The CCP is literally funding the Democrat Party

My post:

When I ask the hardcore the Trump cultists here for facts, many times I'm answered with childish, vitriolic name calling and insults. Running away with no answer seems to be another common way they handle a request for data or proof of their assertions.

Your reply:

Liar. We always give you more proof than you need, but you always reject it. So GFY.

This post made me laugh really really hard.
Thank you.
Let me show you the data

Total number of residential properties purchased by Chinese buyers in the United States from 2010 to 2022

View attachment 799832

Did you notice the sharp decline under Biden (2021 / 2022)

So you showed they already bought up a lot? So what? Pelosi, Feinstein, and Democrats ran the state for over two decades, so yeah, buying slowed down during the COVID slow down. Thanks for verifying my post .
There was obviously a Chinese mole in charge in 2017-18! :cool-45:

Trumo never ran California; that was your heart throb Pelosi and Feinstein. FRom 2011 to present, Ed Brown, Jerry Brown, and Newsom. lol and none of them investigated the organized criminal syndicates running hotels for pregnant Red Chinese women being flown over to California in order to have their babies in the U.S. and seed a cadre army on American soil. You gimps were busy being 'Da Resistance N Stuff', remember? Fake impeachments? Fake rape charges against Supreme Court appointees? Burning down cities? Drawing up murals and making heroes out of gun thugs who overdosed on their own dope? Harassing some 17 year old kid for defending himself from a convicted kiddie raper? You were probably too busy to notice.
The chart includes both CCP and Taiwan.

It would be helpful to see them separately.

States seek to bar Chinese citizens from buying homes​

"Chinese buyers are returning to the U.S. housing market after a long lull, but recent efforts by several states to restrict certain foreign purchases could make homebuying harder for them.

Why it matters: Chinese buyers spent $6.1 billion on existing U.S. homes last year, more than any other international homebuyers.

  • They were the top foreign buyers of U.S. residential real estate from 2015 to 2020, accounting for nearly 14% of all buyers on average, according to a recent National Association of Realtors report.
  • Their share plunged to 6% in the last two years, mostly due to pandemic-related travel restrictions. But their average purchase price topped $1 million last year, the highest on record."
The infiltration continues.

Foreign Buyers, Who Nearly Disappeared During Covid, Finally Return to the U.S. Housing Market​

Real-estate agents say they’ve seen an acceleration in purchases by overseas buyers amid looser Covid restrictions and political-economic shifts abroad​

Trumo never ran California; that was your heart throb Pelosi and Feinstein. FRom 2011 to present, Ed Brown, Jerry Brown, and Newsom. lol and none of them investigated the organized criminal syndicates running hotels for pregnant Red Chinese women being flown over to California in order to have their babies in the U.S. and seed a cadre army on American soil. You gimps were busy being 'Da Resistance N Stuff', remember? Fake impeachments? Fake rape charges against Supreme Court appointees? Burning down cities? Drawing up murals and making heroes out of gun thugs who overdosed on their own dope? Harassing some 17 year old kid for defending himself from a convicted kiddie raper? You were probably too busy to notice.
Idiot, those were national numbers!
Democrats fund raise like they vote.

An old lady one day gives 5 bucks to a democrat group. That democrat group then used that old ladies info to launder foreign bribes as donations, as many as 10 a day.

If you gave a democrat money, odds are they are using your info to launder in foreign money into their campaigns.
Sorry, doesn't make sense at all. The by far biggest threat to China is playing the "democratic" card - thus inciting democratic countries against China.

The Republican mindset and policy - especially under Trump, and those of similar conservative mindsets in other countries is far more helpful towards China's development. See the mess Trump created via his positive proliferation of Communist N-Korea. That China just like the USA and any other country uses money to create political instability is understood.
The CCP wanted Xiden to win, they interfered in the election on his behalf...they did not like the GOP because their policies were not favorable to China. US intel community believes Russia wants Biden to lose the 2020 election while China wants him to win

  • China prefers Biden over President Donald Trump because of concerns over the Trump administration's criticisms of Beijing's handling of COVID-19, and its efforts to derail China's aggression in the South China Sea.
Xiden has paid China back for their help, they have benefitted greatly from his admin, including openly spying on the United States.

CCP backing the DNC is nothing new...they have been at least since the Clinton admin

The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy, sometimes referred to as Chinagate, was an effort by the People's Republic of China to influence domestic American politics prior to and during the Clinton administration and also involved the fundraising practices of the administration itself.
The CCP wanted Xiden to win, they interfered in the election on his behalf...they did not like the GOP because their policies were not favorable to China. US intel community believes Russia wants Biden to lose the 2020 election while China wants him to win

  • China prefers Biden over President Donald Trump because of concerns over the Trump administration's criticisms of Beijing's handling of COVID-19, and its efforts to derail China's aggression in the South China Sea.
Xiden has paid China back for their help, they have benefitted greatly from his admin, including openly spying on the United States.

CCP backing the DNC is nothing new...they have been at least since the Clinton admin

The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy, sometimes referred to as Chinagate, was an effort by the People's Republic of China to influence domestic American politics prior to and during the Clinton administration and also involved the fundraising practices of the administration itself.
Really? Who complained about Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and whined about a possible WW III?


Really? Who complained about Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and whined about a possible WW III?


haha folks complained that Xiden did nothing when the CCP puppet Masters threatened to blow her plane out of the sky. Xiden did nothing. That was the complaint.
“I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.” - Joey Xiden on his CCP leaders
An upcoming lawsuit is expected to produce evidence that 60% of illegal election funding flowing into Democratic Party funding group @actblue is secretly from China. Who didn't suspect this was happening all along, given the fact that we already have a White House Resident who was compromised by CCP money?

"Included in the lawsuit will be evidence that over 60% of the money involved in this (massive illegal American political donation funding scheme) is apparently coming from China."

Well, this would be pretty fucked up. All the GQP has to do now is prove it. As opposed to the other five or six hundred charges we've seen here.

Remember: Believing it because you saw it online isn't the same as proving it. Not in Normal World.
Well, this would be pretty fucked up. All the GQP has to do now is prove it. As opposed to the other five or six hundred charges we've seen here.

Remember: Believing it because you saw it online isn't the same as proving it. Not in Normal World.
The oppressors who rule squash the evidence through their control of their adherents.
Yes, that's the running excuse.
That is true no matter who rules and is comfortable in their control. The federal level is Prog dominated even when the other side wins. Progs are federally focused as we are a strong central government nation. They control vast areas of the United States now regionally due to the destruction of the constitution.

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