The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

Well, again, that's why I don't understand politics. I think the best and longest-lasting solutions come from communication, collaboration, innovation. Creating new things and everyone having skin in the game. Like our Constitution.

The ends of our spectrum become more and more paranoid of the other, and misinformed about the other, because they CHOOSE to HIDE from each other and create and spread and assume little paranoid fantasies about the other.

Yeah, THAT approach is working out GREAT. This has been a CHOICE. It makes no sense to me.

You voted for Joe Biden. Has he been communicating, collaborating, and innovating, or did you make a mistake?
So you're picking a different beer to give your five year old?

This has and never has had anything to do with kids. This is nothing but more right wing faux outrage driven by their hatred of anyone not just like them.

When they opposed allowing Gay people to be in the military was it about the kids?
When they threatened the downfall of society if Gays were allowed to marry? Was that about kids?

Admit what it is then the behavior becomes understandable.
They hate them so they will do whatever is in their power to dehumanize, stigmatize, and disempower the hated.
The specific thing about the kids was just the last straw for them.

This had been building for decades, and Trump released it.
Projection? Remember the America the Beautiful outrage?

Those of us with memories remember.

Sane core Americans KNOW that “diversity” is what has torn America apart, diversity lies at the root of ALL of Americas problems, diversity is why ALL of Americas multicultural blue shitholes are dirty, dangerous and divided…core Americans know that diversity is the catalyst to Americas demise…..core Americans KNOW the great experiment has failed big-time….FUCK DIVERSITY!
Sane core Americans KNOW that “diversity” is what has torn America apart, diversity lies at the root of ALL of Americas problems, diversity is why ALL of Americas multicultural blue shitholes are dirty, dangerous and divided…core Americans know that diversity is the catalyst to Americas demise…..core Americans KNOW the great experiment has failed big-time….FUCK DIVERSITY!

Fucking is how we got this diverse. I'm not sure your solution would be a productive fix to your problem. 😄
Only in your cosplay fantasies are the people on the side of the professional community and the organization that literally writes the book on trans care, on the fringe. Take a moment from the make believe to recognize reality. 😄

The FBI has consistenly reported the right wing as the main prognosticators of political violence. There is no part of your existence that isn't make believe. 😄

The book is bullshit, the whole premise is bullshit.

The FBI is filled with Deep State Hacks.
The book is bullshit, the whole premise is bullshit.

The FBI is filled with Deep State Hacks.

I've reduced you to a barefoot bum screaming "bullshit!" to the heavens like that means something. Sure thing you smelly wino, whatever you say. 😄

I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the Lizard people as well.
Yes it is. Genetic code. Either XX or XY. Im not wasting more time arguing with your insanity.

I don't care if you run away like a little bitch. Why should I take your word for it? Would you take mine? Where is this information expressed in professional text? Are you ashamed you can't provide any? You should be. 😄
Just because you think it's OK morally doesn't make it normal biologically. Your pursuit of that is just as dumb as when people used to try to justify racial traits by measuring skulls for some sort of biological reason for their racism.

No one is saying Phelps is normal.

Why is acknowledging they have a handicap or defect bigoted?
Marty, watched a video this morning where one of the hosts made the following statement and I laughed my ass off. Bud Light wanted to promote beer to women and used a chick with a dick to that!!!

The context for talking about whether homosexuality is natural were your previously ignorant claims that tried to suggest that it wasn't.
It's simple, it isn't normal. If it were at all natural, we wouldn't be discussing it.
Which one?
You really are an asshole.
Do you actually not understand the meaning of the word "any"?
This one gets rave reviews:
It's simple, it isn't normal. If it were at all natural, we wouldn't be discussing it.
It is perfectly normal and natural for there to be homosexual members of any animal population. Which repressed, bible thumping school did you learn science? 😄
You really are an asshole.
This one gets rave reviews:
Is that how far your education went? Is that why you don't know about the intersexed or the trans communities? Conservatives are after all less likely to have any higher education. 😄 Remember, I allowed you to present your own source and this is what you did with it.
Is that how far your education went? Is that why you don't know about the intersexed or the trans communities? Conservatives are after all less likely to have any higher education. 😄 Remember, I allowed you to present your own source and this is what you did with it.
As I already made clear in post #411, it's the only one I would expect you to be able to understand.

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