failures, the PRO BLACK people and PRO BLACK community responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing these apparent troubled fellow citizens?

I have a feeling you disagree?


Armed Suicidal Homicidal Chicago Teens n Young Adults

IM2, in my opinion, the APPARENT 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suicidal/homicidal thinking Americans (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) appearing in these horrifying recordings are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.



I think I know what blacks were thinking when trump took office. There has been no abuse of power against trump, there has been by trump. Blacks have been long fed up with the things you talk about, in fact we've been tired of it for 243 years. We are tired of the white narrative talking about gang violence in our community when its worse in yours. The blacks you are talking about really don't exist and we know the republican party cannot provide what we need. In fact they are opposed to solutions we present to solve problem we see. So spare me the white boy trying to explain to me how blacks see things. We don't see things like you say.

The blacks you claim to be woke are asleep.

I think you as a black person are in great trouble, because president Trump is a white person, and the preferred Democrats candidates are also white persons.

Having the fact that you say you are against white people in power, then in the next coming elections you won't vote, unless there is a black person as a candidate for being the next president.

You take the position of representing the whole black population in the US, so on November will be a great vacuum caused by the absentee vote of black people.

Lets wait until November and check how truthful are your messages. I truly hope for you to be correct with your statements, but believe me, I won't be disappointed if the results prove you wrong.
So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

So 15% said they would vote for him. You do realize if 15% of black voters pick Trump he wins.
So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

So 15% said they would vote for him. You do realize if 15% of black voters pick Trump he wins.

22 people in that poll said they would vote for trump. There are 47 million blacks and probably 30 million eligible to vote. I doubt if he gets 4.5 million black votes. He going to have to hand out a whole lot more brown envelopes to get to15 percent.
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So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

So 15% said they would vote for him. You do realize if 15% of black voters pick Trump he wins.

22 people in that pole said they would vote for trump. There are 47 million blacks and probably 30 million eligible to vote. I doubt if he gets 4.5 million black votes. He going to have to hand out a whole lot more brown envelopes to get to15 percent.

And of that 30 million who are eligible to vote, based on previous elections, approximately 55 to 60% actually will vote, unless there is a compelling reason that pushes the percentage higher.
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So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

So 15% said they would vote for him. You do realize if 15% of black voters pick Trump he wins.

22 people in that pole said they would vote for trump. There are 47 million blacks and probably 30 million eligible to vote. I doubt if he gets 4.5 million black votes. He going to have to hand out a whole lot more brown envelopes to get to15 percent.

And of that 30 million who are eligible to vote, based on previous elections approximately 55 to 60% actually will, unless there is a compelling reason that pushes the percentage higher.

So that means approximately 18 million blacks will vote and trump lovers think that at least 2.7 million blacks are going to vote for trump.
So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

So 15% said they would vote for him. You do realize if 15% of black voters pick Trump he wins.

22 people in that pole said they would vote for trump. There are 47 million blacks and probably 30 million eligible to vote. I doubt if he gets 4.5 million black votes. He going to have to hand out a whole lot more brown envelopes to get to15 percent.

And of that 30 million who are eligible to vote, based on previous elections approximately 55 to 60% actually will, unless there is a compelling reason that pushes the percentage higher.

So that means approximately 18 million blacks will vote and trump lovers think that at least 2.7 million blacks are going to vote for trump.

That's about the size of it. The resident loon here even implied that the number would be about 16 million, and that Trumps approval rate is likely closer to 80%.
So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

So 15% said they would vote for him. You do realize if 15% of black voters pick Trump he wins.

22 people in that pole said they would vote for trump. There are 47 million blacks and probably 30 million eligible to vote. I doubt if he gets 4.5 million black votes. He going to have to hand out a whole lot more brown envelopes to get to15 percent.

And of that 30 million who are eligible to vote, based on previous elections approximately 55 to 60% actually will, unless there is a compelling reason that pushes the percentage higher.

So that means approximately 18 million blacks will vote and trump lovers think that at least 2.7 million blacks are going to vote for trump.

That's about the size of it. The resident loon here even implied that the number would be about 16 million, and that Trumps approval rate is likely closer to 80%.

Ain't no way on earth is black support for trump 80 percent.
An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

So 15% said they would vote for him. You do realize if 15% of black voters pick Trump he wins.

22 people in that pole said they would vote for trump. There are 47 million blacks and probably 30 million eligible to vote. I doubt if he gets 4.5 million black votes. He going to have to hand out a whole lot more brown envelopes to get to15 percent.

And of that 30 million who are eligible to vote, based on previous elections approximately 55 to 60% actually will, unless there is a compelling reason that pushes the percentage higher.

So that means approximately 18 million blacks will vote and trump lovers think that at least 2.7 million blacks are going to vote for trump.

That's about the size of it. The resident loon here even implied that the number would be about 16 million, and that Trumps approval rate is likely closer to 80%.

Ain't no way on earth is black support for trump 80 percent.

I don't believe that it is 80 percent among any demographic.

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