You are a troll! A very dumb one at that. In your post 1080, right below where you say they never offered, is your link titled "US rejects Taliban offer". God are you stupid! you're admitting you didn't read the link but are commenting on it?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The link said they rejected the offer...
Yeah...because the "offer" did not include turning him over to the US :lmao:

How does it feel to be my bitch? Kind of like prison, except without the gross physical stuff you like so much!

Maybe take some literacy classes at a local community college?? mean the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan? Yeah - Clinton did ride that (with a boost from a Newt Gingrich Republican Congress creating legislation to unleash American free market).

Didn't crash under GWB, clown. Crashed under Barack Hussein Obama. Unemployment was 7% and change when Bush left office. It skyrocketed under Obama and the Dumbocrats (House and Senate) to over 10%.

You should think about some classes at your local community college. You desperately need them.
Okay, post the start date of the Great Recession.

Also, Reagan’s policies didn’t create Clinton’s booming economy. Clinton’s refuted them. Why don’t you post about Clinton’s tax policy passed in 1993. What did republic’s claim would happen and then compare it to reality.
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Okay, post the start date of the Great Recession.
1978 (when Jimmy Carter and the Democrats created hyperinflation, outrageous interest rates, high unemployment, and a massive energy crisis).

Thank God for Ronald Reagan, uh? Literally saved the United States.
Also, Reagan’s policies didn’t create Clinton’s booming economy.
That’s because Clinton never had a “booming economy”. What he had was a decent economy by riding the tidal wave of the Reagan booming economy.
1978 (when Jimmy Carter and the Democrats created hyperinflation, outrageous interest rates, high unemployment, and a massive energy crisis).

Thank God for Ronald Reagan, uh? Literally saved the United States.
Dude, just stop being a fuckup.

Reagan turned our country from a creditor nation to a debtor one.
That’s because Clinton never had a “booming economy”. What he had was a decent economy by riding the tidal wave of the Reagan booming economy.
Come on fuckup.

Clinton had one of the best economic eras and you spent that time pissing yourself.
Reagan turned our country from a creditor nation to a debtor one.
You can’t rewrite history in the era of the internet, little guy :laugh:

The 1980’s are literally known as “the era of excess”. From the second worst economy in US history thanks to Jimmy Carter and the Democrats to the era of booming Wall Street, opulence, etc.
Oh man otto105 - this one is really going to sting :laugh:
Hochul lamented this trend in her speech, saying, "We must and will make our state safe … we have to make our state more affordable … And we must reverse the trend of people leaving our state in search of lower costs and opportunities elsewhere."
The Governor of New York openly admitting that there is no safety and no opportunities in Democrat-run states :lmao:
Prime example of why liberalism ends in catastrophic failure every time. The left is more interested in virtue-signaling and social "justice" ( :rolleyes: ) than in actual prosperity. What a damn shame.
Prime example of why liberalism ends in catastrophic failure every time. The left is more interested in virtue-signaling and social "justice" ( :rolleyes: ) than in actual prosperity. What a damn shame.

The damn shame is that you continue to believe right wing media.

This is a list of the best countries to live in the world. The USA didn't even make the top 10, but every single one of the countries that did, is a leftist, progressive, socialist democracy.

Name me one country with an authoritarian dictator in charge, that you would want to live in.
The damn shame is that you continue to believe right wing media.

This is a list of the best countries to live in the world. The USA didn't even make the top 10, but every single one of the countries that did, is a leftist, progressive, socialist democracy.

Name me one country with an authoritarian dictator in charge, that you would want to live in.
What are the criteria? Oh, you have no clue, do you?
The damn shame is that you continue to believe right wing media.
It’s a damn shame you continue to be willfully ignorant.
This is a list of the best countries to live in the world. The USA didn't even make the top 10
Wait…so you’re admitting that Biden and the Dumbocrats have failed? :lmao:
Name me one country with an authoritarian dictator in charge, that you would want to live in.
Bingo! There isn’t one. Which proves that liberalism is ignorant - and small, limited government conservatism is the only way to go!
Just when you think liberalism has reached peak idiocy, the left finds a way to take it to a whole new level of stupidity 🤦‍♂️

The policies she embraced (anarchy, defund the police, etc.) directly lead to her death. Rather than admit that, her fellow liberal family & friends are trying to disassociate her violent death from that reality so that they can continue to promote their failed leftist ideology.
Prime example of why liberalism ends in catastrophic failure every time. The left is more interested in virtue-signaling and social "justice" ( :rolleyes: ) than in actual prosperity. What a damn shame.
If you're correct, it seems the Right focuses on short term profit while the Left focuses on long-term sustainability.
If you're correct, it seems the Right focuses on short term profit while the Left focuses on long-term sustainability.
How is investing in poor investments “long-term sustainability”? :lmao:

How is hiring unqualified people simply because they are transvestites “long-term sustainability”? :lmao:

How is doing the wrong thing in an attempt to signal to others like you that you’re with them, “long-term sustainability”? :lmao:

Do leftists ever think before posting?

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