The Carrier Deal

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
When a special interest pays LESS, someone else has to pay MORE, retard. Or worse, it ADDS TO THE DEBT, moron.

Which is why tax expenditures are no different from food stamps. They are paid for out of someone else's pocket.

This is Conservatism 101, pseudocon. No wonder Trump is able to lead you by the nose to Lefty Land.

Why, because spending is out of control in government? Carrier is not your piggy bank you can raid to support your crack addict government spending habits.
Tax expenditures ARE spending, idiot.

After all the outlays for bridges to nowhere and food stamps and defense and Obamaphones and Social Security and whatnot, there then begins the real spending of $1.2 trillion on tax expenditures. You don't even know this is the most "out of control" spending in the budget! Simply amazing.

Expenditures which are paid for by higher tax rates and massive borrowing.

And that's just on the federal level!

Seriously. This is Conservatism 101. Have you ever read a book in your life? You don't even know the simplest basics of a philosophy to which you claim to adhere.


Your desperation grows with each post. Tax less and spend less

Spend less on tax expenditures. On the federal level alone, we spend literally TWICE as much on tax expenditures as all welfare combined.

And you are rogering up on Trump giving one of those tax expenditures to Carrier.

My god, you are impenetrably ignorant.

Did you take your blood pressure meds today? Seriously its the silent killer you know. Indiana will have to tighten its belt a bit so Carrier can keep more of its own money. The alternative is Indiana loses everything, all tax revenue from the 1,000 jobs, the property tax revenue from the plant, everything.

General Electric once had a large campus in a liberal city. It employed over 70,000 employees. The greedy local government ran amok taxing the shit out of General Electric to the point GE finally said fuck this. They closed most of the plants, demolished most of the buildings, reduced to employees to less than 2,500, shipped all those jobs to other states and other countries, then sued the city to get millions back in property taxes. It bankrupted the city. They had to crank taxes up on the local citizens to insane levels. They actually hit a state constitutional cap on tax increases that had never been hit before. Every citizen who was able fled the city, it declined into a crime infested decaying shithole.
The derivatives bubble was a global phenomenon. The financiers thought they had eliminated risk, when in fact they had thrown out the underwriting rules of the Universe and transferred risk to the investors who bought tranches in their toxic CDOs.
You're just mad that I called BS on your stupid sour grapes narrative. Look we all know liberals lie, they lie through their teeth there isn't a reason to believe one damn thing spewing from their lying pie hole. So blather on till your blue in the face for all we care. :blahblah:
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
They didn't make the money yet. It's a tax incentive against future taxes they might owe. Anyway you spin it, it's corp welfare paid to one taxpayer, with other taxpayers getting less than equal treatment.

My relection is that Bears Sterns was more or less left holding the debt. Lehman Bros and GS both created debt that they knew, or should have know, was bogus rated and doomed to default.

The Treasury guy was Trump's first really bad hire. He's dirty as shit. And he'll lack cred with some gopers along with the dems. He'll be confirmed, but sometime, someday, Trump's gonna have to send him up the Hill to ask Congress to float him some money .... and he might not get 50 votes.

Right its corporate welfare to allow the corporation to keeps its own money so they can keep 1,000 jobs in the USA vs sending them to Mexico riiiiiiiight :cuckoo:
It's corporate welfare to make other people pay MORE so that a special interest can pay LESS.

Jesus, retard. Why does this not penetrate? Seriously.

Conservatism 101. You flunked.

You are utterly clueless about conservatives and conservatism. I'm done with you, you may go now. (waves hand)
In order to keep the toxic mortgage pipeline available to them, Lehman Brothers bought its own chain of brokers so they wouldn't have to compete in the secondary market to acquire the fodder for the CDOs they were selling to their investors.

As long as the rubes were buying, the broker-dealers kept manufacturing the product. With this attitude, it didn't take long to run out of good borrowers to throw money at. So they began throwing money at anyone with a pulse. It was all about the fees. The more product they could sell, the more fees they collected. To make more product, they needed more borrowers. They needed to get as many people as possible to borrow money.

And so they threw out centuries of hard learned underwriting lessons to keep the music playing.

Simple as that.
You're signing off a taxpayer bribe. Just like a liberal.

