The Case Against Joe Biden

And trust me...
Trust you??? I can't even trust you to answer the question I asked in the beginning. I ask why you assert that if law enforcement rejects a claim the claim has to be bogus, while at the same time rejecting that when the court deems a claim bogus it is indeed bogus.
The final outcome of the legal challenges is yet to be determined, since circumstances can warrant kicking some of the cases to a higher court if warranted...

But if it's determined that law enforcement isn't even investigating Dominion's claims of crimes being committed, you can rest assured that they will never even get their claims into court to begin with....

So their claims about the reason they closed their offices and hid out will fall apart....

So, are you willing to post links to statements from law enforcement that they are even investigating Dominion's claims???
There is no way in Hell I can be convinced that a demented washed up Joe Biden got more votes that Trump. The only reason anyone thinks he did was because the same people, the corrupt mainstream media, that has been lying to us about Russian Collusion, claims that Biden got more votes than any politician in United States history.

Do you people actually believe that Biden got more votes than Obama got?
Do you people actually believe it's possible that even when Trump got 11 million more votes than he got in 2016 he somehow lost?

If you believe this then you really need to have your head examined.

November 20, 2020
The Left's Utter Nonsense

".........we’re expected to believe that a basement-dwelling, muddle-minded plagiarist collected more real votes for president than a wildly popular (note his rallies), highly successful incumbent. We’re to believe that a man who didn’t, nay, couldn’t campaign, could amass more votes than any other presidential candidate before him. Really? A man who has accomplished nothing in almost a half-century of public office? A man we know has enriched himself and his family by selling out America and her interests to enemy countries? We’re supposed to just go home and carry on as if nothing really important has happened?
We’re evidently supposed be okay with battleground states just arbitrarily stopping the vote count and then later on resuming. What possible, viable excuse can there be for such a procedure? And why do you suppose it happened right when Trump was pulling ahead of the pretender? And why, when the counting resumed, were the votes almost totally for Biden? If that doesn’t sound fishy, I have a bridge to sell.
We’re supposed to accept that dead people vote, that illegals vote, that some people manage to vote over and over again. But that is pretty small potatoes compared to the Dominion mess. We are, of course, expected to just believe the company itself when it says it’s on the up and up. Well, all righty then. No problem here.
I gather that we’re also to be just fine with the fact that the Dominion voting hardware was designed in Venezuela for the purpose of controlling election results. We should be just fine with the Canadian ownership of its mother company, Smartmatic, and we should not be so terribly xenophobic as to object to our vote counting being shipped off to Spain and to Germany. In fact, we’re supposed to not even notice that to do so would require Internet access and therefore access to hackers from anywhere. What the heck; it’s just a presidential election, and we should know from the last four years that a presidential election doesn’t mean much to the deep state. What’s another president, more or less? And we’re not supposed to be irritated that the left, that has spent the last
four years yipping about “Russian collusion” when none existed, now, with evidence galore to prove the involvement of at least four foreign entities, bats not an eye. And none of that counts the puppet-strings that connect Biden to China. That’s another flabbergasting outrage -- Biden and China, but we’re not supposed to find his massive wealth and his acceptance of foreign money problematic. What?!
In fact, this presidential wannabe will not even be president for more than a few weeks if he were to be inaugurated. We’re all supposed to think that’s just fine. We’re not even supposed to notice that this person the left has put forward is physically and mentally so substandard that it’s doubtful he could handle a part time job at Burger King, let alone a 24/7 uber-stress position like leader of the Free World. We’re to concede that his VP will in fact be the president. Nuts to that. She got nowhere in the Democrat primary -- why should she be president now?
What’s more, we’re supposed to pay no attention to our common sense. I know that common sense went out of style back in the Clinton years, but a lot of us still practice that dark art. We can compare a candidate who can draw crowds -- happy, thrilled, enthusiastic crowds -- of between 10 and 50 thousand people in the midst of a pandemic, and the other can’t get 25 in one place at one time, and we can conclude from that that the first candidate will win. We can look back over presidential history and see the statistical likelihood of a successful incumbent easily winning -- especially when the usurper never even attempted to campaign, and especially when said candidate has absolutely no record of accomplishments to run on, so we can deduce that the incumbent is a shoe-in."

All that demented rant means is you were dumb enough to fall for the tRumpling propaganda.
The high number of illegal votes have reached it's pinnacle to reverse these results. There's mounting evidence of dead people votes. It makes no sense when President Trump had the most support with Hispanics and African Americans much more than 2016. To think Corrupt Joe reached more votes than obama is the biggest insult towards ignorant democrats who don't think this election was stolen. I'm not backing down against the steal. Nor should President Trump.
There's no evidence.

