The Cappucino Corral

Speakin' o' coffee... son #1 axed what I want for Christmas so I found North Coast Coffee Roasting Company 100 Organic Coffee and forwarded him the link. That's awfully thoughty of the critter. Last year he got me a six month beer-o-the-month subscription.

We just got a "Magic Bullet" from our youngest son.....can't wait to figure out how to work the thing. I looked at the instruction/recipe book that came with it, and it seems like I don't have many of the ingredients that some of the recipes call for....guess I better make a list and head for the store....:)
I'm going to miss Gwen Steffani and Pherell on The Voice. The producers aren't even going to help me out by returning Shakira either. :(
For SarahG and anyone else wanting snow. Czar loves the snow. We were counting - he's 11 or 12 now. That's the hot tub below the deck and the lake in background. And a birdhouse on the corner of the deck.

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Speakin' o' coffee... son #1 axed what I want for Christmas so I found North Coast Coffee Roasting Company 100 Organic Coffee and forwarded him the link. That's awfully thoughty of the critter. Last year he got me a six month beer-o-the-month subscription.

We just got a "Magic Bullet" from our youngest son.....can't wait to figure out how to work the thing. I looked at the instruction/recipe book that came with it, and it seems like I don't have many of the ingredients that some of the recipes call for....guess I better make a list and head for the store....:)

Let us know what you think and what all you can do with it.

About two inches. And before I let Czar out, I could see fox tracks on the deck. Its just getting light now and I can hear the birds waking up.

Amazing how much better my hands are this morning. First thing yesterday, I couldn't even pour my own coffee. I think the injection sites were and are more painful than the incision. Still painful this morning but at least I'm functional! Thank you all for your concern and good wishes yesterday.

My iPhone had gone on strike. The weather app wouldn't download latest info, e-mail didn't download. I didn't really look at other apps - I was hurting too much to care. But, this morning, I powered it off and back on and its fine. Still cracks me up that turning off gadgets "fixes" them.

Anyone remember the old e-mail that made the rounds in the early days - compared cars on the highway with your computer and when the steering froze, recommended pulling off, turning off the ignition, counting to ten or something like that and then turning it back on.

Arrgh. I'm jealous. We had snow predicted for Saturday, first 60%, then 80%, 1 to 3 inches, which always means more. But the update now says just cloudy and 40s with four days of rain to follow.

There is no worse weather than cold rain. Entirely useless. Gonna be a sucky winter.
Speakin' o' coffee... son #1 axed what I want for Christmas so I found North Coast Coffee Roasting Company 100 Organic Coffee and forwarded him the link. That's awfully thoughty of the critter. Last year he got me a six month beer-o-the-month subscription.

We just got a "Magic Bullet" from our youngest son.....can't wait to figure out how to work the thing. I looked at the instruction/recipe book that came with it, and it seems like I don't have many of the ingredients that some of the recipes call for....guess I better make a list and head for the store....:)

Let us know what you think and what all you can do with it.

I decided to try something.....put some spinach, green grapes, a banana, frozen raspberries and walnuts, and VOILA!......except for the color, (baby poop green) - it was great. Next time I'll cut back on the spinach was a pretty good smoothie...:) I'm eager to try some with more fruit...but they really recommend the leafy green vegetables.
Well, we got a couple inches of snow after losing most of our snow and it is still coming down so I'm happy we are going to have a white Christmas this year.

Bah Humbug.....we're having 72 degree weather, drizzly.....doesn't even feel like Christmas....:(

Eager Student
A student comes to a young professor's office hours. She glances down the hall, closes his door, kneels pleadingly.
"I would do anything to pass this exam." She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, gazes meaningfully into his eyes. "I mean..." she whispers, "I would do...anything."
He returns her gaze. "Anything?"
His voice softens. "Anything??"
"Absolutely anything."
His voice turns to a whisper. "Would"
Driving home today, we pass a huge high meadow. Our pair of eagles were sitting in a tree, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, very companionable. We stopped to watch them for a while.

We've always been able to watch them raise their kids but their old nest fell and we don't know for sure where the new one is.

We're really going to miss watching them fledge.

Tonight, I can hear an owl just outside.

Warmer here, snow has all but melted and forecast is for that cold yukky rain Pogo mentioned.

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