The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Then why wasn't the ultimatum given much earlier, the loan guarantees were authorize more than a year earlier. BTW why would Shokin be investigating Zelensky?

Because Shokin didn’t take office until Feb 2015. He was only prosecutor general for about a year and a bit. What really pushed the State Dept to go after him was the Diamond Prosecutor scandal and that occurred in the summer-fall of 2015.

I haven't heard this term, Diamond Prosecutor scandal, do you have a link for it?


You bet. There’s a number of stories on it. Just google Shokin Diamond Prosecutors. This was a good article.

‘Cache of diamonds’: Trump-Biden impeachment fight originates with corrupt chauffeur

Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

We don't have to admit anything.
Claim endless witnesses are out there, although none discovered when ball was in your court, and thus endless impeachment seeking the never ending mystery “witnesses”
Well the witnesses were discovered but wouldn't testify without court orders that would have taken months. But it's clear that the gop senate isn't gonna do anything even if Trump shoots someone on 5th ave.

Four Gop senators may want some show of witnesses to try and claim they had open minds to an already foregone vote.

And it doesn't matter to the polling. The only actual effect may be if this stretches out into the SOTU speech and Trump loses it on TV and goes into a rage for all to see
all legal, they chose not to wait, it's on them, no one else.
Incorrect. Guess what would happen if you ignored a subpoena?
if one challenges a subpoena, it goes to court. fk man, use the internet.

How to Object to a Service of a Subpoena

Exactly. Trump didn't challenge the subpoenas. He ignored them.

What happens if you ignore a subpoena?

Those wanting you to appear get a court order requiring you to do so. In this case, Trump told the House to pound sand and the House said okay.
Well the witnesses were discovered but wouldn't testify without court orders that would have taken months. But it's clear that the gop senate isn't gonna do anything even if Trump shoots someone on 5th ave.

Four Gop senators may want some show of witnesses to try and claim they had open minds to an already foregone vote.

And it doesn't matter to the polling. The only actual effect may be if this stretches out into the SOTU speech and Trump loses it on TV and goes into a rage for all to see
all legal, they chose not to wait, it's on them, no one else.
Incorrect. Guess what would happen if you ignored a subpoena?
if one challenges a subpoena, it goes to court. fk man, use the internet.

How to Object to a Service of a Subpoena

Exactly. Trump didn't challenge the subpoenas. He ignored them.

What happens if you ignore a subpoena?

Those wanting you to appear get a court order requiring you to do so. In this case, Trump told the House to pound sand and the House said okay.

I am sure Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff got right to it.
Then why wasn't the ultimatum given much earlier, the loan guarantees were authorize more than a year earlier. BTW why would Shokin be investigating Zelensky?

Because Shokin didn’t take office until Feb 2015. He was only prosecutor general for about a year and a bit. What really pushed the State Dept to go after him was the Diamond Prosecutor scandal and that occurred in the summer-fall of 2015.

I haven't heard this term, Diamond Prosecutor scandal, do you have a link for it?


You bet. There’s a number of stories on it. Just google Shokin Diamond Prosecutors. This was a good article.

‘Cache of diamonds’: Trump-Biden impeachment fight originates with corrupt chauffeur

Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.

Unlike president Trump the Bidens committed actual crimes, money changed hands, they belong in prison with countless other scum of the earth Democrats.

But you just said a quid pro quo was done all the time. Except when Democrats do it?

You are desperately trying to construct a strawman argument. Why don't you go work on it for a couple of weeks then return and I'll be happy to destroy you.
your an idiot you will destroy no one!

Relax snowflake.
Bow me bitch!

Are you still in junior high? :itsok:
You are desperately trying to construct a strawman argument. Why don't you go work on it for a couple of weeks then return and I'll be happy to destroy you.
your an idiot you will destroy no one!

Relax snowflake.
Bow me bitch!
- minus 5 points for spelling .

You think he got triggered? :abgg2q.jpg:

That one is suffering from a TDS concussion. :cuckoo:
A "normal thinking person" would actually find out. They might even take the time to actually understand how executive privilege works. You apparently are not in that demographic.

They have not invoked executive privilege on subpoenad witnesses and documents. Had they, they would have to have declared to which specific documents and witnesses the privilege is being applied as there is no such thing as a blanket privilege that covers everything. All others not covered by privilege would have to have been released.
That never happened.
Yeah...all members of Trump's administration wanted by Schiff to appear in front of his inquisition were covered
by Trump Executive Privilege. Hence, they did not appear.

Funny, you act so condescendingly superior yet you are really quite average in reality, if that even.

They impeached him for obstruction, dope.
A band of imbeciles like Nadler, Schiff etc. can impeach Trump for eating ice cream in the White House for all the good it does them. Their actual chances of removing Trump from office are so close to zero they are virtually assured of failure.
Have you followed the arguments put forward by Nancy's ninnies?

It's absurd. No crimes have been committed. None! Wake up, jackass.

