The Bush Admin. Never Lied To Justify the Invasion of Iraq.

I guess you did not know that far, far more Americans have died in President Obama's five and a half years in Afghanistan than died there in 7 years under Bush?

Bush got over 8,200 Americans killed on his watch. Obama has only 1926 so far.

But Obama has killed 10 times more Al Qaeda terrorist than Bush, while only killing twice as many collateral damage civilians.

Where do you get 8,200? IIRC about 4,000 Americans died in Iraq while Bush was president and around 1,000 in Afghanistan.
I guess you did not know that far, far more Americans have died in President Obama's five and a half years in Afghanistan than died there in 7 years under Bush?

Bush got over 8,200 Americans killed on his watch. Obama has only 1926 so far.

But Obama has killed 10 times more Al Qaeda terrorist than Bush, while only killing twice as many collateral damage civilians.

Where do you get 8,200? IIRC about 4,000 Americans died in Iraq while Bush was president and around 1,000 in Afghanistan.

You omitted 550 Iraq contractors & 3,000 in the attack he allowed on US on 9/11/2001.
If anyone cares to see "all" the lies the Bush Administration told, as they happened, one after the other,
leading up to the Iraq war, they can find it here...
Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq
Why anyone would listen to these fuckers again, is beyond me.
Mother Jones is not a credible source. They were against invading Iraq long before the issue of WMDs was settled.
Who is a "credible" source in your mind?
There aren't any. These talking monkeys have links to Bush's own documents and they still won't believe it. If these fans of Bush won't believe Bush then they sure as hell aren't going to believe anyone else.
The Bush Administration Never Lied In Order to Justify the Invasion of Iraq
Read the bible:
So when you hear people criticizing either a republican or a democrat OR Vladimir Putin in Russia, REMEMBER - those people are very likely either ignorant, OR they are distractors, and THAT is who is allowed on the main stream media - ignorant people to be used as DISTRACTORS: it is NOT a lie that republicans are corrupt. it is also not a lie that DEMOCRATS are corrupt. It is also not a lie that Vladimir PUTIN is corrupt. The establishment media does not lie nearly as much as they are ACCUSED of lying - it is not the LIES that are deceiving us, it is HALF truths
Can anyone explain why we are funding and supporting both sides of the Iraqi conflict?

Washington is overtly supporting the Iraqi Shiite government, while covertly training, arming and funding the Sunni Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

We are either installing a new puppet or rallying the country to support the old puppet. Welcome to the foreign policy puppet show.
The Bush Administration Never Lied In Order to Justify the Invasion of Iraq

The entire mantra of “Bush lied, people died” has been the refrain of critics of the Iraq War and the Bush Admin. For years. It has been repeatedly used in an attempt to destroy the Bush Admin. And delegitimize the U.S. led invasion for years.
Allowing this to go unchallenged was one of the greatest mistakes of the Bush Admin.
And on two separate levels the claim simply does not hold up.

1) Before the U.S. led invasion, President Bush questioned CIA Director George Tenet about the evidence supporting the existence of WMDs in Iraq. According to the Bob Woodward book, Tenet exclaimed that it was a “slam dunk” in favor of evidence showing WMDs.
What was President Bush supposed to do? Tenet was a Clinton appointee with no reason to lie or suck up to Bush.
The only answer I’ve ever been given is that Bush should’ve looked at the intelligence sources himself. This is completely ridiculous. A president does not go around interviewing Iraqi dissidents.
President Bush would’ve been foolish not to take the positive declarations of the CIA Director at face value.

2) Lying about WMDs in Iraq makes no logical sense. We’re supposed to believe that the Bush admin. Lied to justify an invasion…that would inevitably reveal that lie to the world.
The ONLY explanation I’ve heard regarding this from the “Bush lied” people is that “they figured the war would be so popular that no one would care”. Which is ridiculous beyond belief.

Were there WMDs in Iraq at the time of the invasion? Almost certainly not. But the CIA Director said there were and any president would be foolish not to act on that claim.

If your oncologist insists that you have cancer do you ask to see the lab reports yourself and interview the lab techs? Of course not! Probably you schedule surgery or chemo whichever that same doctor recommends.
Were mistakes made during the occupation of Iraq that cost thousands of American lives? Most certainly. But that is another issue that has nothing to do about the legitimacy of the invasion.

