The Census and mail-in voting.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?

Voting by mail, just as voting without I.D, or not having to declare your citizenship, are all peculiar issues for some to oppose. For what reason would anyone believe these certain policies are good for their election process of American citizens?

Voting by mail is froth with potential abuses. When you hear Romney say publicly "I think Trump is going to win in 2020", it makes one wonder just what he knows to say that. He would NEVER say that even if he actually thought Trump was going to win and we know he does NOT want him to win. So why state that (while at the same time being part of a Never Trumper group)? I'm a contrarian thinker and I question the motives of someone who says who think, but does another.

All of this seem really peculiar and the same people rallying around a particular agenda have little clue that the future agenda does NOT include them. Unless, they are willing to work for about 15 Yuan per hour...
Can you show me how someone could vote by mail fraudulently and not get caught?

The punishment for voter fraud is very severe

That's the whole point, you aren't GOING to catch it. The better question is, "what security do you have in place to protect the sanctity of the vote?" Are you going to have people witness someones signature as you would for other legal documents?

How can anyone be sure there won't be a truck of "voters" that are dropped off and counted? Are they cross checking this in any way? What if over 100% vote (as has happened in some Cali. districts) to citizens there?

It's clear that when the stakes are so high and the chances of getting caught low (and politicians protecting criminals), that it's going to happen. So why make it as easy as possible without citizenship data, no I.D and now mail in?

Clearly, I'm seeing things differently. Even in creepy Canada, I highly doubt we'd accept mail in voting.
Election officials verify the ballot by the signature on the ballot and the signature on the voter registration form.
Why did you not fill out the census online or the packet sent in the mail to you?
That way I could do the Census five times. Could I vote five times?
You can’t do either more than once

Once your residence is counted, doesn’t matter how many more forms you send will be rejected
Once you have voted, your registered name is checked off. Any subsequent attempts to vote will be rejected and you will probably be arrested

How about people in a database who don't vote and then suddenly there is a 75% voter "turnout" for them (and they seem to vote 90% for one party)?

What happens if someone does that? Big deal, there is a dupe, because finally this year the person DID honestly vote, they will just reject the fake ballot. I'd like to see the stats on this if both ballots were the same or different in terms of their voting pattern.

There aren't consequences and it will be near impossible to catch the true culprit. A faceless crime in an environment where you'd have to have your head in the sand to not see the lengths some will go to usurp Trump.
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.
How can anyone be sure there won't be a truck of "voters" that are dropped off and counted? Are they cross checking this in any way?

The ballot you receive by mail has a bar code on the ballot and the return envelope that is unique to you.

When your ballot is returned, the envelope is scanned. It is then opened and there is another envelope with your signature. Your signature is checked against the one on file. If it checks out, the second envelope is opened, the bar code is again scanned and your vote is counted.

Now, once again, can you explain how someone can fake a mail in ballot?
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.
I should hope you would learn more about the system before you comment but that ain't gonna happen. The Chinese communist seem to be okay for the Trump family to do business with why is it a bad place now???
How about people in a database who don't vote and then suddenly there is a 75% voter "turnout" for them (and they seem to vote 90% for one party)?

Happens every Presidential election year. Voters will come out to vote for President.
Other than wild speculation, do you have any proof that 90 percent vote for one party?
About a month ago someone from the Census came to my house and I answered all of the questions. I watched him go to other houses. Then, two weeks later, someone else from the census came to my house and wanted me to answer the questions. I told the census taker I already did that and got suspicious looks before he left. Then, another census taker showed up and it was like Ground Hog day.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting? If I could answer Census questions three times, could someone vote three times? Why is it safe to go to the supermarket for an hour or forty-five minutes but not safe to vote in person?

What are these people trying to pull? Do they think we are so stupid we that cannot see what is going on?
I agree 100%. . But this all fits in with the reason Democrats were so against the citizenship question on the census. Wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize those illegal alien votes. This mail in voting is going to cause a lot of trouble. What ever happened to being smart and proactively dealing with this threat BEFORE the election? MAGA

Anyone remember why Trump gave in on the citizenship question?

