The Case Against Joe Biden

You have to be a leftist hack to buy into this fraud:

November 20, 2020
Awaiting the Kraken
"The only way the Left could win this election was by massive fraud. That is what they realized during the early morning hours after midnight of Election Day.
So they piled it on.
This really is startling. Not that the Left cheated, not that they engage in psychological warfare to cover up their cheating.
But that all the constant pounding, the immense effort by the enemy-of-the-people, false and fake, media, the near-criminal defalcating do-nothingness of the DOJ, even the held-back news of Trump’s vaccine -- failed miserably against the forces of MAGA.
We Republicans, or whatever we are, gained a governorship, at least ten seats in Congress, several statehouses, and, regarding the presidential race, support from nearly every demographic, including a tremendous gain amongst black and Latino voters.
President Trump himself garnered 73 million votes – 10 million more than in 2016.
It was the forces of MAGA that triumphed, not the Democrats.
Why did this happen? Because under the administration of President Trump, our blinders were removed. The curtain was drawn back. The sick cult of the left is the state religion no longer. Its high priests have been exposed as frauds and hucksters.
And we’ve realized we don’t have to lose. Trump taught us that.
And we've realized we can be joyful winning. It’s amazing, and a whole lot of fun.
Witness the D.C. MAGA march. How can it not be fun – after all, the MAGA movement is one of love. Does that need summing up? We are unified around the flag.
The entire message, the foundational idea, of the Left is the opposite. Witness the boarding up of D.C. – and the non-boarding up during the MAGA march.

They are relying on deep state bureaucrats, the ones placed in positions by the various states to monitor the election process, to maintain the party line that everything is all right.
(Remember when no one believed in the deep state because, well, there wasn’t one?)
In the corrupt deep state’s maintenance of the party line, one of the things they played on early on relates to the difference between the crime of election fraud and its consequences.
Briefly, a criminal case for election fraud is a criminal case; a crime is a crime, whereas an election result that cannot be certified, because of lack of confidence in its results, is a completely different thing.
The Left has been conflating the two on purpose. But the purpose of criminal law is completely different from a process undertaken to assure the legality of votes cast. The former we generally leave to law enforcement. The latter we don’t.
The difference between the two should be obvious, but because it has been obfuscated, an example might do.
Someone places a faked ballot in with lawful ones. This is a crime. It is within the precinct of law enforcement. It is also irrelevant.
What is relevant is whether the votes cast were lawful and lawfully, properly, counted. Discrepancies by themselves, without more, are, let us repeat, are, enough to make this determination.
For it is evident that, say, 100,000 illegal ballots were secretly mixed in with the rest. If they are physically indistinguishable from legal ones, recounts or audits might be of no use.
Jonathan Turley describes this problem as one of “authentication.” He recently said,
But the main thing I'm looking at is, when you talk about systemic problems is the, is how these ballots were authenticated. Because if there is a problem in the system as to authenticating ballots, that would affect the entire election.
The same certainly can be said about votes, especially if the insertion were accomplished by means of a computer program. Such chicanery would subvert even a fair ballot authentication and vote counting system.
Thus, the question of whether to have confidence in the election is in the first place left to the legislature. That is what is meant by the idea of their having to certify results. They don’t certify that they were collected. They certify they are believable.
The power the legislatures have is plenary. How plenary? As many have newly discovered, legislatures can and have appointed the electors themselves, without elections. (Bush, @ B)
The state legislature could decide to ignore, for instance, an unfair election and to exercise the power to appoint electors itself. As the Supreme Court has said,
[T]here is no doubt of the right of the legislature to resume the power at any time, for it can neither be taken away nor abdicated. McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U. S. 1, 35 (1892).
It’s not mechanical, although the Left would like it to be that way. It’s not a matter for the deep state to handle silently.
The point, really, is that state legislatures have a great deal of power in this matter. They certainly should and must take into account the evidence of fraud and chicanery, not to mention the perception of so many of their voters that the election was rigged. State legislatures are close to the people, and the people should let their concerns be known, without letting the legislatures squirm off the hook of their responsibility.
Having said that, a moment can be spent reflecting on how we got here.
Was any of this unpredictable? Of course it was. Yet it should have been prepared for. A major effort should have been expended in order to guarantee fair elections. We were caught flat-footed.
Should Trump have seen it coming? Yes. In his defense, he’s been attacked so fiercely and continually, it may well have been too much, even for him. And the scale of it all is shocking.
But we can take comfort in that no matter what, this election rigging need never surprise us again.
We know now we are the majority. We know the Left will stop at nothing, even targeting our children.
They do not realize that they give themselves away by seeking to brand as illegitimate ab initio any questioning of the voting process. This in itself is a hijacking, a perversion, of the process. It militates necessarily to the conclusion that any proclamation of their favored candidate is illegitimate as well.
And such an illegitimate outcome, if that is what is to occur, will only serve to galvanize us further.
Indeed, no matter whether our well-founded objections to the chicanery and discrepancies in this election will play out in a very un-level playing field, with the electoral gains we’ve made and the growing strength and size of our movement, there is little doubt that, with some effort, we will restore real, not feigned, democracy.
Our efforts will be energized by our righteous anger.
Paradoxically, we forbear only because of our lingering faith in the process, the same process that the Left has hijacked and perverted. But a day may soon come when we are provoked beyond the limits of our forbearance.
Then truly shall the kraken shall awaken."
It was obvious months ago that the filthy Democrats were going to use the scam of mail in ballots to undermine our electoral process.