You lost.

Get over it.
But if it's determined that law enforcement isn't even investigating Dominion's claims of crimes being committed, you can rest assured that they will never even get their claims into court to begin with....
Oh who determined that? You by virtue of challenging a person to find a statement online about something that has no guarantee to have a statement issued? That's some logic.

The final outcome of the legal challenges is yet to be determined, since circumstances can warrant kicking some of the cases to a higher court if warranted
All but one has been rejected so far and that one was overturned on appeal. If you fail 28 times in a row chances are you will fail 29 and 30 and 31 times too.
If law enforcement doesn't take a claim that threats were made seriously (and won't even investigate) then the claim is obviously a bunch of horseshit....
Repeating a part of what you previously said while ignoring the question does not constitute an answer. So again
Now, can any of you brain-dead Liberals show me where law enforcement is actually investigating the claims????
Sure, at least of some
Philadelphia police say they thwarted possible attack on Convention Center vote count site (
Crosby ISD student investigated for threat against President-elect Joe Biden -

What I find funny though is that you need me to show you proof of an investigation while criminal investigations typical are not commented on while ongoing. While at the same time rejecting the need for evidence to pursue claims of election fraud. Do you see a problem there?
But they can certainly verify that there is an investigation....

And they haven't, have they????

BTW, what the hell do 2 instances that have nothing to do with Dominion have to do with Dominion's claims???
I have only the resources of the internet available. it could be that somewhere some law enforcement spokesperson has made a statement problem is finding it. But even if they haven't, a Dominion spokesperson certainly has made a statement like that, specifically mentioned they are working with law enforcement. So by your logic, if I'd ask you to verify that law enforcement in fact is NOT investigating and the Dominion people are lying would you be able to provide it? I'm pretty sure you can't. And I'm also certain you would reject the notion that because you can't find a specific statement your entire claim is invalid. Do you have reason to believe the Dominion people or Raffensperger are lying when they say they are working with law enforcement?

So now for the third time. Why do you accept law enforcement as an arbiter of the validity of a claim. While rejecting the courts as an arbiter?
Law enforcement determines if a crime actually did occur....

And you apparently can't verify that they made that determination....

Now you want us to blindly accept a claim from a company that is under investigation itself???

And trust me...

The fact that Dominion is under investigation is being released!!!!

(And BTW, regarding Raffensperger.... I seriously doubt that someone in GEORGIA is participating in investigations about events in COLORADO and CANADA, where Dominion shut down it's offices)....
Now you want us to blindly accept a claim from a company that is under investigation itself???
Prove that they are by citing a statement from someone involved in law enforcement that they are? If you can't it's all bogus.

Law enforcement determines if a crime actually did occur....
No, they don't. Law enforcement determines what occurs, it's the court who decides that what occurred is a crime. You know the whole innocent until proven guilty thing.
Translation: You can't back up Dominion's claim that they were threatened....

Law enforcement determines if, in their opinion, a crime occurred, and you came up empty there....

So, since Dominion is itself under investigation (and THAT has been verified), any unsubstantiated claims they make can be dismissed unless proof is presented!!!!
Translation, I can't find a statement by law enforcement that they are being investigated nor can I find a statement that Dominion is lying that law enforcement is investigating the threats against them.

See how easy it is to infer stuff if you don't care if what you are inferring is based on good evidence?
But if it's determined that law enforcement isn't even investigating Dominion's claims of crimes being committed, you can rest assured that they will never even get their claims into court to begin with....
Oh who determined that? You by virtue of challenging a person to find a statement online about something that has no guarantee to have a statement issued? That's some logic.

Translation: The Libs wanted to use Dominion's statement as "proof" of why they shut down their offices and hid out, but none of you can back it up....

And Dominion has quite the credibility problem, since it's under investigation itself.....

Trump didn't lose. America did.

You'll come to understand that when you're locked down with The New Democrat Gestapo patrolling your neighborhood to make sure you don't sneak out and visit a neighbor.
There is no way in Hell I can be convinced that a demented washed up Joe Biden got more votes that Trump.

Exactly. There's nothing can convince you.

You can't use evidence to convince folks that have no use for evidence.
I'd be willing to bet Barry won his two terms using the same software.

So perhaps those who controlled the software rigged the 2016 election so Trump would win over Hillary.

