The Census and mail-in voting.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

yea most postal workers would not do that,just like most cops wont shoot you....
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.

We never had an epidemic that killed 200,000 before.
Expanding mail in voting is safe and secure.

There is no proof otherwise
That's why they closed all the liquor stores and supsemarkets that people go to at least once a week instead of once every four years to vote right? Oh, wait a minute, they didn't close them.

You still haven’t shown me how voter fraud can be done by mail.
You keep making wild claims but can’t seem to make a legitimate example of HOW someone would do it and get away with it
No wild claims. Just pointing out that the Post Office is ill-equipped to ensure a fair and honest election. Its proponents win either way. If the election goes their way that will say it worked. If not, they will question its authenticity. It is a win-win for the proponents.
They are wild claims because you can’t support them.

You have repeatedly been asked to show HOW someone can fake a mail in vote and can’t seem to do it.

Post Office successfully delivers billions of pieces of mail. They have even said mail in ballots will receive special handling. They are easy to pick out and group with other ballots for expedited delivery.
Based on the abject failure of the rollout of Obamcare websites, why would an extra step be added to the process of voting? Especially when the risk of virus exposure is magnitudes less than going to a supermarket which is not publicly retricted by extra steps of government interference?

The purpose is to complicate and confuse the voting process with a bureaucracy guaranteed to introduce doubt into the results.
Obamacare websites?
Now you are really reaching.

Vote by mail procedures have been in place for decades. Additional volume can be accommodated by hiring more people.

There is no doubt in the results. A valid ballot is a valid ballot whether it is cast in person or by mail.
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

The republican postal worker who changed 8 voters from democratic to republican, made these changes on an APPLICATION for the ballot.

It was not ballot fraud, but application fraud.

Those applications are probably on a post card and easy to change.

An actual ballot is in a double envelope and it would be obvious that it had been tampered with.
You don't have to tamper with them all you have to do is toss them in a shredder

A crime that will get you sent to prison

You can actually check to see if your mail in ballot is received. It is easy to do. Any significant number of missing ballots will trigger an investigation.
There is no evidence of this actually happening with millions of mail in ballots every election

Again lots of crimes will get you sent to prison but people commit them anyway.

It doesn't seem like a deterrent does it?

And when you want to increase the number of mail in ballots by a hundred million it's more likely that some will be lost or even intentionally tossed not less.

Sent to prison for what? Shredding ballots that you have no idea as to who they voted for?

You think the Post Office does not have security? You think workers are not under video observation? You think other employees will not turn you in?
If large number of ballots on your route turn up missing, you think you will not be caught?

You think Postal Workers are going to risk a good paying job, their pension and prison for discarding ballots you don’t even know who they voted for?
I thinks more democrats will mail in than republicans.

It's a simple numbers game.

An overwhelming 72% of Democrats are very likely or somewhat likely to vote by mail this November, while just 22% of Republicans say the same, a new Monmouth University poll released Tuesday
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

yea most postal workers would not do that,just like most cops wont shoot you....

Doesn't have to be most postal workers it could be just a few
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

Postal Workers actually cherish their jobs and do not want to lose them. Discarding mail is a federal offense. So is voting fraud.

Why would anyone risk it.

But I have shown you that some of them do risk it.

Murder is a capital offense in some states why do people risk it?

In reality the chances of getting caught tossing mail in ballots would be pretty low I think.
Before or after?

Tossing ballots before the voter votes, they will know they did not receive their request, they can ask for another one be sent, or vote in person...

Tossing it after they filled it out and are returning g it, the mailman has no idea if he is tossing a democratic vote or a republican vote, so why bother?

But in addition, states have call numbers or internet sites set up, to see if their ballot was received.... mail the ballot early! Go and vote in person, if they do not receive it....if the absentee ballot shows up, and you voted in person, the absentee ballot is invalidated.

Why do people do most of the things they do?

