The Cases against Trump are Collapsing

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Dr. Turley explains the latest in the cases against Trump. An appellate judge stops the dissolution of Trump business in New York. 80 percent of the charges are thrown out because of statute of limitations. The classified document case overshadowed by Trump's power as president to declassify anything he wants to declassify. In a recent filing, four cases against Trump may get tossed due to "Presidential Immunity" and could go to Supreme Court.

Dr. Turley explains the latest in the cases against Trump. An appellate judge stops the dissolution of Trump business in New York. 80 percent of the charges are thrown out because of statute of limitations. The classified document case overshadowed by Trump's power as president to declassify anything he wants to declassify. In a recent filing, four cases against Trump may get tossed due to "Presidential Immunity" and could go to Supreme Court.

His makeup still sucks.
Of course they are...they're all bullshit charges in the first place.
The filth know they can't win in court so they're trying him in the media hoping that the bad feelings left behind will get enough people to NOT vote for him.

I'll be shocked if anything needs to go to the supreme court. If they were legitimate judges & prosecutors every charge would have been thrown out already!
Of course they are...they're all bullshit charges in the first place.
The filth know they can't win in court so they're trying him in the media hoping that the bad feelings left behind will get enough people to NOT vote for him.

I'll be shocked if anything needs to go to the supreme court. If they were legitimate judges & prosecutors every charge would have been thrown out already!

yes....all BS from day one
Dr. Turley explains the latest in the cases against Trump. An appellate judge stops the dissolution of Trump business in New York. 80 percent of the charges are thrown out because of statute of limitations. The classified document case overshadowed by Trump's power as president to declassify anything he wants to declassify. In a recent filing, four cases against Trump may get tossed due to "Presidential Immunity" and could go to Supreme Court.

Several months ago Ben Shapiro thoroughly laid out the legal cases against Trump and he predicted everything you said above. There are multiple extremely tough legal hurdles they have to get past in order to get Trump.
An appellate judge stops the dissolution of Trump business in New York.
Temporarily stayed. We will see how the trial judge rules on the case now in court.
THAT is likely to be determinative.

80 percent of the charges are thrown out because of statute of limitations.
That is untrue.
And even if it was.......the remaining 20% are sufficient to make him a felon if convicted.
Think of it this way, you rob 100 banks. But the first 80 were years ago and the limitations statute has tolled.
But those last 20 will be the rub.
Even 1 of the last 20 will be the rub.

Get the picture?

The classified document case overshadowed by Trump's power as president to declassify anything he wants to declassify.

While he was President that may be true....I dunno for sure.
But, once he left office with classified material, denied he had it, then refused to return it, even hid it from authorities....well, the game goes to another level.

I'm mildly sure you recognize that.
Dr. Turley explains the latest in the cases against Trump. An appellate judge stops the dissolution of Trump business in New York. 80 percent of the charges are thrown out because of statute of limitations. The classified document case overshadowed by Trump's power as president to declassify anything he wants to declassify. In a recent filing, four cases against Trump may get tossed due to "Presidential Immunity" and could go to Supreme Court.

Bullshit The judge clarified that the statute of limitations prevent claims, but evidence of crime is still acceptable. The claims of the case have already been made. Nothing was disallowed.
Dr. Turley explains the latest in the cases against Trump. An appellate judge stops the dissolution of Trump business in New York. 80 percent of the charges are thrown out because of statute of limitations. The classified document case overshadowed by Trump's power as president to declassify anything he wants to declassify. In a recent filing, four cases against Trump may get tossed due to "Presidential Immunity" and could go to Supreme Court.

Jesus christ is that the type of media and information MAGAts are consuming? 😄
You got him this time! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

I never had him.
Neve tried.
Nor ever had the authority to.

But the point of my post, poster Concerned, is that Don Trump is now under more rigorous and disciplined accountability by our jurisprudence than at any time throughout his long contentious and controversial career. His wealth and his father's wealth and the lawyers it could hire ......have shielded him for decades. I know you know that.

But, where real suspicions of wrong-doing are held by authorities who are relatively immune to his prior tactics of using his wealth and the legal talent it bought.....well, Don Trump's accountability becomes much more likely.

Will he be convicted?
Hell, I don't know.
How could I?

But a more rigorous and transparent attempt to require accountability is not a bad thing, for America.

Temporarily stayed. We will see how the trial judge rules on the case now in court.
THAT is likely to be determinative.

That is untrue.
And even if it was.......the remaining 20% are sufficient to make him a felon if convicted.
Think of it this way, you rob 100 banks. But the first 80 were years ago and the limitations statute has tolled.
But those last 20 will be the rub.
Even 1 of the last 20 will be the rub.

Get the picture?

While he was President that may be true....I dunno for sure.
But, once he left office with classified material, denied he had it, then refused to return it, even hid it from authorities....well, the game goes to another level.

I'm mildly sure you recognize that.
They're still clinging to that "80%" story. And "temporarily stayed" is not "stopped".

Different universes. Bizarre.
Dr. Turley explains the latest in the cases against Trump. An appellate judge stops the dissolution of Trump business in New York. 80 percent of the charges are thrown out because of statute of limitations. The classified document case overshadowed by Trump's power as president to declassify anything he wants to declassify. In a recent filing, four cases against Trump may get tossed due to "Presidential Immunity" and could go to Supreme Court.

Bullshit. Ol Don is about to get hosed.

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