The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

With in vitro they don't need luck. They have science.

Reality and variation proves there is no default. There is no default height, weight, eye color, hair color, or sexual orientation.

Technology replaces some biology, it doesn't remove the default biological conditions.

My glasses fix my near sightedness, they don't remove the defect, or make it a default human condition. Eyes are supposed to be 20/20.

There are always exceptions to the default, it doesn't mean the exceptions are equal to or better than the default.
If you really think that has been done in equal measures, there's nothing I can say.
Did I say equal?
Hell no.
The biggest problem in America today is a generation that is FUBAR.
That problem surpasses everything else.
And they are FUBAR, not because of the right - but the left.
The left has confused them beyond insanity over sexuality and gender.
The left has convinced them the whole planet is self destructing, and if they become a productive member of society - they become a part of that destruction.
The left has convinced them racism is everywhere, and in every heart of every white person
The left has convinced them that masculinity is dangerous, controlling and evil.
The left has separated them all by identity politics. And everyone that doesn't agree with you is bad and should be punished.

Got it?
The right didn't do this Mac. The left did. The right is being vilified by educators and the media for having a problem with everything I just mentioned.
Right, that is exactly what I have said about race also, Democrat s pander the the black vote then do nothing for the black community, welcome to reality, it's what they do with every issue. In back rooms they laugh their arses off
You guys are too stupid to navigate this minefield so why do you try? 😄

What do you think pandering to black people means? As a black voter I can tell you my disappointment with some democrats is that they pretend to support the same issues we do, they say they are going to champion our causes as our represntative and then they fail to do so. However our causes are still our causes and our policy goals are still our goals. When we find out that some democratic representatives don't mean what they say then the solution would be to primary them. Why would we ever choose to vote for the GOP who's goals are totally different than our own. That's a totally different problem than lying Democrat politicians.

Now back to the topic of pandering as I said you're too stupid to navigate the conversation without coming off like an ignorant racist. When you morons try to make the argument that Democrats brainwashing Black voters or keeping them on a democratic plantation you are ignoring the fact that Black voters have free will and minds of their own are choosing the Democratic Party by over 90% every election. Not out of ignorance but on purpose.
I do not see the same degree of

To be sexually extreme, the right would have to be pushing for mandatory chastity belts or something. They aren't.

Mac tries to convince people that as the left has taken such enormous strides to the left, the right has drifted equally to the right. It hasn't. It has actually drifted leftward. What has actually happened is the gulf BETWEEN the two has widened..

It's like they were once the Dems 40 and the repubs 60, and now the Dems are 2 and the repubs 50. The gulf has widened even as they have both shifted in the same direction.
Could not have said it better.
The Democrats allowed the crazies to take over their party completely. Completely.
They control the narrative 100%.
The right has been moving towards the center for the past 60 years at least.
The left were also.
Until they weren't. And now the left is so far away from the center that even the center itself is considered far right.
$$$ is one thing, how a person gets $$$ is another.
Trump has no conscience.
It's how grifters operate.
Trump is a businessman. I would think that the real grifter would be the politician who has spent his entire career on the government dole like Joe Biden. But, hey, don't let facts stop you from thinking clearly.
Fine, drugs for 10 and 11 year olds. And when you placate them at such a young age without even trying to get them comfortable with who they are, it leads to the drugs and the surgeries.
It's you who doesn't know any of these kids and it's you who are uncomfortable with who they are. Their doctors are prescribing them puberty blockers at puberty because the changes brought on by puberty can increase anxiety and distress in gender dysphoric teens. If they, their parents and their doctors are comfortable with this treatment then so am I.
Look at what happened to that poor bastard Jazz.
Who says she was a misdiagnosed butch lesbian, no? How does Florida's Don't Say Gay law help teens like that figure out and come to terms with their identity and sexuality?

Through the legislative process. Representative Republic is going to representative republic.
Which does not address my point. The GOP doesn't want gay or trans teens to express themselves because they think they are going to lose culture and they are but things like this is only going to speed it up by uniting younger voters against them.
Trump is a businessman.
NOT much of one.
I would think that the real grifter would be the politician who has spent his entire career on the government dole like Joe Biden. But, hey, don't let facts stop you from thinking clearly.

