The Chris Lang Murder Cover Up: SHAME ON CNN, FOX, MSNBC ETC!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Cops: Australian baseball player killed by Oklahoma teens -

Police say teens killed Australian student in Oklahoma for the 'fun of it' | Fox News

Three BLACK kids randomnly shoot a white teen for as they call it 'fun.' What the networks are not reporting that these thugs were BLACK and they CHOSE their victim solely because he was white. This is a growing version of polar bear hunting.

The lame stream media refuses to report the story right and that includes fox. Untill recently they refused to give the names of the thugs, now they hide the race.

Move away from mainstream and you get the full story. Three Black RACISTS that subscribe to Liberation Theology, specifically targeted a white victim and killed him!

Police: Black teens kill white man ?for fun?
The three teens, ages 15, 16 and 17, have been charged with first-degree murder. They are Chancey Luna, James Edwards and Michael Jones.

Their parents yesterday protested their innocence.

Jennifer Luna, whose son is suspected of firing the fatal shot, claimed her son was at home saying: “My son is not that way. My son is a good kid.”

Luna calls himself “Baby Drake” on his Facebook page. Though most of his information is private, several photos show the tattooed teen flashing gang signs and drinking beer. His page also displays a red, yellow and green flag with the words Black Power inside it.

There’s also a picture of Africa, with the same color scheme — traditionally associated with black liberation movements — that features an upraised, clenched black fist.

Luna’s mother is white.

The Facebook page belonging to accused killer James Edwards is less political, focusing more on the drugs, sex and violence that dominate contemporary hip-hop culture.

He refers to himself as “Lilbuggy,” but his screen name is “blackcoon44.” On Twitter, he went by
Police say teens killed Australian student in Oklahoma for the 'fun of it'

Prosecutors on Tuesday charged two teenage suspects accused of gunning down an Australian student in Oklahoma for the "fun of it" with first-degree murder and a third teen with being an accessory.

Officials say Christopher Lane, 22, who was visiting the U.S. on a baseball scholarship at East Central University, was jogging along a road in Duncan, Okla., after visiting his girlfriend on Friday when he was shot in the back, allegedly by the teens.

The two suspects charged with murder, ages 15 and 16, were ordered held without bond.

Read more: Police say teens killed Australian student in Oklahoma for the 'fun of it' | Fox News
If I didn't believe the minors should not be tried as adults then I'd call for ropes and vigilante justice on these stupid *******. Yeah, I said *******, because that's what real ******* do. Not you average black person, but the filthy, illiterate black teen raised on ghetto culture and a sense of entitlement and hate. *******. Sub human filth.

Fix your fucking ghetto culture.
The media only blast us with mass shootings or white on black shootings. It is only PC to brainwash US against guns & whites.

Three OKC teens killed a 22 year-old Aussie baseball player as he jogged in broad daylight for "the fun of it" and cos they were "bored."

Naturally, not one AP story has reported the races of the kids. Somehow, we all knew and the top comments regard their willful blindness. But, I'm sure we can count on them making as big a deal out of this egregious action as they did the Trayvon Martin (non) case.

The police chief also opined that the kids were about to go on a killing spree; that they had no intention of stopping at one victim.
I hope they are tried as adults.

Oklahoma has the Death Penalty and frequently uses it. .. :thup:

That can only result in them becoming Liberal martyrs. If they write a children's books, then it will seal the deal. liberals could only love them more had they killed a cop.
Wheres that POS Adolf Obama and Al Sharpenton now?

N Oklahoma court has been told how one of the boys accused of murdering Melbourne baseballer Chris Lane danced as he was being booked into jail.

James Edwards, 15, was treating the murder as a joke, District Attorney Jason Hicks told a hearing in the town of Duncan on Tuesday (Wednesday morning AEST).

"I believe he is a threat to the community," Mr Hicks said of Edwards.

"He thinks this was a joke."

They saw Christopher jog by the house they were at, they chose him to be the target, they got in the car, drove up behind him and shot him in the back," Chief Ford said.

Chief Ford said the teens had no motive other than to ''make a name for themselves''.


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