The Carrier Deal

When you're done tweaking dot, please post your theory about how they "helped bring down the economy".
After Lehman fell, investors putting one dollar into moneymarket accounts couldn't get a dollar back out. That never happened before, although in 1928, there weren't actual money market accounts.

You can try to debate after the fact what would have happened to the world economy if the US allowed other banks to fail.
g5000's guy in the last election- "Lehman John Kasich" tells me all I need to know about his agenda.
Tell us what Lehman did which "helped bring the economy down" that Goldman didn't, hypocrite.

Even easier, tell Toddster what Lehman did to bring down the economy.
They got in waaay over their head kid. You didn't know that? And the guy you were supporting in the last election went to do who knows what, peddle influence no doubt, after leaving Washington

Lehman Brothers - Wikipedia
Lehman's bankruptcy filing is the largest in US history,[5] and is thought to have played a major role in the unfolding of the late-2000s global financial crisis.

You have no idea how over your head you are, dumbass.

Now what did Lehman do that Goldman didn't do to crash the economy?
So Lehman are just innocent bystanders where your candidate in the last election just happened to work after leaving DC?
Another lib hate thread, they would rather 1,000 Americans lost their jobs to Mexico than credit Trump with a win. If libs were an offensive line they would just jump to the side and let the opposing team mow down their quarterback, disgusting. These people are not even true Americans.
You have a lot of nerve calling yourself a conservative when you support Trump's liberal interference in the free market.

That's why I call you tards psuedocons. You don't know fuck-all about conservativism.

I told you not long ago that Trump would have you pseudocon tards buying off on liberal programs one by one. And look at you now!

You're just mad that I called BS on your stupid sour grapes narrative. Look we all know liberals lie, they lie through their teeth there isn't a reason to believe one damn thing spewing from their lying pie hole. So blather on till your blue in the face for all we care. :blahblah:
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
They didn't make the money yet. It's a tax incentive against future taxes they might owe. Anyway you spin it, it's corp welfare paid to one taxpayer, with other taxpayers getting less than equal treatment.

My relection is that Bears Sterns was more or less left holding the debt. Lehman Bros and GS both created debt that they knew, or should have know, was bogus rated and doomed to default.

The Treasury guy was Trump's first really bad hire. He's dirty as shit. And he'll lack cred with some gopers along with the dems. He'll be confirmed, but sometime, someday, Trump's gonna have to send him up the Hill to ask Congress to float him some money .... and he might not get 50 votes.
Another lib hate thread, they would rather 1,000 Americans lost their jobs to Mexico than credit Trump with a win. If libs were an offensive line they would just jump to the side and let the opposing team mow down their quarterback, disgusting. These people are not even true Americans.
You have a lot of nerve calling yourself a conservative when you support Trump's liberal interference in the free market.

That's why I call you tards psuedocons. You don't know fuck-all about conservativism.

I told you not long ago that Trump would have you pseudocon tards buying off on liberal programs one by one. And look at you now!

You're just mad that I called BS on your stupid sour grapes narrative. Look we all know liberals lie, they lie through their teeth there isn't a reason to believe one damn thing spewing from their lying pie hole. So blather on till your blue in the face for all we care. :blahblah:
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
When a special interest pays LESS, someone else has to pay MORE, retard. Or worse, it ADDS TO THE DEBT, moron.

Which is why tax expenditures are no different from food stamps. They are paid for out of someone else's pocket.

This is Conservatism 101, pseudocon. No wonder Trump is able to lead you by the nose to Lefty Land.

The perfect con. The mark doesn't know he has been taken.
These incentives come from Indiana. So someone has to pay for them, or someone gets a program cut. But bottom line is some taxpayer gives up something so Carrier gets something like 9K per job.
You're just mad that I called BS on your stupid sour grapes narrative. Look we all know liberals lie, they lie through their teeth there isn't a reason to believe one damn thing spewing from their lying pie hole. So blather on till your blue in the face for all we care. :blahblah:
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
When a special interest pays LESS, someone else has to pay MORE, retard. Or worse, it ADDS TO THE DEBT, moron.

Which is why tax expenditures are no different from food stamps. They are paid for out of someone else's pocket.

This is Conservatism 101, pseudocon. No wonder Trump is able to lead you by the nose to Lefty Land.

Why, because spending is out of control in government? Carrier is not your piggy bank you can raid to support your crack addict government spending habits.
Tax expenditures ARE spending, idiot.

After all the outlays for bridges to nowhere and food stamps and defense and Obamaphones and Social Security and whatnot, there then begins the real spending of $1.2 trillion on tax expenditures. You don't even know this is the most "out of control" spending in the budget! Simply amazing.

Expenditures which are paid for by higher tax rates and massive borrowing.

