The CCP is literally funding the Democrat Party

The Chinese name of the CPC is Gongchandang 公共财产党 until today - it translates into the Public Property Party - it never mentioned Communism. It was the KMT that designated the Gongchandang in English language as being communists. - hence the USA and other English speaking countries referring to it as a Chinese Communist Party aka CCP. - Whilst in German speaking literature from 1927 onward it was referred to as Kommunistische Partei Chinas (KPCh) or KPC, in English CPC, Communist Party of China.

Since the meeting in Shanghai in 1921 was an unofficial meeting, their is no protocol of a party founding. The official protocol of the Gongchandang was established in 1927 and in English referred to as the CPC.

As such in China it was from day one called Communist Party of China, CPC when referring to it in English. And as I has already numerously stated Mao created a CCP in 1931 to 1937 within the province of the Chinese Soviet Republic - adopting Stalin's Communism, due to his opposition towards the CPC cooperating with the KMT - in 1938 both parties were reunited again as CPC. It is only the West, foremost the USA that continuously and errant propagates CCP.

If you visit the Chinese - Shanghai CPC museum you will not find a single original document referring to a CCP - only in regards to the Chinese Soviet Republic from 1931-1937 - CCP anything else refers to the Gongchandang. CPC.

Keep it to the topic and don't start to come up with other nonsense about China complaining towards PCR tests as such - but that certain countries demand a PCR test before Chinese nationals are allowed to book a flight, whilst not demanding the same for foreigners coming from China.

End of Discussion
Why are you shilling for the CCP? They don’t deserve it. They whine about racism, while being one of the most racist countries in the world. You sound like one of the “.white monkeys”(their words, not mine) they use to spread their propaganda.
Yes it is dimwit

You dumb fucktard Birdbrain - obviously knows absolutely nothing about China

What lie? you lying retard?

Off course I do - a full-sized and blown up, I know it all dickhead who doesn't even know as to who writes Wiki articles. Now Fuck Off

You were busted in a bald faced lie.

And this is how you deflect from It?

You're worthless. Go away, liar.
Why are you shilling for the CCP? They don’t deserve it. They whine about racism, while being one of the most racist countries in the world. You sound like one of the “.white monkeys”(their words, not mine) they use to spread their propaganda.
This dumb fucking idiot is trying to convince us it matters what they're called. :p
The parties name has always been CPC - CCP only appears on western articles - since they obviously got no idea about China's factual history.

Mao after abandoning the Soviet Communism in 1937 went on to explore/develop an own Chinese Socialist System - termed in the West as Chinese Communism or Maoism - and that was implemented from 1949 till 1980. Neither the CPC flag nor the PRC Flag ever displayed a hammer and sickle.
Deng Xiaoping officially abandoned the practice of a state held Communist economy and Maoism, and introduced a free market economy in 1980.

Since the principles of Chinese Socialism are still upheld by the CPC - the party did not change it's name. It practices a free market economy and therefore it logically does not adhere to the Communist principle nor Maoism. Therefore isn't a Communist country - and that is a fact, whether you personally like it or not.

President Xi is striving to reduce the negative impacts of the free market economy - propagating a "wealth more equally distributed" he is NOT propagating Maoism nor Communism - but the Chinese Socialist principles of the CPC.
You sound like one of those idiot leftards screaming about pronouns.

"They can't be communists cause their name says public property".


What a maroon.

White monkey is exactly right. This one's a howler.
Why are you shilling for the CCP? They don’t deserve it. They whine about racism, while being one of the most racist countries in the world. You sound like one of the “.white monkeys”(their words, not mine) they use to spread their propaganda.
Why are you shilling for lefty&Libs? they don't deserve it. They whine about racism, whilst being one of the most racist minded parties in the world. You sound like one of those "bananas" (their word not mine), that Western lefty&Libs use to spread anti-China propaganda.
The parties name has always been CPC - CCP only appears on western articles - since they obviously got no idea about China's factual history.

Mao after abandoning the Soviet Communism in 1937 went on to explore/develop an own Chinese Socialist System - termed in the West as Chinese Communism or Maoism - and that was implemented from 1949 till 1980. Neither the CPC flag nor the PRC Flag ever displayed a hammer and sickle.
Deng Xiaoping officially abandoned the practice of a state held Communist economy and Maoism, and introduced a free market economy in 1980.