I am not a conspiracy theorists but I suspect this whole scam was orchestrated by China to get their man in the White House.

It is absolutely certain that China owns Biden lock, stock and barrel and they hate Trump for standing up to them in trade and military.

It becomes evident that they let lose this virus to destroy Trump's great economy to increase the chances of him not being reelected.

The Democrat Dirty Tricks Department seized the opportunity of the Pandemic to create their mail in ballot scam.

Our Republic has been fucked by a foreign power, a corrupt Presidential candidate and a corrupt political party.
There is no way in Hell I can be convinced that a demented washed up Joe Biden got more votes that Trump. The only reason anyone thinks he did was because the same people, the corrupt mainstream media, that has been lying to us about Russian Collusion, claims that Biden got more votes than any politician in United States history.

Do you people actually believe that Biden got more votes than Obama got?
Do you people actually believe it's possible that even when Trump got 11 million more votes than he got in 2016 he somehow lost?

If you believe this then you really need to have your head examined.

November 20, 2020
The Left's Utter Nonsense

".........we’re expected to believe that a basement-dwelling, muddle-minded plagiarist collected more real votes for president than a wildly popular (note his rallies), highly successful incumbent. We’re to believe that a man who didn’t, nay, couldn’t campaign, could amass more votes than any other presidential candidate before him. Really? A man who has accomplished nothing in almost a half-century of public office? A man we know has enriched himself and his family by selling out America and her interests to enemy countries? We’re supposed to just go home and carry on as if nothing really important has happened?
We’re evidently supposed be okay with battleground states just arbitrarily stopping the vote count and then later on resuming. What possible, viable excuse can there be for such a procedure? And why do you suppose it happened right when Trump was pulling ahead of the pretender? And why, when the counting resumed, were the votes almost totally for Biden? If that doesn’t sound fishy, I have a bridge to sell.
We’re supposed to accept that dead people vote, that illegals vote, that some people manage to vote over and over again. But that is pretty small potatoes compared to the Dominion mess. We are, of course, expected to just believe the company itself when it says it’s on the up and up. Well, all righty then. No problem here.
I gather that we’re also to be just fine with the fact that the Dominion voting hardware was designed in Venezuela for the purpose of controlling election results. We should be just fine with the Canadian ownership of its mother company, Smartmatic, and we should not be so terribly xenophobic as to object to our vote counting being shipped off to Spain and to Germany. In fact, we’re supposed to not even notice that to do so would require Internet access and therefore access to hackers from anywhere. What the heck; it’s just a presidential election, and we should know from the last four years that a presidential election doesn’t mean much to the deep state. What’s another president, more or less? And we’re not supposed to be irritated that the left, that has spent the last
four years yipping about “Russian collusion” when none existed, now, with evidence galore to prove the involvement of at least four foreign entities, bats not an eye. And none of that counts the puppet-strings that connect Biden to China. That’s another flabbergasting outrage -- Biden and China, but we’re not supposed to find his massive wealth and his acceptance of foreign money problematic. What?!
In fact, this presidential wannabe will not even be president for more than a few weeks if he were to be inaugurated. We’re all supposed to think that’s just fine. We’re not even supposed to notice that this person the left has put forward is physically and mentally so substandard that it’s doubtful he could handle a part time job at Burger King, let alone a 24/7 uber-stress position like leader of the Free World. We’re to concede that his VP will in fact be the president. Nuts to that. She got nowhere in the Democrat primary -- why should she be president now?
What’s more, we’re supposed to pay no attention to our common sense. I know that common sense went out of style back in the Clinton years, but a lot of us still practice that dark art. We can compare a candidate who can draw crowds -- happy, thrilled, enthusiastic crowds -- of between 10 and 50 thousand people in the midst of a pandemic, and the other can’t get 25 in one place at one time, and we can conclude from that that the first candidate will win. We can look back over presidential history and see the statistical likelihood of a successful incumbent easily winning -- especially when the usurper never even attempted to campaign, and especially when said candidate has absolutely no record of accomplishments to run on, so we can deduce that the incumbent is a shoe-in."