Why would you trust the post office to get your ballot delivered in a timely fashion when they can't even deliver a single piece of mail across town in less than 10 days>
The post office was extremely efficient on delivering the mail in 5 days or less if from California to Maine, and in just 2 days if within the State, UNTIL this Trump crony was put in charge in June or July..... HIS MEASURES TAKEN slowed the post delivery times, and done so intentionally imo.
Each year, the post office goes through a Christmas rush where many, many more pieces of mail are handled than will be handled in the election.

They hire additional people and the mail goes through.
And it NEVER takes ten days to deliver mail across town
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

The republican postal worker who changed 8 voters from democratic to republican, made these changes on an APPLICATION for the ballot.

It was not ballot fraud, but application fraud.

Those applications are probably on a post card and easy to change.

An actual ballot is in a double envelope and it would be obvious that it had been tampered with.
You don't have to tamper with them all you have to do is toss them in a shredder

A crime that will get you sent to prison

You can actually check to see if your mail in ballot is received. It is easy to do. Any significant number of missing ballots will trigger an investigation.
There is no evidence of this actually happening with millions of mail in ballots every election

Again lots of crimes will get you sent to prison but people commit them anyway.

It doesn't seem like a deterrent does it?

And when you want to increase the number of mail in ballots by a hundred million it's more likely that some will be lost or even intentionally tossed not less.

Sent to prison for what? Shredding ballots that you have no idea as to who they voted for?

You think the Post Office does not have security? You think workers are not under video observation? You think other employees will not turn you in?
If large number of ballots on your route turn up missing, you think you will not be caught?

You think Postal Workers are going to risk a good paying job, their pension and prison for discarding ballots you don’t even know who they voted for?
I thinks more democrats will mail in than republicans.

It's a simple numbers game.

An overwhelming 72% of Democrats are very likely or somewhat likely to vote by mail this November, while just 22% of Republicans say the same, a new Monmouth University poll released Tuesday
Like Trump said

It is what it is
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.

We never had an epidemic that killed 200,000 before.
Expanding mail in voting is safe and secure.

There is no proof otherwise
That's why they closed all the liquor stores and supsemarkets that people go to at least once a week instead of once every four years to vote right? Oh, wait a minute, they didn't close them.

You still haven’t shown me how voter fraud can be done by mail.
You keep making wild claims but can’t seem to make a legitimate example of HOW someone would do it and get away with it
No wild claims. Just pointing out that the Post Office is ill-equipped to ensure a fair and honest election. Its proponents win either way. If the election goes their way that will say it worked. If not, they will question its authenticity. It is a win-win for the proponents.
They are wild claims because you can’t support them.

You have repeatedly been asked to show HOW someone can fake a mail in vote and can’t seem to do it.

Post Office successfully delivers billions of pieces of mail. They have even said mail in ballots will receive special handling. They are easy to pick out and group with other ballots for expedited delivery.
ballots have always received special handling....political mail,which is some of the most time consuming horrible class of mail gets special handling .....ballots are a breeze compared to them.....
Why did you not fill out the census online or the packet sent in the mail to you?
That way I could do the Census five times. Could I vote five times?
You can’t do either more than once

Once your residence is counted, doesn’t matter how many more forms you send will be rejected
Once you have voted, your registered name is checked off. Any subsequent attempts to vote will be rejected and you will probably be arrested

How about people in a database who don't vote and then suddenly there is a 75% voter "turnout" for them (and they seem to vote 90% for one party)?

What happens if someone does that? Big deal, there is a dupe, because finally this year the person DID honestly vote, they will just reject the fake ballot. I'd like to see the stats on this if both ballots were the same or different in terms of their voting pattern.

There aren't consequences and it will be near impossible to catch the true culprit. A faceless crime in an environment where you'd have to have your head in the sand to not see the lengths some will go to usurp Trump.
Trumpets are more likely to cheat, to keep Trump in office, than democrats to unseat him....:rolleyes:

We already know they have no problem with cheating in 2016 with the Russian interference and help, given to Trump.... not a peep from them being upset with the Russians.