And that's just on the federal level!

Seriously. This is Conservatism 101. Have you ever read a book in your life? You don't even know the simplest basics of a philosophy to which you claim to adhere.


Your desperation grows with each post. Tax less and spend less, its not rocket science. Bloated government has plenty of room to tighten its belt. Boot the able bodied moochers off welfare, they get hungry they will find a job.
Because of tax expenditures, you have two business earning identical income which are paying radically different taxes.

Because of tax expenditures, you have two people earning identical incomes who are paying radically different taxes.

This is the unlevel playing field we see idiots like BluesLegend supporting.

If you behave the way the government or Donald Trump want you to behave, you get big gifts, which are paid for by the rest of the taxpaying public. They pay MORE so you pay LESS. If you aren't in the inner circle, you're fucked.

For some reason, the pseudocon tards are simply too innumerate to grasp these fundamental facts.

What the hell do you think Ted Cruz was talking about with his "post card tax return"? He was talking about wiping out massive quantities of tax expenditures.

Same with Rand Paul.

Same with Marco Rubio.

But the tards went with the New York liberal. Holy fuck!
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
When a special interest pays LESS, someone else has to pay MORE, retard. Or worse, it ADDS TO THE DEBT, moron.

Which is why tax expenditures are no different from food stamps. They are paid for out of someone else's pocket.

This is Conservatism 101, pseudocon. No wonder Trump is able to lead you by the nose to Lefty Land.

Why, because spending is out of control in government? Carrier is not your piggy bank you can raid to support your crack addict government spending habits.
Tax expenditures ARE spending, idiot.

After all the outlays for bridges to nowhere and food stamps and defense and Obamaphones and Social Security and whatnot, there then begins the real spending of $1.2 trillion on tax expenditures. You don't even know this is the most "out of control" spending in the budget! Simply amazing.

Expenditures which are paid for by higher tax rates and massive borrowing.

And that's just on the federal level!

Seriously. This is Conservatism 101. Have you ever read a book in your life? You don't even know the simplest basics of a philosophy to which you claim to adhere.


Your desperation grows with each post. Tax less and spend less

Spend less on tax expenditures. On the federal level alone, we spend literally TWICE as much on tax expenditures as all welfare combined.

And you are rogering up on Trump giving one of those tax expenditures to Carrier.

My god, you are impenetrably ignorant.
Another lib hate thread, they would rather 1,000 Americans lost their jobs to Mexico than credit Trump with a win. If libs were an offensive line they would just jump to the side and let the opposing team mow down their quarterback, disgusting. These people are not even true Americans.
You have a lot of nerve calling yourself a conservative when you support Trump's liberal interference in the free market.

That's why I call you tards psuedocons. You don't know fuck-all about conservativism.

I told you not long ago that Trump would have you pseudocon tards buying off on liberal programs one by one. And look at you now!

You're just mad that I called BS on your stupid sour grapes narrative. Look we all know liberals lie, they lie through their teeth there isn't a reason to believe one damn thing spewing from their lying pie hole. So blather on till your blue in the face for all we care. :blahblah:
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
They didn't make the money yet. It's a tax incentive against future taxes they might owe. Anyway you spin it, it's corp welfare paid to one taxpayer, with other taxpayers getting less than equal treatment.

My relection is that Bears Sterns was more or less left holding the debt. Lehman Bros and GS both created debt that they knew, or should have know, was bogus rated and doomed to default.

The Treasury guy was Trump's first really bad hire. He's dirty as shit. And he'll lack cred with some gopers along with the dems. He'll be confirmed, but sometime, someday, Trump's gonna have to send him up the Hill to ask Congress to float him some money .... and he might not get 50 votes.

Right its corporate welfare to allow the corporation to keeps its own money so they can keep 1,000 jobs in the USA vs sending them to Mexico riiiiiiiight :cuckoo:
You have a lot of nerve calling yourself a conservative when you support Trump's liberal interference in the free market.

That's why I call you tards psuedocons. You don't know fuck-all about conservativism.

I told you not long ago that Trump would have you pseudocon tards buying off on liberal programs one by one. And look at you now!

You're just mad that I called BS on your stupid sour grapes narrative. Look we all know liberals lie, they lie through their teeth there isn't a reason to believe one damn thing spewing from their lying pie hole. So blather on till your blue in the face for all we care. :blahblah:
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
They didn't make the money yet. It's a tax incentive against future taxes they might owe. Anyway you spin it, it's corp welfare paid to one taxpayer, with other taxpayers getting less than equal treatment.

My relection is that Bears Sterns was more or less left holding the debt. Lehman Bros and GS both created debt that they knew, or should have know, was bogus rated and doomed to default.