But the millions of people who voted for Mr. Biden were not voting for Mr. Biden.

They were voting for Ms. Harris.

A co-founder of BLM has said that it was the votes from her ethnicity that won the election for the Dems, and she expects the new administration to demonstrate its appreciation.

It will.
And to think, that BLM voted because Camel Toe is black, yep so much for Judge not a person on the color of their skin....
Even some Democrats pointed out the problems with Dominion machines having the potential for fraud....

Some good added evidence for the Trump lawyer team. This is the big reason why he should not concede.
Actually, Trump's lawyers stated yesterday that Dominion has closed their offices, and their top people have disappeared....

And Dominion or those individuals certainly haven't come forward to dispute that, have they??? (Even though that should certainly be easy to do if it's not true)....

Now ask yourself, "If Dominion is a dependable system, why did their people shut down the company and go on the lam???"
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Here what they got.

a demented washed up...
the corrupt mainstream media,
Russian Collusion
basement-dwelling, muddle-minded
a man who didn’t, nay, couldn’t campaign
accomplished nothing in almost a half-century of public office
selling out America and her interests to enemy countries

Butt Hurt much?
Even some Democrats pointed out the problems with Dominion machines having the potential for fraud....

Some good added evidence for the Trump lawyer team. This is the big reason why he should not concede.
Actually, Trump's lawyers stated yesterday that Dominion has closed their offices, and their top people have disappeared....

And Dominion or those individuals certainly haven't come forward to dispute that, have they??? (Even though that should certainly be easy to do if it's not true)....

Now ask yourself, "If Dominion is a dependable system, why did their people shut down the company and go on the lam???"
the shut down because of threats.

Georgia was recounted by hand anyways, which makes dominion irrelevant for Georgia,
Even some Democrats pointed out the problems with Dominion machines having the potential for fraud....

Some good added evidence for the Trump lawyer team. This is the big reason why he should not concede.
Actually, Trump's lawyers stated yesterday that Dominion has closed their offices, and their top people have disappeared....

And Dominion or those individuals certainly haven't come forward to dispute that, have they??? (Even though that should certainly be easy to do if it's not true)....

Now ask yourself, "If Dominion is a dependable system, why did their people shut down the company and go on the lam???"
the shut down because of threats.

Georgia was recounted by hand anyways, which makes dominion irrelevant for Georgia,
Gee, if they think Trump is lying about them and stirring shit up, why does your link state that they are hiding out instead of taking legal action (such as a lawsuit for libel)????

Could it be that they are desperately trying to avoid seeing the inside of a courtroom, and having people see their system in action????

You also can't furnish any evidence of arrests for "threats" (or any evidence that there are even any investigations of the alleged threats), so they obviously didn't happen!!!
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Even some Democrats pointed out the problems with Dominion machines having the potential for fraud....

Some good added evidence for the Trump lawyer team. This is the big reason why he should not concede.
Actually, Trump's lawyers stated yesterday that Dominion has closed their offices, and their top people have disappeared....

