The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Yes, but when the Democrats say something it is usually paid for dirt that isn't true. Just check.

The Bolton allegation was or should have been open to Executive Privilege as any private conversation with the president and another leader is top secret. And Bolton tried to come out with that statement. Shows what a vicious man he is.

There is only a hearsay allegation that Bolton said anything, no evidence has been provided. And from what I understand there was only one anonymous source, which fails to meet any journalistic standard for publication.

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If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Another good book, Profiles in Corruption. It includes not only Hunter, but all od Biden's brothers as well.

Who wrote it?

Profiles in Corruption - Peter Schweizer - Hardcover

Peter Schweizer

Schweizer not only made allegations against bidens two brothers but his sister, niece and hunter as well. He calls them the biden 5.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Yes, but when the Democrats say something it is usually paid for dirt that isn't true. Just check.

The Bolton allegation was or should have been open to Executive Privilege as any private conversation with the president and another leader is top secret. And Bolton tried to come out with that statement. Shows what a vicious man he is.
The very thing that Trump recognized, and reasoned in his mind to get rid of him. He also looks like an egotistical megalomaniac that can't take rejection ever. Glad Trump is cleaning house of these types of egotistical characters. Don't need these types getting mad to the point of attempting to destroy the nation because of emotional distress. Need measured balance in the job, and Bolton just wasn't it.
This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Yes, but when the Democrats say something it is usually paid for dirt that isn't true. Just check.

The Bolton allegation was or should have been open to Executive Privilege as any private conversation with the president and another leader is top secret. And Bolton tried to come out with that statement. Shows what a vicious man he is.
The very thing that Trump recognized, and reasoned in his mind to get rid of him. He also looks like an egotistical megalomaniac that can't take rejection ever. Glad Trump is cleaning house of these types of egotistical characters. Don't need these types getting mad to the point of attempting to destroy the nation because of emotional distress. Need measured balance in the job, and Bolton just wasn't it.
You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Yes, but when the Democrats say something it is usually paid for dirt that isn't true. Just check.

The Bolton allegation was or should have been open to Executive Privilege as any private conversation with the president and another leader is top secret. And Bolton tried to come out with that statement. Shows what a vicious man he is.
The very thing that Trump recognized, and reasoned in his mind to get rid of him. He also looks like an egotistical megalomaniac that can't take rejection ever. Glad Trump is cleaning house of these types of egotistical characters. Don't need these types getting mad to the point of attempting to destroy the nation because of emotional distress. Need measured balance in the job, and Bolton just wasn't it.

What is your analysis of the video Tree ?
You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Yes, but when the Democrats say something it is usually paid for dirt that isn't true. Just check.

The Bolton allegation was or should have been open to Executive Privilege as any private conversation with the president and another leader is top secret. And Bolton tried to come out with that statement. Shows what a vicious man he is.
The very thing that Trump recognized, and reasoned in his mind to get rid of him. He also looks like an egotistical megalomaniac that can't take rejection ever. Glad Trump is cleaning house of these types of egotistical characters. Don't need these types getting mad to the point of attempting to destroy the nation because of emotional distress. Need measured balance in the job, and Bolton just wasn't it.

When Schiff reads it back he has Bolton saying, "I quit in disgust over the bribery Emoluments quid pro quo!"
Agree especially since Schiff and Nadler are trying to convict The President of Future Crimes!

Lefty wants the impeachment soap box back so Bolton can get his memes, myths and opinions out in the media meat grinder where lies will be picked up and spewed out for the 24/7 news cycle to get their agitprop burrowing it's way into leftist and other weakling's minds.

It would be a mistake to let Bolton have this forum. Let him get his own soap box.
Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Yes, but when the Democrats say something it is usually paid for dirt that isn't true. Just check.

The Bolton allegation was or should have been open to Executive Privilege as any private conversation with the president and another leader is top secret. And Bolton tried to come out with that statement. Shows what a vicious man he is.
The very thing that Trump recognized, and reasoned in his mind to get rid of him. He also looks like an egotistical megalomaniac that can't take rejection ever. Glad Trump is cleaning house of these types of egotistical characters. Don't need these types getting mad to the point of attempting to destroy the nation because of emotional distress. Need measured balance in the job, and Bolton just wasn't it.

