The champions of women, the dems, continue to block the anti-human trafficking bill

Oh I see you missed this:

"Because the anti-trafficking bill fails to upend this settled issue, Democrats are blocking even a vote to begin formal debate on the issue."

You're welcome.

And who wrote the bill? Because it would not be a stretch to think most liberals would not approve any bill with anti-abortion riders on it. This is a typical Washington tactic. You take a bill that is all about something everyone is behind, and then you stick in something completely unrelated that the opposition will not allow to pass. Like the recent fiasco with the republicans refusing to pass a bill on veteran's benefits. It was not the part about the veterans. It was the riders added that they disliked.

Cuz that matters more than helping victims of human trafficking.

Dems would never write a bill that helps victims of human trafficking, we all know that. So the Republicans did it.

Right. One party is completely evil and the other is a benevolent force for the good of all mankind. lol

Way to attempt to derail, but I'm not interested in talking about that. I'm interested in sticking to the topic.

Dems would never write a bill that helps victims of human trafficking. If you have evidence that at some point they have written a bill that helps victims of human trafficking, feel free to post that information. Otherwise, shut the fuck up, weirdo.

Shut the fuck up? lmao Nope, sorry.

So little time and so many buttons to push.
Still trying the derail thing, I see.

Meanwhile, thank you providing me with another opportunity to state, unchallenged..."Democrats will never and have never proposed a bill that will help the victims of human trafficking". I will take your refusal to address that as your admission that it's true.
And who wrote the bill? Because it would not be a stretch to think most liberals would not approve any bill with anti-abortion riders on it. This is a typical Washington tactic. You take a bill that is all about something everyone is behind, and then you stick in something completely unrelated that the opposition will not allow to pass. Like the recent fiasco with the republicans refusing to pass a bill on veteran's benefits. It was not the part about the veterans. It was the riders added that they disliked.

Cuz that matters more than helping victims of human trafficking.

Dems would never write a bill that helps victims of human trafficking, we all know that. So the Republicans did it.

Right. One party is completely evil and the other is a benevolent force for the good of all mankind. lol

Way to attempt to derail, but I'm not interested in talking about that. I'm interested in sticking to the topic.

Dems would never write a bill that helps victims of human trafficking. If you have evidence that at some point they have written a bill that helps victims of human trafficking, feel free to post that information. Otherwise, shut the fuck up, weirdo.

Shut the fuck up? lmao Nope, sorry.

So little time and so many buttons to push.
Still trying the derail thing, I see.

Meanwhile, thank you providing me with another opportunity to state, unchallenged..."Democrats will never and have never proposed a bill that will help the victims of human trafficking". I will take your refusal to address that as your admission that it's true.

Not derailling at all. Simply responding to comments aimed directly at me.

But if you want more education, I'll see what I can do.

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 was cosponsered by several democrats. And when it came to be reauthorized, it was reauthorized as S.3061/H.R. 7311 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008. Numerous democrats were cosponsors of that bill as well.

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