The black view on the 2020 presidential election

So like todays lesson has proven, whites that hijacked the term conservative are unable to accept blacks who decide to not support republicans. Instead of staying on topic, they will ad hominem and use personal attacks and even stoop to racial slurs because a black person dares to vote democrat. Not one democrat has attacked me for opposing a candidate they support, nor do we see white democrats in this or any other thread instructing blacks on how we need to vote democrat. Only republicans are doing this and if you don't, the slave patrols to come get you. Therefore it has been proven by the behavior of these right wingers that any black person supporting the republican party is a slave on the right wing plantation and if you don't sing how right wing massa says, he'll try pulling the whip.


Good evening.​
Why do you waste all your intellect on a group of hillbillies who hunt squirrel, share their daughters and who think Trump is not only innocent, but the best thing since sliced monkey meat? Its worse than talking to a brick wall, its actually painful. Save your intelligence on discussions that trigger ideas that change'll never get that shit here, these rednecks thrive on ignorance.

How many people who live like that do you actually think bother to post on internet debate boards? Rednecks like you describe are unlikely to have cell service, much less broadband, and REALLY don't care what a bunch of random internet keyboard jockeys think. The fact that you think you're insulting someone is laughable.

The racists here are what she is describing. Whether or not they are hillbillies is irrelevant since they believe the same racist bullshit.
How many jobs have I been refused while whites with less qualifications got them? More than 10.
How many promotions was I denied while whites I trained got promoted? 5-10
How many times have I been stopped for driving while black? Over 100
How many restaurant did I sit and watch whites who came in long after I ordered get served, more than 50.
How many times have I been followed while shopping while whites aren't? Over 1,000
How many interviews was I not given because my name sounded too black? Unknown.

Don't try to be a smart ass, white boy.

Let me know in case you get a reasonable response to that from that guy - who deserves the top spot on everyone's ignore list anyway.

Your little black friend is out of his league.

Wrong. You're a chump that repeats the standard dumb white racist bullshit and asks the same dumb white racist questions like you think we don't know that racists do things differently now than the times you asked questions about.

Wrong, you are just one more run of the mill racist pig kid. You spew your hatred and act all self righteous as if you are a beacon in the night beckoning, calling the great unwashed masses out of the darkness and into your "light/truth".

Yeah right. When you can tell me the national policy that eliminated white racism, I'll take you seriously. Right now you asked me some questions and I answered them. Now all your punk ass has left is the usual white racist declaration of my supposed racism hoping to shut me up because you lost.
Which national policies promote white racism?
Why do whites ignore the 243 years worth of handouts they have received from the government?

Why do white republicans ignore the fact they are only republicans because of what the party promises to give them?
Nobody is alive long enough to receive those handouts. How about showing what handouts whites receive today?
I can guarantee you you're not see another black president because the Democratic party won't allow it
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.
The Republican party got the Amendments passed that gave full citizenship to former slaves while the Democrat party opposed them. You're an ignorant pusillanimous punk.
I can guarantee you you're not see another black president because the Democratic party won't allow it
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.
"So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit."

That much is obvious
I can guarantee you you're not see another black president because the Democratic party won't allow it
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866

No they haven't.

U.S. v. Cruikshank

March 27, 1876
The Cruikshank case arose from the 1873 Colfax Massacre, in which a group of armed whites killed more than a hundred African American men as a result of a political dispute. Three men convicted of violating the 1870 Enforcement Act – a law aimed primarily at curbing Ku Klux Klan violence that forbade conspiracies to deny the constitutional rights of any citizen – appealed on the grounds that their indictments were insufficient. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court sided with the defendants, holding that the rights they were alleged to have violated were not enforceable in this case. The First and Second Amendment rights to assembly and the bearing of arms were, according to the Court’s ruling, intended only to restrict the actions of the federal government and did not apply to the states or private citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process and equal protection applied only to state action and again, not to the actions of individuals.

Once again Chief Justice Waite, a REPUBLICAN:

Chief Justice Morrison Waite overturned the convictions of the defendants, holding that the plaintiffs had to rely on state courts for protection. Waite ruled that neither the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment applied to the actions of state governments or to individuals. He further ruled that the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the actions of state governments, but not to individuals. The decision left African Americans in the South at the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures, and allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to continue to use paramilitary force to suppress black voting.

