The Cappucino Corral

surgery on r hand, injections to both hands, horrible pain, couldnt sleep, just laid there shaking. today better but still bad pain. not doing anything, pardon hunt n peck. this is just awful, hope its worth it. time for heating pad and maybe a nap.
Omg, Lud. Jeezus, when you feel better, I'm curious about what happened. Take care.

third surgery on R hand, old injuries from man handling wild animals. Badger ripped a tendon, raptors did their part. Both hands are pretty trashed. hopefully this will help.

i shouldnt type but can't do anything and i'm bored with crappy tv.

I had the tendons in my left hand torn in a car accident, and typing turned out to be my best cure. I was told to hold an orange and squeeze it repeatedly, and I'm sure that helped, but typing (although it was painful) was my best medicine. I regained full control of my left hand in no time and the doctor told me that forcing myself to type when I was in pain, was the best exercise for me.
surgery on r hand, injections to both hands, horrible pain, couldnt sleep, just laid there shaking. today better but still bad pain. not doing anything, pardon hunt n peck. this is just awful, hope its worth it. time for heating pad and maybe a nap.

Sorry to hear about your pain....was wondering why I hadn't seen much of you lately.....You need to quit using your hands until they heal....was it carpal tunnel syndrome? I had that some time keyboard in my office was not at a good angle. Went for therapy and it went away....even though I use the keyboard a lot now, I've never had a recurrence. It was very painful, when I had it.

never had carpel tunnel but have had friends with it. Very painful. Oh looky there, my pinkie is working.

Good that yours hasn't returned.
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Oh by the way.....I'm not the only one that likes cats...


What's your opinion of typewriters? :)

I wouldn't buy one as long as I have a computer, keyboard and printer.

However, we have an old "Brothers" manual typewriter....can't remember how we came about it....I wonder if it is worth anything.

Here ya go -

The Boston Typewriter Orchestra A collective endeavor which engages in rhythmic typewriter manipulation combined with elements of performance comedy and satire. BTO aims to entertain the masses while providing an outlet for the creative urges of its members. BTO promises to protect customer confidentiality with the utmost vigilance while remaining irreverent at all times.
surgery on r hand, injections to both hands, horrible pain, couldnt sleep, just laid there shaking. today better but still bad pain. not doing anything, pardon hunt n peck. this is just awful, hope its worth it. time for heating pad and maybe a nap.
Omg, Lud. Jeezus, when you feel better, I'm curious about what happened. Take care.

third surgery on R hand, old injuries from man handling wild animals. Badger ripped a tendon, raptors did their part. Both hands are pretty trashed. hopefully this will help.

i shouldnt type but can't do anything and i'm bored with crappy tv.

Wow, you've led an interesting life. Do you have to do PT also? Do everything they tell you. Hope it gets better soon.

Meant to add - I've been a wildlife rehabber and educator for a long long time. I've taken the winter off to deal with this but plan to get back to doing conditioning of raptors, necessary before they can be released.

I agree with Mertex that typing is helpful. Earlier, I really had trouble using the shift key - pinkie just didn't want to work - and its much easier now.


That made me think of this... heard it around the house throughout my youth...

I can't remember a time, ever, when my Mom was without her typewriter, right up to the day she died.
Well, this is a first... the office shredder overheated LOL.
I'm purging this place of most everything 20 years and older. Going to move the office into my home by May, then advertise a tag sale to get rid of 37 years' accumulation of... stuff.

I found a great little item at the thrift store yesterday -- a manual shredder. Works with a crank. Works well too.

Can't wait for the next power failure. I'll be the only one shreddin' :rock:
Well, this is a first... the office shredder overheated LOL.
I'm purging this place of most everything 20 years and older. Going to move the office into my home by May, then advertise a tag sale to get rid of 37 years' accumulation of... stuff.

I found a great little item at the thrift store yesterday -- a manual shredder. Works with a crank. Works well too.

Can't wait for the next power failure. I'll be the only one shreddin' :rock:

Yes, but what happens when you overheat?

That made me think of this... heard it around the house throughout my youth...

I can't remember a time, ever, when my Mom was without her typewriter, right up to the day she died.

Love that.

For many years, I had a little portable in its own fabric covered case. I can still see it - the fabric looked like a man's suit, herringbone, if I remember right. I had bought it used and it went to college with me, across country, took a beating but right on. Supposedly portable but weighed a ton.

I like drawing in pencil and will always miss old fashioned typewriter erasers that you sharpen. They're great for erasing very small areas although I now use a razor blade (also endangered) to cut the eraser to a fine point.

I don't miss carbon paper, white out and fixing mistakes on copies.
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About two inches. And before I let Czar out, I could see fox tracks on the deck. Its just getting light now and I can hear the birds waking up.

Amazing how much better my hands are this morning. First thing yesterday, I couldn't even pour my own coffee. I think the injection sites were and are more painful than the incision. Still painful this morning but at least I'm functional! Thank you all for your concern and good wishes yesterday.

My iPhone had gone on strike. The weather app wouldn't download latest info, e-mail didn't download. I didn't really look at other apps - I was hurting too much to care. But, this morning, I powered it off and back on and its fine. Still cracks me up that turning off gadgets "fixes" them.

Anyone remember the old e-mail that made the rounds in the early days - compared cars on the highway with your computer and when the steering froze, recommended pulling off, turning off the ignition, counting to ten or something like that and then turning it back on.
Speakin' o' coffee... son #1 axed what I want for Christmas so I found North Coast Coffee Roasting Company 100 Organic Coffee and forwarded him the link. That's awfully thoughty of the critter. Last year he got me a six month beer-o-the-month subscription.

Hmmmm - sounds like a good idea for our son.
The coffee or the beer? :dunno:

It was the coffee that caught my eye but, come to think of it - both. Like us, he makes wine but, also like us, he does drink beer too.

Your bluebirds really are beautiful.

I just heard the geese fly over. I've said we live on a peninsula and we have a neighbor on the front side who feeds the geese so every morning, they leave our side to fly over for breakfast. In a little while, we'll hear them fly back. Funny how the ducks and geese always talk to each other in flight.

And just saw Mr and Mrs Eagle go by and heard Gilbert (or Sullivan), the great blue heron squawk from his place on our dock.
Getting ready to drive the four and a half blocks to work. They are talking possible snow storm for Christmas Eve, so it may be a white one.
Getting ready to drive the four and a half blocks to work. They are talking possible snow storm for Christmas Eve, so it may be a white one.
It's saying rain/snow showers on Christmas Eve here. 50% chance.

I'm still hoping although the map at the Weather Channel site doesn't look too promising for my area.
Well, this is a first... the office shredder overheated LOL.
I'm purging this place of most everything 20 years and older. Going to move the office into my home by May, then advertise a tag sale to get rid of 37 years' accumulation of... stuff.

I found a great little item at the thrift store yesterday -- a manual shredder. Works with a crank. Works well too.

Can't wait for the next power failure. I'll be the only one shreddin' :rock:

Yes, but what happens when you overheat?

A shot of tequila will cool him off right quick.....:)

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