The black view on the 2020 presidential election

This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

For someone who claims not to be a racist you post a lot of racist screeds. It it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. In this case a stone cold racist.

Nope Im2 will never tell you that he's not a racist. He is unabashedly and unapologetically a black liberation activist who would be perfectly happy with a 100 percent black society excluding all other races. He's not subtle about it..... makes no bones about it. His raison d'etre here is to justify revenge in the same mode the black slaves suffered at the hands of the pre-civil war whites. At about 13..1/2% of the population I'm not sure how they think they going to achieve that revenge; Though If the crime rate statistics are any indication they sure as hell are trying. Twenty years from now when the United States becomes a majority Latino Nation the question won't be whether or not Martin Luther King matters...

The new question will be:

Martin Luther Quiero?

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I see a growing awareness among black people, that being a lemming voter for Democratic party have kept a portion of them on the dependent liberal plantation, as a way to keep their votes in their pockets. I can't respect people who are so dependent on a political party for something they will never get, respect and self made success. Democrats will NEVER get you healthy and wealthy, it takes sweat and effort for that.

Notice that for the most part the worst cities for blacks to live, are also the same cities Democrats dominate politically, Chicago with their massive black on black murder sprees, something IM2 ignores every day, since he is too busy being on the internet whining about those white people, who for the most part doesn't do any racist crap at all. It was those Republican white boys who OUTLAWED Slavery (democrats tried to stop the amendment) only 152 years ago, the same Republican white boys who granted full citizenship and Full voting rights (Democrats tried to stop those amendments too) only 150+ years ago.

Those Republican White boys are awful aren't they.....

Something else IM2 overlooks every day, there are a lot of very wealthy blacks in America, those who went off the liberal plantation to make that wealth. Michael Jackson is now a BILLIONAIRE, could it be all that practicing sweat on the Basketball court have caused it, or was it all those handouts he got every week that magically made him a great shooter, and after his retirement a smart handler of money as well. Was he so busy screaming about Racism every day, or was it his determination to excel in something, he even got a College Degree, must be effort caused all that, eh, IM2?

Why do people like Michael Jackson succeed, while Rodney Brown (perpetual criminal) is dead. Why did Ophrah Winfrey become a Billionaire, while Trayvon Martin (Perpetual criminal)l is dead?

Which is better, try to succeed, despite the odds, or be a danger/criminal to everyone that gets you in jail or dead.

Hard to chose eh, IM2?

How did The Cosby show be NUMBER ONE on TV for five straight years in White dominate America?

Those awful White boys must have suffered greatly from watching a great show.....


Your never ending whining about people (most whites who don't bother blacks) will never help you, your unhappiness is mostly coming from within YOU!
I don't recall cellphones in the Reagan era. Free stuff was far more of an Obama thing.

Here you go simp.

"There is a national program that provides low-income people with free or discounted phones, but it was started under George W. Bush, Obama's Republican predecessor.

And the idea for subsidized phone service, notes liberal blog Think Progress, originated under the Ronald Reagan administration after the breakup of AT&T. The program is paid for by telecommunications companies through the nonprofit Universal Service Administrative Company, not through taxpayer revenue.

Why This 'Obama Phone' Ad Is Misleading

But that was just priming the dumb down pump. Trumpublicans will believe any lie, as long as you convince them it will make Liberals cry.
So Republicans helped poor black folks, not Obama.

Got it.

Socialism helped poor folks, period.

Kind of the way Ortega and you 5th Columnists helped the Mosquito Indians in Nicaragua? :dunno:

My good friend Bil Stunbmun wrote of Nicaragua;

{The Sandinista support club at Berkeley was huge. Besides virtually all the faculty, there were some students in the club too. And the rallies were often more than just an excuse to get together to eat Dr. Tim’s sugar cubes and consume Loof’s crops; the way most faculty staff meetings were, this was real activism. The dream was starting to come true for many of the Berkeley professors; a workers’ paradise in North America. Hopes were almost as high as the average professor.

I almost went to Nicaragua with the club. A group of the students who were enrolled in Native American studies were planning to go down to help Comrade Ortega round up the defiant Mosquito Indians who refused to join the collective farms established by the Sandinista liberators. These students knew that nothing teaches the plight of Native Americans as much as rounding up and killing Indians; if they missed their chance with Ortega, they’d probably never get another one. I would have gone, but there was talk of working at one of the collective farms, which wasn’t appealing.

So I stayed at Berkley and continued my education. After my 7th year at Berkeley, some of the administration started making noises about me graduating. I couldn’t imagine anything worse. I had no idea where I would go or what I would do if I graduated. I had chosen my major carefully and wisely, so there was little danger of actual employment. There are few help wanted ads for studying the migration patterns of Peruvian Sea Cucumbers. To distract from the looming danger of graduation and the loss of federal grant and aid, I buried myself in working for the Sandinistas and the expansion of workers ideals in all of Central America.}

Nah you wannabe fascist twit, it is a social program that provides low cost communications for low-income Americans that when you peel it back, it ultimately gets paid by consumers and the Telecoms.