Republicans were complicit in the oppression of blacks. And blacks voted strictly republican for almost 100 years while republicans didn't do a damn thing for black people. So democrats started to and blacks started leaving the republican party. Now I am not going to argue this with white republicans when I am black and was told by older blacks starting when I was a child during the 60's about why blacks left the mother fucking republican party. Republicans did the same thing then they are doing now, telling blacks how we should be republicans because republicans freed the slaves. That no matter how republicans treat us, we are to be forever grateful to dead men and women that you guys claim aren't here anymore for doing something to stop a problem you guys claim you are not responsible for today. So if you weren't alive during slavery, if you did not own slaves, if you should not be held to account for the sins of your great great grandparents, stop taking credit for what your great great grandparents did.
Dumbass you just showed the history of the democrat party and inserted your own biased opinion of the Republican party.

Nope. I showed some of the history of the republican party after slavery. Like I said, I'm not arguing about this with white republicans. I know the history of the republican party and blacks, I live it every day. So some white motherfucker can't tell me shit.
What do you do support yourself?
How odd, when I offer an opinion on politics, i am only offering my own, personal opinion on the metter. I dont speak for whites. How childish and ridiculous. I just speak for me.

I cannot imagine being so utterly insecure about my views as to claim to be speaking for an entire group.

Seems to me that we would all be better off speaking as men or women offering our own independant views than a bunch of boys and girls who always bring their imaginary posse with them to provide them courage.

One would have to have an independent mind to do that.

You nor the other whites here like you think independently. Any white person that speaks out against racism in this forum is attacked and denigrated by people like you and that pussy doggietreats.


You guys do it all the time. You guys always want to ask somebody else to show you an example of your wrongs but you never do the same. So while we blacks can't think independently because we mostly vote democrat, show me an example of the first black republican president.

And why is it that 75 percent of all Asians can vote democratic but not be slaves in the rice fields? Why do 69 percent the Hispanics vote democrat and aren't told they are slaves in the melon fields?

You guys are racist bastards.
Why do you think race should be a factor in the presidency?

You guys do it all the time. You guys always want to ask somebody else to show you an example of your wrongs but you never do the same. So while we blacks can't think independently because we mostly vote democrat, show me an example of the first black republican president.

And why is it that 75 percent of all Asians can vote democratic but not be slaves in the rice fields? Why do 69 percent the Hispanics vote democrat and aren't told they are slaves in the melon fields?

You guys are racist bastards.

So no actual example?

Go look in any thread. Now find me the black republican president. Or even a black person that was nominated and won the republican party presidential spot. Maybe show us a republican vice president?
IM2, you should just get a fucking job and earn your own living like everyone else, and quit waiting for a fucking handout. The left is so full of various minority groups who are looking for a handout that it doesn't make any difference what race or nationality you are, if you are a homo or not, or what religion you are. You are simply another lefty with your hand out for free shit, and your race is no more special than anyone else's. Get a fucking job.

You really need to stop assuming this kind of shit boy. I am retired and I started working at age 9. Now shut your ass and don't lecture me about work chump. You descend from a bunch of lazy fucks who were too sorry to work free land the British gave to them. There is a history of legal decisions that support what I say. You don't have shit but hot ass air.
You ASSume all whites descend from slave owners. Very few had slaves. You ignore the truth.
Jews are white and don't try speaking for me, white supremacist. I would justify my vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee because he is a better choice than trump.

Does the fact that you are a black supremacist give you any advantage over white supremacists?

Appears even Jews disagree with you

Why do white supremacist like you try shit like this? Just man up and admit you're a white supremacist. You've already shows yourself son. You'd get more respect if you were honest.

WTF are you talking about? I told you, I don't want to reign supreme over you. I just don't want to be forced into a neighborhood where people like you live. But, there is nothing to "man up to." If you want to call me a white supremacist, it does not offend me in the least. I don't care what people call me. A man can tell you what he believes and does not believe. You are free to call him what you like.. I just make it clear what my real motives are in these discussions and let intelligent people draw their own conclusions... for that matter, I even let idiots have that same latitude. Name calling is not going to change facts.

You have claimed America was made only for whites, that's white supremacy. You are a white supremacist.

America WAS founded to give white people of European descent the upper hand. You yourself have repeatedly complained about that. We have since taken steps to rectify that failure.

America was founded by white Christians on the premise that we are the New Jerusalem of the Bible. Considering that the United States surpassed ALL previous civilizations by leaps and bounds in record time, I'm not seeing the "failure" of which you allude. We were doing what the Bible said biblical Israel should do and we became the envy of the world.