If so they are smarter than they look. Hillary would have been a total disaster as President,
But if it's determined that law enforcement isn't even investigating Dominion's claims of crimes being committed, you can rest assured that they will never even get their claims into court to begin with....
Oh who determined that? You by virtue of challenging a person to find a statement online about something that has no guarantee to have a statement issued? That's some logic.

Translation: The Libs wanted to use Dominion's statement as "proof" of why they shut down their offices and hid out, but none of you can back it up....

And Dominion has quite the credibility problem, since it's under investigation itself.....

I'm not trying to use anything as proof. I'm not trying to infer stuff without sufficient evidence to determine the truth. You are. Saying things like fail, or determined just shows me that you have no compelling arguments.
If law enforcement doesn't take a claim that threats were made seriously (and won't even investigate) then the claim is obviously a bunch of horseshit....
Repeating a part of what you previously said while ignoring the question does not constitute an answer. So again
Now, can any of you brain-dead Liberals show me where law enforcement is actually investigating the claims????
Sure, at least of some
Philadelphia police say they thwarted possible attack on Convention Center vote count site (
Crosby ISD student investigated for threat against President-elect Joe Biden -

What I find funny though is that you need me to show you proof of an investigation while criminal investigations typical are not commented on while ongoing. While at the same time rejecting the need for evidence to pursue claims of election fraud. Do you see a problem there?
But they can certainly verify that there is an investigation....

And they haven't, have they????

BTW, what the hell do 2 instances that have nothing to do with Dominion have to do with Dominion's claims???
I have only the resources of the internet available. it could be that somewhere some law enforcement spokesperson has made a statement problem is finding it. But even if they haven't, a Dominion spokesperson certainly has made a statement like that, specifically mentioned they are working with law enforcement. So by your logic, if I'd ask you to verify that law enforcement in fact is NOT investigating and the Dominion people are lying would you be able to provide it? I'm pretty sure you can't. And I'm also certain you would reject the notion that because you can't find a specific statement your entire claim is invalid. Do you have reason to believe the Dominion people or Raffensperger are lying when they say they are working with law enforcement?

So now for the third time. Why do you accept law enforcement as an arbiter of the validity of a claim. While rejecting the courts as an arbiter?
Law enforcement determines if a crime actually did occur....

And you apparently can't verify that they made that determination....

Now you want us to blindly accept a claim from a company that is under investigation itself???

And trust me...

The fact that Dominion is under investigation is being released!!!!

(And BTW, regarding Raffensperger.... I seriously doubt that someone in GEORGIA is participating in investigations about events in COLORADO and CANADA, where Dominion shut down it's offices)....
Now you want us to blindly accept a claim from a company that is under investigation itself???
Prove that they are by citing a statement from someone involved in law enforcement that they are? If you can't it's all bogus.

Law enforcement determines if a crime actually did occur....
No, they don't. Law enforcement determines what occurs, it's the court who decides that what occurred is a crime. You know the whole innocent until proven guilty thing.
Translation: You can't back up Dominion's claim that they were threatened....

Law enforcement determines if, in their opinion, a crime occurred, and you came up empty there....

So, since Dominion is itself under investigation (and THAT has been verified), any unsubstantiated claims they make can be dismissed unless proof is presented!!!!
Translation, I can't find a statement by law enforcement that they are being investigated nor can I find a statement that Dominion is lying that law enforcement is investigating the threats against them.

See how easy it is to infer stuff if you don't care if what you are inferring is based on good evidence?
Gee, guess you missed the fact that Dominion missed their hearing today if you didn't think they were being investigated, didn't you????

(1) BREAKING: Dominion did not appear before their Senate hearings. Ruh Roh Raggy | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And why would law enforcement issue a statement if they never got a complaint???

Now, prove that law enforcement got a valid complaint from Dominion, and is investigating....

Your dodging and bullshit are getting tiresome....
But if it's determined that law enforcement isn't even investigating Dominion's claims of crimes being committed, you can rest assured that they will never even get their claims into court to begin with....
Oh who determined that? You by virtue of challenging a person to find a statement online about something that has no guarantee to have a statement issued? That's some logic.

Translation: The Libs wanted to use Dominion's statement as "proof" of why they shut down their offices and hid out, but none of you can back it up....

And Dominion has quite the credibility problem, since it's under investigation itself.....

I'm not trying to use anything as proof. I'm not trying to infer stuff without sufficient evidence to determine the truth. You are. Saying things like fail, or determined just shows me that you have no compelling arguments.
So you're conceding that Dominion doesn't have proof of their excuse for shutting down their offices????
But if it's determined that law enforcement isn't even investigating Dominion's claims of crimes being committed, you can rest assured that they will never even get their claims into court to begin with....
Oh who determined that? You by virtue of challenging a person to find a statement online about something that has no guarantee to have a statement issued? That's some logic.