Having fun fighting your phantom of the old USSR?

Just pointing out that when you Marxists "help," people tend to die in very large numbers..
IM2 thinks he knows how all blacks feel about Trump. lol

Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks. So like I said, I am a member of a black forum that has 5 times the members this one has and you're not going to find a whole lot of support for trump. Out of 300 plus thousand members you might find 500 who might actually support trump and most of them are whites trolling the forum.

There is no black support for trump. When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.
IM2 thinks he knows how all blacks feel about Trump. lol

Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks. So like I said, I am a member of a black forum that has 5 times the members this one has and you're not going to find a whole lot of support for trump. Out of 300 plus thousand members you might find 500 who might actually support trump and most of them are whites trolling the forum.

There is no black support for trump. When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.

You should PM me the name of that board so I can go there and watch black people laugh at your mindless drivel like they do here.
Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks.

Don't know... Let me pretend I speak for ALL WHITES for the moment :113: and ask ---

How come when a black person speaks to black and society-wide issues with opinions and suggestions that ruffle your POLITICAL feathers -- you spend immense amounts of time and energy "Uncle Tomming or Aunt Tonyaing" them???

That's a dead give-away that you are obsessed and driven by POLITICS -- and not a genuine concern to improve the lot for blacks suffering under the "low expectations" of public schooling or from ignorant economic or social justice policies....

It's NOT that I only listen to blacks I agree with --- I listen to ANY coherent black person with ideas and solutions..

It's mostly ignorant, closed-minded white political activists I have issues with... Blacks generally have a harder time being recognized to speak broadly to the public.. AND ANY that MAKE IT to that point --- are worth listening to --- regardless of their politics...
IM2 thinks he knows how all blacks feel about Trump. lol

Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks. So like I said, I am a member of a black forum that has 5 times the members this one has and you're not going to find a whole lot of support for trump. Out of 300 plus thousand members you might find 500 who might actually support trump and most of them are whites trolling the forum.

There is no black support for trump. When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.

How many of those members are gonna NOT go to the polls to vote for Sanders, Warren, Biden or Bloomberg? THAT'S what you should be asking.. And since you won't tell us which of the choices YOU are completely jazzed about, I'm thinking a lot of blacks are just damn embarrassed with the choices they are being offered by the only party they'll ever pledge to..

So -- being loyal to the enders -- they will likely not vote unless the weather is good and it's convenient...
IM2 thinks he knows how all blacks feel about Trump. lol

Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks. So like I said, I am a member of a black forum that has 5 times the members this one has and you're not going to find a whole lot of support for trump. Out of 300 plus thousand members you might find 500 who might actually support trump and most of them are whites trolling the forum.

There is no black support for trump. When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.

So the 30 percent are a voiceless minority?
You are a fucking retard dude. I mean it
There just isn't any other option left here.

When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.

I don't think anyone but YOU is making that argument.. It IS A SMALL PERCENTAGE... The argument is simply that LOYALTY to one party is fracturing ENOUGH that if all blacks voted and that 30% held -- then 30% of 12% is a WHOPPING = 4%.

U follow that math dude??? Do you understand what a 4% demographic shift in the loyal sheep vote means in a National Election nowadays???? It's more than the margin of victory in most Prez elections in your adulthood...
IM2 thinks he knows how all blacks feel about Trump. lol

Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks. So like I said, I am a member of a black forum that has 5 times the members this one has and you're not going to find a whole lot of support for trump. Out of 300 plus thousand members you might find 500 who might actually support trump and most of them are whites trolling the forum.

There is no black support for trump. When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.
A black forum? Sounds kind of racist. If there was a white forum, would it automatically be a forum of racists?
When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.

I don't think anyone but YOU is making that argument.. It IS A SMALL PERCENTAGE... The argument is simply that LOYALTY to one party is fracturing ENOUGH that if all blacks voted and that 30% held -- then 30% of 12% is a WHOPPING = 4%.

U follow that math dude??? Do you understand what a 4% demographic shift in the loyal sheep vote means in a National Election nowadays???? It's more than the margin of victory in most Prez elections in your adulthood...
That's the argument you republicans have been making. There is no black support for trump and there is no 30 percent black support for trump. I think I know how black people see this better than you and the rest of the whites who have been telling yourselves how blacks are flocking to trump since January 21, 2017. And don't try that you don't speak for all blacks bullshit white republicans try every time someone black tells them that blacks don't see things the way white republicans say. Because if I was talking like Candice Owens, I would speak for all blacks. Funny how that happens.