The moment that civilizations begin mixing cultures, religions, races, creeds, colors, political persuasions, sexual persuasions, etc. the civilization collapses... just as you're seeing now. According to one observation:

"De Tocqueville claims that because of the atrocities that took place during the many years of the slave-era, “…it will readily be understood that there are but two alternatives for the future; the negroes and the whites must either wholly part or wholly mingle: (432). Following this audacious statement, he goes on to declare that “I do not imagine that the white and black races will live in a country upon an equal footing

De Tocqueville and the Racial Divide

The whites felt justified in creating their own homeland; the blacks resent it and, ultimately, the whites will have to rebel OR be annihilated by the subtle genocide that is taking place.
If he could make the claim that he is also a transgender, Muslim, he could at least move to the front part of the handout line.

Nah, all I need to be is a white male.

Dream big, boy.

I would never dream about being white. I couldn't stand being like you maggots.
You dreamed about being white in post 377

Wrong. I stated that if I wanted free shit I would be a white male.
What free shit?
Does the fact that you are a black supremacist give you any advantage over white supremacists?

Appears even Jews disagree with you

Why do white supremacist like you try shit like this? Just man up and admit you're a white supremacist. You've already shows yourself son. You'd get more respect if you were honest.

WTF are you talking about? I told you, I don't want to reign supreme over you. I just don't want to be forced into a neighborhood where people like you live. But, there is nothing to "man up to." If you want to call me a white supremacist, it does not offend me in the least. I don't care what people call me. A man can tell you what he believes and does not believe. You are free to call him what you like.. I just make it clear what my real motives are in these discussions and let intelligent people draw their own conclusions... for that matter, I even let idiots have that same latitude. Name calling is not going to change facts.

You have claimed America was made only for whites, that's white supremacy. You are a white supremacist.

America WAS founded to give white people of European descent the upper hand. You yourself have repeatedly complained about that. We have since taken steps to rectify that failure.

No you have not.

You've been given the damn country. I can't even sit down and see a traditional white family being portrayed on tv unless it's a comedy and the white male is a buffoon.

You have great jobs, great positions in entertainment and sports; preferential treatment in virtually every area of life and you're never satisfied.
Yes they do.

Now show me the black republican president.
I can guarantee you you're not see another black president because the Democratic party won't allow it
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
African Americans have some conservative ways. Trust is difficult I know. Realize that you don't get everything because you are in a party. Progs have sold that for a long time. Well where is it? The haves and have nots in African American communities can be a chasm. Education and little education is there to see. Many babies born without a Dad around and by younger teenage women is a back breaker. Can these be worked on? It seems like no one even tries to put this on the top of the list for improving peoples lives.

Perpetual poverty and victimhood are the ultimate fertilizer for political leverage.
Democrats would never want to see it go away because with it they would lose the dominance over the Ghetto vote. The GOP offers them a hand on an equal footing Human-to-human not white to black and they spit on it..... Only this time I think we're going to see an enormous and completely unexpected Exodusof educated blacks and Hispanics who are no longer going to follow marching orders from anyone.


Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?
Why do whites ignore the 243 years worth of handouts they have received from the government?

Why do white republicans ignore the fact they are only republicans because of what the party promises to give them?
Nobody is alive long enough to receive those handouts. How about showing what handouts whites receive today?
IM2 believes anyone who isn't enslaved is getting a "handout." He must be getting a handout now simply for the fact that he isn't a slave.
You guys do it all the time. You guys always want to ask somebody else to show you an example of your wrongs but you never do the same. So while we blacks can't think independently because we mostly vote democrat, show me an example of the first black republican president.

And why is it that 75 percent of all Asians can vote democratic but not be slaves in the rice fields? Why do 69 percent the Hispanics vote democrat and aren't told they are slaves in the melon fields?

You guys are racist bastards.

So no actual example?

Go look in any thread. Now find me the black republican president. Or even a black person that was nominated and won the republican party presidential spot. Maybe show us a republican vice president?
IM2, you should just get a fucking job and earn your own living like everyone else, and quit waiting for a fucking handout. The left is so full of various minority groups who are looking for a handout that it doesn't make any difference what race or nationality you are, if you are a homo or not, or what religion you are. You are simply another lefty with your hand out for free shit, and your race is no more special than anyone else's. Get a fucking job.

You really need to stop assuming this kind of shit boy. I am retired and I started working at age 9. Now shut your ass and don't lecture me about work chump. You descend from a bunch of lazy fucks who were too sorry to work free land the British gave to them. There is a history of legal decisions that support what I say. You don't have shit but hot ass air.
You ASSume all whites descend from slave owners. Very few had slaves. You ignore the truth.
My ancestors came from Ireland after the Civil War. They had no connection of any kind with slavery
Johnson also allegedly made the following statement, which in some cases still rings true today:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

I am old enough to recall Johnson stepping in after Kennedy was assassinated, and with him being a southern white man during that era, he was typical in his choice of language.