Trump is leading you all down the road to the Left. Just like I warned you.

I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
They didn't make the money yet. It's a tax incentive against future taxes they might owe. Anyway you spin it, it's corp welfare paid to one taxpayer, with other taxpayers getting less than equal treatment.

My relection is that Bears Sterns was more or less left holding the debt. Lehman Bros and GS both created debt that they knew, or should have know, was bogus rated and doomed to default.

The Treasury guy was Trump's first really bad hire. He's dirty as shit. And he'll lack cred with some gopers along with the dems. He'll be confirmed, but sometime, someday, Trump's gonna have to send him up the Hill to ask Congress to float him some money .... and he might not get 50 votes.

Right its corporate welfare to allow the corporation to keeps its own money so they can keep 1,000 jobs in the USA vs sending them to Mexico riiiiiiiight :cuckoo:
It's corporate welfare to make other people pay MORE so that a special interest can pay LESS.

Jesus, retard. Why does this not penetrate? Seriously.

Conservatism 101. You flunked.

You are utterly clueless about conservatives and conservatism. I'm done with you, you may go now. (waves hand)
I'm sorry you are too willfully stupid to understand conservatism.

Like I have said for a long time, it used to be a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Nowadays, the tards calling themselves conservatives (pseudocons) just don't have the wattage required to be an actual conservative.

They tend to be the dumbest people in the room.
Once all those ARMs and Pick-A-Payment loans began to reset, borrowers starting defaulting because their monthly nut suddenly skyrocketed. They were in massively negative amortization.

And this led to all those CDOs imploding. And these were the trigger events which led to calls on all those CDS's. CDSs which anyone could buy without any insurable interest, thanks to the GOP. And there went Bear and there went Lehman and there went AIG. And there went banks all over the civilized world.
I'll say this slowly given your IQ, its Carrier's money, they earned that money, allowing them to keep their own money is not a bribe. I know you libs are dense but come on I'm starting to think you people need someone with a power of attorney to make your decisions for you.
They didn't make the money yet. It's a tax incentive against future taxes they might owe. Anyway you spin it, it's corp welfare paid to one taxpayer, with other taxpayers getting less than equal treatment.

My relection is that Bears Sterns was more or less left holding the debt. Lehman Bros and GS both created debt that they knew, or should have know, was bogus rated and doomed to default.

The Treasury guy was Trump's first really bad hire. He's dirty as shit. And he'll lack cred with some gopers along with the dems. He'll be confirmed, but sometime, someday, Trump's gonna have to send him up the Hill to ask Congress to float him some money .... and he might not get 50 votes.

Right its corporate welfare to allow the corporation to keeps its own money so they can keep 1,000 jobs in the USA vs sending them to Mexico riiiiiiiight :cuckoo:
It's corporate welfare to make other people pay MORE so that a special interest can pay LESS.

Jesus, retard. Why does this not penetrate? Seriously.

Conservatism 101. You flunked.

You are utterly clueless about conservatives and conservatism. I'm done with you, you may go now. (waves hand)
I'm sorry you are too willfully stupid to understand conservatism.

Like I have said for a long time, it used to be a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Nowadays, the tards calling themselves conservatives (pseudocons) just don't have the wattage required to be an actual conservative.

They tend to be the dumbest people in the room.

And yet we outsmarted Hillary and the rest of the libs, we took the White House, Senate, House, the vast majority of state governorships, most state House and Senate legislatures, and several SCOTUS nominations including the one we stole from Obama. Can you explain how we did that? The top of your head is about to pop off isn't it. :laugh:
They didn't make the money yet. It's a tax incentive against future taxes they might owe. Anyway you spin it, it's corp welfare paid to one taxpayer, with other taxpayers getting less than equal treatment.

My relection is that Bears Sterns was more or less left holding the debt. Lehman Bros and GS both created debt that they knew, or should have know, was bogus rated and doomed to default.

The Treasury guy was Trump's first really bad hire. He's dirty as shit. And he'll lack cred with some gopers along with the dems. He'll be confirmed, but sometime, someday, Trump's gonna have to send him up the Hill to ask Congress to float him some money .... and he might not get 50 votes.