There ain't no loyal sheep. republicans just need to change thier policies and get rid of the control that the racist base has on the party. And you can forget about black support for states rights. There are a lot of things you guys think are so great that are not great for us and then you wonder why we vote democrat. And when you lose, you don't reassess your policies, it just has to be somebody elses fault so blacks are only voting for democrats because they promise us free stuff. Never mind the free stuff whites get promised by the republican party every election. Vague phrases lie we offer you freedom don't cut it when we look at a policy agenda that does everything but that for blacks. Learn that because if you can get republicans to change bad policies and quit talking about increased states rights, you might get a lot of blacks back.
IM2 thinks he knows how all blacks feel about Trump. lol

Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks. So like I said, I am a member of a black forum that has 5 times the members this one has and you're not going to find a whole lot of support for trump. Out of 300 plus thousand members you might find 500 who might actually support trump and most of them are whites trolling the forum.

There is no black support for trump. When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.
A black forum? Sounds kind of racist. If there was a white forum, would it automatically be a forum of racists?

This is a white forum. And just because a forum is majority white doesn't necessarily make it a racist forum. But this one is. Now shut up.
IM2 thinks he knows how all blacks feel about Trump. lol

Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks. So like I said, I am a member of a black forum that has 5 times the members this one has and you're not going to find a whole lot of support for trump. Out of 300 plus thousand members you might find 500 who might actually support trump and most of them are whites trolling the forum.

There is no black support for trump. When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.
A black forum? Sounds kind of racist. If there was a white forum, would it automatically be a forum of racists?

This is a white forum. And just because a forum is majority white doesn't necessarily make it a racist forum. But this one is. Now shut up.

You are hilarious,

You are black man who post on a "white forum", yet manage to still be here after 5 years and 33,756 comments.

IM2 thinks he knows how all blacks feel about Trump. lol

Why is it that whites come with this crap when a black person decides to speak to issues blacks consider, while they think that their white asses can speak for all blacks. So like I said, I am a member of a black forum that has 5 times the members this one has and you're not going to find a whole lot of support for trump. Out of 300 plus thousand members you might find 500 who might actually support trump and most of them are whites trolling the forum.

There is no black support for trump. When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.
A black forum? Sounds kind of racist. If there was a white forum, would it automatically be a forum of racists?

This is a white forum. And just because a forum is majority white doesn't necessarily make it a racist forum. But this one is. Now shut up.
Wrong, this forum is about politics.
When you can brag about 30 percent that means 70 percent or 2.5 times more blacks can't stand trump. Yet to you guys this shows great outstanding support for donald trump. If 30 percent of whites support a president, that president is considered unpopular. So in reality, no matter what rasmussen shows you, there is no black support for Donald trump.

I don't think anyone but YOU is making that argument.. It IS A SMALL PERCENTAGE... The argument is simply that LOYALTY to one party is fracturing ENOUGH that if all blacks voted and that 30% held -- then 30% of 12% is a WHOPPING = 4%.

U follow that math dude??? Do you understand what a 4% demographic shift in the loyal sheep vote means in a National Election nowadays???? It's more than the margin of victory in most Prez elections in your adulthood...
That's the argument you republicans have been making. There is no black support for trump and there is no 30 percent black support for trump. I think I know how black people see this better than you and the rest of the whites who have been telling yourselves how blacks are flocking to trump since January 21, 2017. And don't try that you don't speak for all blacks bullshit white republicans try every time someone black tells them that blacks don't see things the way white republicans say. Because if I was talking like Candice Owens, I would speak for all blacks. Funny how that happens.

There ain't no loyal sheep. republicans just need to change thier policies and get rid of the control that the racist base has on the party. And you can forget about black support for states rights. There are a lot of things you guys think are so great that are not great for us and then you wonder why we vote democrat. And when you lose, you don't reassess your policies, it just has to be somebody elses fault so blacks are only voting for democrats because they promise us free stuff. Never mind the free stuff whites get promised by the republican party every election. Vague phrases lie we offer you freedom don't cut it when we look at a policy agenda that does everything but that for blacks. Learn that because if you can get republicans to change bad policies and quit talking about increased states rights, you might get a lot of blacks back.
I think you're talking out your ass, because it makes YOU feel better.

You hate white people, we get that, and you're here to convince yourself and anyone else that will listen to your racist crap that you speak for ALL black people.

Sorry... I think you're a rabid freakin' racist asshole, and you no more speak for ALL BLACKS than David Duke speaks for ALL WHITES.
I found a picture of IM2 outside a voting station...

I can guarantee you you're not see another black president because the Democratic party won't allow it
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.
The kkk wasn't started by the Republican party you stupid son of a bitch. All you did was show the history of the democrat party and inserted your opinion about the republican party

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