There are times I think he is still too naive for politics and he doesn't understand the big picture and the long game of his opponents. He certainly would have some poor advisers who are career politicians, but, he has to trust his judgement.

Wouldn't the citizen question illustrate if there was voter fraud? If for instance, a state has x number of citizens but y number of voters there is 15% higher?
He was sued, and Trump lost in the SC I believe....
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.

We never had an epidemic that killed 200,000 before.
Expanding mail in voting is safe and secure.

There is no proof otherwise
About a month ago someone from the Census came to my house and I answered all of the questions. I watched him go to other houses. Then, two weeks later, someone else from the census came to my house and wanted me to answer the questions. I told the census taker I already did that and got suspicious looks before he left. Then, another census taker showed up and it was like Ground Hog day.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting? If I could answer Census questions three times, could someone vote three times? Why is it safe to go to the supermarket for an hour or forty-five minutes but not safe to vote in person?

What are these people trying to pull? Do they think we are so stupid we that cannot see what is going on?

So Trump screwed up the Census and it is the Democrats fault and we need to restrict everyone's right because the Trump Adminsitration couldn't do its job...
About a month ago someone from the Census came to my house and I answered all of the questions. I watched him go to other houses. Then, two weeks later, someone else from the census came to my house and wanted me to answer the questions. I told the census taker I already did that and got suspicious looks before he left. Then, another census taker showed up and it was like Ground Hog day.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting? If I could answer Census questions three times, could someone vote three times? Why is it safe to go to the supermarket for an hour or forty-five minutes but not safe to vote in person?

What are these people trying to pull? Do they think we are so stupid we that cannot see what is going on?

So Trump screwed up the Census and it is the Democrats fault and we need to restrict everyone's right because the Trump Adminsitration couldn't do its job...
I received multiple requests in the census.
The first asked me to reply on line
Then they mailed me one and asked to mail it back.
Then a follow up to remind me.

Once a form was returned for my residence, they stopped bothering me
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.

We never had an epidemic that killed 200,000 before.
Expanding mail in voting is safe and secure.

There is no proof otherwise
That's why they closed all the liquor stores and supsemarkets that people go to at least once a week instead of once every four years to vote right? Oh, wait a minute, they didn't close them. They didn't require the public to shop by mail either.
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.

We never had an epidemic that killed 200,000 before.
Expanding mail in voting is safe and secure.

There is no proof otherwise
That's why they closed all the liquor stores and supsemarkets that people go to at least once a week instead of once every four years to vote right? Oh, wait a minute, they didn't close them.

You still haven’t shown me how voter fraud can be done by mail.
You keep making wild claims but can’t seem to make a legitimate example of HOW someone would do it and get away with it
Why did you not fill out the census online or the packet sent in the mail to you?
That way I could do the Census five times. Could I vote five times?
You can’t do either more than once

Once your residence is counted, doesn’t matter how many more forms you send will be rejected
Once you have voted, your registered name is checked off. Any subsequent attempts to vote will be rejected and you will probably be arrested

How about people in a database who don't vote and then suddenly there is a 75% voter "turnout" for them (and they seem to vote 90% for one party)?

What happens if someone does that? Big deal, there is a dupe, because finally this year the person DID honestly vote, they will just reject the fake ballot. I'd like to see the stats on this if both ballots were the same or different in terms of their voting pattern.

There aren't consequences and it will be near impossible to catch the true culprit. A faceless crime in an environment where you'd have to have your head in the sand to not see the lengths some will go to usurp Trump.
Trumpets are more likely to cheat, to keep Trump in office, than democrats to unseat him....:rolleyes:

We already know they have no problem with cheating in 2016 with the Russian interference and help, given to Trump.... not a peep from them being upset with the Russians.

So, look in the mirror, know why trumpets can not be trusted, to win legitimately.
About a month ago someone from the Census came to my house and I answered all of the questions. I watched him go to other houses. Then, two weeks later, someone else from the census came to my house and wanted me to answer the questions. I told the census taker I already did that and got suspicious looks before he left. Then, another census taker showed up and it was like Ground Hog day.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting? If I could answer Census questions three times, could someone vote three times? Why is it safe to go to the supermarket for an hour or forty-five minutes but not safe to vote in person?

