The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

Oh boy, now it's two grown men that are going to whine for 10 pages. Sorry everyone.
Nah. Just one. You.

The good news is, if you ever reach any level of maturity, you can just stop all your prattle and whining. 👍
What a bunch of bullshit.
To you. I have no doubt.
To everyone who is not progressive, the other 90% of the population, it certainly is not.
Getting 7 years for shooting an AK47 into a car with 3 people in it, and only one was the target, and an errant bullet hit and killed someone else who had nothing to do with anything other than being in the wrong place. A total of 2 people dead and 1 injured.
7 years.
And that is pretty normal in urban cities.
To everyone who is not progressive, the other 90% of the population, it certainly is not.
Like this. This idiotic, laughable fantasy. You know the things you say are childish and stupid and false, and so you make up lies like this to try to lend authority and credibility where there is none of either.
Being a pedophile is a crime

And I can’t recall calling any lib on this forum a pedophile

A supporter of groomers in thr media and public schools yes

But not actual pedo’s
Mac, calling them groomers is calling them pedophiles... to anyone who hears it....that's why y'all say it...... What purpose is there for a groomer but to groom CHILDREN to be sexually receptive kids so some adult can have their "way" with them sexually.... easier?

It's an awful awful awful slanderous thing to call them....

Slithering below the ground!
And another thing Mac1958
I have voted for Democrats and Republicans my whole voting life. Including Presidential races.
I have tried voting for who I thought was best, not what initial comes after their name.

TODAY? - I wouldn't vote for a Democrat to be in charge of mowing lawns.
Because the entire party is imprisoned themselves by their own rhetoric. They have given all their power to the crazies within their party. They have no choice but to do the bidding of the far-left. If they don't - they will be vilified and never hold a position again. And because of that, a vote for a Democrat is a vote for the far left.
Like I said above - The Democrats have gone so far left that they now consider the center to be far right.
Well, since I admittedly don't understand politics, I don't know what the goal is. If the Left and the Right were allowed to communicate and collaborate, there are things that could be done on this and many other topics.

For example, maybe the Left would be open to making some changes (as in restricting this stuff to 18+ venues, and voluntary venues), IF the Right would agree whatever the hell the Left would like in exchange. Then you go from there. That's how intelligent adults operate and innovate in the business world, but no, not in politics. The Left isn't going to make concessions if the Right isn't, and vice versa.

But no, it has to be all or nothing for some reason. Everyone is afraid to talk. Communication is capitulation. One tribe has to "beat" the other tribe. And the self-inflicted decay continues. I truly don't get it. So I'll just keep watching and wondering what the fuck the point of all this is.
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Mac, calling them groomers is calling them pedophiles.
Ok if you prefer to think so, thats alright with me

But I am calling them (libs on this forum) apologists and enablers for the actual groomers
Well, since I admittedly don't understand politics, I don't know what the goal is. If the Left and the Right were allowed to communicate and collaborate, there are things that could be done on this and many other topics.

For example, maybe the Left would be open to making some changes (as in restricting this stuff to 18+ venues, and voluntary venues), IF the Right would agree whatever the hell the Left would like in exchange. Then you go from there. That's how intelligent adults operate and innovate in the business world, but no, not in politics. The Left isn't going to make concessions if the Right isn't, and vice versa.

But no, it has to be all or nothing for some reason. Everyone is afraid to talk. Communication is capitulation. One tribe has to "beat" the other tribe. And the self-inflicted decay continues. I truly don't get it. So I'll just keep watching and wondering what the fuck the point of all this is.
I have no love for the leadership of the right, but I do not think the right's failure to compromise is the key. The left has gone so extreme, that democrats of 50 years ago are considered right wing. I think you need to ask what the goal of the left is. If they alienate liberals to such a degree, you should probably be more concerned with where they are taking us, as opposed to what consessions anyone will give them.
The democrat used to stand for things that made sense. Working people, free speech, opposing nation building. As I have said, liberals are now rejecting democrats. Decriminalization, sexual content for grade schoolers, and now, with the anti white movement, even segregation is becoming popular again. It seems like the left is truly lost.
Well, since I admittedly don't understand politics, I don't know what the goal is. If the Left and the Right were allowed to communicate and collaborate, there are things that could be done on this and many other topics.

For example, maybe the Left would be open to making some changes (as in restricting this stuff to 18+ venues, and voluntary venues), IF the Right would agree whatever the hell the Left would like in exchange. Then you go from there. That's how intelligent adults operate and innovate in the business world, but no, not in politics. The Left isn't going to make concessions if the Right isn't, and vice versa.

But no, it has to be all or nothing for some reason. Everyone is afraid to talk. Communication is capitulation. One tribe has to "beat" the other tribe. And the self-inflicted decay continues. I truly don't get it. So I'll just keep watching and wondering what the fuck the point of all this is.

