The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

disorders aren't what we are talking about. What we are talking about is one sex pretending to be the other, and demanding everyone recognize their construct OR ELSE.
And the professionals talking about it don't say they are pretending. If you had professionals on your side you'd post them but as it is you're just a collection of Bingos online who can't face facts.
using gender instead of sex is just trying to muddle reality with made up terms, concepts, and outright falsehoods.
Reality is already muddled. The intersex already make it so XX people can have testes and XY people can have vaginas. Once you recognize that reality why the need to insist, erroneously, that XX and XY are that important? Caster Semenya was born a girl, identified as a girl by the doctor who birthed her because of her vagina and only later found out she has XY chromosomes. Is she male or female? Either one you choose you have to aknowledge that males can have vaginas or that females can have testes.
You must have plenty of experience with the first, and your partners plenty with the second.

Your Bingo arguments are less effective when they're made up. Everything I say about you is true which is why it bothers you.

Professionals don't agree with you. You are the fringe. Those aren't insults they are facts. 😄
Next time don't leave a 65 MPH flat curve ball over the plate.
Same. 😄
I see nothing wrong with that.
You wouldn't.
Our system of taxation is wickedly fuckes up. But nobody has an obligation to pay one cent more than the law requires.
Yes, it is corporations and tax evaders like Trump, pay less taxes than their employees.

In fact, it is beyond stupid of you to think otherwise.
SO.................Only SOME people pay for insurance, other don't.
Then the people who do pay for insurance, wonder why their insurance is skyrocketing.
I also don’t care what she said. Irrelevant to the discussion.
It's exactly relevant, it's the way teabaggers and their dear leader think.
hahahahaahahaha, So I give you the definition off the internet and you think I made it up. Too fking funny.

Are gender and sex the same? Usage Guide

The words sex and gender have a long and intertwined history. In the 15th century gender expanded from its use as a term for a grammatical subclass to join sex in referring to either of the two primary biological forms of a species, a meaning sex has had since the 14th century; phrases like "the male sex" and "the female gender" are both grounded in uses established for more than five centuries
Hey you Bingo, I always encourage you all to provide evidence as a trap because I know you're too stupid to read much further than the part you think confirms your argument. Unfortunetly for you I was proven right once again because if you had continued to scroll down your own evidence you'd of seen this section.

Later in the century, gender also came to have application in two closely related compound terms: gender identity refers to a person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female; gender expression refers to the physical and behavioral manifestations of one's gender identity. By the end of the century gender by itself was being used as a synonym of gender identity.

Among those who study gender and sexuality, a clear delineation between sex and gender is typically prescribed, with sex as the preferred term for biological forms, and gender limited to its meanings involving behavioral, cultural, and psychological traits.

In this dichotomy, the terms male and female relate only to biological forms (sex), while the terms masculine/masculinity, feminine/femininity, woman/girl, and man/boy relate only to psychological and sociocultural traits (gender).
This delineation also tends to be observed in technical and medical contexts, with the term sex referring to biological forms in such phrases as sex hormones, sex organs, and biological sex. But in nonmedical and nontechnical contexts, there is no clear delineation, and the status of the words remains complicated.

Even your own link agrees with me that professionals understand the difference while you Bingos continue to struggle. Thanks for that. 😄
So if he is NOT a man, what is he "transitioning" from?

An intelligent man admits when he is wrong - that's why you never do.
I challenged you to provide any support from professionals in biology for your claims. If you want to continue to fail to while repeating your same claim like a Bingo stuck on repeat, feel free to. 😄
You wouldn't.

Because there is nothing wrong with it. You idiot libs see wrong where ignorant and don’t see it where it does exist.
Yes, it is corporations and tax evaders like Trump, pay less taxes than their employees.
Because Trump doesn’t get his “income” from wages. He has instead accumulated wealth. Our system taxes income.
SO.................Only SOME people pay for insurance, other don't.
Then the people who do pay for insurance, wonder why their insurance is skyrocketing.
Again, so what? Our government doesn’t exist to make your foolish notions of equity a reality.
It's exactly relevant, it's the way teabaggers and their dear leader think.

Nope. It’s irrelevant. If I have made a few million dollars over a few years, what’s left after I have paid taxes on income isn’t subject to further income tax. Instead it is simply amassed wealth. We don’t tax on wealth and we don’t impose a second income tax on the same income twice. More fundamentally, we most definitely shouldn’t.

And corporations shouldn’t be taxed at all.
Because there is nothing wrong with it. You idiot libs see wrong where ignorant and don’t see it where it does exis
Teabaggers wouldn't.
Because Trump doesn’t get his “income” from wages. He has instead accumulated wealth. Our system taxes income.
No, it's from grifting his gullible cult.
Again, so what? Our government doesn’t exist to make your foolish notions of equity a reality.
Doesn't exist to make rich people get richer, and the workers subsidize them either.
Nope. It’s irrelevant.
Yes, it is.
If I have made a few million dollars over a few years, what’s left after I have paid taxes on income isn’t subject to further income tax.
It isn't.
Instead it is simply amassed wealth.
Interest income is INCOME.

We don’t tax on wealth and we don’t impose a second income tax on the same income twice.
See above.
More fundamentally, we most definitely shouldn’t.

And corporations shouldn’t be taxed at all.