Addison Mitchell McConnell III[1] (born February 20, 1942) is an American politician and retired attorney serving as the senior United States senator from Kentucky, a seat he has held since 1985. McConnell has been the Senate leader of the Republican Party since 2007 and has served as minority leader since 2021, having previously held that post from 2007 to 2015 and was majority leader from 2015 to 2021.
True...both when wrong, are hurtful, except calling someone a pedophile is worse... it's criminal and sicko behavior, vs. Being called a Racist is not being called a criminal and is a badge of honor, to SOME....but certainly not all.
Being a pedophile is a crime

And I can’t recall calling any lib on this forum a pedophile

A supporter of groomers in thr media and public schools yes

But not actual pedo’s
It's you who doesn't know any of these kids and it's you who are uncomfortable with who they are. Their doctors are prescribing them puberty blockers at puberty because the changes brought on by puberty can increase anxiety and distress in gender dysphoric teens. If they, their parents and their doctors are comfortable with this treatment then so am I.

Who says she was a misdiagnosed butch lesbian, no? How does Florida's Don't Say Gay law help teens like that figure out and come to terms with their identity and sexuality?

Which does not address my point. The GOP doesn't want gay or trans teens to express themselves because they think they are going to lose culture and they are but things like this is only going to speed it up by uniting younger voters against them.

It's stopping natural development by a bunch of quacks and parents who probably think of their kids as accessories as opposed to responsibilities.

The problem is the puberty blockers prevented the assignment surgery from taking due to lack of material. He was a gay kid pushed into this shit by a narcissistic mother and now is overweight, sexless, and miserable.

When your side pushes bullshit like this, the backlash usually over-reaches. Fuck around and Find Out.
Technology replaces some biology, it doesn't remove the default biological conditions.
You can keep trying to make that a thing but you haven't proven it is a thing and so are only embarrassing yourself.
My glasses fix my near sightedness, they don't remove the defect, or make it a default human condition. Eyes are supposed to be 20/20.
Surgery can. Anyway different procedures have different purposes, don't hurt yourself trying to find some bigot logic that supports your hate because there is none.
There are always exceptions to the default, it doesn't mean the exceptions are equal to or better than the default.
You can't even argue what the default is, you're just repeating the world default like a Bingo. 😄
You can keep trying to make that a thing but you haven't proven it is a thing and so are only embarrassing yourself.

Surgery can. Anyway different procedures have different purposes, don't hurt yourself trying to find some bigot logic that supports your hate because there is none.

You can't even argue what the default is, you're just repeating the world default like a Bingo. 😄

And you can keep trying to science up your social viewpoint, but will continue to fail at it.

Surgery can but the person was still nearsighted and needed fixing.

I don't have to argue what the default is, it's the default.
It's you who doesn't know any of these kids and it's you who are uncomfortable with who they are. Their doctors are prescribing them puberty blockers at puberty because the changes brought on by puberty can increase anxiety and distress in gender dysphoric teens. If they, their parents and their doctors are comfortable with this treatment then so am I.

Who says she was a misdiagnosed butch lesbian, no? How does Florida's Don't Say Gay law help teens like that figure out and come to terms with their identity and sexuality?

Which does not address my point. The GOP doesn't want gay or trans teens to express themselves because they think they are going to lose culture and they are but things like this is only going to speed it up by uniting younger voters against them.

What a load of garbage.
It's stopping natural development by a bunch of quacks and parents who probably think of their kids as accessories as opposed to responsibilities.
No one is going to take the argument that you care more about them than their own parents seriously. Whats with these Bingo arguments? 😄
The problem is the puberty blockers prevented the assignment surgery from taking due to lack of material. He was a gay kid pushed into this shit by a narcissistic mother and now is overweight, sexless, and miserable.
Actually I have no idea who you are talking about because a quick search seems to indicate Jazz Jennings is a perfectly happy trans woman.
When your side pushes bullshit like this, the backlash usually over-reaches. Fuck around and Find Out.
You're the ones about to find out the reprecussions to your bigoted legislation. 😄
And you can keep trying to science up your social viewpoint, but will continue to fail at it.

Surgery can but the person was still nearsighted and needed fixing.

I don't have to argue what the default is, it's the default.
You do and the fact that you can't shows how devoid this argument is of substance. 😄

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