The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

Hey you Bingo, I always encourage you all to provide evidence as a trap because I know you're too stupid to read much further than the part you think confirms your argument. Unfortunetly for you I was proven right once again because if you had continued to scroll down your own evidence you'd of seen this section.

Later in the century, gender also came to have application in two closely related compound terms: gender identity refers to a person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female; gender expression refers to the physical and behavioral manifestations of one's gender identity. By the end of the century gender by itself was being used as a synonym of gender identity.

Among those who study gender and sexuality, a clear delineation between sex and gender is typically prescribed, with sex as the preferred term for biological forms, and gender limited to its meanings involving behavioral, cultural, and psychological traits.

In this dichotomy, the terms male and female relate only to biological forms (sex), while the terms masculine/masculinity, feminine/femininity, woman/girl, and man/boy relate only to psychological and sociocultural traits (gender).
This delineation also tends to be observed in technical and medical contexts, with the term sex referring to biological forms in such phrases as sex hormones, sex organs, and biological sex. But in nonmedical and nontechnical contexts, there is no clear delineation, and the status of the words remains complicated.

Even your own link agrees with me that professionals understand the difference while you Bingos continue to struggle. Thanks for that. 😄
Exactly, all the made mumbo jumbo as I referred to in the post before that one. You simply ignored it.

Nothing the idiots added is scientific.zippppppppppppp
No it's an opinion, and a wrong one, like most of your opinions.
My opinion is the same as medical professionals. You claiming they're all wrong has about as much relevance as a shoeless hobo on the street with a sign saying the end is near. Why should anyone take you seriously? Rational human beings can understand why we should take the opinions of professionals seriously, even if we ultimately disagree with them, but the unkept hobo? Yeah, we can all dismiss him. 😄
Bullshit. If they know they are pretending why do they demand to be treated like what they are pretending to be? They apply doublethink to the situation and demand the rest of us play along.
They aren't pretending. That isn't the opinion of anyone with a degree on the subject.
Those doctors need to have their licenses revoked.
Right in on card board and spread your message to the streets! 😄
Exactly, all the made mumbo jumbo as I referred to in the post before that one. You simply ignored it.

Nothing the idiots added is scientific.zippppppppppppp
You got owned by your own link and you still want to show your face here? 😄
My opinion is the same as medical professionals. You claiming they're all wrong has about as much relevance as a shoeless hobo on the street with a sign saying the end is near. Why should anyone take you seriously? Rational human beings can understand why we should take the opinions of professionals seriously, even if we ultimately disagree with them, but the unkept hobo? Yeah, we can all dismiss him. 😄

They aren't pretending. That isn't the opinion of anyone with a degree on the subject.

Right in on card board and spread your message to the streets! 😄

Some medical professionals. It's bullshit to claim they are the only ones when your side actively works to silence anyone who disagrees with the progressive groupthink.

More appeals to authority, and more logical fallacies.

Having a degree these days isn't worth what it used to be. Add that to the reality of anyone on the left creating their own realities as they see fit, and anyone on the left's opinion of just about anything is next to worthless.
You got owned by your own link and you still want to show your face here? 😄
Not at all, it shows what idiots did to a standing definition to meld it into the ideology nonsense.

I understand you can’t figure it out, way above your pay grade
Some medical professionals. It's bullshit to claim they are the only ones when your side actively works to silence anyone who disagrees with the progressive groupthink.
I'm willing to entertain the notion that there are professionals out there who agree with you, I just require more than your say so and pinky promise. Do you have proof? 😄
More appeals to authority, and more logical fallacies.
Appeals to authority are only fallacies if my claim is that you should listen to them simply because they're authorities. I'm willing to discuss the underlying science with evidence but you Bingos can't even make it out of the playpen. You keep expecting me to take your make believe seriously.
Having a degree these days isn't worth what it used to be. Add that to the reality of anyone on the left creating their own realities as they see fit, and anyone on the left's opinion of just about anything is next to worthless.
That's an ad hominen attack. If you want to question the claims of authority then deal with their claims and their science, if you can. 😄
I'm willing to entertain the notion that there are professionals out there who agree with you, I just require more than your say so and pinky promise. Do you have proof? 😄
once you prove your medical professional.
Not at all, it shows what idiots did to a standing definition to meld it into the ideology nonsense.

I understand you can’t figure it out, way above your pay grade
Do you have trouble reading you illiterate cuck? Would you like me to quote your own source to you again? 😄
Appeals to authority are only fallacies if my claim is that you should listen to them simply because they're authorities. I'm willing to discuss the underlying science with evidence but you Bingos can't even make it out of the playpen. You keep expecting me to take your make believe seriously.
simply appealing to authority over and over again.
I'm willing to entertain the notion that there are professionals out there who agree with you, I just require more than your say so and pinky promise. Do you have proof? 😄

Appeals to authority are only fallacies if my claim is that you should listen to them simply because they're authorities. I'm willing to discuss the underlying science with evidence but you Bingos can't even make it out of the playpen. You keep expecting me to take your make believe seriously.

That's an ad hominen attack. If you want to question the claims of authority then deal with their claims and their science, if you can. 😄

That is what you are saying. You believe them because you think mutilating kids via drugs and surgery is a great fucking idea.

You are a fucking waste of oxygen and a soi boi dick sucking cuck.

THAT is an ad hominem.
That is what you are saying. You believe them because you think mutilating kids via drugs and surgery is a great fucking idea.

You are a fucking waste of oxygen and a soi boi dick sucking cuck.

THAT is an ad hominem.
I know. That's all you got. 😄

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