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The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Lindsay Graham!!!!!

Graham is a left wing Jewish homosexual posing as a "conservative Christian." Lindsay is one of the top 10 911 Traitors in the US Senate. Graham's career ACU rating is in the 40s despite all 911 and terror nonsense counting as "conservative."

Graham and Dianne Feinstein have almost identical views and voting records
This sounds vaguely anti-Semitic. I have no idea if he is gay or Jewish and I have no problem if he is both or neither.
I have no idea if he is gay or Jewish and I have no problem if he is both or neither.

Because, as a supporter of Cocksucker Obama, you do not care about truth, or whether a given US political figure is COMPROMISED by having a closet door shut.

Some of us care that our top pols not be COMPROMISED, but that view requires PATRIOTISM to the US, and you have none...
Politics make strange bedfellows. Although Bolton may be a pompous NaziCon asshole - we deserve to hear what he has to say. I've never like him - but I've never thought of him as a liar. What are Republicans afraid of? If no witnesses or documents are allowed, Trump* may not be convicted - but he will NOT be exonerated. He will be forever branded with the stain of being impeached combined with an unfair SHAM trial. Republicans had better consider whether to pay now - or on Election Day 2020. I don't agree with Bolton's politics or policies - but I think he's a man of honor and principles. To say that Democrats have gone from hate to loving Bolton misses the point of why we want him to testify. Let him testify!
gibberish ,, did you just say the whistle blower? Like he’s legit lol that’s funny.

But think about all the people who you refuse to believe. Like there is a vast RIGHT wing conspiracy from the deep state RINO's to take Trump down. So you blow off anyone who comes forward. The whistleblower, sondlund, that woman, and everyone else who testified that what Trump did was wrong and made them very uncomfortable.

If you won't listen to these people that Trump is corrupt, you won't listen to anyone.

WASHINGTON ― The bombshell revelation that former national security adviser John Bolton has written a book essentially confirming the Democrats’ case against President Donald Trump went curiously unaddressed by the president’s lawyers on Monday in the Senate impeachment trial.

Bolton’s book alleges that Trump tied the release of congressionally approved Ukraine aid to the Ukrainians’ announcing investigations of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Trump Lawyers Ignore John Bolton Bombshell In Senate Trial | HuffPost

This is the shit we couldn't prove in the Mueller report. Now we have proof he is a criminal and Republicans are defending him? I hope they pay this November for their loyalty.
Trump has full authority to investigate corruption overseas
He wasn't investigating corruption. He was trying to make up fake news on his political opponent.

Bolton confirms it. How many more need to confirm it? You are like OJ supporters. No proof will convince you.

Now you guys admit even if he did it, nothing wrong with doing it? Bullshit. It's an abuse of his power and he's not putting the country first he's putting himself first. He's corrupt and a liar. Got to go.

If you watch videos of Biden even from a couple years ago, He is Deteriorating Mentally and he needs to drop out.

The only reason he is running is to protect his son.

What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.

I disagree

the Deep State conspiracy with the dems has links to urkraine

if there hadnt been a soft coup against him trump may not have noticed biden’s deadbeat son
I have no idea if he is gay or Jewish and I have no problem if he is both or neither.

Because, as a supporter of Cocksucker Obama, you do not care about truth, or whether a given US political figure is COMPROMISED by having a closet door shut.

Some of us care that our top pols not be COMPROMISED, but that view requires PATRIOTISM to the US, and you have none...
Lindsey Graham is compromised by being gay?

Dude. What decade do you think this is?
Oh, this is rich: So NOW you liberals like John Bolton, whereas before he was the devil incarnate. Anyway, Bolton's former top aide says his claims are bunk:

Bolton's Former Top Deputy Blasts Bolton's Book Maneuvering: 'Dangerous' And 'Inexplicable'
WHO IN THE WORLD SAID we like bolton ON THE LEFT? We need to hear what he has to say, as a first hand witness in the impeachment trial.... there is no either black or white to the situation or either love or hate.... we'd like to hear from Mulveyny and Duffy, and Pompeo and Giuliani first hand witnesses as well.... do you boil that down to liking them too? sheesh!

Y'all are just awful people! :eek: or really really really GOOD at SCUZZY politics? :dunno:
When did Creepy Joe and his corrupt kid ever have a "good name" to smear? Couldn't get any dirtier unless they changed their name to "Clinton."
Please provide a link describing what you are talking about.
House Committee Impeachment Report References State Department Documents Obtained by American Oversight - American Oversight

Trump, on the other hand, has refused to comply with congressional subpoenas for documents, and the White House even ordered officials not to testify if they themselves are subpoenaed. The committee’s impeachment report specifically mentions the nearly 100 pages of State Department records American Oversight has obtained through Freedom of Information Act

— including records of calls between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani — as evidence that the administration is refusing to turn over key files to Congress.

So ask yourself.

Why refuse to comply (which is your right as POTUS) when you know stuff is already out there ?