What is your analysis of the video Tree ?

That at no time did Bolton mention an investigation of Biden or Quid Pro Quo!

Bolton also mentioned Our President’s concerns about corruption, Free Markets and ensuring The Security of Ukraine.

So this establishes that concern about corruption in Ukraine and what The New Ukraine Government was going to do about it as a legitimate concern.

Bolton also said the calls were cordial, pleasant and well received by Zelensky!

Game Over!
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Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Yes, but when the Democrats say something it is usually paid for dirt that isn't true. Just check.

The Bolton allegation was or should have been open to Executive Privilege as any private conversation with the president and another leader is top secret. And Bolton tried to come out with that statement. Shows what a vicious man he is.
The very thing that Trump recognized, and reasoned in his mind to get rid of him. He also looks like an egotistical megalomaniac that can't take rejection ever. Glad Trump is cleaning house of these types of egotistical characters. Don't need these types getting mad to the point of attempting to destroy the nation because of emotional distress. Need measured balance in the job, and Bolton just wasn't it.

What is your analysis of the video Tree ?

That at no time did Bolton mention an investigation of Biden or Quid Pro Quo!

Bolton also mentioned Our President’s concerns about corruption, Free Markets and ensuring The Security of Ukraine.

So this establishes that concern about corruption in Ukraine and what The New Ukraine Government was going to do about it as a legitimate concern.

Bolton also said the calls were cordial, pleasant and well received by Zelensky!

Game Over!

You know, what everybody is also missing maybe, is that when discussing the corruption in Ukraine, and the 2016 attempt to possibly destroy the candidate Trump by way of corrupt means in which possibly leads back to the previous administration, then wasn't Joe Biden a high ranking official in the prior administration, and wasn't he involved in Ukraine at the time, and wasn't he engaged in a quid pro quo, and what did Obama know, and was there an attempt to stop Trump in favor of Hillary ??

Sounds to me that Trump had every right to question the corruption in Ukraine, and every right to know if Biden was involved, and every right to put the pieces together as to what might have taken place, and every right to know if the prior administration was involved, and every right to know if there are others involved. Makes one wonder if this whole impeachment thing is an attempt to stop any further inquiries by this white house into what was going on prior to 2016 and beyond.

Did Biden actually run in this election in order to stop any investigations into Ukraine, thus placing him in the untouchable category of being a political rival that can't be investigated because of this fact ??? Hmmm.
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There is nothing "for personal gain"
He’s trying to steal the election.
That's what Democrats are doing.
All their scams. Kavanaugh, Russia collusion, Ukraine, + their usual election cheating (illegal aliens, vote miscounting, attacking Trump supporters, debate cheating, etc etc

Ukraine isn't a scam. It's oversight.
Scam. Nobody gets a pass. Candidate or not.
huh? dude, too fking special.
You didn't know that?
know what?

Testimony before the House exonerated Biden. You didn't know that?
no it didn't, it was dropped. no exoneration. no vote taken. just dropped. you should have listened to the lawyer. you know, took your fat fking fingers out of your ears, type a thing.

I'm going to start being more impolite with you unless you tone it back.

The testimony before the House completely destroyed the allegations against Biden. Read George Kent's testimony. It's all there.

READ: Testimony Of Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State George Kent
No need to read. Biden video said it all.
Nope, let the commies dance with the witnesses they brought to the dance, after all they have an irrefutable case, right?

Scared, aren’t you.

Nope, Trump will be acquitted regardless, the commies just want to sling more mud. It's a waste of time.


Since when is getting to the truth a waste of time?

The commies said they had a slam dunk case, what happened to that? The truth is the bidens are dirty as hell, you folks don't seem to interested in learning the facts about that.


There was more than enough testimony in front of the House to indict Trump. Republicans have a higher standard of proof than normal people so we really are going to have to slap them in the face with it.

There was more than enough testimony before the House to tell us that Biden wasn't doing anything wrong. You don't seem interested in acknowledging that.
Wrong. Trump is innocent. Biden is guilty . If he gets the nom, he'll be skinned alive in the ge campaign.
The White House is now trying to suppress Bolton's book. I wonder why...LOL

Trump is afraid. Afraid of the truth being revealed. The truth that his entire administration is a one big shitshow.
Do you think the Senate will go against Trump ? To remove him ?
Yes they did. Yet they got a blanket response.