Show us where and when and to whom the Trump admin invoked executive peivilege.
It's coming. Bolton knew that Trump's conversation was ripe for Executive Privilege. Bolton just wanted to jump in it with this questionable statement to sell a book and force Trump's hand.
Because Shokin didn’t take office until Feb 2015. He was only prosecutor general for about a year and a bit. What really pushed the State Dept to go after him was the Diamond Prosecutor scandal and that occurred in the summer-fall of 2015.

I haven't heard this term, Diamond Prosecutor scandal, do you have a link for it?


You bet. There’s a number of stories on it. Just google Shokin Diamond Prosecutors. This was a good article.

‘Cache of diamonds’: Trump-Biden impeachment fight originates with corrupt chauffeur

Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.
Chaos defines the first three years of the Trump Administration, it has now infected the members of the Trump's Lawyers, from Rudy to the current crop of lawyers now putting all watchers to sleep.

In wake of Bolton book news, White House allies say Trump lawyers bungled defense

Reports that John Bolton has written a firsthand account of the president’s direct involvement in withholding aid to Ukraine has left some Republicans confused and angry over the legal strategy by the president’s defense team — which has devoted much of its arguments in the Senate impeachment trial to arguing that no such firsthand evidence existed.

One Republican operative who advises the White House said he was “flabbergasted at how stupidly they have handled this.”

Trump attorney Mike Purpura argued Saturday that “not a single witness testified that the president himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance, a presidential meeting or anything else.”

Well for chaos he's done a damned find job.

UE is the lowest its been in 50 years, there are jobs all across the country and the economy is doing great. Hell those that play the stock market are doing fine as well.

I'll take that chaos all day every day. LOL

What evidence will you provide to prove anything trump has done to benefit the middle class, working class who live pay check to pay check and the very poor who work two or more part time jobs at minimum wage with no benefits?

I'll answer for you. Nothing. trump brags about the economy, based solely on the Stock Market, and only when it is growing. Have you noticed it too is chaotic?

Sadly no evidence has been put forth to prove trump has done anything to benefit , "the middle class, working class who live pay check to pay check and the very poor who work two or more part time jobs at minimum wage with no benefits"

All they have are single data points if and only if they support something The President feels will impress his biddable base. Anything which report a failure, such as the massive deficit left us by trump during the past fiscal year is never mentioned.
I haven't heard this term, Diamond Prosecutor scandal, do you have a link for it?


You bet. There’s a number of stories on it. Just google Shokin Diamond Prosecutors. This was a good article.

‘Cache of diamonds’: Trump-Biden impeachment fight originates with corrupt chauffeur

Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I'd like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Last edited:
Just heard a Bolton interview from August 2019 regarding Ukraine. He said absolutely NOTHING supportive of the fictional Stalinist democrat narrative
You bet. There’s a number of stories on it. Just google Shokin Diamond Prosecutors. This was a good article.

‘Cache of diamonds’: Trump-Biden impeachment fight originates with corrupt chauffeur

Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.
You bet. There’s a number of stories on it. Just google Shokin Diamond Prosecutors. This was a good article.

‘Cache of diamonds’: Trump-Biden impeachment fight originates with corrupt chauffeur

Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Another good book, Profiles in Corruption. It includes not only Hunter, but all od Biden's brothers as well.
Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Another good book, Profiles in Corruption. It includes not only Hunter, but all od Biden's brothers as well.

Who wrote it?

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.

Aren't allegations the genesis of all investigations?

Yes, but when the Democrats say something it is usually paid for dirt that isn't true. Just check.

The Bolton allegation was or should have been open to Executive Privilege as any private conversation with the president and another leader is top secret. And Bolton tried to come out with that statement. Shows what a vicious man he is.
Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Another good book, Profiles in Corruption. It includes not only Hunter, but all od Biden's brothers as well.

Who wrote it?

Profiles in Corruption - Peter Schweizer - Hardcover

Peter Schweizer
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Wow, diamonds get you in trouble? I hope no one searches my place, I've got a couple hundred of them, including rare natural orange diamonds. LOL But that said, if the article is accurate, then Shokin needed to go. But then we get into the mixed motives of biden, don't we? Two benefits for the same action.

Maybe. But you have to admit, it’s very exculpatory information.

If accurate. We've seen so much put out by the media that hasn't been. So I'm a bit of a skeptic.


This was covered at length on local media, not much here. It seemed like it was a big scandal in Ukraine.

The details from the article came from the testimony of George Kent, career foreign service. These are the kinds of details one would expect to be uncovered as part of an actual investigation into Biden. That didn’t happen.

You're right, at this point none of the bidens have been investigated, there are some pretty stern allegations against at least 5 of them for personally profiting off bidens position as VP. I like to see all of them investigated, and from what Graham said, the senate judiciary committee may take it up once this is over with.

Oh. We have to investigate allegations because someone alleged them. Okay. Who cares if there’s evidence or not.

Ah. And so begins the Republican tradition of investigating Democratic candidates for president.
I suggest you read the book before you evaluate its authenticity. Or you could close your eyes and claim you saw nothing warranting investigation.

The interesting part of this book, Profiles in Corruption is that all of the proof was open to anyone who wanted to investigate it. The Democrats just didn't want to go there.

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