And Dominion or those individuals certainly haven't come forward to dispute that, have they??? (Even though that should certainly be easy to do if it's not true)....

Now ask yourself, "If Dominion is a dependable system, why did their people shut down the company and go on the lam???"
the shut down because of threats.

Georgia was recounted by hand anyways, which makes dominion irrelevant for Georgia,

Counted in the ghetto areas by filthy dishonest Democrats, without Republican oversight.

The Case Against Joe Biden: I know he lost b/c my feels say so!

He'll make an utter fool of himself soon enough.... expect a "we told you so", it's inevitable

It happens over and over and over again. In fact it's become redundant and left loons never understand it.
He'll make an utter fool of himself soon enough.... expect a "we told you so", it's inevitable

It happens over and over and over again. In fact it's become redundant and left loons never understand it.

I'm sure he will and I can't wait to watch it all. I didn't vote for either of them, but I am rather enjoying all the melty goodness this place has been producing the last two weeks or so. It's why I come here. lol
There is no way in Hell I can be convinced that a demented washed up Joe Biden got more votes that Trump. The only reason anyone thinks he did was because the same people, the corrupt mainstream media, that has been lying to us about Russian Collusion, claims that Biden got more votes than any politician in United States history.

Do you people actually believe that Biden got more votes than Obama got?
Do you people actually believe it's possible that even when Trump got 11 million more votes than he got in 2016 he somehow lost?

If you believe this then you really need to have your head examined.

November 20, 2020
The Left's Utter Nonsense

".........we’re expected to believe that a basement-dwelling, muddle-minded plagiarist collected more real votes for president than a wildly popular (note his rallies), highly successful incumbent. We’re to believe that a man who didn’t, nay, couldn’t campaign, could amass more votes than any other presidential candidate before him. Really? A man who has accomplished nothing in almost a half-century of public office? A man we know has enriched himself and his family by selling out America and her interests to enemy countries? We’re supposed to just go home and carry on as if nothing really important has happened?
We’re evidently supposed be okay with battleground states just arbitrarily stopping the vote count and then later on resuming. What possible, viable excuse can there be for such a procedure? And why do you suppose it happened right when Trump was pulling ahead of the pretender? And why, when the counting resumed, were the votes almost totally for Biden? If that doesn’t sound fishy, I have a bridge to sell.
We’re supposed to accept that dead people vote, that illegals vote, that some people manage to vote over and over again. But that is pretty small potatoes compared to the Dominion mess. We are, of course, expected to just believe the company itself when it says it’s on the up and up. Well, all righty then. No problem here.
I gather that we’re also to be just fine with the fact that the Dominion voting hardware was designed in Venezuela for the purpose of controlling election results. We should be just fine with the Canadian ownership of its mother company, Smartmatic, and we should not be so terribly xenophobic as to object to our vote counting being shipped off to Spain and to Germany. In fact, we’re supposed to not even notice that to do so would require Internet access and therefore access to hackers from anywhere. What the heck; it’s just a presidential election, and we should know from the last four years that a presidential election doesn’t mean much to the deep state. What’s another president, more or less? And we’re not supposed to be irritated that the left, that has spent the last
four years yipping about “Russian collusion” when none existed, now, with evidence galore to prove the involvement of at least four foreign entities, bats not an eye. And none of that counts the puppet-strings that connect Biden to China. That’s another flabbergasting outrage -- Biden and China, but we’re not supposed to find his massive wealth and his acceptance of foreign money problematic. What?!
In fact, this presidential wannabe will not even be president for more than a few weeks if he were to be inaugurated. We’re all supposed to think that’s just fine. We’re not even supposed to notice that this person the left has put forward is physically and mentally so substandard that it’s doubtful he could handle a part time job at Burger King, let alone a 24/7 uber-stress position like leader of the Free World. We’re to concede that his VP will in fact be the president. Nuts to that. She got nowhere in the Democrat primary -- why should she be president now?
What’s more, we’re supposed to pay no attention to our common sense. I know that common sense went out of style back in the Clinton years, but a lot of us still practice that dark art. We can compare a candidate who can draw crowds -- happy, thrilled, enthusiastic crowds -- of between 10 and 50 thousand people in the midst of a pandemic, and the other can’t get 25 in one place at one time, and we can conclude from that that the first candidate will win. We can look back over presidential history and see the statistical likelihood of a successful incumbent easily winning -- especially when the usurper never even attempted to campaign, and especially when said candidate has absolutely no record of accomplishments to run on, so we can deduce that the incumbent is a shoe-in."