Since the principles of Chinese Socialism are still upheld by the CPC - the party did not change it's name. It practices a free market economy and therefore it logically does not adhere to the Communist principle nor Maoism. Therefore isn't a Communist country - and that is a fact, whether you personally like it or not.

President Xi is striving to reduce the negative impacts of the free market economy - propagating a "wealth more equally distributed" he is NOT propagating Maoism nor Communism - but the Chinese Socialist principles of the CPC.
So so tae pet pet.
1. Publicly fund all national elections.

2. STRICT term limits for all nationally held offices.

3. Age limits for all national offices and judges. (65?)

4. Turn voting day into a national holiday & REQUIRE in person voting for all except those with a medical excuse.

1. Publicly fund all national elections.

2. STRICT term limits for all nationally held offices.

3. Age limits for all national offices and judges. (65?)

4. Turn voting day into a national holiday & REQUIRE in person voting for all except those with a medical excuse.

I don't agree with No.2 - it would exclude those with proficiency and hinder/discourage younger once to attain proficiency

Far more important is a minimum quota in regards to a national poll participation e.g. 80%, it can't be that a "democratic" country only has a participation of barley 60% - and later 40% constantly complaining about the respective policies.
Why are you shilling for lefty&Libs? they don't deserve it. They whine about racism, whilst being one of the most racist minded parties in the world. You sound like one of those "bananas" (their word not mine), that Western lefty&Libs use to spread anti-China propaganda.
Never heard anyone calling the Chinese, bananas. liar. Your outrage over something as meaningless as CCP vs CPC, makes me sure I’m right.
You sound like one of those idiot leftards screaming about pronouns.

"They can't be communists cause their name says public property".


What a maroon.

White monkey is exactly right. This one's a howler.
It’s kind of hypocritical to criticize someone in one breath and then fall into the same trap with the next.
Never heard anyone calling the Chinese, bananas. liar.
That simply proves - that you know nothing about China. Which is obvious to me anyway.

Since correct political abbreviation don't matter to you then I might write GPO instead of GOP and CDN instead of DNC. And people like you will be the first ones to jump on it.
er wai bu
èrwài bù - 二外布, simply means; stupid person or idiot - the vulgar part "asshole" is simply the unavoidable and errant American add on.

Quote: WHAT BALD FACED LIE? - This the 2nd and last time I am asking you to forward it - otherwise - Shut the Fuck up
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An upcoming lawsuit is expected to produce evidence that 60% of illegal election funding flowing into Democratic Party funding group @actblue is secretly from China.

There is your REAL coup they are trying to conceal by all this J6 insurrection crap. The CCP democrap party isn't prosecuting criminals, they are doing damage control trying to round up political dissident partisans who might compromise their seditious takeover.
èrwài bù - 二外布, simply means; stupid person or idiot - the vulgar part "asshole" is simply the unavoidable and errant American add on.

I know what it means, stupid asshole.

I said it, didn't I?

You think you're the only one who's ever been to China, dumbfuck?

Quote: WHAT BALD FACED LIE? - This the 2nd and last time I am asking you to forward it - otherwise - Shut the Fuck up

Fuck you. Go to hell.
I know what it means, stupid asshole.

I said it, didn't I?

You think you're the only one who's ever been to China, dumbfuck?

Fuck you. Go to hell.

Boy listen up, - this thread by JGalt is titled; The CCP is literally funding the Democrat Party

I stated that there is no such thing as a CCP - which is a fact.
I stated that it would not make sense for the CPC to "fund" the democratic party - since their "democratic alliance" concept is far more detrimental towards China then a US led by a Republican Party.
I stated that the USA and any other country uses $$ to incite political unrest - If you can't differentiate between "individual corruption", "funding political unrest" and "funding a party" - you got a problem - not others.
I also stated that Trump made a mess out of preventing N-Korea from it's nuclear and strategic missile program - which is a fact.

And all YOU can come up with, are half a dozen unsubstantiated one-liner rantings - stating lies about me - and uttering foul obscene language - so again: GO and FUCK OFF.

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