The ‘Cancel Culture’ Myth

The Regressive Left pretends that PC, Identity Politics & Cancel Culture are just figments of our imagination.

The Trumpsters pretend that old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid white racism is just a figment of our imagination.

Nutters like to play pretend. Or, better put, lie.
Your point would have a lot more validity were it not for the fact that there are absolutely magnitudes more of the left wing fascists than there are old fashioned white racists.
Yeah, the other side says the opposite.

No credibility, either end.
“The idea is that if you do something that others deem problematic, you automatically lose all your currency. Your voice is silenced. You’re done. Those who condemn cancel culture usually imply that it’s unfair and indiscriminate.

The problem with this perspective is cancel culture isn’t real, at least not in the way people believe it is. Instead, it’s turned into a catch-all for when people in power face consequences for their actions or receive any type of criticism, something that they’re not used to.”

The fact is that the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth runs contrary to the Framers’ original intent that it should be private citizens in the context of private society who determine what forms of speech and expression are acceptable and appropriate and what are not, free from unwarranted interference by government or the courts.

Indeed, as correctly noted in the OP article, what conservatives wrongly deride as being ‘PC/cancel culture’ is actually the marketplace of free speech and expression at work – something one would think rightists should support: the free enterprise of ideas the sole purview of the people, immune from regulation by the state.

Instead, conservatives embrace the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth as a means by which to advance the lie that ‘free speech’ is being ‘violated’ and conservative voices ‘silenced’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth; the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth is a bad faith effort by the right to delegitimize appropriate, warranted criticism of racism, bigotry, and hate.

That is incorrect. We know that is incorrect because a letter to the public was written and signed by known liberals. Further, one of the first examples of cancel culture was started by a woman named Amanda Marcotte who was a two bit blogger over at Raw Story at the time. She spent her time chasing people online with her entourage. In fact, she started a bunch of drama about a columnist and we had a knock down drag out "debate" on this forum. She wanted atheists to get together for political purposes. I still to this day have zero respect for her because she was one of the first to initiate this shit fest. And every time she writes it is in some PSA format which I find irritating as hell.
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Hmmmm....Accodrding to the moonbats, cancel culture doesn't exist, Pantifa doesn't exist, but there's a white supremacist behind every bush.....You going to believe them or your own lying eyes?

What an interesting few weeks it has been.

You don't have to believe them... there's videotape.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean talking about the weather, asswipe.

Nobody has the right to be a whiny little bitch who's always offended by something.

you misunderstand what freedom of speech means. Freedom of speech means that you can say what you want, but it doesn't immunize you to consequences.

A one-off out in BFE North Dakota isn't the norm, numbnutz.

I understand freedom of speech just fine...And bending to a minority the most offended pussies in the culture is not "consequences", it's fascism, you fucking fascist.
A one-off out in BFE North Dakota isn't the norm, numbnutz.

I understand freedom of speech just fine...And bending to a minority the most offended pussies in the culture is not "consequences", it's fascism, you fucking fascist.

You have yet to demonstrate anyone who has been successfully "cancelled".


Come on, give us a name. I will demonstrate not only what they did was REALLY BAD, but prove they haven't been "cancelled" at all.
A one-off out in BFE North Dakota isn't the norm, numbnutz.

I understand freedom of speech just fine...And bending to a minority the most offended pussies in the culture is not "consequences", it's fascism, you fucking fascist.

You have yet to demonstrate anyone who has been successfully "cancelled".


Come on, give us a name. I will demonstrate not only what they did was REALLY BAD, but prove they haven't been "cancelled" at all.
JK Rowling, Roseanne Barr, James Woods, James Bennet....Just off the top of my head.

The've done nothing except speak out in ways that cultural fascists like you find offensive, i.e. facts that you don't like.
The Regressive Left pretends that PC, Identity Politics & Cancel Culture are just figments of our imagination.

The Trumpsters pretend that old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid white racism is just a figment of our imagination.

Nutters like to play pretend. Or, better put, lie.
Your point would have a lot more validity were it not for the fact that there are absolutely magnitudes more of the left wing fascists than there are old fashioned white racists.
Yeah, the other side says the opposite.

No credibility, either end.
The Regressive Left pretends that PC, Identity Politics & Cancel Culture are just figments of our imagination.

The Trumpsters pretend that old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid white racism is just a figment of our imagination.

Nutters like to play pretend. Or, better put, lie.
Your point would have a lot more validity were it not for the fact that there are absolutely magnitudes more of the left wing fascists than there are old fashioned white racists.
Yeah, the other side says the opposite.

No credibility, either end.
I realize you are bound and determined to create false equivalences here, but people believing or saying things has no bearing on objective fact.

The facts of the matter are that if there were equal numbers, this would be reflected in the numbers of people rioting or the numbers of people cancelled for saying left wing things.

They are by no means equal in number and your equivocation is patently false one attitude has now come to define a significant portion of the population whereas the other only exists in vestiges.
“The idea is that if you do something that others deem problematic, you automatically lose all your currency. Your voice is silenced. You’re done. Those who condemn cancel culture usually imply that it’s unfair and indiscriminate.

The problem with this perspective is cancel culture isn’t real, at least not in the way people believe it is. Instead, it’s turned into a catch-all for when people in power face consequences for their actions or receive any type of criticism, something that they’re not used to.”

The fact is that the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth runs contrary to the Framers’ original intent that it should be private citizens in the context of private society who determine what forms of speech and expression are acceptable and appropriate and what are not, free from unwarranted interference by government or the courts.