So, look in the mirror, know why trumpets can not be trusted, to win legitimately.
Trumpets are more likely to cheat, to keep Trump in office, than democrats to unseat him.
i think it goes both ways care.....

I was just responding in kind, to him! Most of his posts implied democratic fraud and cheating taking place, so I turned the table, implying only republican fraud and cheating will take place.... ;)

Both could take place.... at the polling place or via mail, but imo, those will be few....
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

Postal Workers actually cherish their jobs and do not want to lose them. Discarding mail is a federal offense. So is voting fraud.

Why would anyone risk it?

In the case you cited

“It should be remembered, however, that the mail he altered were requests for ballots, not ballots themselves.”
and when political mail starts coming in we are told you fuck with the mail you will no longer have a job and may serve time.....
About a month ago someone from the Census came to my house and I answered all of the questions. I watched him go to other houses. Then, two weeks later, someone else from the census came to my house and wanted me to answer the questions. I told the census taker I already did that and got suspicious looks before he left. Then, another census taker showed up and it was like Ground Hog day.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting? If I could answer Census questions three times, could someone vote three times? Why is it safe to go to the supermarket for an hour or forty-five minutes but not safe to vote in person?

What are these people trying to pull? Do they think we are so stupid we that cannot see what is going on?
We got two census forms in the mail about two weeks apart.
Something is going wrong.
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

The republican postal worker who changed 8 voters from democratic to republican, made these changes on an APPLICATION for the ballot.

It was not ballot fraud, but application fraud.
and he got fired for his joke....and he had some time in....the guy was a dipshit to throw it all away...
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

Postal Workers actually cherish their jobs and do not want to lose them. Discarding mail is a federal offense. So is voting fraud.

Why would anyone risk it.

But I have shown you that some of them do risk it.

Murder is a capital offense in some states why do people risk it?

In reality the chances of getting caught tossing mail in ballots would be pretty low I think.
its not as low as you think.....
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.

We never had an epidemic that killed 200,000 before.
Expanding mail in voting is safe and secure.

There is no proof otherwise
That's why they closed all the liquor stores and supsemarkets that people go to at least once a week instead of once every four years to vote right? Oh, wait a minute, they didn't close them.

You still haven’t shown me how voter fraud can be done by mail.
You keep making wild claims but can’t seem to make a legitimate example of HOW someone would do it and get away with it
No wild claims. Just pointing out that the Post Office is ill-equipped to ensure a fair and honest election. Its proponents win either way. If the election goes their way that will say it worked. If not, they will question its authenticity. It is a win-win for the proponents.
They are wild claims because you can’t support them.

You have repeatedly been asked to show HOW someone can fake a mail in vote and can’t seem to do it.

Post Office successfully delivers billions of pieces of mail. They have even said mail in ballots will receive special handling. They are easy to pick out and group with other ballots for expedited delivery.
The post office took 10 days to deliver my last mortgage payment across town.

I trust the USPS as much as I trust any other government agency

CAre to guess how much that is?
and fedx delivered my medical supplies to the guy on the next street with the same numbers....
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

Postal Workers actually cherish their jobs and do not want to lose them. Discarding mail is a federal offense. So is voting fraud.

Why would anyone risk it.

But I have shown you that some of them do risk it.

Murder is a capital offense in some states why do people risk it?

In reality the chances of getting caught tossing mail in ballots would be pretty low I think.
Before or after?

Tossing ballots before the voter votes, they will know they did not receive their request, they can ask for another one be sent, or vote in person...

Tossing it after they filled it out and are returning g it, the mailman has no idea if he is tossing a democratic vote or a republican vote, so why bother?

