The black view on the 2020 presidential election

This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
African Americans have some conservative ways. Trust is difficult I know. Realize that you don't get everything because you are in a party. Progs have sold that for a long time. Well where is it? The haves and have nots in African American communities can be a chasm. Education and little education is there to see. Many babies born without a Dad around and by younger teenage women is a back breaker. Can these be worked on? It seems like no one even tries to put this on the top of the list for improving peoples lives.

Perpetual poverty and victimhood are the ultimate fertilizer for political leverage.
Democrats would never want to see it go away because with it they would lose the dominance over the Ghetto vote. The GOP offers them a hand on an equal footing Human-to-human not white to black and they spit on it..... Only this time I think we're going to see an enormous and completely unexpected Exodusof educated blacks and Hispanics who are no longer going to follow marching orders from anyone.


Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.

Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?
Wrong. There is no theory about this, unalienable rights are natural rights and they cannot be taken. You don't have the natural right to bear arms. So drop that silly argument.
Does one have the natural right to self defense? If so (we do), yes we have the natural right to bear arms, as we have the natural right to the means and instrumentality by which we may defend ourselves.

I honestly don't know why a single black person would EVER want to be deprived the natural right to arms under his/her condition in America. That is completely unacceptable to me as an Irish white dude. I would think such would be even more unacceptable to any minority or person of color.

Wrong. There is no theory about this, unalienable rights are natural rights and they cannot be taken. You don't have the natural right to bear arms. So drop that silly argument.
Does one have the natural right to self defense? If so (we do), yes we have the natural right to bear arms, as we have the natural right to the means and instrumentality by which we may defend ourselves.

I honestly don't know why a single black person would EVER want to be deprived the natural right to arms under his/her condition in America. That is completely unacceptable to me as an Irish white dude. I would think such would be even more unacceptable to any minority or person of color.

If we had a natural righto a gun, we'd be born with guns on our body. We can defend ourselves without guns. But given that man made laws say we can have guns, those that choose to have them are free to do so. Natural law exist outside of legislation. Unalienable rights are not legislated and cannot be taken. Unalienable rights exist outside of our constitution. I am going on the definition of unalienable as provided by Rockwell. In his dissertation about the issue, he seems to believe that only whites have these rights, when in fact all humans do and what he claims takes away those rights actually restored them to all those not white.
African Americans have some conservative ways. Trust is difficult I know. Realize that you don't get everything because you are in a party. Progs have sold that for a long time. Well where is it? The haves and have nots in African American communities can be a chasm. Education and little education is there to see. Many babies born without a Dad around and by younger teenage women is a back breaker. Can these be worked on? It seems like no one even tries to put this on the top of the list for improving peoples lives.

Perpetual poverty and victimhood are the ultimate fertilizer for political leverage.
Democrats would never want to see it go away because with it they would lose the dominance over the Ghetto vote. The GOP offers them a hand on an equal footing Human-to-human not white to black and they spit on it..... Only this time I think we're going to see an enormous and completely unexpected Exodusof educated blacks and Hispanics who are no longer going to follow marching orders from anyone.


Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.

Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?

There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.
If we had a natural righto a gun, we'd be born with guns on our body.
But, we are not born with food on our body, yet we have a natural right to eat. We are not born with hammers or saws or rocks on our bodies, but those are used as tools to get food. We are not born with shelter attached to our bodies, but we have a right to obtain or build shelter. We have a natural right to warmth without fire attached to our bodies.

Because eating is a natural right, the use of any instrumentality to gather food is also a natural right. Similarly, self-defense is a natural right, and any instrumentality to further that right is also a right.
African Americans have some conservative ways. Trust is difficult I know. Realize that you don't get everything because you are in a party. Progs have sold that for a long time. Well where is it? The haves and have nots in African American communities can be a chasm. Education and little education is there to see. Many babies born without a Dad around and by younger teenage women is a back breaker. Can these be worked on? It seems like no one even tries to put this on the top of the list for improving peoples lives.

Perpetual poverty and victimhood are the ultimate fertilizer for political leverage.
Democrats would never want to see it go away because with it they would lose the dominance over the Ghetto vote. The GOP offers them a hand on an equal footing Human-to-human not white to black and they spit on it..... Only this time I think we're going to see an enormous and completely unexpected Exodusof educated blacks and Hispanics who are no longer going to follow marching orders from anyone.


Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.

Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?

