The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

Some of us -- okay, well, I'm admittedly talking about me here -- have been screaming about the perils of political correctness and identity politics for over a decade here. "We" have been saying that the American Left has been blowing it by pushing these wide-ranging cultural issues FAR too far, and that the presidential election results of 2016 were a DIRECT result of those tactics.

So now the Right is pissed off at a beer and is boycotting it and shooting guns at it 'n stuff. And yes, now the Right is every bit as spectacularly hypersensitive to PC/Identity Politics as the Left has been to racism over the years. Ironic. As I've said many times, the two ends can be so similar in their behaviors.

After paying close attention (as usual) to what the Right actually says about things, I think that there was one moment, one turning point that the Left crossed the line with all this stuff: When we started seeing children (especially schoolchildren, who essentially are captive participants) fully exposed to transsexuality, drag queens, drag shows, and the like. This was done by adults who knew damn well that there would be MANY parents who would object, but they ran with it anyway. That's when the shit really hit the fan, and the Left asked for it. BOOM.

Just the latest example of the damage caused when ideologues ignore contrary opinions and go too far. And what's the response? The Right is now going too far in response. Go figure.


I think the right's reaction is typically over the top on this stuff but I have to say this was one of the more ill advised company decisions I can recall. Controversy is best avoided for shareholder benefit.

Having said that the ugliness of the right for what is essentially an ad on a platform they dont use to users they dont like is par for the course. Never miss a beat to try to be cruel.
I think the right's reaction is typically over the top on this stuff but I have to say this was one of the more ill advised company decisions I can recall. Controversy is best avoided for shareholder benefit.

Having said that the ugliness of the right for what is essentially an ad on a platform they dont use to users they dont like is par for the course. Never miss a beat to try to be cruel.
The two ends spend most of their time and energy feeding into the worst impulses of the other. They NEED each other.

When a company makes a spectacularly dumb decision like this, I start thinking about the corporate marketing/branding meetings in which the idea was first floated, and wonder what that whole thought process must have been like. I'd guess no one had the balls to hold their hand up and put the brakes on it. Tough shit, I guess.
I think the right's reaction is typically over the top on this stuff but I have to say this was one of the more ill advised company decisions I can recall. Controversy is best avoided for shareholder benefit.

Having said that the ugliness of the right for what is essentially an ad on a platform they dont use to users they dont like is par for the course. Never miss a beat to try to be cruel.

Uh no. Leftists sob and scream, and riot and protest and pound their little fists all the time when a company supports something they don't like. Spare us the croc tears. They fall on deaf ears.
The two ends spend most of their time and energy feeding into the worst impulses of the other. They NEED each other.

When a company makes a spectacularly dumb decision like this, I start thinking about the corporate marketing/branding meetings in which the idea was first floated, and wonder what that whole thought process must have been like. I'd guess no one had the balls to hold their hand up and put the brakes on it. Tough shit, I guess.
See. You cosplay as much as they do.
The two ends spend most of their time and energy feeding into the worst impulses of the other. They NEED each other.

When a company makes a spectacularly dumb decision like this, I start thinking about the corporate marketing/branding meetings in which the idea was first floated, and wonder what that whole thought process must have been like. I'd guess no one had the balls to hold their hand up and put the brakes on it. Tough shit, I guess.
My guess is the ad cost something like $15k or less and didnt need much approval. Social marketing doesnt always go too high up the executive approval process. I could be wrong.
I don't know what that means, but I'm sure you're right. You're very objective.
It means you pretend and fantasize like you have special insight into the variables that went in to making this decision. To be objective would be to listen to what their execs say and compare that to what we see from the market. Their head of marketing has claimed their old marketing strategy, aimed at capturing the frat bros was hurting them financially and that they have lost a lot of younger consumers in the process. Is this true? Well I haven't looked at the numbers because I don't care that much but I can't think of any reason why any of that would be a lie. That said I'll take it with a grain of salt. Apparently true but not necessarily so. As for will it work? Well to be objective towards that is to wait and see.
Uh huh, so everyone knows the dude on the bud lite can aint a woman. You can claim something but it doesnt make it true.
Maybe you are missing the fact that the msinstream of society, as demonstrated by the position of a major American corporation, is on the Dylans side. Who's on yours besides a minority of bigots so inconsequential that that corporation didn't care enough about losing your business?
No one is going to take the argument that you care more about them than their own parents seriously. Whats with these Bingo arguments? 😄

Actually I have no idea who you are talking about because a quick search seems to indicate Jazz Jennings is a perfectly happy trans woman.

You're the ones about to find out the reprecussions to your bigoted legislation. 😄

The parents are deluded trendy idiots. Again if we were talking about them raising them as dogs Child Services would be called in a heartbeat.

Propaganda. All shots of here are from before she/he ballooned 100 lbs.
The parents are deluded trendy idiots. Again if we were talking about them raising them as dogs Child Services would be called in a heartbeat.
Look, you Bingos can make all the proclamations you wish but you are generally not educated enough to make it to a professional position where you can influence anything. The best you've been able to do is inhibit people from seeking treatment until they reach 18. You have no ability for instance of getting the professional medical community at large to agree with you that trans people are delusional. What do I care in light of that if you play pretend at the park with these Bingo arguments? Call it delusional. Tell me it's because Sky Daddy said so. Also don't mind me as I howl with laughter as you miss the irony. 😄
Propaganda. All shots of here are from before she/he ballooned 100 lbs.
Why does her weight matter?
My argument isn't even an argument, it's reality. Men can never be women and vice versa. It's just pretend, and piss poor pretend at that.
You don't have an argument or common sense. Before we even talk about the trans community we can say that men can have vaginas and women can have testes and that the existence of the intersexed makes any decleration of there being definitive binary sex characteristics silly and moot.
Look, you Bingos can make all the proclamations you wish but you are generally not educated enough to make it to a professional position where you can influence anything. The best you've been able to do is inhibit people from seeking treatment until they reach 18. You have no ability for instance of getting the professional medical community at large to agree with you that trans people are delusional. What do I care in light of that if you play pretend at the park with these Bingo arguments? Call it delusional. Tell me it's because Sky Daddy said so. Also don't mind me as I howl with laughter as you miss the irony. 😄

Why does her weight matter?

You don't have an argument or common sense. Before we even talk about the trans community we can say that men can have vaginas and women can have testes and that the existence of the intersexed makes any decleration of there being definitive binary sex characteristics silly and moot.

Expertise can be corrupted, education misdirected, authority expolited.

People don't shoot up 100lbs because they are happy.

More attempts at word salads and blanket statements to take reality and mold it to your groupthink.

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