Indeed, as correctly noted in the OP article, what conservatives wrongly deride as being ‘PC/cancel culture’ is actually the marketplace of free speech and expression at work – something one would think rightists should support: the free enterprise of ideas the sole purview of the people, immune from regulation by the state.

Instead, conservatives embrace the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth as a means by which to advance the lie that ‘free speech’ is being ‘violated’ and conservative voices ‘silenced’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth; the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth is a bad faith effort by the right to delegitimize appropriate, warranted criticism of racism, bigotry, and hate.

Alinsky would be proud, you SJW prog dime store hack.

Has never read a word of Alinsky
JK Rowling, Roseanne Barr, James Woods, James Bennet....Just off the top of my head.

The've done nothing except speak out in ways that cultural fascists like you find offensive, i.e. facts that you don't like.
And their penalty has been...what? That they don't get to continue getting rich on platforms owned by other people?

Should i weep for them? Or do you have that covered?


crimethink - To even consider any thought not in line with the principles of Ingsoc. Doubting any of the principles of Ingsoc. All crimes begin with a thought. So, if you control thought, you can control crime. "Thoughtcrime is death. Thoughtcrime does not entail death, Thoughtcrime is death....The essential crime that contains all others in itself."
The Regressive Left pretends that PC, Identity Politics & Cancel Culture are just figments of our imagination.

The Trumpsters pretend that old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid white racism is just a figment of our imagination.

Nutters like to play pretend. Or, better put, lie.
Your point would have a lot more validity were it not for the fact that there are absolutely magnitudes more of the left wing fascists than there are old fashioned white racists.
Yeah, the other side says the opposite.

No credibility, either end.
The Regressive Left pretends that PC, Identity Politics & Cancel Culture are just figments of our imagination.

The Trumpsters pretend that old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid white racism is just a figment of our imagination.

Nutters like to play pretend. Or, better put, lie.
Your point would have a lot more validity were it not for the fact that there are absolutely magnitudes more of the left wing fascists than there are old fashioned white racists.
Yeah, the other side says the opposite.

No credibility, either end.
I realize you are bound and determined to create false equivalences here, but people believing or saying things has no bearing on objective fact.

The facts of the matter are that if there were equal numbers, this would be reflected in the numbers of people rioting or the numbers of people cancelled for saying left wing things.

They are by no means equal in number and your equivocation is patently false one attitude has now come to define a significant portion of the population whereas the other only exists in vestiges.
Well, you're lying, of course. I never said that was an "equal number". Not once. Ever.

When it's coming out of each end like water through a fire hose, I don't CARE which is worse.

I'd suggest you just be honest and hold your own tribe accountable, but we both know you won't.
It's always interesting to me how many people say their right to free speech is impaired, when really they mean that the people who run and own the platforms from which they're banned are exercising their own rights.

Saying someone is cancelled only has power within an echo chamber. In the real world outside of twitter and the internet, it's meaningless. Still, nice to have a faux reason behind one's frothy rage.
“The idea is that if you do something that others deem problematic, you automatically lose all your currency. Your voice is silenced. You’re done. Those who condemn cancel culture usually imply that it’s unfair and indiscriminate.

The problem with this perspective is cancel culture isn’t real, at least not in the way people believe it is. Instead, it’s turned into a catch-all for when people in power face consequences for their actions or receive any type of criticism, something that they’re not used to.”

The fact is that the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth runs contrary to the Framers’ original intent that it should be private citizens in the context of private society who determine what forms of speech and expression are acceptable and appropriate and what are not, free from unwarranted interference by government or the courts.

Indeed, as correctly noted in the OP article, what conservatives wrongly deride as being ‘PC/cancel culture’ is actually the marketplace of free speech and expression at work – something one would think rightists should support: the free enterprise of ideas the sole purview of the people, immune from regulation by the state.

Instead, conservatives embrace the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth as a means by which to advance the lie that ‘free speech’ is being ‘violated’ and conservative voices ‘silenced’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth; the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth is a bad faith effort by the right to delegitimize appropriate, warranted criticism of racism, bigotry, and hate.

You pseudo intellectuals are a hoot! Completely oblivious to reality, or just stupid?
“The idea is that if you do something that others deem problematic, you automatically lose all your currency. Your voice is silenced. You’re done. Those who condemn cancel culture usually imply that it’s unfair and indiscriminate.

The problem with this perspective is cancel culture isn’t real, at least not in the way people believe it is. Instead, it’s turned into a catch-all for when people in power face consequences for their actions or receive any type of criticism, something that they’re not used to.”

The fact is that the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth runs contrary to the Framers’ original intent that it should be private citizens in the context of private society who determine what forms of speech and expression are acceptable and appropriate and what are not, free from unwarranted interference by government or the courts.

Indeed, as correctly noted in the OP article, what conservatives wrongly deride as being ‘PC/cancel culture’ is actually the marketplace of free speech and expression at work – something one would think rightists should support: the free enterprise of ideas the sole purview of the people, immune from regulation by the state.

Instead, conservatives embrace the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth as a means by which to advance the lie that ‘free speech’ is being ‘violated’ and conservative voices ‘silenced’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth; the ‘PC/cancel culture’ myth is a bad faith effort by the right to delegitimize appropriate, warranted criticism of racism, bigotry, and hate.

Alinsky would be proud, you SJW prog dime store hack.

Has never read a word of Alinsky
Yes, I doubt that he has. Such an assumption suggests a level of education that does not exist.

This does not mean he or other radicals are not operating off the Alinski playback. It is just that they have internaled it through secondary sources.

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