But in addition, states have call numbers or internet sites set up, to see if their ballot was received.... mail the ballot early! Go and vote in person, if they do not receive it....if the absentee ballot shows up, and you voted in person, the absentee ballot is invalidated.

Why do people do most of the things they do?

Why would you trust the post office to get your ballot delivered in a timely fashion when they can't even deliver a single piece of mail across town in less than 10 days>
how often does that happen?......
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

The republican postal worker who changed 8 voters from democratic to republican, made these changes on an APPLICATION for the ballot.

It was not ballot fraud, but application fraud.

Those applications are probably on a post card and easy to change.

An actual ballot is in a double envelope and it would be obvious that it had been tampered with.
You don't have to tamper with them all you have to do is toss them in a shredder

A crime that will get you sent to prison

You can actually check to see if your mail in ballot is received. It is easy to do. Any significant number of missing ballots will trigger an investigation.
There is no evidence of this actually happening with millions of mail in ballots every election

Again lots of crimes will get you sent to prison but people commit them anyway.

It doesn't seem like a deterrent does it?

And when you want to increase the number of mail in ballots by a hundred million it's more likely that some will be lost or even intentionally tossed not less.

Sent to prison for what? Shredding ballots that you have no idea as to who they voted for?

You think the Post Office does not have security? You think workers are not under video observation? You think other employees will not turn you in?
If large number of ballots on your route turn up missing, you think you will not be caught?

You think Postal Workers are going to risk a good paying job, their pension and prison for discarding ballots you don’t even know who they voted for?
99% of postal workers can care less about who you are voting for...they care more about getting the dam route done and getting home....
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

Postal Workers actually cherish their jobs and do not want to lose them. Discarding mail is a federal offense. So is voting fraud.

Why would anyone risk it.

But I have shown you that some of them do risk it.

Murder is a capital offense in some states why do people risk it?

In reality the chances of getting caught tossing mail in ballots would be pretty low I think.
Before or after?

Tossing ballots before the voter votes, they will know they did not receive their request, they can ask for another one be sent, or vote in person...

Tossing it after they filled it out and are returning g it, the mailman has no idea if he is tossing a democratic vote or a republican vote, so why bother?

But in addition, states have call numbers or internet sites set up, to see if their ballot was received.... mail the ballot early! Go and vote in person, if they do not receive it....if the absentee ballot shows up, and you voted in person, the absentee ballot is invalidated.

Why do people do most of the things they do?

Why would you trust the post office to get your ballot delivered in a timely fashion when they can't even deliver a single piece of mail across town in less than 10 days>
The post office was extremely efficient on delivering the mail in 5 days or less if from California to Maine, and in just 2 days if within the State, UNTIL this Trump crony was put in charge in June or July..... HIS MEASURES TAKEN slowed the post delivery times, and done so intentionally imo.
all those so called measures were happening long before trump or this new PMG got there....
The census guy was on our street yesterday or Saturday.... we only have three families on this 5 mile long private gravel/ dirt road... He asked Matt about a family living down by the end of this road, but that is a hunting camp ....this family who lives in town own a bunch of wood acreage at the end, and only stay there during hunting season, so they do not need to be counted, cuz they are counted at their in town home.... Matt told the census guy that...

We filled the census out online months ago... He told Matt it did show us completing it.
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.

We never had an epidemic that killed 200,000 before.
Expanding mail in voting is safe and secure.

There is no proof otherwise
That's why they closed all the liquor stores and supsemarkets that people go to at least once a week instead of once every four years to vote right? Oh, wait a minute, they didn't close them.

You still haven’t shown me how voter fraud can be done by mail.
You keep making wild claims but can’t seem to make a legitimate example of HOW someone would do it and get away with it
No wild claims. Just pointing out that the Post Office is ill-equipped to ensure a fair and honest election. Its proponents win either way. If the election goes their way that will say it worked. If not, they will question its authenticity. It is a win-win for the proponents.
They are wild claims because you can’t support them.

