The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

why did they wait so long to do it, why not Bruce Jenner? What's so special that he needed to be on a beer can for distribution. It seems you haven't a clue.
IDK, you're asking shit, no one can figure out.
Write a fucking letter, if it concerns you, THAT MUCH.
They were made that way by the left pounding their agenda in everyone's face.
You realize how fucked up this generation is??
Over half are on anti-depressants.
Suicide rates never seen before.
They are being told the world is self destructing and to take part in society is to take part in that destruction.
They are confused as hell about everything that matters.
The right didn't do that. The progressive leftist in our education system did.
For the sake of argument, let's just stipulate to all of that. Agreed. The question then is, what to do about it.

When Trump first won, I posted my concern here (and I'm sure I could provide examples) that he and his cronies would over-compensate so far as to just fucking blow it. I was concerned that, rather than using calm logic and reason, they would take the caveman approach and go too far too fast -- which, as I always say, both ends just LOVE to do.

What ALWAYS happens then? They piss off too many, get beaten in elections, and then we swing back too far in the OPPOSITE direction. THAT'S what concerns me. Will I be proven wrong? Could be. But judging by the last couple of elections, 2020 and 2022, I'm not so sure.

It's not the goal that is the problem. The goal can be legitimate and good. The problem is the approach people take to reach the goal. And the caveman approach does not seem like a good idea to me. We just keep going back and forth, trying to cram agendas down everyone's throat. We'll see.
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Homosexuality isn't typical or normal biologically. You can think it's normal socially, but others disagree.
The way you use that term is ignorant and innaccurate. It is not typical or normal for the average human to ve homosexual but it is typical and normal and natural for some humans to be homosexual. It's not abnormal for any human population to have a number of homosexuals.
Arsenic is perfectly natural. So is fire, comets impacting our planet, and your stupidity.
Now provide context that it relevant to your point....... Oh right you have none. 😄
The intent is for sexual organisms to reproduce sexually, and not being sexually attracted to the opposite sex is a defect.
No that is not the intent of every human. There are plenty of humans, even humans in heterosexual relationships that have no desire to reproduce. My cousin and her husband are one of them much to my aunts dismay.
The way you use that term is ignorant and innaccurate. It is not typical or normal for the average human to ve homosexual but it is typical and normal and natural for some humans to be homosexual. It's not abnormal for any human population to have a number of homosexuals.

Now provide context that it relevant to your point....... Oh right you have none. 😄

No that is not the intent of every human. There are plenty of humans, even humans in heterosexual relationships that have no desire to reproduce. My cousin and her husband are one of them much to my aunts dismay.

But it isn't the default, and should not be treated as such. Heterosexuality is inherently superior from a biological standpoint.

Just like not wanting to cut your junk off.
The way you use that term is ignorant and innaccurate. It is not typical or normal for the average human to ve homosexual but it is typical and normal and natural for some humans to be homosexual. It's not abnormal for any human population to have a number of homosexuals.

Now provide context that it relevant to your point....... Oh right you have none. 😄

No that is not the intent of every human. There are plenty of humans, even humans in heterosexual relationships that have no desire to reproduce. My cousin and her husband are one of them much to my aunts dismay.
In an nut shell you can do anything you want to within limits, keep the sexually abnormal, sick stuff, away from children, and in your home.
I am disgusted by a parent automatically thinking their 4 year old boy wants to be mutilated to be a girl without exhausting all other possibilities.
I'm amused that you're ignorant enough to believe this caricature actually describes real people.
Well then those kids can ignore their parents when they grow up. Adversity builds character.
They also ignore them now. Try as the white wing might they haven't been able to spread their bigotry and hate to their offspring.
Kids these days have zero adversity and we wonder why half of them are having mental issues.
In reality more children have to go to school under a new reality were school shootings are a very real possibility and they've handled that new reality with more dignity and respobsibility than any GOP legislative body.
Discussions with who?
It says discussions of homosexuality and gender identity are prohibited in the classroom.
What it does is limits those discussions based on age appropriateness.
And as we knew from the beginning the GOP things that's every child in grade school, including high school as they now seek to expand the scope of this bill.
But you have to lie to make your point, so keep at it, cuckboi.

I don't. You and your party are a bunch of bitches and the adults in the room and looking around exits polling and trying to warn to morons that your policies and general behavior are losing you younger voters but you Bingos don't have the ability to think long term. 😄
I'm amused that you're ignorant enough to believe this caricature actually describes real people.

They also ignore them now. Try as the white wing might they haven't been able to spread their bigotry and hate to their offspring.

In reality more children have to go to school under a new reality were school shootings are a very real possibility and they've handled that new reality with more dignity and respobsibility than any GOP legislative body.

It says discussions of homosexuality and gender identity are prohibited in the classroom.