Translation: The Libs wanted to use Dominion's statement as "proof" of why they shut down their offices and hid out, but none of you can back it up....

And Dominion has quite the credibility problem, since it's under investigation itself.....


Can you factually establish even ONE vote changed?
There is no way in Hell I can be convinced that a demented washed up Joe Biden got more votes that Trump. The only reason anyone thinks he did was because the same people, the corrupt mainstream media, that has been lying to us about Russian Collusion, claims that Biden got more votes than any politician in United States history.

Do you people actually believe that Biden got more votes than Obama got?
Do you people actually believe it's possible that even when Trump got 11 million more votes than he got in 2016 he somehow lost?

If you believe this then you really need to have your head examined.

November 20, 2020
The Left's Utter Nonsense

".........we’re expected to believe that a basement-dwelling, muddle-minded plagiarist collected more real votes for president than a wildly popular (note his rallies), highly successful incumbent. We’re to believe that a man who didn’t, nay, couldn’t campaign, could amass more votes than any other presidential candidate before him. Really? A man who has accomplished nothing in almost a half-century of public office? A man we know has enriched himself and his family by selling out America and her interests to enemy countries? We’re supposed to just go home and carry on as if nothing really important has happened?
We’re evidently supposed be okay with battleground states just arbitrarily stopping the vote count and then later on resuming. What possible, viable excuse can there be for such a procedure? And why do you suppose it happened right when Trump was pulling ahead of the pretender? And why, when the counting resumed, were the votes almost totally for Biden? If that doesn’t sound fishy, I have a bridge to sell.
We’re supposed to accept that dead people vote, that illegals vote, that some people manage to vote over and over again. But that is pretty small potatoes compared to the Dominion mess. We are, of course, expected to just believe the company itself when it says it’s on the up and up. Well, all righty then. No problem here.
I gather that we’re also to be just fine with the fact that the Dominion voting hardware was designed in Venezuela for the purpose of controlling election results. We should be just fine with the Canadian ownership of its mother company, Smartmatic, and we should not be so terribly xenophobic as to object to our vote counting being shipped off to Spain and to Germany. In fact, we’re supposed to not even notice that to do so would require Internet access and therefore access to hackers from anywhere. What the heck; it’s just a presidential election, and we should know from the last four years that a presidential election doesn’t mean much to the deep state. What’s another president, more or less? And we’re not supposed to be irritated that the left, that has spent the last
four years yipping about “Russian collusion” when none existed, now, with evidence galore to prove the involvement of at least four foreign entities, bats not an eye. And none of that counts the puppet-strings that connect Biden to China. That’s another flabbergasting outrage -- Biden and China, but we’re not supposed to find his massive wealth and his acceptance of foreign money problematic. What?!
In fact, this presidential wannabe will not even be president for more than a few weeks if he were to be inaugurated. We’re all supposed to think that’s just fine. We’re not even supposed to notice that this person the left has put forward is physically and mentally so substandard that it’s doubtful he could handle a part time job at Burger King, let alone a 24/7 uber-stress position like leader of the Free World. We’re to concede that his VP will in fact be the president. Nuts to that. She got nowhere in the Democrat primary -- why should she be president now?
What’s more, we’re supposed to pay no attention to our common sense. I know that common sense went out of style back in the Clinton years, but a lot of us still practice that dark art. We can compare a candidate who can draw crowds -- happy, thrilled, enthusiastic crowds -- of between 10 and 50 thousand people in the midst of a pandemic, and the other can’t get 25 in one place at one time, and we can conclude from that that the first candidate will win. We can look back over presidential history and see the statistical likelihood of a successful incumbent easily winning -- especially when the usurper never even attempted to campaign, and especially when said candidate has absolutely no record of accomplishments to run on, so we can deduce that the incumbent is a shoe-in."

If law enforcement doesn't take a claim that threats were made seriously (and won't even investigate) then the claim is obviously a bunch of horseshit....
Repeating a part of what you previously said while ignoring the question does not constitute an answer. So again
Now, can any of you brain-dead Liberals show me where law enforcement is actually investigating the claims????
Sure, at least of some
Philadelphia police say they thwarted possible attack on Convention Center vote count site (
Crosby ISD student investigated for threat against President-elect Joe Biden -

What I find funny though is that you need me to show you proof of an investigation while criminal investigations typical are not commented on while ongoing. While at the same time rejecting the need for evidence to pursue claims of election fraud. Do you see a problem there?
But they can certainly verify that there is an investigation....

