The black view on the 2020 presidential election

I can guarantee you you're not see another black president because the Democratic party won't allow it
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery.

yes, SOME

Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans.

Because I usually get my ass kicked when I do.

I know the history of the republican party and blacks,

and I ignore it to make racist statements

So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

Because I too racist to listen to any white person.
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery.

yes, SOME

Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans.

Because I usually get my ass kicked when I do.

I know the history of the republican party and blacks,

and I ignore it to make racist statements

So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

Because I too racist to listen to any white person.

Wrong as usual.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery.

yes, SOME

Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans.

Because I usually get my ass kicked when I do.

I know the history of the republican party and blacks,

and I ignore it to make racist statements

So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

Because I too racist to listen to any white person.

Wrong as usual.

You seem to be the only one that believes that.
No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery.

yes, SOME

Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans.

Because I usually get my ass kicked when I do.

I know the history of the republican party and blacks,

and I ignore it to make racist statements

So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

Because I too racist to listen to any white person.

Wrong as usual.

You seem to be the only one that believes that.

Wrong again.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

I find it amazing that the psychotic lying trumpkins don’t get it.

That's ironic. I am IM2's worst nightmare and I have spent more time working with black people than I have spent with my own family. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils and have said things about Trump that are far worse than IM2 has. So, you don't have to be a lying Trumpkin to disagree with an absolute dumbass like IM2.

You're the first IM2 supporter I've ever ran across. You guys are delusional if you think you cornered the market on hard times and a hard life.

You've never faced racism or sexism son. White men have had it easier than everybody else. You are a joke that I will decimate.

IQ2, we're TERRIFIED of you.
Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?

There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

It has nothing with what I believe. What I'm telling you is verifiable history. And you have a problem with that.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about all men being created equal, but he owned slaves and called the Indians savages in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson screws at least one slave, Sally Hemmings, and don't have the decency to acknowledge his children during his lifetime.

America was founded as a constitutional Republic for the advancement, preservation and protection of the white race. I've cited you examples, laws, and sources of all manner of history to show that what I said is true.

And what you proved was that America was founded on a belief in white supremacy. It's something blacks already know.

If you knew it, what was your reason for denying it?

So you are saying America was built upon white supremacy.

I said what I said. Are the Israelis a white supremacist country? If you say yes, according to your definition, we will have no problem.
There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

Of course, the U.S. was created for Whites - along with some ill-colored folks with the status akin to cattle.

99.5% of current-day Americans have learned better and evolved since the 18th century boneheadedness. Rockwell hopes for you to drag him into the 21st century. That's why he shows up on your thread. He'll be kicking and screaming, though. You up for it?

I'm not joining up with IM2's version of a socialist ONE WORLD / ONE RELIGION / ONE RACE utopia. I'm satisfied with my culture; I respect those who disagree; I will resist any multicultural society as it is the antithesis upon which our Republic rests. No nation can represent everyone equally. Every people need their space.
This was a multicultural society when it was "founded." What you represent is the antithesis of what this country was meant to be. The law is suppose to apply to all equally.

Society was NOT a multicultural society. Only white landowners were extended the privilege of voting; miscegenation was illegal and had you bothered to READ the United States Supreme Court's ruling of the time, the "ourselves and our Posterity" in the Preamble of the Constitution referred to the white race. Your dumbass won't read it.
There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

It has nothing with what I believe. What I'm telling you is verifiable history. And you have a problem with that.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about all men being created equal, but he owned slaves and called the Indians savages in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson screws at least one slave, Sally Hemmings, and don't have the decency to acknowledge his children during his lifetime.

America was founded as a constitutional Republic for the advancement, preservation and protection of the white race. I've cited you examples, laws, and sources of all manner of history to show that what I said is true.

And what you proved was that America was founded on a belief in white supremacy. It's something blacks already know.

If you knew it, what was your reason for denying it?

So you are saying America was built upon white supremacy.

I said what I said. Are the Israelis a white supremacist country? If you say yes, according to your definition, we will have no problem.

I don't live in Israel and I don't give a fuck about your white supremacist anti jew blaming. I am talking about America and America was founded upon white supremacy. You have admitted it and that's what you want to return to. Therefore you are a white supremacist.
There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

Of course, the U.S. was created for Whites - along with some ill-colored folks with the status akin to cattle.

99.5% of current-day Americans have learned better and evolved since the 18th century boneheadedness. Rockwell hopes for you to drag him into the 21st century. That's why he shows up on your thread. He'll be kicking and screaming, though. You up for it?

I'm not joining up with IM2's version of a socialist ONE WORLD / ONE RELIGION / ONE RACE utopia. I'm satisfied with my culture; I respect those who disagree; I will resist any multicultural society as it is the antithesis upon which our Republic rests. No nation can represent everyone equally. Every people need their space.
This was a multicultural society when it was "founded." What you represent is the antithesis of what this country was meant to be. The law is suppose to apply to all equally.

Society was NOT a multicultural society. Only white landowners were extended the privilege of voting; miscegenation was illegal and had you bothered to READ the United States Supreme Court's ruling of the time, the "ourselves and our Posterity" in the Preamble of the Constitution referred to the white race. Your dumbass won't read it.