You have repeatedly been asked to show HOW someone can fake a mail in vote and can’t seem to do it.

Post Office successfully delivers billions of pieces of mail. They have even said mail in ballots will receive special handling. They are easy to pick out and group with other ballots for expedited delivery.
Based on the abject failure of the rollout of Obamcare websites, why would an extra step be added to the process of voting? Especially when the risk of virus exposure is magnitudes less than going to a supermarket which is not publicly retricted by extra steps of government interference?

The purpose is to complicate and confuse the voting process with a bureaucracy guaranteed to introduce doubt into the results.
Obamacare websites?
Now you are really reaching.

Vote by mail procedures have been in place for decades. Additional volume can be accommodated by hiring more people.

There is no doubt in the results. A valid ballot is a valid ballot whether it is cast in person or by mail.
they dont need more people those machines can handle the volume.....and as far as new carriers go....the temporary workers they started hiring long ago are part of the problems....
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

Postal Workers actually cherish their jobs and do not want to lose them. Discarding mail is a federal offense. So is voting fraud.

Why would anyone risk it.

But I have shown you that some of them do risk it.

Murder is a capital offense in some states why do people risk it?

In reality the chances of getting caught tossing mail in ballots would be pretty low I think.
Before or after?

Tossing ballots before the voter votes, they will know they did not receive their request, they can ask for another one be sent, or vote in person...

Tossing it after they filled it out and are returning g it, the mailman has no idea if he is tossing a democratic vote or a republican vote, so why bother?

But in addition, states have call numbers or internet sites set up, to see if their ballot was received.... mail the ballot early! Go and vote in person, if they do not receive it....if the absentee ballot shows up, and you voted in person, the absentee ballot is invalidated.

Why do people do most of the things they do?

Why would you trust the post office to get your ballot delivered in a timely fashion when they can't even deliver a single piece of mail across town in less than 10 days>
The post office was extremely efficient on delivering the mail in 5 days or less if from California to Maine, and in just 2 days if within the State, UNTIL this Trump crony was put in charge in June or July..... HIS MEASURES TAKEN slowed the post delivery times, and done so intentionally imo.
Each year, the post office goes through a Christmas rush where many, many more pieces of mail are handled than will be handled in the election.

They hire additional people and the mail goes through.
And it NEVER takes ten days to deliver mail across town
Tell that to my bank.

I mailed a mortgage payment July 5 it had to be at the bank by the 15th it got there the 17th and I got hit with a late fee
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

Postal Workers actually cherish their jobs and do not want to lose them. Discarding mail is a federal offense. So is voting fraud.

Why would anyone risk it.

But I have shown you that some of them do risk it.

Murder is a capital offense in some states why do people risk it?

In reality the chances of getting caught tossing mail in ballots would be pretty low I think.
Before or after?

Tossing ballots before the voter votes, they will know they did not receive their request, they can ask for another one be sent, or vote in person...

Tossing it after they filled it out and are returning g it, the mailman has no idea if he is tossing a democratic vote or a republican vote, so why bother?

But in addition, states have call numbers or internet sites set up, to see if their ballot was received.... mail the ballot early! Go and vote in person, if they do not receive it....if the absentee ballot shows up, and you voted in person, the absentee ballot is invalidated.

Why do people do most of the things they do?

Why would you trust the post office to get your ballot delivered in a timely fashion when they can't even deliver a single piece of mail across town in less than 10 days>
The post office was extremely efficient on delivering the mail in 5 days or less if from California to Maine, and in just 2 days if within the State, UNTIL this Trump crony was put in charge in June or July..... HIS MEASURES TAKEN slowed the post delivery times, and done so intentionally imo.
all those so called measures were happening long before trump or this new PMG got there....
I disagree on that Harry, it shows a specific correlation to his hire, and memos from him, and the slow down happening is what I've read and saw in the hearing with him in congress.

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