I'm a white supremacist because I don't lie to the guy. If it makes him feel happy, I can live with it. He has a hard time living with himself.
There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.
I am neither defending nor siding with Rockwell, but it is possible to not be a racist and also believe that the 14th Amendment was not legally ratified. I think there is a pretty compelling argument that it was not, but the most important parts of the 14th are now irrelevant at this point. They served their purpose over 100 years ago and now they are being used to disenfranchise Americans (including black folks). I do not hate the progress that the 14th Amendment brought us, but it is one clumsy POS that is conveniently ignored in some areas (the 2nd Amendment, for example) and vigorously defended in other areas. No other Amendment has brought more inconsistency than the 14th.
Perpetual poverty and victimhood are the ultimate fertilizer for political leverage.
Democrats would never want to see it go away because with it they would lose the dominance over the Ghetto vote. The GOP offers them a hand on an equal footing Human-to-human not white to black and they spit on it..... Only this time I think we're going to see an enormous and completely unexpected Exodusof educated blacks and Hispanics who are no longer going to follow marching orders from anyone.


Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.

Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?

I'm a white supremacist because I don't lie to the guy. If it makes him feel happy, I can live with it. He has a hard time living with himself.

You're a white supremacist because you believe in the primacy of whites above all others.
Wrong. There is no theory about this, unalienable rights are natural rights and they cannot be taken. You don't have the natural right to bear arms. So drop that silly argument.
Does one have the natural right to self defense? If so (we do), yes we have the natural right to bear arms, as we have the natural right to the means and instrumentality by which we may defend ourselves.

I honestly don't know why a single black person would EVER want to be deprived the natural right to arms under his/her condition in America. That is completely unacceptable to me as an Irish white dude. I would think such would be even more unacceptable to any minority or person of color.

If we had a natural righto a gun, we'd be born with guns on our body. We can defend ourselves without guns. But given that man made laws say we can have guns, those that choose to have them are free to do so. Natural law exist outside of legislation. Unalienable rights are not legislated and cannot be taken. Unalienable rights exist outside of our constitution. I am going on the definition of unalienable as provided by Rockwell. In his dissertation about the issue, he seems to believe that only whites have these rights, when in fact all humans do and what he claims takes away those rights actually restored them to all those not white.

Why are you always so completely full of shit? Yours is the laziest of all intellectual

There's no real argument from you only the perpetual cry of racism which is mostly a fairytale.

In that case and by your standard every Gene pool on Earth has the same complaint.

Perpetual poverty and victimhood are the ultimate fertilizer for political leverage.
Democrats would never want to see it go away because with it they would lose the dominance over the Ghetto vote. The GOP offers them a hand on an equal footing Human-to-human not white to black and they spit on it..... Only this time I think we're going to see an enormous and completely unexpected Exodusof educated blacks and Hispanics who are no longer going to follow marching orders from anyone.


Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.

Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?

There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

It has nothing with what I believe. What I'm telling you is verifiable history. And you have a problem with that.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about all men being created equal, but he owned slaves and called the Indians savages in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson screws at least one slave, Sally Hemmings, and don't have the decency to acknowledge his children during his lifetime.

America was founded as a constitutional Republic for the advancement, preservation and protection of the white race. I've cited you examples, laws, and sources of all manner of history to show that what I said is true.
There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.
I am neither defending nor siding with Rockwell, but it is possible to not be a racist and also believe that the 14th Amendment was not legally ratified. I think there is a pretty compelling argument that it was not, but the most important parts of the 14th are now irrelevant at this point. They served their purpose over 100 years ago and now they are being used to disenfranchise Americans (including black folks). I do not hate the progress that the 14th Amendment brought us, but it is one clumsy POS that is conveniently ignored in some areas (the 2nd Amendment, for example) and vigorously defended in other areas. No other Amendment has brought more inconsistency than the 14th.

No it is not. Why is the 14th the only one not legally ratified? How many other amendments were not legally ratified? It is no small coincidence that whites like Rockwell believe that an amendment giving citizenship to people who are not white is somehow illegal. The 14th amendment is not disenfranchising blacks. Please stop being white trying to tell me about how things are affecting blacks. There are things we can see through relative to racism that you cannot. Not because you are a racist or ignorant, but because you have never had to understand them to survive. This 14th amendment argument is a conspiracy theory made up by white identity practitioners as well as other white supremacist groups. This is not a new argument and it has been debunked many times.
There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.
I am neither defending nor siding with Rockwell, but it is possible to not be a racist and also believe that the 14th Amendment was not legally ratified. I think there is a pretty compelling argument that it was not, but the most important parts of the 14th are now irrelevant at this point. They served their purpose over 100 years ago and now they are being used to disenfranchise Americans (including black folks). I do not hate the progress that the 14th Amendment brought us, but it is one clumsy POS that is conveniently ignored in some areas (the 2nd Amendment, for example) and vigorously defended in other areas. No other Amendment has brought more inconsistency than the 14th.