I'm all for secession.
Mac, calling them groomers is calling them pedophiles... to anyone who hears it....that's why y'all say it...... What purpose is there for a groomer but to groom CHILDREN to be sexually receptive kids so some adult can have their "way" with them sexually.... easier?

It's an awful awful awful slanderous thing to call them....

Slithering below the ground!
Sorry, but a parent that is so narcissistic that they take their young children to an adult business to watch adult performers just so they can virtue signal - IS grooming. And the adult performers that twerk and do seductive dances, half naked in front of them are engaging in pedophilia. By definition.
Have you ever wanted to dress provocative and dance seductively in front of children? No you haven't. Because you are not a pedophile. Anyone who wants to - and does - IS a pedophile. And people who support this pedophile activity are groomers.
Some of us -- okay, well, I'm admittedly talking about me here -- have been screaming about the perils of political correctness and identity politics for over a decade here. "We" have been saying that the American Left has been blowing it by pushing these wide-ranging cultural issues FAR too far, and that the presidential election results of 2016 were a DIRECT result of those tactics.

So now the Right is pissed off at a beer and is boycotting it and shooting guns at it 'n stuff. And yes, now the Right is every bit as spectacularly hypersensitive to PC/Identity Politics as the Left has been to racism over the years. Ironic. As I've said many times, the two ends can be so similar in their behaviors.

After paying close attention (as usual) to what the Right actually says about things, I think that there was one moment, one turning point that the Left crossed the line with all this stuff: When we started seeing children (especially schoolchildren, who essentially are captive participants) fully exposed to transsexuality, drag queens, drag shows, and the like. This was done by adults who knew damn well that there would be MANY parents who would object, but they ran with it anyway. That's when the shit really hit the fan, and the Left asked for it. BOOM.

Just the latest example of the damage caused when ideologues ignore contrary opinions and go too far. And what's the response? The Right is now going too far in response. Go figure.


The market will speak on Bud Light's stupid decision to put Twinkle Toes on their cases. They will take a huge hit and will be cutting prices. All the rest is political speculation and finger pointing.
Maybe the values of their parents should be rejected. You understand that as independent beings they are able to and allowed to have their own values right?
No. You aren’t. Some values are inherently good. Others are evil. Children need to be taught that.
Bud Light, the biggest beer brand in America, is getting drawn and quartered by its customer base after paying pretend "girl" Dylan Mulvaney to sell their goods.

  • Case & Bucks near Anheuser-Busch's HQ in St. Louis has seen a 30% drop in Bud Light bottle sales and a 50% drop in Bud Light on tap.
  • Braintree Brewhouse in Massachusetts, a huge sports bar near liberal Boston, normally sells 25 Bud Light bottles to each bottle of rivals Miller Lite and Coors Light, but this week there has been an 80% drop in Bud Light drinkers. Owner Alex Kesaris went an extra step and found out that the 20% who did order Bud Light hadn't heard the news, but said "they didn't order it again" after other customers told them about Dylan Mulvaney.
  • A bar in Texas with a dart league sponsored by Bud Light normally sells three kegs of Bud Light during the weekly event, or 495 12-ounce bottles. The bar only sold FOUR 12-ounce bottles this week, a decline of 99%.
  • A pub in the LGBT-friendly neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen in uber-liberal New York City reported a 58% drop in Bud Light draft sales and a 70% drop in bottle sales.
Bud Light sales have fallen off a steep cliff in only one week following Dylan-Mulvaney-gate, costing the brand millions
I have no love for the leadership of the right, but I do not think the right's failure to compromise is the key. The left has gone so extreme, that democrats of 50 years ago are considered right wing. I think you need to ask what the goal of the left is. If they alienate liberals to such a degree, you should probably be more concerned with where they are taking us, as opposed to what consessions anyone will give them.
Well, again, that's why I don't understand politics. I think the best and longest-lasting solutions come from communication, collaboration, innovation. Creating new things and everyone having skin in the game. Like our Constitution.

The ends of our spectrum become more and more paranoid of the other, and misinformed about the other, because they CHOOSE to HIDE from each other and create and spread and assume little paranoid fantasies about the other.

Yeah, THAT approach is working out GREAT. This has been a CHOICE. It makes no sense to me.
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Well, again, that's why I don't understand politics. I think the best and longest-lasting solutions come from communication, collaboration, innovation. Creating new things and everyone having skin in the game. Like our Constitution.

The ends of our spectrum become more and more paranoid of the other, and misinformed about the other, because they CHOOSE to HIDE from each other and create and spread and assume little paranoid fantasies about the other.

Yeah, THAT approach is working out GREAT. This has been a CHOICE. It makes no sense to me.

Are you preaching to yourself Mac?

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