The Treasury guy was Trump's first really bad hire. He's dirty as shit. And he'll lack cred with some gopers along with the dems. He'll be confirmed, but sometime, someday, Trump's gonna have to send him up the Hill to ask Congress to float him some money .... and he might not get 50 votes.

Right its corporate welfare to allow the corporation to keeps its own money so they can keep 1,000 jobs in the USA vs sending them to Mexico riiiiiiiight :cuckoo:
It's corporate welfare to make other people pay MORE so that a special interest can pay LESS.

Jesus, retard. Why does this not penetrate? Seriously.

Conservatism 101. You flunked.
It is funny how the pseudocons get that SOCIAL welfare is where a person has to pay MORE taxes so that someone can get a gift from the government.

And yet they fail to see how a special interest being given a tax break which allows them to pay LESS taxes means someone else has to make up the difference and pay MORE taxes.

It's like a Stupidity Force Field or something.
When special interests are given tax breaks, you have to raise tax rates on EVERYONE to compensate.

But since the American taxpayer would refuse to pay the tax rates which would be required to balance out the $1.2 TRILLION in giveaways each year, we have a compromise system whereby we have higher tax rates AND borrow money to make up the difference.

If we stopped giving away these gifts, we could substantially lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and the playing field would be level. That is why Ted Cruz's "post card tax return" plan also had much lower tax rates than the current rates.

But idiots like BluesLegend are too dumb and too brainwashed to get it. They go along with the New York liberal's status quo plan instead.
I'm all for a balanced budget amendment. Then we could all enjoy watching the tards trying to balance the budget and hold onto their $1.2 trillion in tax expenditures.

It would be fucking hilarious.

But since Republicans are by far the biggest offenders with tax expenditures, they never really push that hard for a balanced budget. They just pay lip service.

Tax expenditures are a great way to massively increase spending without rubes like BluesLegend catching on.

These giveaways are one big re-election campaign fund. A means to be an incumbent for as long as one wishes. Infinite term limits. The GOP would sooner stab out its own eyes than give that up.
When you're done tweaking dot, please post your theory about how they "helped bring down the economy".
After Lehman fell, investors putting one dollar into moneymarket accounts couldn't get a dollar back out. That never happened before, although in 1928, there weren't actual money market accounts.

You can try to debate after the fact what would have happened to the world economy if the US allowed other banks to fail.
g5000's guy in the last election- "Lehman John Kasich" tells me all I need to know about his agenda.
Tell us what Lehman did which "helped bring the economy down" that Goldman didn't, hypocrite.

Even easier, tell Toddster what Lehman did to bring down the economy.
They got in waaay over their head kid. You didn't know that? And the guy you were supporting in the last election went to do who knows what, peddle influence no doubt, after leaving Washington

Lehman Brothers - Wikipedia
Lehman's bankruptcy filing is the largest in US history,[5] and is thought to have played a major role in the unfolding of the late-2000s global financial crisis.

You have no idea how over your head you are, dumbass.

Now what did Lehman do that Goldman didn't do to crash the economy?

They failed.
You have a lot of nerve calling yourself a conservative when you support Trump's liberal interference in the free market.

That's why I call you tards psuedocons. You don't know fuck-all about conservativism.

I told you not long ago that Trump would have you pseudocon tards buying off on liberal programs one by one. And look at you now!

You're just mad that I called BS on your stupid sour grapes narrative. Look we all know liberals lie, they lie through their teeth there isn't a reason to believe one damn thing spewing from their lying pie hole. So blather on till your blue in the face for all we care. :blahblah:
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
When a special interest pays LESS, someone else has to pay MORE, retard. Or worse, it ADDS TO THE DEBT, moron.

Which is why tax expenditures are no different from food stamps. They are paid for out of someone else's pocket.

This is Conservatism 101, pseudocon. No wonder Trump is able to lead you by the nose to Lefty Land.

The perfect con. The mark doesn't know he has been taken.
These incentives come from Indiana. So someone has to pay for them, or someone gets a program cut. But bottom line is some taxpayer gives up something so Carrier gets something like 9K per job.

You people are desperate to spin this as Joe the plumber footing the bill for a Carrier tax break, totally not true. Worse, this is classic liberal cut your nose off to spite your face. If the 1,000 jobs go to Mexico Indiana gets a big fat zero, goose egg. The plant shuts down, the real estate gets devalued or they bull doze it like GE did and now Indiana loses the property tax revenue as well as the income tax revenue from the 1,000 workers and the sales tax revenue from the 1,000 workers plus up and down stream tax revenue from suppliers, shippers. Its DUMB.
That's probably why Ted Cruz was so unpopular among his peers. He was trying to take away the free ride.
You're just mad that I called BS on your stupid sour grapes narrative. Look we all know liberals lie, they lie through their teeth there isn't a reason to believe one damn thing spewing from their lying pie hole. So blather on till your blue in the face for all we care. :blahblah:
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
When a special interest pays LESS, someone else has to pay MORE, retard. Or worse, it ADDS TO THE DEBT, moron.