What are these people trying to pull? Do they think we are so stupid we that cannot see what is going on?
why didn't you just mail the form in?

I did and not one census taker has come to my door.
About a month ago someone from the Census came to my house and I answered all of the questions. I watched him go to other houses. Then, two weeks later, someone else from the census came to my house and wanted me to answer the questions. I told the census taker I already did that and got suspicious looks before he left. Then, another census taker showed up and it was like Ground Hog day.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting? If I could answer Census questions three times, could someone vote three times? Why is it safe to go to the supermarket for an hour or forty-five minutes but not safe to vote in person?

What are these people trying to pull? Do they think we are so stupid we that cannot see what is going on?
Trump votes by mail. I'm surprised his base doesn't fall in line behind him on this issue.
Trump and first lady request mail-in ballots despite attacks
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
The easiest way is to throw the ballots away.

And don't tell me that postal workers wouldn't do that.

I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?

Voting by mail, just as voting without I.D, or not having to declare your citizenship, are all peculiar issues for some to oppose. For what reason would anyone believe these certain policies are good for their election process of American citizens?

Voting by mail is froth with potential abuses. When you hear Romney say publicly "I think Trump is going to win in 2020", it makes one wonder just what he knows to say that. He would NEVER say that even if he actually thought Trump was going to win and we know he does NOT want him to win. So why state that (while at the same time being part of a Never Trumper group)? I'm a contrarian thinker and I question the motives of someone who says who think, but does another.

All of this seem really peculiar and the same people rallying around a particular agenda have little clue that the future agenda does NOT include them. Unless, they are willing to work for about 15 Yuan per hour...
Can you show me how someone could vote by mail fraudulently and not get caught?

The punishment for voter fraud is very severe

That's the whole point, you aren't GOING to catch it. The better question is, "what security do you have in place to protect the sanctity of the vote?" Are you going to have people witness someones signature as you would for other legal documents?

How can anyone be sure there won't be a truck of "voters" that are dropped off and counted? Are they cross checking this in any way? What if over 100% vote (as has happened in some Cali. districts) to citizens there?

It's clear that when the stakes are so high and the chances of getting caught low (and politicians protecting criminals), that it's going to happen. So why make it as easy as possible without citizenship data, no I.D and now mail in?

Clearly, I'm seeing things differently. Even in creepy Canada, I highly doubt we'd accept mail in voting.

So you have no proof, just speculation...

Do you understand the things you have to do and risk just to vote twice?
Also do you think a person risking all this by voting twice could change an election?

So then this would have to be done at a mass scale... This means recruitment and more importantly secrecy on a mass level...

Let's put it this way.... Trump can't keep a secret within the walls of the Oval Office and you think this can be done at this mass level...

The complications and co-ordination it would take to make sure would be immense...
So immense they should be running the
  • COVID Nation response plan
  • National Emergence Response
  • Healthcare Plan
  • .....
I guess my question is this: If the government cannot handle the Census, how is it going to manage mail-in voting?

Good question

The census is sent to every household and most Americans answer by mail.
Why is voting by mail such a crisis for Republicans ?
Their master told them it was bad M'kay...Yet, their master votes by mail.....They have yet to see the irony of the situation since they have no reasoning abilities.

People have voted by mail for generations and Republicans never objected. Until Trump told them to

Yes, when THEY requested such a ballot, it wasn't just shipped out to them and harvested.

I know this, citizens deserve the leader they get. I just hope your Intelligence agencies have a contingency plan for each partys outcomes. I have a strong feeling that the Communist Government of China certainly has big plans of their own.

We never had an epidemic that killed 200,000 before.
Expanding mail in voting is safe and secure.

There is no proof otherwise
That's why they closed all the liquor stores and supsemarkets that people go to at least once a week instead of once every four years to vote right? Oh, wait a minute, they didn't close them.

You still haven’t shown me how voter fraud can be done by mail.
You keep making wild claims but can’t seem to make a legitimate example of HOW someone would do it and get away with it
No wild claims. Just pointing out that the Post Office is ill-equipped to ensure a fair and honest election. Its proponents win either way. If the election goes their way that will say it worked. If not, they will question its authenticity. It is a win-win for the proponents.

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