The Cappucino Corral

Good Morning, fellow Cappucinistas of the world, rise and shine to a beautiful and sunshine-y Tuesday!


What? No sunshine fact, we're expecting the coldest front yet.....I covered some of my delicate plants, sego palms and others, but the wind is blowing and keeps blowing the blankets off...........argh..........
So I remember working out in the gym from years ago. For some reason I can't just walk back in there and do my normal reps and jump on the treadmill for a 5k without soreness. Weird. have to start all over again..........:)
Good Morning, fellow Cappucinistas of the world, rise and shine to a beautiful and sunshine-y Tuesday!


What? No sunshine fact, we're expecting the coldest front yet.....I covered some of my delicate plants, sego palms and others, but the wind is blowing and keeps blowing the blankets off...........argh..........

You can just use your and Luddly's cats to weigh down the blankets so they don't blow off! ;)
Good Morning, fellow Cappucinistas of the world, rise and shine to a beautiful and sunshine-y Tuesday!


What? No sunshine fact, we're expecting the coldest front yet.....I covered some of my delicate plants, sego palms and others, but the wind is blowing and keeps blowing the blankets off...........argh..........

You can just use your and Luddly's cats to weigh down the blankets so they don't blow off! ;)

Except my cats are all snuggly and warm inside.....the outdoor cats are in the shed with a heater........and I have layers of clothes on....I'm not happy with cold......brrrrrr!
The thermometer reads +25 but there's a stiff wind blowing off the lake so the wind chill is way lower than that.It was blowing hard enough there were little white caps on the lake.

My phone app says 10+ with a wind chill factor of -6. That's probably closer to the real temp.

My BF works in another city, he usually comes home a couple of times a week but I told him to stay there this week. Too cold to run back and forth. So now I am looking out at the garbage cans that have to go up front today and wishing he was here to do it. :lol: Omg, it's now 10 degrees and -11 chill factor.

Sarah, I understand how you feel. We didn't even want to walk to the mailbox.

I really hate the cold and we have to drive to the bid city tomorrow. Ugh.

The eagles have been out though. We saw the juvie several times and just saw an adult fly by. All looking for frozen fish.

Hot buttered rum time. Even if I didn't drink it, I could hold it, right?


Did already......looks like he's tired....did he do your taxes?

A cat? Earning his keep? Don't I wish.

Got quite a bit done, in spite of his best efforts.

So, his relaxed stance is just......tired from doing nothing? That's a cat, for sure.......:D

He's a bum.

Actually, living with him is like having some weird hybrid toddler/puppy cat. He scratches at doors for them to be opened, chews things - especially plastic. He digs trash out of the trash cans and throws it around. He beats up on poor little Brodie. this morning they woke me when he threw against the closed bedroom door.

And then he climbs into my lap, purrs and rubs and then off to find a sunny spot.

Good Morning, fellow Cappucinistas of the world, rise and shine to a beautiful and sunshine-y Tuesday!


What? No sunshine fact, we're expecting the coldest front yet.....I covered some of my delicate plants, sego palms and others, but the wind is blowing and keeps blowing the blankets off...........argh..........

You can just use your and Luddly's cats to weigh down the blankets so they don't blow off! ;)

Actually, a running joke here is that you can tell how cold it is by the number of cats on your lap.

When we used to let them in the bedroom at night, we measured called it the Cold Cat Quilt.

I'm serious about that hot buttered rum.

The thermometer reads +25 but there's a stiff wind blowing off the lake so the wind chill is way lower than that.It was blowing hard enough there were little white caps on the lake.

My phone app says 10+ with a wind chill factor of -6. That's probably closer to the real temp.

My BF works in another city, he usually comes home a couple of times a week but I told him to stay there this week. Too cold to run back and forth. So now I am looking out at the garbage cans that have to go up front today and wishing he was here to do it. :lol: Omg, it's now 10 degrees and -11 chill factor.

Sarah, I understand how you feel. We didn't even want to walk to the mailbox.

I really hate the cold and we have to drive to the bid city tomorrow. Ugh.

The eagles have been out though. We saw the juvie several times and just saw an adult fly by. All looking for frozen fish.

Hot buttered rum time. Even if I didn't drink it, I could hold it, right?

I finally took the garbage cans up, gosh it is so cold. I was thinking of making hot chocolate but I never did, I just got my blankie and back in my chair. :)
Oh and about Catsby demanding that doors get opened. You know how it is - the cat is always on the wrong side. He either wants in or out. Which ever side he's on, he wants the other side.

He loves going out on the screened in porch. He watches the birds coming to the feeders and lusts after the squirrels that run along the deck railing. Both he and Brodie put on quite the show of chittering teeth and wiggly butts. Wide screen TV for cats.

Every night, we go through this fight with him about coming in for the night while Brodie begs us to Quick, lock the door with him on the outside.

But, his momma cat didn't have no dumb kittens.

He has not asked to go out on the porch even once today.
-6 actual with winds at 6-18mph for a wind chill of -24. Snow tonight, so I'll be up at 6am to shovel for two hours or so.

I have recovered from a too intense tricep workout Monday. I couldn't relax the right arm enough to shave or wash my hair yesterday. Everything is back in working order today.
I shouldn't have looked. It's -4 but feels like -27. I have to go bring the garbage bins back too. Aarrggghhh!
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I shouldn't have looked. It's -4 but feels like -27. I have to go bring the garbage bins back too. Aarrggghhh!

North Western Ohio is pretty flat so that winds really whips around. Luckily my area has many small mounts and hills to take the bite out of the wind.

I love the new avie btw.
I shouldn't have looked. It's -4 but feels like -27. I have to go bring the garbage bins back too. Aarrggghhh!

North Western Ohio is pretty flat so that winds really whips around. Luckily my area has many small mounts and hills to take the bite out of the wind.

I love the new avie btw.
Thanks! Are you a Game of Thrones fan?
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