Which is why tax expenditures are no different from food stamps. They are paid for out of someone else's pocket.

This is Conservatism 101, pseudocon. No wonder Trump is able to lead you by the nose to Lefty Land.

The perfect con. The mark doesn't know he has been taken.
These incentives come from Indiana. So someone has to pay for them, or someone gets a program cut. But bottom line is some taxpayer gives up something so Carrier gets something like 9K per job.

You people are desperate to spin this as Joe the plumber footing the bill for a Carrier tax break, totally not true.

Oh, it most certainly is true. That's exactly what is going on. Too bad you are too willfully stupid to try and understand.

Conservatism 101.
You want to keep jobs from going to Mexico? Easy peasy!

Ban all tax expenditures, and then you can lower tax rates to a competitive level. Not only that, you will have a level playing field for all the players in the market, a balanced budget, and money to pay down the debt! Then once the debt is paid off, you can lower tax rates even more!

Our debt is a huge drag on the economy.

It's funny how you pseudocons are too stupid to even get this simple concept.
After Lehman fell, investors putting one dollar into moneymarket accounts couldn't get a dollar back out. That never happened before, although in 1928, there weren't actual money market accounts.

You can try to debate after the fact what would have happened to the world economy if the US allowed other banks to fail.
g5000's guy in the last election- "Lehman John Kasich" tells me all I need to know about his agenda.
Tell us what Lehman did which "helped bring the economy down" that Goldman didn't, hypocrite.

Even easier, tell Toddster what Lehman did to bring down the economy.
They got in waaay over their head kid. You didn't know that? And the guy you were supporting in the last election went to do who knows what, peddle influence no doubt, after leaving Washington

Lehman Brothers - Wikipedia
Lehman's bankruptcy filing is the largest in US history,[5] and is thought to have played a major role in the unfolding of the late-2000s global financial crisis.

You have no idea how over your head you are, dumbass.

Now what did Lehman do that Goldman didn't do to crash the economy?

They failed.
g5000's guy in the last election- "Lehman John Kasich" tells me all I need to know about his agenda.
Tell us what Lehman did which "helped bring the economy down" that Goldman didn't, hypocrite.

Even easier, tell Toddster what Lehman did to bring down the economy.
They got in waaay over their head kid. You didn't know that? And the guy you were supporting in the last election went to do who knows what, peddle influence no doubt, after leaving Washington

Lehman Brothers - Wikipedia
Lehman's bankruptcy filing is the largest in US history,[5] and is thought to have played a major role in the unfolding of the late-2000s global financial crisis.

You have no idea how over your head you are, dumbass.

Now what did Lehman do that Goldman didn't do to crash the economy?

They failed.

They couldn't roll over their overnight loans.

Now, what did Goldman and Lehmann do that "helped bring the economy down"?
Tell us what Lehman did which "helped bring the economy down" that Goldman didn't, hypocrite.

Even easier, tell Toddster what Lehman did to bring down the economy.
They got in waaay over their head kid. You didn't know that? And the guy you were supporting in the last election went to do who knows what, peddle influence no doubt, after leaving Washington

Lehman Brothers - Wikipedia
Lehman's bankruptcy filing is the largest in US history,[5] and is thought to have played a major role in the unfolding of the late-2000s global financial crisis.

You have no idea how over your head you are, dumbass.

Now what did Lehman do that Goldman didn't do to crash the economy?

They failed.

They couldn't roll over their overnight loans.

Why not?
Final Rule Alternative Net Capital Requirements for Broker-Dealers That Are Part of Consolidated Supervised Entities Rel. No. 34-49830 June 8 2004

The Commission is amending Rule 15c3-12 (the “net capital rule”) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) to establish a voluntary, alternative method of computing net capital for certain broker-dealers.

Bush's SEC voted unanimously in 2004 to waive the net capital rule for the 5 biggest broker-dealers. That waiver led directly to the demise of those broker-dealers.

All five of the broker-dealers who were given that extra special treatment by the SEC no longer exist as independent companies or converted into bank holding companies so they could be bailed out.

Bear Stearns was the first to go under. Then Lehman Brothers went under. Then Merrill Lynch went under.

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley converted to bank holding companies so they could receive bailout money. Goldman was also bailed out by former Goldman Sachs CEO, Hank Paulson, who was Bush's Secretary of Treasury. Goldman Sachs received 100 cents on the dollar for their CDS's from AIG.

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