The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

And that negates XX or XY how? Did you even read what you posted?
Confused little Dylan is still XY whether he chops off his tiny little dick or not. You would be too.
he needs you to agree with him or his nuts fall off.
And that negates XX or XY how? Did you even read what you posted?
Confused little Dylan is still XY whether he chops off his tiny little dick or not. You would be too.
Do you know what a strawman is? Who argued we could change people's chromosomes? I'm going to list some facts of biology and you feel free to argue, with evidence, where you disagree.

1. Gender is not the same as biological sex.

2. Gender relates to identity, biological sex relates to chromosomes and reproductive roles.

3. Biological sex is not strictly binary and disorders of sexual development occur where XX chromosomes can result in male reproductive organs and vice versa.
again, it is not known science at all. Feel free to post the scientific evidence that you keep failing to provide.
Well with regards to gender dysphoria I just did a couple of posts ago. That link is to the organization that actually writes the manual for trans care. Your counterpart so far has provided an image of childrens book as their evidence.

As for the evidence of homosexuality being natural, here's an article in Fobes that links to research from MIT and Harvard that says just that.

The 'Gay Gene' Is A Myth But Being Gay Is 'Natural,' Say Scientists

Will your counter argument also be a picture book like your Simp buddy? 😄
So............You see nothing wrong?
I see nothing wrong with that. Our system of taxation is wickedly fuckes up. But nobody has an obligation to pay one cent more than the law requires. In fact, it is beyond stupid of you to think otherwise.
Leona Helmsley, wealthy New York City businesswoman and hotel magnate, went to trial in 1989 on charges of income tax evasion. Helmsley famously said, 'Only little people pay taxes.”
I also don’t care what she said. Irrelevant to the discussion.
Do you know what a strawman is? Who argued we could change people's chromosomes? I'm going to list some facts of biology and you feel free to argue, with evidence, where you disagree.

1. Gender is not the same as biological sex.

2. Gender relates to identity, biological sex relates to chromosomes and reproductive roles.

3. Biological sex is not strictly binary and disorders of sexual development occur where XX chromosomes can result in male reproductive organs and vice versa.
Here's another fact dumb ass: Dylan Mulvaney is a MAN who has XY chromosomes.
A very confused, pathetic little excuse for a man but a man nevertheless.
Sort of like you.
Here's another fact dumb ass: Dylan Mulvaney is a MAN who has XY chromosomes.

According to who? Not according to the professionals who I provided a link for.
A very confused, pathetic little excuse for a man but a man nevertheless.
Sort of like you.
This is your ignorant opinion, it isn't a professional opinion. None that you've provided anyway. 😄
According to who? Not according to the professionals who I provided a link for.
According to HIM, dumb ass.
I've reduced you to a barefoot bum screaming "bullshit!" to the heavens like that means something. Sure thing you smelly wino, whatever you say. 😄

I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the Lizard people as well.

Sometimes that is the only response to the heaping pile of dung you call your position.
Do you know what a strawman is? Who argued we could change people's chromosomes? I'm going to list some facts of biology and you feel free to argue, with evidence, where you disagree.

1. Gender is not the same as biological sex.

2. Gender relates to identity, biological sex relates to chromosomes and reproductive roles.

3. Biological sex is not strictly binary and disorders of sexual development occur where XX chromosomes can result in male reproductive organs and vice versa.

  1. the male sex or the female sex,
I don't recognize homogenized definitions without evidences.
Marty, watched a video this morning where one of the hosts made the following statement and I laughed my ass off. Bud Light wanted to promote beer to women and used a chick with a dick to that!!!


There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits.
Do you know what a strawman is? Who argued we could change people's chromosomes? I'm going to list some facts of biology and you feel free to argue, with evidence, where you disagree.

1. Gender is not the same as biological sex.

2. Gender relates to identity, biological sex relates to chromosomes and reproductive roles.

3. Biological sex is not strictly binary and disorders of sexual development occur where XX chromosomes can result in male reproductive organs and vice versa.

disorders aren't what we are talking about. What we are talking about is one sex pretending to be the other, and demanding everyone recognize their construct OR ELSE.

using gender instead of sex is just trying to muddle reality with made up terms, concepts, and outright falsehoods.

  1. the male sex or the female sex,
I don't recognize homogenized definitions without evidences.
I don't recognize what you imagined and typed in your computer or wrote in crayon on a napkin. No one does. You know who people do recognize as authorities on this matter? Professionals. 😄
I don't recognize what you imagined and typed in your computer or wrote in crayon on a napkin. No one does. You know who people do recognize as authorities on this matter? Professionals. 😄
hahahahaahahaha, So I give you the definition off the internet and you think I made it up. Too fking funny.

Are gender and sex the same? Usage Guide

The words sex and gender have a long and intertwined history. In the 15th century gender expanded from its use as a term for a grammatical subclass to join sex in referring to either of the two primary biological forms of a species, a meaning sex has had since the 14th century; phrases like "the male sex" and "the female gender" are both grounded in uses established for more than five centuries

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