When did they take that subpoena to court to have it enforced?

It is just a figment of your pathetically screwed imagination.

The asked them to appear, the only subpoena that was issued was taken to court and the commies withdrew it.


That's not true. Article 2 of the impeachment says this:
(1) Directing the White House to defy a lawful subpoena by withholding the production of documents sought therein by the Committees.

(2) Directing other Executive Branch agencies and offices to defy lawful subpoenas and withhold the production of documents and records from the Committees — in response to which the Department of State, Office of Management and Budget, Department of Energy, and Department of Defense refused to produce a single document or record.

(3) Directing current and former Executive Branch officials not to cooperate with the Committees — in response to which nine Administration officials defied subpoenas for testimony, namely John Michael “Mick” Mulvaney, Robert B. Blair, John A. Eisenberg, Michael Ellis, Preston Wells Griffith, Russell T. Vought, Michael Duffey, Brian McCormack, and T. Ulrich Brechbuhl.

Wow, I notice Bolten isn't on that list, but you also need to check the facts and stop relying on commie lies. But let's assume that is correct, why didn't the commies go to court to enforce their subpoenas? They are the ones that tried to shortcut the system. Now they're asking the senate to do the job the chose not to do.

Going to court would take years. By then it would be too late and the American people would be deprived of this information that they need to vote for the next president.

You say the House didn’t take to court. True.
The House isn’t asking the Senate to take it to court. They’re asking the Senate to call witnesses in a trial.

What do you think about a trial where witnesses can’t be called? Seems like it might not be a fair trial.
Democrats wouldn't allow Republican's witnesses in the House. Dose of their own medicine. They made their bed. Now they sleep in it.
They Did Not

Yes they did. Yet they got a blanket response.

When did they take that subpoena to court to have it enforced?

It is just a figment of your pathetically screwed imagination.

The asked them to appear, the only subpoena that was issued was taken to court and the commies withdrew it.


That's not true. Article 2 of the impeachment says this:
(1) Directing the White House to defy a lawful subpoena by withholding the production of documents sought therein by the Committees.

(2) Directing other Executive Branch agencies and offices to defy lawful subpoenas and withhold the production of documents and records from the Committees — in response to which the Department of State, Office of Management and Budget, Department of Energy, and Department of Defense refused to produce a single document or record.

(3) Directing current and former Executive Branch officials not to cooperate with the Committees — in response to which nine Administration officials defied subpoenas for testimony, namely John Michael “Mick” Mulvaney, Robert B. Blair, John A. Eisenberg, Michael Ellis, Preston Wells Griffith, Russell T. Vought, Michael Duffey, Brian McCormack, and T. Ulrich Brechbuhl.
The Senate won't convict even is Pomano shoots Biden on tv and says Trump ordered it. But imo it's a master stroke by Bolton. I mean really, how many people would plunk down 40 bucks for a book by the guy? BUT over a million people really want to know what he says Trump said. With Trump preventing him from testifying, even if there are enough senators willing to subpoena him ….. his book sales should be good. LOL
Not once the media exposes it. And really, there's nothing consequential that Bolton, or anyone, can say.
Nope, Trump will be acquitted regardless, the commies just want to sling more mud. It's a waste of time.


Since when is getting to the truth a waste of time?

The commies said they had a slam dunk case, what happened to that? The truth is the bidens are dirty as hell, you folks don't seem to interested in learning the facts about that.


There was more than enough testimony in front of the House to indict Trump. Republicans have a higher standard of proof than normal people so we really are going to have to slap them in the face with it.

There was more than enough testimony before the House to tell us that Biden wasn't doing anything wrong. You don't seem interested in acknowledging that.

Yeah right, baby biden got the job two days after Devon Archer met with poppa joe at the WH. Shoken was fired shortly after Devon Archer met with Kerry at the State Dept. Burisma bought access to the maobama regime, it's just that simple. Also it's been proven that 4 other close relatives of poppa joe made millions while poppa joe was VP. The bidens are drity as hell.


Does anyone at the State Dept back up your version of events?
You dispute it ?

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