/——-/ This just in...
Even some Democrats pointed out the problems with Dominion machines having the potential for fraud....

Some good added evidence for the Trump lawyer team. This is the big reason why he should not concede.
Actually, Trump's lawyers stated yesterday that Dominion has closed their offices, and their top people have disappeared....

And Dominion or those individuals certainly haven't come forward to dispute that, have they??? (Even though that should certainly be easy to do if it's not true)....

Now ask yourself, "If Dominion is a dependable system, why did their people shut down the company and go on the lam???"
the shut down because of threats.

Georgia was recounted by hand anyways, which makes dominion irrelevant for Georgia,
Gee, if they think Trump is lying about them and stirring shit up, why does your link state that they are hiding out instead of taking legal action (such as a lawsuit for libel)????

Could it be that they are desperately trying to avoid seeing the inside of a courtroom, and having people see their system in action????

You also can't furnish any evidence of arrests for "threats" (or any evidence that there are even any investigations of the alleged threats), so they obviously didn't happen!!!
lawsuits take time.

When threats occur, they're immidate.

since you cant read, i need to summarize?

it wasnt only Dominion who received threats, it was also secretary of state of georgia and arizona.
they also found that over the four years of trump admin, there were 54 criminal cases where statements from trump were a motivating factor..
Even some Democrats pointed out the problems with Dominion machines having the potential for fraud....

Some good added evidence for the Trump lawyer team. This is the big reason why he should not concede.
Actually, Trump's lawyers stated yesterday that Dominion has closed their offices, and their top people have disappeared....

And Dominion or those individuals certainly haven't come forward to dispute that, have they??? (Even though that should certainly be easy to do if it's not true)....

Now ask yourself, "If Dominion is a dependable system, why did their people shut down the company and go on the lam???"
the shut down because of threats.

Georgia was recounted by hand anyways, which makes dominion irrelevant for Georgia,

Counted in the ghetto areas by filthy dishonest Democrats, without Republican oversight.
Raffenspberger is a republican.
You idiots will be the ones crying when you discover that electing Biden only made sure that lock downs and wearing masks for the next several years will be a constant. Not to mention making everything in this country more expensive because Democrats will make sure that materials needed to build will become scarce. The price of everything will go up to the point where you'll have to reuse everything. And you'll probably get rid of your pets because you can't afford to feed them anymore.
Even some Democrats pointed out the problems with Dominion machines having the potential for fraud....

Some good added evidence for the Trump lawyer team. This is the big reason why he should not concede.
Actually, Trump's lawyers stated yesterday that Dominion has closed their offices, and their top people have disappeared....

And Dominion or those individuals certainly haven't come forward to dispute that, have they??? (Even though that should certainly be easy to do if it's not true)....

Now ask yourself, "If Dominion is a dependable system, why did their people shut down the company and go on the lam???"
the shut down because of threats.

Georgia was recounted by hand anyways, which makes dominion irrelevant for Georgia,
Gee, if they think Trump is lying about them and stirring shit up, why does your link state that they are hiding out instead of taking legal action (such as a lawsuit for libel)????

Could it be that they are desperately trying to avoid seeing the inside of a courtroom, and having people see their system in action????

You also can't furnish any evidence of arrests for "threats" (or any evidence that there are even any investigations of the alleged threats), so they obviously didn't happen!!!
lawsuits take time.

When threats occur, they're immidate.

since you cant read, i need to summarize?

it wasnt only Dominion who received threats, it was also secretary of state of georgia and arizona.
they also found that over the four years of trump admin, there were 54 criminal cases where statements from trump were a motivating factor..
I want to see where arrests were made for the alleged threats against Dominion, or at least evidence that there are active criminal investigations into those alleged threats....

If they can't even get law enforcement to take them seriously, I have to call BULLSHIT on the claim!!!!

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