The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

Too funny. I am embarrassed for you Goat. You embrace every manner of ugly and call it beautiful. Me? Do as you wish but stay away from anything mine. THAT is the problem with you and your kind, you think you need to "school" us make us think just like you do.
Your children aren't yours. They are your responsibility, you do not own them nor do you get to control how they think. You can try and influence it but you can't control it.
Do you?
I get that you said the left is bring the heat on themselves, but then you also poke fun at the right for being upset for having the progressive left madness thrown in their faces.
That is not the rights fault.
Bud Light choosing to do this was asinine.
No different - NONE - than if they put Margorie Green on cans! FFS. No different.
The Right is now every bit as hypersensitive and over-reactive as the Left is.

I'm under no ideological obligation to ignore the behaviors of either end.
Well that's because a Bingo like you didn't provide any contex for why you brought it up. The context for talking about whether homosexuality is natural were your previously ignorant claims that tried to suggest that it wasn't.

There is no such thing as default humans. The rationale assumes that our creation is purposeful rather than a happenstance of natural physical forces.

For such a short sentence you managed to fit two ignorant assumptions in there. That's pretty efficient.

1. There is no threat and no one advocating the entire race go homosexual.

2. Homosexuals do desire to procreate. Its only that's recent scientific advancements allow them to do so without having to engage in heterosexual sex.

There is a default human, even if we are a random occurrence. Figures you are an asshole atheist along with a science denier.

Just extrapolating to show why homosexuality can't be the default condition for a species.

They may desire to have children, but they have no desire to do the actual process that creates children. Again, talking from a purely biological standpoint sans technology or desire to adhere to the social norms of heterosexual society, i.e. procreating.
Your children aren't yours. They are your responsibility, you do not own them nor do you get to control how they think. You can try and influence it but you can't control it.

Until they are 18 years old they sure as hell are. If a parent is responsible, they own their asses.
I don't drink alcohol, period. You're not getting it. Normal people see what's happening here. Sell your product, but don't focus on the freaking freaks that are seeking to destroy the USA.
American and American based companies have been striving for that for decades, ALL in the name of PROFIT.
They could give A FUCK, about America or the people in it.
A life decision for Americans.

Q&A: How much does it cost to get a COVID-19 test? It depends.​

Johns Hopkins University › from-our-experts › q-an...

An investigation by the Kaiser Family Foundation determined that the cost of a test can range anywhere from $20 to $850, with $127 being the median cost.

The Right is now every bit as hypersensitive and over-reactive as the Left is.

I'm under no ideological obligation to ignore the behaviors of either end.
They were made that way by the left pounding their agenda in everyone's face.
You realize how fucked up this generation is??
Over half are on anti-depressants.
Suicide rates never seen before.
They are being told the world is self destructing and to take part in society is to take part in that destruction.
They are confused as hell about everything that matters.
The right didn't do that. The progressive leftist in our education system did.
There is a default human, even if we are a random occurrence. Figures you are an asshole atheist along with a science denier
Nope. Still no such thing as a default human you moron. You simply saying there is one without any evidence or explanation doesn't mean anything.
Just extrapolating to show why homosexuality can't be the default condition for a species.
If want to argue homosexual go against what is a default human you must first provide evidence there is such a thing as a defaukt human. Thats simple logic. Its a step by step process. We cant jump to step 2 before you prove step 1.
They may desire to have children, but they have no desire to do the actual process that creates children. Again, talking from a purely biological standpoint sans technology or desire to adhere to the social norms of heterosexual society, i.e. procreating.
Sex is no longer the only process by which we can create humans.
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Until they are 18 years old they sure as hell are. If a parent is responsible, they own their asses.
No you don't. If you owned them you could sell and you certainly can't do that can you. Jesus Christ man how many simple, logical conclusions are you going to competely fail at? 😄
Thats no different than libs who brand all trump voters as bigots
True...both when wrong, are hurtful, except calling someone a pedophile is worse... it's criminal and sicko behavior, vs. Being called a Racist is not being called a criminal and is a badge of honor, to SOME....but certainly not all.
Nope. Still no such thing as a default human you moron. You simply saying there is one without any evidence or explanation doesn't mean anything.

If want to argue homosexual go against what is a default human you must first provide evidence there is such a thing as a defaukt human. Thats simple logic. Its a step by step process. We cant jump to step 2 before you prove step 1.

Sex is no longer the only process by which we can create humans.

And again, you trying to justify your moral views with pseudo-science is as bad as the idiots who did skull measurements to determine "proper aryans"

It's not just enough for you to say you think X, you have to somehow back it up with junk science.

Default human. 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 1 heart, 2 lungs, 2 kidneys, can see, hear, smell, etc. is heterosexual and doesn't feel the need to chop off it's own penis.

Other categories may apply, but those are the basics.
No you don't. If you owned them you could sell and you certainly can't do that can you. Jesus Christ man how many simple, logical conclusions are you going to competely fail at? 😄

As minors they have very limited levels of consent they can give, all others go to the parents. So own might not be the perfect term, but it's close enough.
American and American based companies have been striving for that for decades, ALL in the name of PROFIT.
They could give A FUCK, about America or the people in it.
A life decision for Americans.

Q&A: How much does it cost to get a COVID-19 test? It depends.

View attachment 775502
Johns Hopkins University › from-our-experts › q-an...
An investigation by the Kaiser Family Foundation determined that the cost of a test can range anywhere from $20 to $850, with $127 being the median cost.

Do you work for a living? If you do then where does the money come from that goes to your paycheck?
And again, you trying to justify your moral views with pseudo-science is as bad as the idiots who did skull measurements to determine "proper aryans"
Red herrings and straw men. We're not talking about skull measurements our moral values. We're talking homosexuality. If you want to critique my statement of scientific fact then be brave enough to state exactly what I got wrong and how.
It's not just enough for you to say you think X, you have to somehow back it up with junk science.

Default human. 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 1 heart, 2 lungs, 2 kidneys, can see, hear, smell, etc. is heterosexual and doesn't feel the need to chop off it's own penis.
You mean typical not default you Bingo. Learn what words mean. 😄
Other categories may apply, but those are the basics.
You're basically retarded. 😄
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As minors they have very limited levels of consent they can give, all others go to the parents. So own might not be the perfect term, but it's close enough.
No. They still maintain consent. What do you imagine you are legally allowed to force your child to do?
Red herrings and straw men. We're not talking about skull measurements our moral values. We're talking homosexuality. If you want to critique my statement of scientific fact then be brave enough to state exactly what I got wrong and how.

You mean typical not default you Bingo. Learn what words mean. 😄

You're basically retarded. 😄

Default, typical, normal, whatever. Semantics are the last resort of someone without an actual argument.

You haven't given any "scientific facts". You've just given made up opinions you dress up as scientific facts.

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