I don't care what IM2 believes or disbelieves with regard to the 14th Amendment. He's never litigated it in court and has never researched it as part of his career.

All the race B.S. aside, the 14th Amendment seeks to nullify unalienable Rights. I contend today that unalienable Rights are the Rights of all men. If you looked at the times I've been vilified for stating that even undocumented foreigners have unalienable Rights, any dumbass with an IQ higher than their shoe size would realize my opposition to that amendment is not related to the race issue. The pols did, however, play the blacks with the 14th.

I do have opinions on race, but I have never made what I have by stepping on the Rights of any other person, regardless of who they are. I was once a jury foreman wherein a black man was on trial. Regardless of his race, my decision was based on the facts of the case and I entered that court-room with the presupposition that the guy was innocent and the state would have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was guilty.
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Wrong. There is no theory about this, unalienable rights are natural rights and they cannot be taken. You don't have the natural right to bear arms. So drop that silly argument.
Does one have the natural right to self defense? If so (we do), yes we have the natural right to bear arms, as we have the natural right to the means and instrumentality by which we may defend ourselves.

I honestly don't know why a single black person would EVER want to be deprived the natural right to arms under his/her condition in America. That is completely unacceptable to me as an Irish white dude. I would think such would be even more unacceptable to any minority or person of color.

If we had a natural righto a gun, we'd be born with guns on our body. We can defend ourselves without guns. But given that man made laws say we can have guns, those that choose to have them are free to do so. Natural law exist outside of legislation. Unalienable rights are not legislated and cannot be taken. Unalienable rights exist outside of our constitution. I am going on the definition of unalienable as provided by Rockwell. In his dissertation about the issue, he seems to believe that only whites have these rights, when in fact all humans do and what he claims takes away those rights actually restored them to all those not white.

Why are you always so completely full of shit? Yours is the laziest of all intellectual

There's no real argument from you only the perpetual cry of racism which is mostly a fairytale.

In that case and by your standard every Gene pool on Earth has the same complaint.


The Stone Cold Truth
Thomas Jefferson wrote about all men being created equal, but he owned slaves and called the Indians savages in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson screws at least one slave, Sally Hemmings, and don't have the decency to acknowledge his children during his lifetime.
Thomas Jefferson also wrote this paragraph that others excluded from the DoI:

"He [King George] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."

Thomas Jefferson also was the first and only president to actually promote and pass legislation to stop slavery (promoted and signed a law that actually stopped the international slave trade). Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves - Wikipedia

Nobody else did anything about slavery until Lincoln's racist ass needed a reason to keep the war going.

America was founded as a constitutional Republic for the advancement, preservation and protection of the white race. I've cited you examples, laws, and sources of all manner of history to show that what I said is true.
In the minds of the white racists, yes. But, not all shared that belief.

TRIVIA: Who was the first casualty of the American Revolution? (hint: American black dude)

MORE TRIVIA: Who was the first casualty of the Texas Revolution? (hint: Texian black dude)

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There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.
I am neither defending nor siding with Rockwell, but it is possible to not be a racist and also believe that the 14th Amendment was not legally ratified. I think there is a pretty compelling argument that it was not, but the most important parts of the 14th are now irrelevant at this point. They served their purpose over 100 years ago and now they are being used to disenfranchise Americans (including black folks). I do not hate the progress that the 14th Amendment brought us, but it is one clumsy POS that is conveniently ignored in some areas (the 2nd Amendment, for example) and vigorously defended in other areas. No other Amendment has brought more inconsistency than the 14th.

I don't care what IM2 believes or disbelieves with regard to the 14th Amendment. He's never litigated it in court and has never researched it as part of his career.

All the race B.S. aside, the 14th Amendment seeks to nullify unalienable Rights. I contend today that unalienable Rights are the Rights of all men. If you looked at the times I've been vilified for stating that even undocumented foreigners have unalienable Rights, any dumbass with an IQ higher than their shoe size would realize my opposition to that amendment is not related to the race issue. The pols did, however, play the blacks with the 14th.

I do have opinions on race, but I have never made what I have by stepping on the Rights of any other person, regardless of who they are. I was once a jury foreman wherein a black man was on trial. Regardless of his race, my decision was based on the facts of the case and I entered that court-room with the presupposition that the guy was innocent and the state would have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was guilty.