Right its corporate welfare to allow the corporation to keeps its own money so they can keep 1,000 jobs in the USA vs sending them to Mexico riiiiiiiight :cuckoo:
It's corporate welfare to make other people pay MORE so that a special interest can pay LESS.

Jesus, retard. Why does this not penetrate? Seriously.

Conservatism 101. You flunked.

You are utterly clueless about conservatives and conservatism. I'm done with you, you may go now. (waves hand)
I'm sorry you are too willfully stupid to understand conservatism.

Like I have said for a long time, it used to be a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Nowadays, the tards calling themselves conservatives (pseudocons) just don't have the wattage required to be an actual conservative.

They tend to be the dumbest people in the room.

And yet we outsmarted Hillary and the rest of the libs, we took the White House, Senate, House, the vast majority of state governorships, most state House and Senate legislatures, and several SCOTUS nominations including the one we stole from Obama. Can you explain how we did that? The top of your head is about to pop off isn't it. :laugh:
You didn't outsmart anyone, retard. Trump outsmarted you, as have all your favorite propaganda outlets. They absolutely rely on your willful ignorance and stupidity to gain power and dollars.

Trump has you signing off on liberal causes, and you are too stupid to even notice.
Right its corporate welfare to allow the corporation to keeps its own money so they can keep 1,000 jobs in the USA vs sending them to Mexico riiiiiiiight :cuckoo:
It's corporate welfare to make other people pay MORE so that a special interest can pay LESS.

Jesus, retard. Why does this not penetrate? Seriously.

Conservatism 101. You flunked.

You are utterly clueless about conservatives and conservatism. I'm done with you, you may go now. (waves hand)
I'm sorry you are too willfully stupid to understand conservatism.

Like I have said for a long time, it used to be a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Nowadays, the tards calling themselves conservatives (pseudocons) just don't have the wattage required to be an actual conservative.

They tend to be the dumbest people in the room.

And yet we outsmarted Hillary and the rest of the libs, we took the White House, Senate, House, the vast majority of state governorships, most state House and Senate legislatures, and several SCOTUS nominations including the one we stole from Obama. Can you explain how we did that? The top of your head is about to pop off isn't it. :laugh:
You didn't outsmart anyone, retard. Trump outsmarted you, as have all your favorite propaganda outlets. They absolutely rely on your willful ignorance and stupidity to gain power and dollars.

Trump has you signing off on liberal causes, and you are too stupid to even notice.

Awe, tissue? :itsok:
You're all wrong. Jesus.

Carrier was going to leave the state. That is a 100% loss of the taxes, 100% gone. The people would have had to tighten their state, and muni budgets, to cover that loss of future income. Again I don't have the exact numbers but I heard $13,000,000 in taxes being tossed around. So the state is in the hole $13M if Carrier leaves, period. There is no spinning that fact. $13M in the hole for the state budget if Carrier leaves.

That the state decided they'd rather eat a loss of $7M over 10 years than lose the full $13M actually /saved/ the state from budget woes.
Right its corporate welfare to allow the corporation to keeps its own money so they can keep 1,000 jobs in the USA vs sending them to Mexico riiiiiiiight :cuckoo:
It's corporate welfare to make other people pay MORE so that a special interest can pay LESS.

Jesus, retard. Why does this not penetrate? Seriously.

Conservatism 101. You flunked.

You are utterly clueless about conservatives and conservatism. I'm done with you, you may go now. (waves hand)
I'm sorry you are too willfully stupid to understand conservatism.

Like I have said for a long time, it used to be a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Nowadays, the tards calling themselves conservatives (pseudocons) just don't have the wattage required to be an actual conservative.

They tend to be the dumbest people in the room.
And yet we outsmarted Hillary and the rest of the libs, we took the White House, Senate, House, the vast majority of state governorships, most state House and Senate legislatures, and several SCOTUS nominations including the one we stole from Obama. Can you explain how we did that? The top of your head is about to pop off isn't it. :laugh:
You didn't outsmart anyone, retard. Trump outsmarted you, as have all your favorite propaganda outlets. They absolutely rely on your willful ignorance and stupidity to gain power and dollars.

Trump has you signing off on liberal causes, and you are too stupid to even notice.

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