The Catholic church has become one of Islam's loudest boosters

Is now when Conservative Nationalists will openly turn against Catholics also?
Wouldn't be surprising.

Over a century ago the alleged "vicar of Christ" condemned "Americanism"

Ah the anti-catholic sentiment in the United States is never far below the surface.

All Americans should resent and condemn a cult that openly condemns America.

Same as Muslims (and members of other cults), Roman Catholics cannot be loyal citizens of any temporal nation.
Fascinating.....all these so-called christians turning on each other.
Is now when Conservative Nationalists will openly turn against Catholics also?
Wouldn't be surprising.

Over a century ago the alleged "vicar of Christ" condemned "Americanism"

Ah the anti-catholic sentiment in the United States is never far below the surface.

All Americans should resent and condemn a cult that openly condemns America.

Same as Muslims (and members of other cults), Roman Catholics cannot be loyal citizens of any temporal nation.

Don't forget those Mormons- can't trust them either.

Or those Jews......

And especially not those Lutherans......
In this excellent piece, George Neumayr refers to the rupture of relations between the Vatican and al-Azhar that took place during the time of Pope Benedict. As I explained here, that rupture took place because Pope Benedict dared to speak out about the Muslim persecution of Christians. By contrast, Francis energetically defends Islam, and leaves the persecuted Christians twisting in the wind, so he is acceptable to al-Azhar.

You are being redirected...

Awww that's too bad. think what you want.

Resettling 'refugees' is a huge cash cow for them, and the other faux 'charities' as well.
Is now when Conservative Nationalists will openly turn against Catholics also?
Wouldn't be surprising.

Over a century ago the alleged "vicar of Christ" condemned "Americanism"

Ah the anti-catholic sentiment in the United States is never far below the surface.

All Americans should resent and condemn a cult that openly condemns America.

Same as Muslims (and members of other cults), Roman Catholics cannot be loyal citizens of any temporal nation.

Certainly true of the Church bureaucracy; the rank and file not so much; don't know many average Catholics that support the policies of the Vatican politicians and bankers.
"sovereign" USA is about to be extinguished .... and a major reason is that it is saturated with traitors. Prominent among these traitors are the Roman Catholic "Knights of Malta" who run the CIA. The CIA is the Vatican's interface with MSMedia and American Government. Through the CIA the Vatican has been the "mastermind" of American policy for over 5 decades.

1 z CIA WildBillat Vatican.jpg
"An American Requiem:God, My Father and the War that Came Between Us" by James Carroll
is an enlightening book regarding RC and relationship with American military from WW 2 through Vietnam.

Mr Carroll writes that his father was within a day or so of graduating from RC seminary, and about to be made a priest,...

when his father was tapped by a RC cardinal for special duty.

His father was not made a priest,...

rather he was made a FBI agent. Hi level enough to get to know J.Edgar Hoover himself.

After seven years with the FBI, about the time WW2 started,

his father was released from the FBI and inducted into the US Air Force.

Without so much as going through OCS, he was made a GENERAL in the USAF.

At least a part of his work was examining the records of candidates for promotion.

Think about it. check it out An American Requiem: God, My Father, and the War That Came Between Us (0046442859936): James Carroll: Books
Most historians agree the early European populace of America was distinctly Protestant,
thus scripture honoring in distinct opposition to the Roman Catholic claim that magisterium word is supreme.

Roman Catholic JFK becoming POTUS was a final sign that RC had become politically/culturally triumphant,
therefore putting America on the downhill slide toward it's present state of increased depravity and internal conflict

"go home with the one that brung ya to the party "

Protestant [bible honoring] culture led to America being the most productive, most "free" nation the world had ever seen.

As it grew worldly rich, Protestantism became ever more unfaithful to it’s founding “scripture first” principle.

American "elites," cheered on and taught by European “elites,” repudiated Bible honoring culture.

A milestone in America’s repudiation of Bible honoring culture was the election of Roman Catholic JFK.

Repudiation of Bible honoring culture led to USA ending up with a pro-Islamist ruler intent on making USA come unglued.

There will be no happy national ending. No going back to some "golden age."
Personal salvation is available. But there is no national salvation.

I strongly advise all to stop seeing yourself as an American citizen.

And instead see yourself as an individual seeking unity with your Creator.

Ps: I’m betting on Jesus

Revelation 13->forward reveals soul-saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else.
One big difference between Roman Catholic and all the other Christianish cults is that the Pope is also head of his own temporal "sovereign" nation.
The Vatican is always looking out for the aggrandizement of the Pope .... not for the welfare of the common citizens of any temporal nation.

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