It was a multicultural society because more than one culture was living here when whites got here. No one gives a fuck what the white mans court said in 18 ought, the fact is that there were 500 nations of indigenous people here, Africans were here, Spanish and French lived here along with the British. That's multicultural. I don't have to read shit to know that dumb ass.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery.

yes, SOME

Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans.

Because I usually get my ass kicked when I do.

I know the history of the republican party and blacks,

and I ignore it to make racist statements

So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

Because I too racist to listen to any white person.

Wrong as usual.

He called you out, and you got NUTHIN.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

I find it amazing that the psychotic lying trumpkins don’t get it.

That's ironic. I am IM2's worst nightmare and I have spent more time working with black people than I have spent with my own family. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils and have said things about Trump that are far worse than IM2 has. So, you don't have to be a lying Trumpkin to disagree with an absolute dumbass like IM2.

You're the first IM2 supporter I've ever ran across. You guys are delusional if you think you cornered the market on hard times and a hard life.

You've never faced racism or sexism son. White men have had it easier than everybody else. You are a joke that I will decimate.

IQ2, we're TERRIFIED of you.

You are, because you get slaughtered every time you face me. You can't respond by refuting the facts so you are left with personal attacks.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery.

yes, SOME

Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans.

Because I usually get my ass kicked when I do.

I know the history of the republican party and blacks,

and I ignore it to make racist statements

So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.

Because I too racist to listen to any white person.

Wrong as usual.

You seem to be the only one that believes that.

Wrong again.

NO, He's right. THe white libs that pretend to believe the shit you say? THey are pretending because deep down, they dont' think blacks can do any better than you do.

Me? I call you on your shit.

I respect you far more than your lib allies.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

I find it amazing that the psychotic lying trumpkins don’t get it.

That's ironic. I am IM2's worst nightmare and I have spent more time working with black people than I have spent with my own family. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils and have said things about Trump that are far worse than IM2 has. So, you don't have to be a lying Trumpkin to disagree with an absolute dumbass like IM2.

You're the first IM2 supporter I've ever ran across. You guys are delusional if you think you cornered the market on hard times and a hard life.

You've never faced racism or sexism son. White men have had it easier than everybody else. You are a joke that I will decimate.

IQ2, we're TERRIFIED of you.

You are, because you get slaughtered every time you face me. You can't respond by refuting the facts so you are left with personal attacks.

You never slaughter anyone. YOu just are too dishonest or stupid to know/admit when you have been humiliated.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

I find it amazing that the psychotic lying trumpkins don’t get it.

That's ironic. I am IM2's worst nightmare and I have spent more time working with black people than I have spent with my own family. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils and have said things about Trump that are far worse than IM2 has. So, you don't have to be a lying Trumpkin to disagree with an absolute dumbass like IM2.

You're the first IM2 supporter I've ever ran across. You guys are delusional if you think you cornered the market on hard times and a hard life.

You've never faced racism or sexism son. White men have had it easier than everybody else. You are a joke that I will decimate.

IQ2, we're TERRIFIED of you.

You are, because you get slaughtered every time you face me. You can't respond by refuting the facts so you are left with personal attacks.

Son I've B*tch Slapped you every time we engage. You don't present facts at all, you spout your "feelings" and your "beliefs" and pretend they are meanigful.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

I find it amazing that the psychotic lying trumpkins don’t get it.

That's ironic. I am IM2's worst nightmare and I have spent more time working with black people than I have spent with my own family. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils and have said things about Trump that are far worse than IM2 has. So, you don't have to be a lying Trumpkin to disagree with an absolute dumbass like IM2.

You're the first IM2 supporter I've ever ran across. You guys are delusional if you think you cornered the market on hard times and a hard life.

You've never faced racism or sexism son. White men have had it easier than everybody else. You are a joke that I will decimate.

You can't decimate shit. Blacks absolutely have NEVER had it any worse than whites, on the whole, in America. This is specially true of the slave era. Records indicate that blacks ate better than their white race - blue collar contemporaries. They lived in better quarters, were taught valuable skills, paid a stipend for their work and generally had a better wardrobe:

Review on JSTOR

All of my life I've had to face racism. Blacks were allowed to do pretty much whatever in the Hell they wanted on the job as employers are scared shitless to say anything to them for fear of being accused of discrimination. I've worked in several companies wherein whites were never promoted due to the simple fact that employers want to be seen as the better negrophilist in their line of work. We've gone a half a century now of black privilege. They can say the "N" word, even belting it out in rap songs on the radio, but if a white even mutters it, then it becomes an excuse to fire the white guy.

You come here daily and make your phony B.S. allegations. If a white does the same thing, even rich ones, their career is over. You hypocrite!

Insofar as me not having it rough. One thing I promise you from the bottom of my heart: There has not been a black man that ever lived that would willingly have traded places with me when I was a child. At the ripe old age of 14, I left an abusive environment that you cannot imagine and made my own life without a family support system. In only two years of that challenge, I lost my job due to the hue of my skin, so you are an idiot to make such a baseless and idiotic claim.
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I'm not joining up with IM2's version of a socialist ONE WORLD / ONE RELIGION / ONE RACE utopia. I'm satisfied with my culture; I respect those who disagree; I will resist any multicultural society as it is the antithesis upon which our Republic rests. No nation can represent everyone equally. Every people need their space.