Did the Bush admin. Emphasize the stronger parts of their argument in favor of invading? Of course they did! This is what you do when making a case to a jury or to the American people. You have no obligation to argue both sides. There were plenty of opponents of the invasion to argue the other side.

Either way, there is ZERO evidence that the Bush Admin. ever deliberately and knowingly promoted false information to justify the invasion of Iraq.

So it's ok to talk about Bush now and it doesn't automatically go into the "It's all Bush's fault" category?
9-11 changed President Bush's position on nation building because the 9-11 attacks were launched directly out of the failed state of Afghanistan (which was on NO ONES radar until 9-11)
We were not attacked by Afghanistan on 9-11.

We were attacked by a terrorist group based there.

The war papers for the Afghanistan war were on Bush's desk the day before 9-11. AND since when do we go to war with a country because a hand full of people attack an entire Country?

I'll just assume you haven't researched 9-11 on the topic.
I can't get past those Military training excercises that use remote controlled full passanger jets to fly into the world trade centers as an "exercise".

STRANGE exercise.
Dick Cheney's obvious motivation for promoting the Iraq invasion was his pile of Halliburton stocks. I'm sure there are some other, less obvious or fully obscure, monetary reasons for his efforts.

Bush's reason for pushing the Iraq invasion was mainly oil, the lifeblood of the Bush Dynasty, but also to accomodate his "base," which consists of major war profiteers. The Iraq invasion vastly benefited the One Percent.

George Tenet was a greasy, compliant puppet -- which is why Clinton appointed him. Bush had no trouble pressuring him to lie.

No one had better cause to know what Hussein's military capabilities were than Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who orchestrated Operation Desert Storm. No one had greater access to internal intelligence on Iraq's military impotence than Powell -- who distinguished himself as Bush's house ****** and has disgraced himself by betraying the 4,446 GIs who unnecessarily died because of his self-serving, treacherous deception.

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, George Tenet, and Colin Powell are war criminals. A serious and motivated Congressional investigation would reveal their crimes, which are sufficiently egregious to hang all four of them. The fact that Obama failed to appoint a competent and motivated Attorney General who would have investigated and prosecuted the Bush Crime Family is clear evidence that Obama is an extension of the same shadow government.

The lies of the Bush Crime Family were so effectively structured and clothed in duplicitous rationale that anyone who chooses, for whatever reason, to believe them will have no trouble ignoring the obvious.
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The Week said:
Exposed: The lie that led us into Iraq
The Iraqi defector who claimed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction has finally confessed that he made the whole thing up. An instant guide
Exposed: The lie that led us into Iraq - The Week

I think it has been clarified that, from the get go of his presidency, George Jr. was intent on getting Saddam Hussein for a host of reasons to include personal retribution. He admitted to the latter on public television. But it was an Iraqi defector to Germany who provided the WMD fairy tale that led to the U.S. led invasion of Iraq.
Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, known to U.S. and other Western spy agencies as "Curveball," tells The Guardian that he "fabricated" the whole WMD tale in the hopes of bringing Hussein down.
Apparently, al-Janabi told his lie to German agents during his tenure there as a refugee. The Germans shared that information with the US CIA. Perhaps his background as a chemical engineer lent credibility to his incredulous claim that he worked on projects involving chemical WMDs for Hussein. But, was that really enough to convince seasoned Intelligence officials? Evidently, not entirely.
Janabi says he thinks some in the intelligence world had uncovered his lies in mid-2000, but that the German agents who contacted him two years later still seemed to be taking his stories seriously. U.S. officials didn't have any direct contact with Janabi. Drumheller says he warned CIA headquarters before Powell's speech that Janabi might be a liar, and says CIA Deputy Director John McLaughlin replied, "Oh, I hope not, because this is really all we have."

Drumheller was the former CIA chief in Europe. He seems to be painting John McLaughlin as a person not interested in getting at the truth.

But let’s go back to the Germans for a moment. Their agents were instrumental in getting that false information out to the Americans. Yet, after Hussein opened the door for UN inspectors to look for WMDs, the Germans opposed military action not sanctioned by the UN as did France. Neither country sent troops or supported the invasion. Likely, their intelligence sources were contradicting the story al-Janabi had fabricated.