Tank more time to think about it than you take when watching Dyke Maddow rant.
Oh, this is rich: So NOW you liberals like John Bolton, whereas before he was the devil incarnate. Anyway, Bolton's former top aide says his claims are bunk:

Bolton's Former Top Deputy Blasts Bolton's Book Maneuvering: 'Dangerous' And 'Inexplicable'
WHO IN THE WORLD SAID we like bolton ON THE LEFT? We need to hear what he has to say, as a first hand witness in the impeachment trial.... there is no either black or white to the situation or either love or hate.... we'd like to hear from Mulveyny and Duffy, and Pompeo and Giuliani first hand witnesses as well.... do you boil that down to liking them too? sheesh!

Y'all are just awful people! :eek: or really really really GOOD at SCUZZY politics? :dunno:

Shove your indignation.

When somebody is shooting at you and they run out of bullets....you don't give them more bullets.

Think about it.

Your side has been doing it for decades.

Why did Schitt hold closed door inquisitions.
When did Creepy Joe and his corrupt kid ever have a "good name" to smear? Couldn't get any dirtier unless they changed their name to "Clinton."
Unlike the sparkling reputation of Donald Trump with his fraudulent university, scam charities, suspect money laundering activities, sexual assault allegations, porn star trysts and shaking down the Ukraine for political gain. Try again.
When did Creepy Joe and his corrupt kid ever have a "good name" to smear? Couldn't get any dirtier unless they changed their name to "Clinton."
Unlike the sparkling reputation of Donald Trump with his fraudulent university, scam charities, suspect money laundering activities, sexual assault allegations, porn star trysts and shaking down the Ukraine for political gain. Try again.

Did I say Trump had a "good name" to smear? Pay attention, stupid.
Well, this certainly puts Moscow Mitch and has merry band of NaziCons in a quandary.
No it doesn't.

Schiff claimed for 2 1/2 years to have direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, only to admit he lied.

Schiff attempted to present his own authored fictional account of the transcript as evidence.

Schiff promised direct witnesses nd instead presented no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses.

Dr. Hill and Ambassador Yovanovich testified that 'everyone' was concerned about Ukraine corruption and from the very start 'Eliminating Ukraine corruption ws 'FOREIGN POLICY'. this contradicts whatever Bolton has to say.

Bolton is an angry, bitter, fired, self-important ex-admin employee seeking to get revenge for being sacked while looking to make a buck. Such credibility qualifications make snowflakes happy, though.

Do you have a link?
Of course not, your small made up mind.
Still too stupid to know the def of snowflake I see
Trump u?
Schiff has said many things against the president that were lies
2) Assuming those quotes are NOT true, STILL someone on that panel is the villain making up shit...
If the quotes were fake, Bolton would be the first to say so. But instead neither he or his lawyer refuted a word.
/——/ Bolton wants to sell books and he just got 5 million dollars in free advertising.


“If you write a book like this and you’re part of the Security Council, National Security Council apparatus, you have to submit this to the National Security Council for vetting before it can be send to the publisher. They have to clear it to make sure no national security secrets or violations are being written about and published. Alexander Vindman’s brother, Yevgeny Vindman, is the guy vetting Bolton’s book!

Isn’t it just magical that on the very day after the Trump defense team decimates the House managers’ case, the very next day here comes this leak from the New York Times about what Trump told Bolton supposedly that he didn’t want to do?” - Rush
President Trump needs to fire anybody connected with Obama he needs to get rid of them every one of them
He definitely needs to clear out most of the holdovers in the NSC. That operation is a nest of vipers.
not most all of them obama holdovers have proven themselves to be enemies to America.
An investigation into Democrats involved in corruption with the former Ukraine government perhaps, for which Biden would have no immunity.
In a nutshell:

You have my allow evidence and witnesses into Trump's wrongdoing, unless an investigation is opened into someone else.

Because you don't care if Trump did anything wrong, regardless of witnesses or evidence.

And Barr can investigate any time he wants. Why hasn't he? Easy answer...

Please make sense so that I can respond.
Please read more slowly, with a friend, so you can understand.
I took a semester of understanding bullshit and you write it so well.
When did Creepy Joe and his corrupt kid ever have a "good name" to smear? Couldn't get any dirtier unless they changed their name to "Clinton."
Unlike the sparkling reputation of Donald Trump with his fraudulent university, scam charities, suspect money laundering activities, sexual assault allegations, porn star trysts and shaking down the Ukraine for political gain. Try again.

Did I say Trump had a "good name" to smear? Pay attention, stupid.
You wrote it couldn’t get any dirtier, did you not? So I showed you the error of your ways. They could change their names to Trump. Read your own damn posts!
Mitt Romney told reporters Monday that other fellow Republicans are increasingly likely to support hearing testimony from Bolton but not from the Bidens

There is a seriously flawed "logic" here. Dems tell us that Hunter Biden is "irrelevant" and Bolton is not. Yet, when offered to have both testify, Dems refused. Why? If Hunter Biden is really "irrelevant," why not let the GOP waste its time while your side gets Bolton???

Answer = Democrats KNOW that HUNTER BIDEN received $16 million of KICKBACK from the US FOREIGN AID, and are TERRIFIED of that TRUTH coming out

This is hilarious.
Hunter has nothing to do with with Trump corruption. NOTHING. This is just to show you and your buddies are desperate.

Hunter received $16 millions of kickbacks from US foreign aid? Really? PROVE IT.
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