"The Boss Wants The Server Deleted, What Are We Going To Do"

Judge Dismisses "Big Lie" Defamation Lawsuit Against CNN.

A federal judge slapped down a more than $400 million defamation lawsuit brought by former President Donald Trump against CNN for the networkā€™s use of the phrase ā€œthe Big Lieā€ when referring to Trumpā€™s numerous false claims about the 2020 election.

Judge Raag Singhal ā€• a Trump-appointed judge ā€• dismissed Trumpā€™s $475 million lawsuit against CNN on Friday, ruling that the networkā€™s writers and television anchors that referred to Trumpā€™s numerous election lies as ā€œthe Big Lieā€ was opinion and did not amount to defamation.

The Rapist and Traitor loses once again in court, a Rapist and Traitor appointed judge threw out the lawsuit.
We didnā€™t start the war in Libya or Ukraine.
Here is a good column that will relieve you of your ignorance regarding Ukraine.

Enough of the Ukrainian Clown Show! Ukraine and the ā€œBorderlandsā€. Historical Analysis​

By David Stockman
29 July 2023
ā€¦..Likewise, he wants the Russian-speaking populations of the eastern Donbas region and the Black Sea rim, historically known as ā€œNovorossiyaā€ or New Russia, to have self-governing autonomy and protection from military attack by the anti-Russian Kiev government, as per the Minsk agreements.

After all, those brutal attacks, which killed upwards of 14,000 mostly civilians, occurred nearly continuously for eight years after the Washington-sponsored Maidan coup of February 2014. The latter had installed hostile proto-Nazi elements in the unelected and illegal government stood up in Kiev by Victoria Nuland and her Washington gaggle of neocon hegemonists.

In other words, what we have here is a Washington-triggered civil war in an area that has been either a Russian vassal or appendage for centuries and where the term ā€œUkraineā€ actually means ā€œborderlandsā€ in Russian.

And thatā€™s not even the half of it. The borders of these very ā€œborderlandsā€ do not define a nation or state that was the product of natural development and accretion over centuries. To the contrary, they are a 20th century artifact confected by Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev. The only connection these black-lined borders shown below have to the history of the area is that they were drawn-up for reasons of totalitarian administrative convenience, not as an expression of social, ethnic, religious or economic affinities

Enough of the Ukrainian Clown Show! Ukraine and the "Borderlands". Historical Analysis - Global Research
Lol. Do you think Hillary would do this herself? Lol.
Of course she wouldnā€™t do it herself.

So now you have to ask who did do it.

Iā€™m trying to get you guys to think logically.

Do you know who deleted the server?
A computer tech hired by Cankles. I donā€™t know his name. Does it matter to you? Look it up then.
I donā€™t have to look it up because I already know. His name is Pagliano.

Did you know he was interviewed by the FBI?
Here is a good column that will relieve you of your ignorance regarding Ukraine.

Enough of the Ukrainian Clown Show! Ukraine and the ā€œBorderlandsā€. Historical Analysis​

By David Stockman
29 July 2023
ā€¦..Likewise, he wants the Russian-speaking populations of the eastern Donbas region and the Black Sea rim, historically known as ā€œNovorossiyaā€ or New Russia, to have self-governing autonomy and protection from military attack by the anti-Russian Kiev government, as per the Minsk agreements.

After all, those brutal attacks, which killed upwards of 14,000 mostly civilians, occurred nearly continuously for eight years after the Washington-sponsored Maidan coup of February 2014. The latter had installed hostile proto-Nazi elements in the unelected and illegal government stood up in Kiev by Victoria Nuland and her Washington gaggle of neocon hegemonists.

In other words, what we have here is a Washington-triggered civil war in an area that has been either a Russian vassal or appendage for centuries and where the term ā€œUkraineā€ actually means ā€œborderlandsā€ in Russian.

And thatā€™s not even the half of it. The borders of these very ā€œborderlandsā€ do not define a nation or state that was the product of natural development and accretion over centuries. To the contrary, they are a 20th century artifact confected by Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev. The only connection these black-lined borders shown below have to the history of the area is that they were drawn-up for reasons of totalitarian administrative convenience, not as an expression of social, ethnic, religious or economic affinities

Enough of the Ukrainian Clown Show! Ukraine and the "Borderlands". Historical Analysis - Global Research
Wow. Is this the stuff you believe?

Nice source..

Russian propaganda for dupes.

"Chossudovsky, once a frequent guest on the Russian state TV network RT, serves as the site's editor and is one of its main contributors. He has regularly questioned the seriousness of COVID-19, recently labelling it a "manufactured pandemic."

The more they rant about HRC, the more it shows that they have valid, logical or coherent argument left to make.

HRC was investigated and reinvestigated for 25-Years by the Con Clowns and they still ain't got shit to show for it.

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