The kicker is that evidence abounds indicating the Bush administration rejected any intelligence suggesting Saddam was not hiding WMDs. Some former CIA Agents went public and asserted that the Bush administration compelled them to lie.
Whitehouser said:
On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior IA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again. Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD.
CIA confirms Bush lied about WMDs

The quote continues and indicates that key personnel in the Bush administration were not privy to the contents of Tenet's briefing.
No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.
Did Colin Powell get the information? I don't think he did until after the fact. Thus, his resignation was expected after learning Bush had not confided in him .

But to end the wild desperate truculence shown by Bush supporters lurking about who are so adamant about his veracity on this matter. Read this and weep; for there is no where to turn when confronted with these hard facts:

On April 23, 2006, CBS’s “60 Minutes” interviewed Tyler Drumheller, the former CIA chief of clandestine operations for Europe, who disclosed that the agency had received documentary intelligence from Naji Sabri, Saddam’s foreign minister, that Saddam did not have WMD. “We continued to validate him the whole way through,” said Drumheller. “The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy, to justify the policy.”
After 9-11 we gave Bush a 9-11 Card

It allowed him to do anything he thought necessary to fight terrorism. We gave him the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan and even looked the other way when he engaged in torture

But what Bush really wanted was Iraq. But nobody could link Iraq to 9-11. So what could Bush do?

Claim that Saddam was going to give WMDs to terrorists. We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.

Bush lied

Saddam's Iraq was already deemed a threat independent of 9-11. I will always stand by Bush's decision to take out Saddam in the wake of watching 19 human waste punks kill 3,000 Americans with Airplanes. Bush gave Saddam every opportunity over an 18 month period following 9-11 to comply and or step down. Hussein did not. In that same time period, Bush used the intel he inherited from the previous admin as well as talking points from Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, Albright, Berger, and Tenet to build his case to Democrats. Democrats had every opportunity to expose Bush for lies.

They could not then and they can't in hindsight because Bush used Democrat intel and talking points. If Bush lied, then that makes Democrats liars too.
After 9-11 we gave Bush a 9-11 Card

It allowed him to do anything he thought necessary to fight terrorism. We gave him the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan and even looked the other way when he engaged in torture

But what Bush really wanted was Iraq. But nobody could link Iraq to 9-11. So what could Bush do?

Claim that Saddam was going to give WMDs to terrorists. We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.

Bush lied

Saddam's Iraq was already deemed a threat independent of 9-11. I will always stand by Bush's decision to take out Saddam in the wake of watching 19 human waste punks kill 3,000 Americans with Airplanes. Bush gave Saddam every opportunity over an 18 month period following 9-11 to comply and or step down. Hussein did not. In that same time period, Bush used the intel he inherited from the previous admin as well as talking points from Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, Albright, Berger, and Tenet to build his case to Democrats. Democrats had every opportunity to expose Bush for lies.

They could not then and they can't in hindsight because Bush used Democrat intel and talking points. If Bush lied, then that makes Democrats liars too.

no. it was not deemed a "threat" at that time. they were cooperating with the inspectors. the only ones who said they were a "threat" were the PNAC crowd.

and invading the country wasn't sold as a "threat" they were sold as having a connection to 9/11 which most of us knew was a lie.
After 9-11 we gave Bush a 9-11 Card

It allowed him to do anything he thought necessary to fight terrorism. We gave him the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan and even looked the other way when he engaged in torture

But what Bush really wanted was Iraq. But nobody could link Iraq to 9-11. So what could Bush do?

Claim that Saddam was going to give WMDs to terrorists. We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.

Bush lied

Saddam's Iraq was already deemed a threat independent of 9-11. I will always stand by Bush's decision to take out Saddam in the wake of watching 19 human waste punks kill 3,000 Americans with Airplanes. Bush gave Saddam every opportunity over an 18 month period following 9-11 to comply and or step down. Hussein did not. In that same time period, Bush used the intel he inherited from the previous admin as well as talking points from Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, Albright, Berger, and Tenet to build his case to Democrats. Democrats had every opportunity to expose Bush for lies.

They could not then and they can't in hindsight because Bush used Democrat intel and talking points. If Bush lied, then that makes Democrats liars too.

Saddam was contained. His forces were depleted and his main concern was staying in power. Provoking Allied powers would not be in his best interests. Why, after ten years of containment, Bush needed to pull forces out of Afghanistan because of some "immediate threat" is ridiculous

Why do you guys keep tying him to 9-11? He had NOTHING to do with it.
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