So......................let the small business owner, working people and the corporate employees pay the taxes, THEY don't?
Teabagger utopia, no one pays taxes.
Then when a disaster strikes, call...............Walmart?

Governor Sanders declares State of Emergency following storms​ › news › governor-sand...

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Arkansas Disaster ...

Early this morning, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. declared that a major disaster exists in the State of Arkansas and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms and tornadoes on March 31, 2023.Apr 2, 2023
I challenged you to provide any support from professionals in biology for your claims. If you want to continue to fail to while repeating your same claim like a Bingo stuck on repeat, feel free to. 😄
It's amazing. You keep posting but you never say anything.
And though I know I'll regret this: what the fuck is a Bingo?
Sane core Americans KNOW that “diversity” is what has torn America apart, diversity lies at the root of ALL of Americas problems, diversity is why ALL of Americas multicultural blue shitholes are dirty, dangerous and divided…core Americans know that diversity is the catalyst to Americas demise…..core Americans KNOW the great experiment has failed big-time….FUCK DIVERSITY!

Veterans know that Americans come in different colors and backgrounds. They know this because their brothers and sisters in uniform were from all the states, and all the racial groups in the world.

They all learned to work together so that they would all survive. We even had a handful of Racists. But those folks don’t last long. Too filled with hatred to make decent Soldiers, or people.
Because there is nothing wrong with it. You idiot libs see wrong where ignorant and don’t see it where it does exist.

Because Trump doesn’t get his “income” from wages. He has instead accumulated wealth. Our system taxes income.

Again, so what? Our government doesn’t exist to make your foolish notions of equity a reality.

Nope. It’s irrelevant. If I have made a few million dollars over a few years, what’s left after I have paid taxes on income isn’t subject to further income tax. Instead it is simply amassed wealth. We don’t tax on wealth and we don’t impose a second income tax on the same income twice. More fundamentally, we most definitely shouldn’t.

And corporations shouldn’t be taxed at all.
Your reactions are priceless. As in worthless.
And the professionals talking about it don't say they are pretending. If you had professionals on your side you'd post them but as it is you're just a collection of Bingos online who can't face facts.

Reality is already muddled. The intersex already make it so XX people can have testes and XY people can have vaginas. Once you recognize that reality why the need to insist, erroneously, that XX and XY are that important? Caster Semenya was born a girl, identified as a girl by the doctor who birthed her because of her vagina and only later found out she has XY chromosomes. Is she male or female? Either one you choose you have to aknowledge that males can have vaginas or that females can have testes.

Of course they wouldn't say that. Quacks don't say they are quacks.

One in several hundred thousand, not a guy pretending to be a girl and demanding to be treated as such.

intersex isn't part of this craziness, it's the taking of healthy kids and subjecting them to hormones, drugs and worse because somehow the only solution currently foisted on us to gender or other confusions in children is placate them and not question gender theory.

Your Bingo arguments are less effective when they're made up. Everything I say about you is true which is why it bothers you.

Professionals don't agree with you. You are the fringe. Those aren't insults they are facts. 😄

Same. 😄

Dr Mengle was a professional. education and certifications don't make a person automatically right.

Your appeal to supposed authority is mocked and ignored as it should be.

You can use whatever construct of me makes you sleep better at night, the opinion or beliefs of a worthless sack of shit such as you is no skin off my back.
It's amazing. You keep posting but you never say anything.
And though I know I'll regret this: what the fuck is a Bingo?
You're a Bingo because to you the opinion of the people who write the textbooks is never saying anything. 😄

You're all a bunch of Simps. 😄
Of course they wouldn't say that. Quacks don't say they are quacks.
When you call them quacks that doesn't mean anything. It doesn't take away their professional positions. When I say you're a mutant bigot who's beliefs are contrary the mainstream that is a fact. 😄
One in several hundred thousand, not a guy pretending to be a girl and demanding to be treated as such.
No one is arguing these people are pretending other than you Bingos and you Bingos have nothing to support your claims. 😄
intersex isn't part of this craziness, it's the taking of healthy kids and subjecting them to hormones, drugs and worse because somehow the only solution currently foisted on us to gender or other confusions in children is placate them and not question gender theory.
It's professional doctors who diagnois whether or not any particular child is healthy not you Bingos. Who's coming to your house for medical advice? 😄
When you call them quacks that doesn't mean anything. It doesn't take away their professional positions. When I say you're a mutant bigot who's beliefs are contrary the mainstream that is a fact. 😄

No one is arguing these people are pretending other than you Bingos and you Bingos have nothing to support your claims. 😄

It's professional doctors who diagnois whether or not any particular child is healthy not you Bingos. Who's coming to your house for medical advice? 😄

No it's an opinion, and a wrong one, like most of your opinions.

Bullshit. If they know they are pretending why do they demand to be treated like what they are pretending to be? They apply doublethink to the situation and demand the rest of us play along.

Those doctors need to have their licenses revoked.
Choking ‘slop has a whole variety of dumbass old cliches.

He’s up to one, now.

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Feb 14, 2023 · ( Exclusive) – Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is making a fool of herself, again. Aside from the fact that she is blissfully unaware of just how irrelevant she’s become, she’s injected herself in a scandal involving the Finnish Prime Minister by somehow making it about herself.

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