The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

She's just another casualty of Trumper cancel culture.


Better follow the leader, or you're out!

Remember, you should always follow what Simon Says, or you're a goner! Finito! Cancelled!
The IG will be talking to him...I'm sure
"Will be"? If he hasn't before now, somebody is REALLY falling down on their job. They knew everything she was going to say in that kangaroo court, and if they didn't follow up long ago, they're really out of the loop.
At least she didn't abandon the TRUTH or the Constitution....her oath was to the latter, not to the misguided constituents.

She took the hard road. And deserves the Profiles in Courage Award! :)

What "courage"? The GOP Establishment hated the 74 Million Trumpsters from the day The Donald disembarked from the escalator. She was just being true to herself in attacking us.

Not any particular courage at all, now she can go back to her Virginia mansion and get a job with CNN or something as a supposed "conservative".
That "us" being the


You can call the 74 million Little Trumpsters a " cult" or whatever else you like. These are the people who don't believe the Cultic Myth that Sleepy Joe is actually competent leader.

But my point is still valid.

Turning against people who aren't your friends and allies and never will be isn't "courageous" at all. Liz has had a bug up her ass since The Donald pointed out how low energy the Bush-Cheney establishment was and how the people can do better.

She was just being true to herself, and wasn't risking anything by doing so. Not "courageous" in the least.
At least she didn't abandon the TRUTH or the Constitution....her oath was to the latter, not to the misguided constituents.

She took the hard road. And deserves the Profiles in Courage Award! :)
She chose the path of representing the DC Establishment elites. I’ll bet she wishes she could get a re-do.
What you posted was a lie and you admitted that when called on it.
You are fantasy filled once again. I admitted that she lied, nothing more. If you think otherwise, your comprehension has completely abandoned you yet once again.

The real thing that I called you on was admitting and denying, at the same time, that there is anything to your claims. In sequential posts. You can't even keep your lies straight.

Seek help, liar.
She chose the path of representing the DC Establishment elites. I’ll bet she wishes she could get a re-do.
She took an oath to the Constitution and I don`t know why is this so hard to understand? Establishment elites? WTF is that supposed to be?
I know that it is for you to comprehend, but all of those that she cited claim she is wrong. Time to make up another phony claim.

The only ones capable of disputing her are Ornato and Engel and neither one of them has publicly spoken up to do so.
She took an oath to the Constitution and I don`t know why is this so hard to understand? Establishment elites? WTF is that supposed to be?
She was charged to also represent the state of Wyoming. She stopped doing that and started to represent the DC establishment.
Yes, Liz Cheney lost because she would not be a sycophant to lies for deep red WY.

A large majority of people believe Cassidy. She was there and you have orange lies.

No...she lost because she willingly joined the democrat party police state show trial of President Trump and his supporters.
She was charged to also represent the state of Wyoming. She stopped doing that and started to represent the DC establishment.
Because so many idiots in that state believe an election was stolen, she`s obligated to violate the oath she took to this country and jump on the crazy train? No.
Because so many idiots in that state believe an election was stolen, she`s obligated to violate the oath she took to this country and jump on the crazy train? No.
You’re entitled to your views no matter how stupid they are.
Where is the proof of this stolen election?

Still in trump’s ass?
I can see that you're a very mature and serious person..

Show any comment I've posted claiming the election was stolen. Now find another diversion.
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I lost count long ago. How many of their bombshells ever actually did anything but crash to earth with a dull thud? Why are they continuing to drop bombs that never have anything explosive in them?

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