Nobody gives a fuck what you litigated, what you believe is a load of fake ass white racist mumbo jumbo.

That's why you lost the case.

I've research plenty of things and that's why I say you're a loon living in the Georgia sticks talking racist bullshit online. I wouldn't be surprised of you were a doomsday prepper.
Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.

Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?

I'm a white supremacist because I don't lie to the guy. If it makes him feel happy, I can live with it. He has a hard time living with himself.

You're a white supremacist because you believe in the primacy of whites above all others.

You're as dumb as a box of rocks. I see the white race as a servant race. We've fought in more wars for the Liberties of people just like you than any other race on this planet. We've sent more missionaries out into God forsaken countries and helped them build communities, conquer diseases, and learn to live off the land than all other countries combined.

America was founded as a white country. Our Anglo Saxon system of jurisprudence, the Christian faith our forefathers brought with them, and the values specific to our racial history are all a testament to the founding of this country.
Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.

Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?

There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

It has nothing with what I believe. What I'm telling you is verifiable history. And you have a problem with that.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about all men being created equal, but he owned slaves and called the Indians savages in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson screws at least one slave, Sally Hemmings, and don't have the decency to acknowledge his children during his lifetime.

America was founded as a constitutional Republic for the advancement, preservation and protection of the white race. I've cited you examples, laws, and sources of all manner of history to show that what I said is true.

And what you proved was that America was founded on a belief in white supremacy. It's something blacks already know.
There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.
I am neither defending nor siding with Rockwell, but it is possible to not be a racist and also believe that the 14th Amendment was not legally ratified. I think there is a pretty compelling argument that it was not, but the most important parts of the 14th are now irrelevant at this point. They served their purpose over 100 years ago and now they are being used to disenfranchise Americans (including black folks). I do not hate the progress that the 14th Amendment brought us, but it is one clumsy POS that is conveniently ignored in some areas (the 2nd Amendment, for example) and vigorously defended in other areas. No other Amendment has brought more inconsistency than the 14th.

I don't care what IM2 believes or disbelieves with regard to the 14th Amendment. He's never litigated it in court and has never researched it as part of his career.

All the race B.S. aside, the 14th Amendment seeks to nullify unalienable Rights. I contend today that unalienable Rights are the Rights of all men. If you looked at the times I've been vilified for stating that even undocumented foreigners have unalienable Rights, any dumbass with an IQ higher than their shoe size would realize my opposition to that amendment is not related to the race issue. The pols did, however, play the blacks with the 14th.

I do have opinions on race, but I have never made what I have by stepping on the Rights of any other person, regardless of who they are. I was once a jury foreman wherein a black man was on trial. Regardless of his race, my decision was based on the facts of the case and I entered that court-room with the presupposition that the guy was innocent and the state would have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was guilty.

Nobody gives a fuck what you litigated, what you believe is a load of fake ass white racist mumbo jumbo.

That's why you lost the case.

I've research plenty of things and that's why I say you're a loon living in the Georgia sticks talking racist bullshit online. I wouldn't be surprised of you were a doomsday prepper.

You really are a dumb shit. By my count, NOBODY supports your warped ideology. The case I worked on was won - so your lying ass has another classic fail to add to your list of failures.

What you sell is Haterade for morons. Now, you're mad that your marketing strategy isn't working.
There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

Of course, the U.S. was created for Whites - along with some ill-colored folks with the status akin to cattle.

99.5% of current-day Americans have learned better and evolved since the 18th century boneheadedness. Rockwell hopes for you to drag him into the 21st century. That's why he shows up on your thread. He'll be kicking and screaming, though. You up for it?
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What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.

Are there honest people who aren't white supremacists?
If so what evidence are they basing their feelings on?

There are honest people who do not believe that America was made only for whites. That is what rockwell believes. There are honest people who believe that the 14th amendment is legal, whereas rockwell claims it was illegally ratified and that all who are not white are illegal citizens of this country. This is why he is called a white supremacist.

It has nothing with what I believe. What I'm telling you is verifiable history. And you have a problem with that.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about all men being created equal, but he owned slaves and called the Indians savages in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson screws at least one slave, Sally Hemmings, and don't have the decency to acknowledge his children during his lifetime.

America was founded as a constitutional Republic for the advancement, preservation and protection of the white race. I've cited you examples, laws, and sources of all manner of history to show that what I said is true.

And what you proved was that America was founded on a belief in white supremacy. It's something blacks already know.

If you knew it, what was your reason for denying it?

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