The Chief administrator of EVERY VA facility that cooked the books should be fired

Please. You are acting as if a vet was denied emergency care or something. Why are you misrepresenting what took place?
Waiting months for an appointment when you've got cancer IS an emergency !!!

it is. you're correct. and i think finding solutions is important. but they probably need to start with funding. we overburdened the system with a decade of wars and have very worthy and heroic people who need help. constantly cutting taxes and cutting funding results in a loss of services. there was also a failure of service when walter reed hospital was privatized.... a very bad idea.

so now we all agree this needs to be fixed. illegitimately using it for political gain doesn't help vets.

i'd also point out that there are 2700 VA facilities. i can't remember whether 17 or 27 were affected here, so yes, those facilities need to be fixed.... but most did as good a job as possible under the circumstances, i believe.

All very well-said.
Waiting months for an appointment when you've got cancer IS an emergency !!!

it is. you're correct. and i think finding solutions is important. but they probably need to start with funding. we overburdened the system with a decade of wars and have very worthy and heroic people who need help. constantly cutting taxes and cutting funding results in a loss of services. there was also a failure of service when walter reed hospital was privatized.... a very bad idea.

so now we all agree this needs to be fixed. illegitimately using it for political gain doesn't help vets.

i'd also point out that there are 2700 VA facilities. i can't remember whether 17 or 27 were affected here, so yes, those facilities need to be fixed.... but most did as good a job as possible under the circumstances, i believe.

All very well-said.

thank you. :)
The people of this country pay them to do a job. A Federal Job, to take care of our Veterans. At a minimum, if they failed at their job, THEY SHOULD BE FIRED............

At a maximum, they should be tried and imprisoned if they Falsified U.S. Gov't Documents to personal gain.

I do believe Falsifying Gov't Documents is a crime, and if you do the crime, you do the time.

That isn't a Witch Hunt. That is JUSTICE.

Perhaps but how does it immediately fix the problem? Massive firing at the VA just means more shit that the new people will not even get a handle on for 6 months, a year or ever. Like I said it' feels good to be out for justice but it does not really fix a thing at the VA that truthfully has been a mess for a very long time. We are dealing with a systemic problem, the focus needs to be on fixing it rather than politically motivated vengeance. For many we could just fire a bunch of people, have some hearings and everything would be good, the real problem is far more complex than that.

Addressed in my question on another post. Those who did this can't be trusted, and therefore are insignificant to the solution.

Emergency measures to fill the gap are needed immediately. PERIOD. Which means authorizing emergency funds to have Vets seen outside the VA until they get their shit together.

Keep up, will ya? They have had unused funds for the past 5 years!
once more s l o w l y ....funding has not been cut but increased at faster rate than patient growth

Their answer to everything is more spending, without ever checking into facts as to how much funding has actually increased. And in this case there have been left over funds for 5 years now!
So far it is 42 that is forty two, facilities and expanding. And get off it just needs more funding, as it is at all time highs, extreme highs, vs the numbers of injured. And on top of that there have been left over funds for 5 years running after paying out millions in unearned bonuses! Money IS NOT the problem.

Please. You are acting as if a vet was denied emergency care or something. Why are you misrepresenting what took place?
Waiting months for an appointment when you've got cancer IS an emergency !!!

it is. you're correct. and i think finding solutions is important. but they probably need to start with funding. we overburdened the system with a decade of wars and have very worthy and heroic people who need help. constantly cutting taxes and cutting funding results in a loss of services. there was also a failure of service when walter reed hospital was privatized.... a very bad idea.

so now we all agree this needs to be fixed. illegitimately using it for political gain doesn't help vets.

i'd also point out that there are 2700 VA facilities. i can't remember whether 17 or 27 were affected here, so yes, those facilities need to be fixed.... but most did as good a job as possible under the circumstances, i believe.
"The Chief administrator of EVERY VA facility that cooked the books should be fired"


Ditto for every underling and auditor who aided-and-abetted, or who otherwise knew, and did nothing about it.

It's time for a metaphorical blood-bath, in the context of careers and prospects.

It's time to send a very clear signal, for the survivors, and future hires.

Followed by as many criminal prosecutions as the law and traffic will bear.

Let the witch-hunt begin.

*AMEN* And make it HURT.
"The Chief administrator of EVERY VA facility that cooked the books should be fired"


Ditto for every underling and auditor who aided-and-abetted, or who otherwise knew, and did nothing about it.

It's time for a metaphorical blood-bath, in the context of careers and prospects.

It's time to send a very clear signal, for the survivors, and future hires.

Followed by as many criminal prosecutions as the law and traffic will bear.

Let the witch-hunt begin.

*AMEN* And make it HURT.
Yeah! And make sure that the hearings are still going on in November! Yeah!!!
Everyone knows that the VA has logistics problems and fails to administer care in a timely manner in many cases. Nobody is arguing this point.

Everyone also knows that this happens in the private sector as well.

I am arguing with you in your characterizing this GOVERNMENT run health care program as being less efficient than private sector health care programs. You cannot establish that.
Everyone Gracie? Negged for being an ASS. WHY do YOU hate Veterans?
And WHY did WE protect ASSHOLES like YOU?

Everyone knows that the VA has logistics problems and fails to administer care in a timely manner in many cases. Nobody is arguing this point.

Everyone also knows that this happens in the private sector as well.

I am arguing with you in your characterizing this GOVERNMENT run health care program as being less efficient than private sector health care programs. You cannot establish that.
Everyone Gracie? Negged for being an ASS. WHY do YOU hate Veterans?
And WHY did WE protect ASSHOLES like YOU?


That was a joke, right?
"The Chief administrator of EVERY VA facility that cooked the books should be fired"


Ditto for every underling and auditor who aided-and-abetted, or who otherwise knew, and did nothing about it.

It's time for a metaphorical blood-bath, in the context of careers and prospects.

It's time to send a very clear signal, for the survivors, and future hires.

Followed by as many criminal prosecutions as the law and traffic will bear.

Let the witch-hunt begin.

*AMEN* And make it HURT.
Yeah! And make sure that the hearings are still going on in November! Yeah!!!

Just get to the bottom of the problem this time, and fix the goddamned thing.

Screw the hearings.

Screw the politics.

Our veterans deserve better.

Just fix the goddamned thing.
*AMEN* And make it HURT.
Yeah! And make sure that the hearings are still going on in November! Yeah!!!

Just get to the bottom of the problem this time, and fix the goddamned thing.

Screw the hearings.

Screw the politics.

Our veterans deserve better.

Just fix the goddamned thing.

You won't find any argument with that sentiment from me, chief.

Wouldn't it be great if that were true of everyone?
*AMEN* And make it HURT.
Yeah! And make sure that the hearings are still going on in November! Yeah!!!

Just get to the bottom of the problem this time, and fix the goddamned thing.

Screw the hearings.

Screw the politics.

Our veterans deserve better.

Just fix the goddamned thing.

Congress never fixes the problem. Not only this problem but all problems in our Government.
They always do band aid solutions that work for a small amounts of time. That way the next group of Congress critters have something to run on in their districts. It's a vicious cycle and is what Governments do when they become to large.
Government can't do it all, it needs to be a Government and Private Sector solution.
The VA has had problems off and on for over 70 years and Congress never fixes it and they will never really fix it.

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