You do that, sweety, and one day, when you've grown up and became smart enough no longer to be frightened to death by diversity, you may enter a conversation with other grown-ups.

Maybe you'll even figure out what you've been trying to say here, and how to express it properly: "I will resist any multicultural society as it is the antithesis upon which our Republic rests." For now, try to be humble and use words you actually understand. The smaller ones, you know?

Now, run along.

Fuck you, you condescending smart ass. I realize what you're saying. You want a One World / One Race / One Religion society that has no toleration of those who just want their own space in this land we call America. I understand you quite well. I reject socialism. So bite me.
It has nothing with what I believe. What I'm telling you is verifiable history. And you have a problem with that.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about all men being created equal, but he owned slaves and called the Indians savages in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson screws at least one slave, Sally Hemmings, and don't have the decency to acknowledge his children during his lifetime.

America was founded as a constitutional Republic for the advancement, preservation and protection of the white race. I've cited you examples, laws, and sources of all manner of history to show that what I said is true.

And what you proved was that America was founded on a belief in white supremacy. It's something blacks already know.

If you knew it, what was your reason for denying it?

So you are saying America was built upon white supremacy.

I said what I said. Are the Israelis a white supremacist country? If you say yes, according to your definition, we will have no problem.

I don't live in Israel and I don't give a fuck about your white supremacist anti jew blaming. I am talking about America and America was founded upon white supremacy. You have admitted it and that's what you want to return to. Therefore you are a white supremacist.

If you say so, I don't care. It takes one to know one. I mean, you live for the day a civil disruption puts the races at war wherein you hope all whites will be wiped out. It appears to be your only dream.

I won't join you in that level of hatred.
It has nothing with what I believe. What I'm telling you is verifiable history. And you have a problem with that.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about all men being created equal, but he owned slaves and called the Indians savages in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson screws at least one slave, Sally Hemmings, and don't have the decency to acknowledge his children during his lifetime.

America was founded as a constitutional Republic for the advancement, preservation and protection of the white race. I've cited you examples, laws, and sources of all manner of history to show that what I said is true.

And what you proved was that America was founded on a belief in white supremacy. It's something blacks already know.

If you knew it, what was your reason for denying it?

So you are saying America was built upon white supremacy.

I said what I said. Are the Israelis a white supremacist country? If you say yes, according to your definition, we will have no problem.

I don't live in Israel and I don't give a fuck about your white supremacist anti jew blaming. I am talking about America and America was founded upon white supremacy. You have admitted it and that's what you want to return to. Therefore you are a white supremacist.

Near as I can tell you are no more than 3/5ths man anyway so what's the beef?
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There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

Of course, the U.S. was created for Whites - along with some ill-colored folks with the status akin to cattle.

99.5% of current-day Americans have learned better and evolved since the 18th century boneheadedness. Rockwell hopes for you to drag him into the 21st century. That's why he shows up on your thread. He'll be kicking and screaming, though. You up for it?

I'm not joining up with IM2's version of a socialist ONE WORLD / ONE RELIGION / ONE RACE utopia. I'm satisfied with my culture; I respect those who disagree; I will resist any multicultural society as it is the antithesis upon which our Republic rests. No nation can represent everyone equally. Every people need their space.
This was a multicultural society when it was "founded." What you represent is the antithesis of what this country was meant to be. The law is suppose to apply to all equally.

Society was NOT a multicultural society. Only white landowners were extended the privilege of voting; miscegenation was illegal and had you bothered to READ the United States Supreme Court's ruling of the time, the "ourselves and our Posterity" in the Preamble of the Constitution referred to the white race. Your dumbass won't read it.

It was a multicultural society because more than one culture was living here when whites got here. No one gives a fuck what the white mans court said in 18 ought, the fact is that there were 500 nations of indigenous people here, Africans were here, Spanish and French lived here along with the British. That's multicultural. I don't have to read shit to know that dumb ass.

You know what dude. You're about to be shamed. Let's define this word founded for you:

"Founded: To establish or set up, especially with provision for continuing existence"


Only ONE race of people established the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution of the United States. The presence of other races is immaterial. It is not relevant to the definition of the word.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump


Good luck with all that.. Hope "toss them up against the wall" Bloomberg works out for ya !!!!!

It's so silly to be THAT loyal... Truly it is and it's eventually gonna hurt your causes more than it helps..

Really -- this only PROVES that most of your views about race are POLITICAL motivations and not well considered... At least the polls that MATTER show less solid support..

After all, with folks like you smacking at them, they are not gonna ADMIT they can not vote for Sanders or Bloomberg to ANYONE until they step into that voting booth..

We'll SEE if Joe "I didn't know what was in the '94 crime bill" Biden makes that HUGE comeback in S. Carolina on the shoulders of his DEVOTED Black FANS.... :happy-1:

Who YOU picking there spokesperson for all blacks???? :lmao:
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