And as we knew from the beginning the GOP things that's every child in grade school, including high school as they now seek to expand the scope of this bill.


I don't. You and your party are a bunch of bitches and the adults in the room and looking around exits polling and trying to warn to morons that your policies and general behavior are losing you younger voters but you Bingos don't have the ability to think long term. 😄
But it isn't the default, and should not be treated as such. Heterosexuality is inherently superior from a biological standpoint.

Just like not wanting to cut your junk off.
You haven't proven there is a default and you seem to be confusing heterosexuality with fertility. A homosexuality couple could be more fertile than a heterosexual one.
Some of us -- okay, well, I'm admittedly talking about me here -- have been screaming about the perils of political correctness and identity politics for over a decade here. "We" have been saying that the American Left has been blowing it by pushing these wide-ranging cultural issues FAR too far, and that the presidential election results of 2016 were a DIRECT result of those tactics.

So now the Right is pissed off at a beer and is boycotting it and shooting guns at it 'n stuff. And yes, now the Right is every bit as spectacularly hypersensitive to PC/Identity Politics as the Left has been to racism over the years. Ironic. As I've said many times, the two ends can be so similar in their behaviors.

After paying close attention (as usual) to what the Right actually says about things, I think that there was one moment, one turning point that the Left crossed the line with all this stuff: When we started seeing children (especially schoolchildren, who essentially are captive participants) fully exposed to transsexuality, drag queens, drag shows, and the like. This was done by adults who knew damn well that there would be MANY parents who would object, but they ran with it anyway. That's when the shit really hit the fan, and the Left asked for it. BOOM.

Just the latest example of the damage caused when ideologues ignore contrary opinions and go too far. And what's the response? The Right is now going too far in response. Go figure.


Too far? We should all but encourage this. At least they are shooting cans instead of people. At least they are boycotting a beer, instead of talking civil war and treason.

It's like buying a kitten for a caged gorilla. Sure, he might twist its little head off. But that's better than twisting the head off a zoo employee.
I'm amused that you're ignorant enough to believe this caricature actually describes real people.

They also ignore them now. Try as the white wing might they haven't been able to spread their bigotry and hate to their offspring.

In reality more children have to go to school under a new reality were school shootings are a very real possibility and they've handled that new reality with more dignity and respobsibility than any GOP legislative body.

It says discussions of homosexuality and gender identity are prohibited in the classroom.

And as we knew from the beginning the GOP things that's every child in grade school, including high school as they now seek to expand the scope of this bill.


I don't. You and your party are a bunch of bitches and the adults in the room and looking around exits polling and trying to warn to morons that your policies and general behavior are losing you younger voters but you Bingos don't have the ability to think long term. 😄
Yes, which is the only reason you actually pretend to care about the issue, voters.
For the sake of argument, let's just stipulate to all of that. Agreed. The question then is, what to do about it.

When Trump first won, I posted my concern here (and I'm sure I could provide examples) that he and his cronies would over-compensate so far as to just fucking blow it. I was concerned that, rather than using calm logic and reason, they would take the caveman approach and go too far too fast -- which, as I always say, both ends just LOVE to do.

What ALWAYS happens then? They piss off too many, get beaten in elections, and then we swing back too far in the OPPOSITE direction. THAT'S what concerns me. Will I be proven wrong? Could be. But judging by the last couple of elections, 2020 and 2022, I'm not so sure.

It's not the goal that is the problem. The goal can be legitimate and good. The problem is the approach people take to reach the goal. And the caveman approach does not seem like a good idea to me. We just keep going back and forth, trying to cram agendas down everyone's throat. We'll see.
We are way beyond that.
As a nation we have gone full retard.
We are actually debating if giving young boys chemical castration pills is the right thing to do or not.
We are debating if it is right or wrong to have adult performers perform in front of kindergartners.
The list goes on.
And one side is pushing that craziness, and the other is demonized for not supporting it.
I'm amused that you're ignorant enough to believe this caricature actually describes real people.

They also ignore them now. Try as the white wing might they haven't been able to spread their bigotry and hate to their offspring.

In reality more children have to go to school under a new reality were school shootings are a very real possibility and they've handled that new reality with more dignity and respobsibility than any GOP legislative body.

It says discussions of homosexuality and gender identity are prohibited in the classroom.

And as we knew from the beginning the GOP things that's every child in grade school, including high school as they now seek to expand the scope of this bill.


I don't. You and your party are a bunch of bitches and the adults in the room and looking around exits polling and trying to warn to morons that your policies and general behavior are losing you younger voters but you Bingos don't have the ability to think long term. 😄

It does. It's what you are fighting for. Good god you can't even keep your lies straight.

And the kids can hate their parents right back, and never talk to them again after 18. it's the circle of life.

It says they have to be age appropriate, and kids under 3rd grade don't need to deal with this shit.

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