And they haven't, have they????

BTW, what the hell do 2 instances that have nothing to do with Dominion have to do with Dominion's claims???
I have only the resources of the internet available. it could be that somewhere some law enforcement spokesperson has made a statement problem is finding it. But even if they haven't, a Dominion spokesperson certainly has made a statement like that, specifically mentioned they are working with law enforcement. So by your logic, if I'd ask you to verify that law enforcement in fact is NOT investigating and the Dominion people are lying would you be able to provide it? I'm pretty sure you can't. And I'm also certain you would reject the notion that because you can't find a specific statement your entire claim is invalid. Do you have reason to believe the Dominion people or Raffensperger are lying when they say they are working with law enforcement?

So now for the third time. Why do you accept law enforcement as an arbiter of the validity of a claim. While rejecting the courts as an arbiter?
Law enforcement determines if a crime actually did occur....

And you apparently can't verify that they made that determination....

Now you want us to blindly accept a claim from a company that is under investigation itself???

And trust me...

The fact that Dominion is under investigation is being released!!!!

(And BTW, regarding Raffensperger.... I seriously doubt that someone in GEORGIA is participating in investigations about events in COLORADO and CANADA, where Dominion shut down it's offices)....
Now you want us to blindly accept a claim from a company that is under investigation itself???
Prove that they are by citing a statement from someone involved in law enforcement that they are? If you can't it's all bogus.

Law enforcement determines if a crime actually did occur....
No, they don't. Law enforcement determines what occurs, it's the court who decides that what occurred is a crime. You know the whole innocent until proven guilty thing.
Translation: You can't back up Dominion's claim that they were threatened....

Law enforcement determines if, in their opinion, a crime occurred, and you came up empty there....

So, since Dominion is itself under investigation (and THAT has been verified), any unsubstantiated claims they make can be dismissed unless proof is presented!!!!
Translation, I can't find a statement by law enforcement that they are being investigated nor can I find a statement that Dominion is lying that law enforcement is investigating the threats against them.

See how easy it is to infer stuff if you don't care if what you are inferring is based on good evidence?
Gee, guess you missed the fact that Dominion missed their hearing today if you didn't think they were being investigated, didn't you????

(1) BREAKING: Dominion did not appear before their Senate hearings. Ruh Roh Raggy | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And why would law enforcement issue a statement if they never got a complaint???

Now, prove that law enforcement got a valid complaint from Dominion, and is investigating....

Your dodging and bullshit are getting tiresome....
They missed a Senate hearing not an interview with law enforcement.

And why would law enforcement issue a statement if they never got a complaint???
Well, dominion issued a statement that they are working with law enforcement on the threats they have received. By your logic ( not mine) the agency involved should have released a statement that Dominion was lying. And again by your logic (not mine), you should be able to find that statement somewhere on the net. After all, that's what you are asking me to find. A statement issued in support of a statement from Dominion citing they are working with law enforcement.
There is no way in Hell I can be convinced that a demented washed up Joe Biden got more votes that Trump.

Exactly. There's nothing can convince you.

You can't use evidence to convince folks that have no use for evidence. leftists don't care about evidence or facts....because you make up your own.
If law enforcement doesn't take a claim that threats were made seriously (and won't even investigate) then the claim is obviously a bunch of horseshit....
Repeating a part of what you previously said while ignoring the question does not constitute an answer. So again, why do you accept law enforcement as an arbiter of the validity of a claim. While rejecting the courts as an arbiter?
Now, can any of you brain-dead Liberals show me where law enforcement is actually investigating the claims????
Sure, at least of some
Philadelphia police say they thwarted possible attack on Convention Center vote count site (
Crosby ISD student investigated for threat against President-elect Joe Biden -

What I find funny though is that you need me to show you proof of an investigation while criminal investigations typical are not commented on while ongoing. While at the same time rejecting the need for evidence to pursue claims of election fraud. Do you see a problem there?
Anonymous sources claim that all of this has been debunked.
Anonymous sources claim you speak out of your asshole. Just something I've heard.
You probably heard it from your asshole.
What's bizarre is anyone wants someone as incompetent and corrupt as Trump reelected.
That's funny.....considering the fact that Biden and the Democrats are about as corrupt as they come.
Their COVID bullshit is a perfect example of the fraud they have perpetrated on the American people.
They cannot govern without lying to us every day about what they're doing.


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