The voting age blacks of the 60"s had 2 choices:

Choose someone who would "REFER TO THEM" using the N word, in private, or choose someone who would "TREAT THEM," like they were still slaves in public.

The majority took the first choice, with no illusions about what they were getting.

Here is an example of that,:

Thank you my brother because these white idiots don't seem to understand what we blacks know and actually think they can run this pile of crap on us and we are supposed to jump to the republican party. Shit, I'm not even a full democrat but when it comes to national offices I damn sure won't be voting for anyone from the republican party of white supremacy.

Would you vote for old rich white guy Bloomberg over third party Jesse Jackson?

Would you?

Jackson is not running. And I won't be voting for Bloomberg in the primary. Bloomberg will not be the nominee and you trump supporters really don't have anything to say about Bloomberg. Trump supported stop and frisk and still does. Trump agrees with redlining. Trump called for the deaths of innocent black and hispanic men and still does. So you can shut up about Bloomberg.

So expand it. Would you vote for old rich white guy Bloomberg over any third party black candidate? And guess what? If you want me to shut up about him, why don't you shut about about Trump?

Trump is the president so until he's not I won't be shutting up about him. You guys have not shut up about Obama, so you'll just deal with my criticism of trump. There are no known 3rd party black nominees, so I won't be answering hypotheticals. I don't vote based on race. Blacks have never done that or Shirley Chisolm would have gone farther than she did as well as other blacks who have run for president before Obama.
Blacks do vote based on race. How do you explain the surge in black voters when Obama ran?
Thank you my brother because these white idiots don't seem to understand what we blacks know and actually think they can run this pile of crap on us and we are supposed to jump to the republican party. Shit, I'm not even a full democrat but when it comes to national offices I damn sure won't be voting for anyone from the republican party of white supremacy.

Would you vote for old rich white guy Bloomberg over third party Jesse Jackson?

Would you?

Jackson is not running. And I won't be voting for Bloomberg in the primary. Bloomberg will not be the nominee and you trump supporters really don't have anything to say about Bloomberg. Trump supported stop and frisk and still does. Trump agrees with redlining. Trump called for the deaths of innocent black and hispanic men and still does. So you can shut up about Bloomberg.

So expand it. Would you vote for old rich white guy Bloomberg over any third party black candidate? And guess what? If you want me to shut up about him, why don't you shut about about Trump?

Trump is the president so until he's not I won't be shutting up about him. You guys have not shut up about Obama, so you'll just deal with my criticism of trump. There are no known 3rd party black nominees, so I won't be answering hypotheticals. I don't vote based on race. Blacks have never done that or Shirley Chisolm would have gone farther than she did as well as other blacks who have run for president before Obama.
Blacks do vote based on race. How do you explain the surge in black voters when Obama ran?
How do you explain the fact that 95% of them vote Democrat?
No one cares what black people think. They just need to be placated enough so they don't act out and burn their own houses down.
And, as racist and simple-minded as this comment may seem, it is the fucking truth.

NEITHER of these parties gives a rat fuck about black people, IM2. You know it's true.

Start considering a 3rd-party option. Even if it's not that great. We need it REALLY bad to break up this all-or-nothing bullshit we deal with every fucking year!!!

I can guarantee you you're not see another black president because the Democratic party won't allow it
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
African Americans have some conservative ways. Trust is difficult I know. Realize that you don't get everything because you are in a party. Progs have sold that for a long time. Well where is it? The haves and have nots in African American communities can be a chasm. Education and little education is there to see. Many babies born without a Dad around and by younger teenage women is a back breaker. Can these be worked on? It seems like no one even tries to put this on the top of the list for improving peoples lives.

Perpetual poverty and victimhood are the ultimate fertilizer for political leverage.
Democrats would never want to see it go away because with it they would lose the dominance over the Ghetto vote. The GOP offers them a hand on an equal footing Human-to-human not white to black and they spit on it..... Only this time I think we're going to see an enormous and completely unexpected Exodusof educated blacks and Hispanics who are no longer going to follow marching orders from anyone.


Not going to happen. Your party offers nothing that addresses the issues we face. The current GOP is not about human to human. It is about white rights.
What rights?

You have the Right to remain silent, take IM2's B.S. and even get ostracized and castigated if you retaliate in like kind. If you disagree, you have the Right to be called a white supremacist.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump


That is nothing more than a pathetic filthy TDS afflicted butthurt Moon Bat's opinion.

You are one of the stupid uneducated low information butt hurt entitlement mentality Negros that votes for Democrats because they promise you a bigger welfare check.

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